HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-07-03, Page 9X High taxes don't discourage smokers, just increase crime History writers looking for more artifacts THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1991. PAGE 9. THE EDITOR, The Canadian Medical Associa­ tion (CMA) is wrong in their sup­ port for higher taxes on tobacco products. Let me first state that I am a non- smoker and object to second hand smoke. However, the assumption in last week's letter to the editor by the CMA, that higher costs of cigarettes reduces use, is just opin­ ion and not borne out by the facts. To my surprise a recent media report said that the incidence of smoking in the USA is lower than in Canada, despite the fact that the price of cigarettes is about half of that in Canada. That shows that the lower incidence of smoking in Canada is due to other factors than price, maybe information on the connection between health and smoking. All the high tobacco taxes have accomplished thus far is an increase in crime. Robberies and burglaries, as well as smuggling of cigarettes increased dramatically when the price made this attractive to the criminal elements. Furthermore, this "politically cor­ rect" stand is a direct attack on our personal freedom and, as such, a dangerous thing. Not just smokers should protest the tobacco tax hikes, but non-smoking, freedom- loving citizens, as well. Should we let this action by the government "thought police" go unchallenged we move slowly closer to the night­ mare of George Orwell's novel "1984". Next we may see a tax on saturated fat because it isn't consid­ ered good for some of us, or on any substance that the CMA "thought police" deem harmful to our health. Adrian Vos Blyth. THE EDITOR, In writing the pre-history of the township for the East Wawanosh history book, to be published later this year, we initially found only one case of Indian presence in the township. This was a 9,000 year old fluted projectile base found in 1989 on the proposed site of the Wingham Sewage Works. When word got around about our project two farmers came to tell us about finds on their farms when they were children. Harvey McDowell found a projectile head on what is now the Maitland Valley Conservation Park. Murray Scott found two projectile points on the adjacent farm near the Silver Creek. These were identified as 9,000 years and 2,500 years old. One can't help but wonder how many more finds are resting in an old box in the attic without the owners realizing the possible sig­ nificance of the artifacts to archae­ ology. If anyone has information on this subject, please, call me at 523- 4294. Adrian Vos Blyth. Wingham area residents form tax revolt group A group of people in the Wlng- ham area have initiated the forma­ tion of a tax revolt group. While only a few of those who had attended a meeting in Stratford recently, were present for the one in Wingham, the group has planned another meeting to initiate the beginning of a chapter in this area. The group's intent is not to fight taxes at the municipal level, but will aim their revolt at the high taxes used to decrease the provin­ cial and federal governments' deficits. LINDA TEN PAS Mr. and Mrs. Hank Ten Pas are pleased to announce the graduation of their daughter Linda Michele from Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology In Toronto on June 12 from the Physical Education Athletics and Recreation Division. She also obtained her level 3 NCCP. Linda has accepted a head coaching position on Vancou­ ver Island. Over $200,000 In Prizes Approximate Retail Value SUPER SUMMER GIVE-AWAY! 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