HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-07-03, Page 26RATES 20 words or less only $3.00. Additional words 12e each. Extra billing charge 50e will be added if not paid the following Wednesday. DEADLINE 2 P.M. MONDAY IN BRUSSELS 4 P.M. MONDAY IN BLYTH. NEW 18" HAY WAGON RACK on 10 ton undercarriage $995. 8' x 24' round bale carrier $975. Call Better Bill Products 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. 887-6571. 26-1 A ARTICLES FOR SALE SPORTS CARDS, T-SHIRTS & Novelties, see Bill at the B. M. & G. Community Centre on July 6, 1991. 26-1 CAN-CON PIG FEEDERS STAINLESS steel and plastic, 8-3 ft. long double sided, 1 - 3 ft. long single sided. Phone 887-6920. 26-1 RAINBOW TROUT - YEAR ROUND fishing, and pond Stockers, 3 concessions north of Blyth, 3 sideroads west. Gloria and David Hedley, 357-2329. 09-tfn CRUSHED RED BRICK, PINE bark, landscape fabric, edging, etc. for flower beds. 3' northern catalpa trees $15 ea. Treebelt - 1 mile west of Blyth, call 523-9771. 25-2 BARN WINDOWS - PINE SASH windows for house, shed and bam use. Standard and custom sizes available. Orders taken. Phone 523- 9445. 25-2 QUAIL EGGS - MAKE DAINTY addition to salads when hard- boiled. Make delicate pickled eggs. Call 523-9636 after 6 p.m. 25-tfn NEW AND USED SATELLITE Systems for sale or rent. Also antennas, rotors, boosters and tow­ ers. Service to all makes of satellite systems; leasing also available. L & A Satellite Co. Ltd., phone day or night 524-9595. 22-tfn Lcowgg<^^ |wctio% |s£RV1CE5^ REG BADLEY Call 345-2564 and leave a message Accepting Consignments For Next Sale A AUCTION SALES AUCTION SERVICE Planning a household, farm, commercial or estate auction sale. Compare our reasonable rates and courteous efficient service. I'd appreciate the opportunity to conduct your sale. Lucknow-Holyrood Auction Service ALLAN R. MILLER AUCTIONEER 395-5062 c CARD OF THANKS BLYTH LEGION LADIES Auxil­ iary wishes to thank everyone for their donations and the ones who helped make our Penny Sale a suc­ cess. 26-lp HALLAHAN. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to rela­ tives, neighbours and friends for all the beautiful cards, gifts, and flow­ ers we received on the occasion of our 35th wedding anniversary and all who came to our open house. Your kindness and best wishes will always be cherished. - Mary and Maurice Hallahan. 26-lp THE OPTIMIST CLUB OF BRUSSELS would like to thank the following businesses for donat­ ing prizes to the Optimist Junior Golf Tournament: Brussels E.M.A., Ken's Men's and Boys' Wear, Brus­ sels Village Market, McDonald Home Hardware and Lumber, Brussels Pharmacy, Oldfield Pro Hardware and Radio Shack and Brussels 5* - *1 .* Store. 26-1 p PARKER-PIPE. Thank you to everyone who attended our buck and doe. Special thanks to the wed­ ding party, family and friends for all the work they did. We had an excellent lime. - Lori and Gary. 26-1 PEARSON. Many thanks to my Ethel friends for the lovely going away gifts that were presented to me recently. I like my new home in Brussels really well but miss seeing all of you. Drop in anytime. - Edna Pearson. 26-1 p c COMING EVENTS BRANDON CEMETERY SER­ VICE, Belgrave, Sunday, July 7 at 3 p.m. In case of rain to be held in the Presbyterian Church. Everyone welcome. 26-1 KIDS CORNER, PRESENTED BY Brussels Community Churches, July 15-19, 1:30 - 4:00 at Brussels Mennonite Fellowship. Children K- 6 welcome. 26-2 LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT LIONS Club Dabber Bingo every Sunday, Lucknow Community Cen­ tre, 7:15 p.m. Doors open 6:15 p.m. Air conditioned. Wheel chair accessi­ ble. Potential prize board over $3,000. $1,000 jackpot on 54 calls or less. $500 must go. tfn BUCK & DOE FOR SHAWNA Thomson and Darrin Watts, Friday, July 12, 9 - 1 p.m., B. M. & G. Community Centre. Age of majori­ ty required. Tickets $5.00. 25-3 BLYTH LIONS DABBER BINGO every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Blyth & District Community Centre. Jackpot of $1,000 on 46 numbers, reducing by $50 on every number called. Min­ imum jackpot of $300 must go. 16-tfn DABBER BINGO - $1,000 JACK­ POT must go! Wingham Knights of Columbus, every Tuesday. Sacred Heart Parish Hall, Wingham. Doors open 6 p.m. Early Birds 7:15 p.m. 17-tfh c COMING EVENTS HELP WANTED PORK CHOP BARBECUE - St. John's Anglican Church, Brussels, Ont., Sunday, July 7, 1991 on the church grounds, 4:30 - 7:30. Adults - $7.50, children - $4.50. FunFest Weekend. 24-3 G GARAGE YARD SALE MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE Sale, Saturday, July 6, 9 a.m. Princess St., Brussels, organ, sun roofs (pr.), dishwasher, new door, filing cabi­ net, vacuum cleaner and more. 26-lp JOIN OUR YARD SALE - SAT- urday mornings starting July 6, weather permitting. Tables avail­ able - no charge or will sell on con­ signment. New and used items. We have wagons, canoes, antiques, etc. Reserve your table 523-9790 between 7:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. Today's Variety, Londesboro. Everyone welcome. 26-9 GARAGE SALE, SATURDAY, July 6 starting at 8 a.m. comer of Morris and Hamilton St., Blyth. 26-1 FRIDAY, JULY 5, 6 P.M. - ? AND Saturday, July 6, 9 a.m. to ? 289 Drummond St., Blyth. Something for everyone - including baking. 26-lp HELP WANTED Huron County Home Care Program requires SECRETARY Qualifications: include - - Knowledge and proficiency in typing, record keeping and filing - Excellent interpersonal communication and organizational skills - Macintosh computer experience - Knowledge of medical terminology is an asset AddIv to: Ms. Joanne Jasper Director, Huron County Home Care Program P.O. Box 458. 80 Mary Street, Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L0 Applications accepted In confidence to July 12, 1991. Huron County Home Care Program requires Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Speech- Language Pathologist Qualifications: -A degree In your Allied Health designation and eligibility for membership In your professional association. -A minimum of 2 years experience is preferential. Job Description: -Your position will involve assessment and treatment of children and some adults. You will will travel throughout Huron County as a member of a co­ ordinated multi-disciplinary team. -Excellent opportunities for personal and professional development -Competitive salaries and excellent benefit package. Apply In confidence to: Ms. Joanne Jasper, Director, Huron County Home Care Program, P.O. Box 458, 80 Mary Street, Clinton, Ontario MOM 1L0 All positions are full time. Applications will be accepted until July 12, 1991. 43 WINGHAM & DISTRICT COMMUNITY LIVING ASSOCIATION Invites applications for 1 SENIOR RESIDENTIAL ’ COUNSELLOR (due to expansion) 40 hours per week Predominantly evening and occasional weekend shifts. Post Secondary Education in Human Services Field. Experience in providing support to persons who have a developmental disability. Previous super­ visory experience an asset. Forward resume to: Marian Raynard Residential Services Manager 297 Edward Street Box 1042 Wingham, Ontario. NOG 2W0 by July 12,1991 at 4:00 p.m. D IN MEMORIAM J UTZ I. In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Craig Gerald Dou­ glas, who passed away July 4, 1988. Have you ever lost a son or brother, Who meant so much to you, One you've cared for very much, And miss him like we do. So if you still have a son or brother, Treat them with love and special care, For you'll never know the heartache, Till you see their empty chair. - There are no words to describe how much we miss you and wish you were here. Lovingly remem­ bered and sadly missed by Mom, Dad, Kendall and Travis. 26-1 IN MEMORY OF PEPE KLAUS In memory of the best friend I ever had. He was with me through thick and thin. A friend you could count on at any time. PEPE KLAUS was a person that I loved and cared for as a brother. BEST FRIENDS are few and far between. I found mine and I will always remember him with the deepest compassion and love. Best Friends Forever Pepe Klaus and Dan Blake. - Fondly remembered by Dan Blake. 26-1 UNICEF cards & gifts available year-round. n IN MEMORIAM McGOWAN. In loving memory of a dear son, Kenneth Wayne, who passed away two years ago July 2, 1989. Put your arms around him Lord, Treat him with special care, Make up for all he suffered And all that seems unfair. Without farewell he fell asleep With only memories for me to keep If he could have spoke before he died These are the words he would have replied. "This life for me is truly past I loved you all to the very last Weep not for me, but courage take And love each other for my sake". - So dearly loved and never to be forgotten by your mother. 26-lp STRAUGHAN. In loving memory of our parents, Will and Elva Straughan who rest in Ball's Ceme­ tery, Auburn. They left us quietly, Their thoughts unknown, But left us a memory, We are proud to own. So treasure them Lord, In your garden of rest, For when on earth, They were two of the best. - Remembered with love and grati­ tude from daughters, Annie Robert­ son and Ruth Jardin.26-lp 13 LIVESTOCK WE BUY AND SELL LIVESTOCK dairy, beef and horses, crippled and poor- doing cows PAY IMMEDIATELY LICENCED DEALER CLARENCE POORTINGA 526-7509 PITCH-IN! NOTICES NOTICE Township of Morris The council of the Township of Morris will hold the first meeting In July on the 11th day of July, 1991 at 7:00 p.m. The second meeting will be held on July 23, 1991 at 7:30 p.m. Nancy Michie Clerk-Treasurer