HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-05-22, Page 16PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22,1991.
From the Minister's Study
Admission of sin, life’s most vital decision
Some time ago, I visited a little
country cemetery. I made it a point
to view each stone - something I've
been meaning to do for years, but
have never gotten around to doing.
I took time to stand by the graves
of people I have known, and
remembered details about them that
were important to me. There were
even those whose funerals I had
personally conducted.
So much history there - carved in
stone, so many memories - happy
and sad. It is truly sobering to real
ize that under one's feet lie the
remains of generations of people
like oneself. There was the joy of
new life, then in time the sadness of
farewell, as the body was sown to
the ground.
I went back to my car and looked
over the stones once again. The
stillness reminded me again that
life on earth does truly come to an
end. It did for them, and it will for
me. Such a thought causes one to
focus upon the truly important
issues of life.
There is one decision in life me
important, vital and crucial than
any other, be it marriage, a career, a
home, or whatever. It is your per
sonal decision concerning the
Gospel or good news of Jesus
Christ, a Gospel those now depart
ed were faced with as well.
The apostle Paul said in I
Corinthians 15: 3-4, "For I deliv
ered unto you first of al) that which
I also received, how that Christ
died for our sins according to the
scriptures; and that He was buried
and that He rose again the third day
according to the scriptures..."
Yes, Jesus died for my sins but
just because He did, it does not
save me. John 1:12 says "But 'as
many as received Him, to them
gave He power to become the sons
of God, even to them that believe
on His name." That is what it
means to be bom again.
Jesus said to Nicodemus in John
3 "Except a man be bom again he
cannot see the Kingdom of God."
Have you admitted to God that
you are a sinner and have you
received Jesus Christ into your
heart as your Saviour and Lord?
One day our graves will be
viewed by someone else ... will you
have made that all important deci
sion for the Gospel? I pray you
will, for it will determine your eter
nal destiny.
May 26 The Feast of Trinity
Brussels Blyth
9:30 a.m. 11:15 a.m.
Newlyweds reside in Guelph A
Jennifer and Marc Bernard
Marc Alain Bernard and Jennifer
Lynn Sottiaux, both of Guelph,
were united in marriage at St.
Michael's Roman Catholic Church
in Blyth, on May 11, 1991, by
Father Ray Renaud.
The groom is the son of Jean and
Susan Bernard of Strathroy, while
the bride is the daughter of Dorothy
Sottiaux of Londesboro, and the
late Louis (Bill) Sottiaux.
The bride's maid-of-honour was
Deanna Lyon of London. Her
bridesmaids were: Claire Bernard
of Strathroy, Nancy DeCorte of
Elmira and Linda Constantini of
Calgary. Katherine Constantini of
Calgary was the flowergirl.
The groom was attended by his
best man, Dave Brown of Komoka.
Ushers were: Eric Bernard of Lon
don, Martin DeCorte of Elmira and
Steve Burnett of London.
Soloist Trudy Passchier of Blyth
was accompanied by organist Gail
Lear of Londesboro.
Following the ceremony, family
and friends gathered to honour the
bridal couple at a reception at the
Red Maple Inn in Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard are resid
ing in Guelph.
Mennonites honour bridal couple
On Sunday, May 19, Rod Stein
man led the Worship Service at
Brussels Mennonite Fellowship.
Pastor Gordon Bauman gave the
message "If That Same Spirit
Dwells In You" based on Acts 2:
17-21. In keeping with the Pente
cost Theme, the scripture was read
in five different languages by vari
ous members of the congregation
with differing ethnic backgrounds.
Mervin Lichty lead the congrega
tional singing which was accompa
nied by Nancy Elliott-Greenwood.
After the Christian Education
Hour the congregation gathered in
the Fellowship Hall for a pot luck
meal to which people were asked to
bring food representative to their
ethnic background.
On Sunday afternoon the Church
family gathered at Linda and Elwin
Garlands' for a barbecue supper and
shower in honour of Sharon Frey
and Allen Hainer who will be mar
ried in June.
On Tuesday evening Erma Bau
man was to tell her life story al the
Women's meeting. The Men's
Monthly Breakfast will be held on
Saturday, May 25. The Youth is
planning for a Rally Saturday al the
Brussels Public School. On May 26
Rockway Mennonite Choir will
present a concert at the Melville
Presbyterian Church in Brussels.
Sunday school plans picnic
Greeters at Blyth United Church
on May 19 were Harvey and Dean
na Snell and ushers were Hubert
Hoba, Feme McDowell, and Jim
and Effie McCall.
Rev. Ramirez opened the service
with call to worship and hymn,
"When Morning Gilds the Skies"
and Psalm 103. The scripture read
ing was from Acts 2: 1-21. The
hymn, "Spirit of God Descend
Upon My Heart" was sung. The
choral anthem was "God is waiting
in the Silence". Holy Communion
was served by the Elders. The ser
vice closed with "Breathe on Me
Breath of God" followed by bene
diction and the choral response,
"To God Be the Glory".
Anyone wishing Baptism before
September 1 please contact an elder
or the minister before June 2. The
Evening Unit invited the Sunshine
Unit to their Mother's Day Tea on
Wednesday, May 29 at 8 p.m.
Orders for pictures taken for Histo
ry Book are to be given to Susan
Howson before June 3. Sunday,
June 2 after church everyone is
invited to the Sunday School Picnic
at the Lions Park.
Poetry opens WMS meeting
The May meeting of Melville
W.M.S. was held in the home of
Mrs. Gerald Gibson with nine
members and one visitor present.
Mrs. Helen Elliott the President
opened the meeting with a poem on
Mother and prayer. The hymn
"Come Let Us Sing of a Wonderful
Love" was sung. The secretary and
treasurer reports were given.
Thelma Cardiff and Helen Elliott
attended the Presbytery at
Whitechurch on May 6 and Helen
gave an outline of what took place.
Isabelle Adams took the collection
and Helen Elliott dedicated it. The
roll call was taken and answered
with a Bible verse on Mother.
The hymn "Thy glorious God
whose Mercy Lends" was sung.
The scripture from Proverbs 31 was
read in unison. Wilma Hemingway
read "King Emanuel had a good
Mother" and "A tribute to Mother".
Isabelle Gibson gave a prayer on
the "Leprosy Mission" and prayer.
The hymn "When Mother's of
Salem" was sung in closing. A
lovely lunch was served by Thelma
Cardiff and Isabelle Gibson and a
social time enjoyed.
Sunday at 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Sunday School 11:00 a.m.
The Church of the "Back to God Hour" and "Faith 20"
Back to God Hour 10:30 a.m. CKNX Sunday
Faith 20 5:00 a.m. Weekdays, Global T.V.
Rev. Carolyn McAvoy
11:00 a.m. - Morning Service
- Sunday School
9:30 a.m. - Belgrave Service
We welcome you to come and worship
with us
AUBURN 526-7515
10:00 a.m. - Family Bible Hour
11:00 a.m. - Morning Service
8:00 p.m. - Evening Service
Wednesday - Prayer & Bible Study
Friday 7:30 - Youth
Consider the benefits of being part of
a church family:
• Friendship ’Service *Love ^Worship
• Purpose in Living •Hope
9:30 a.m. - Worship Service
10:30 a.m. - Christian Education Hour for all ages
Pastor: Gordon Baurpan
Elder: John Baan
Rev. Cameron McMillan
Church Office 887-6259 Manse 887-9313
9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
May 26
- Morning Worship Service
Sermon- "The Good Samaratin"
Church School - Nursery
A very sincere welcome to members of
the Oddfellows and Rebekahs .
worshipping with us this Sunday
- Ethel Worship Service
Out dwelling place shall be with the Lord