HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-05-15, Page 29Classified RATES 20 words or less only $3.00. Additional FAST words 12c each. Extra billing charge 50c will be added if not paid the following DEPENDABLE Wednesday. DEADLINE HIGHLY VISIBLE L r.M. MUNUAt IN BRUSSELS. 4 P.M. MONDAY IN BLYTH. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15,1991. PAGE 29. G GARAGE |YARD SALE n IN MEM0RIAM A ARTICLES FOR SALE EXTRA HEAVY DUTY STEEL SPINDLE farm gates, 10 feet wide, $75. Phone 887-6594. No Sunday Calls. 19-2p PROM DRESS - YELLOW LACE; white lace dress, suitable for prom, graduation or informal wedding, both size 7. Black sport jacket, size 40 regular. All excellent quality, new condition. Phone 887-6878. 19-lp RAINBOW TROUT - YEAR ROUND fishing, and pond Stockers, 3 concessions north of Blyth, 3 sideroads west. Gloria and David Hedley, 357-2329. 09-tfn BRYANS. Proud parents Bob and Debi wish to announce the arrival of their first child, a son, Justin William on May 2, 1991. Spoiling privileges go to grandparents Bill and Alberta Moore of Goderich and Jack and Mary Bryans of Brussels and great- grandparents Feme Moore and Abe and Lil Govier. CARD OF THANKS BAEKER. I would like to thank my friends, neighbours, and relatives for the lovely cards, flowers, candy, vis­ its and many kind deeds while I was in Wingham Hospital and since returning home. It was greatly appre­ ciated. - Mary Baeker. 19-lp BLAKE. John and Reta Blake wish to thank family and friends for mak­ ing their golden anniversary such a success, for all the work and planning which went into this, thanks for a day of memories we'll never forget. - John and Reta Blake. 19-lp McCUTCHEON-GLAN VILLE. Thanks to everyone who attended the buck and doe Friday night. Thank you to all who worked at it. We had a great time. - Jackie and Robert 19-lp SOTTIAUX-BERNARD. We would like to thank everyone who attended our Buck and Doe. We would espe­ cially like to thank Deanna and Ken for all their planning and organizing. Finally we would like to thank our wedding party and anyone who helped out that evening to make it so enjoyable. - Jennifer and Marc 19-lp WHEELER. A very special thanks to all the urban and country cowboys, friends and neighbours. Your help rounding up the cattle will always be fondly remembered. We appreciated the use of the ATV's, the miles trav­ elled on foot, the use of neighbours’ facilities to corral the cattle and thanks to the trucker for bringing them home. - Dave, Rosemary, Steve and Greg Wheeler. 19-1 A new spirit of giving c COMING EVENTS THE 80TH ANNUAL MEETING OF the Children's Aid Society of Huron County will be held on Wednesday, May 29, 1991 at 7 p.m. in the Board Room at 46 Gloucester Terrace, Goderich, Ontario. Voting memberships ($5) will be available at the door. Come out and support your Children's Aid Society. 18-3 LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT LIONS Club Dabber Bingo every Sunday, Lucknow Community Cen­ tre, 7:15 p.m. Doors open 6:15 p.m. Air conditioned. Wheel chair accessi­ ble. Potential prize board over $3,000. $1,000 jackpot on 54 calls or less. $500 must go. tfn BRUSSELS LIONS T.V. BINGO, every Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Cable 17. *4 regular games $25.00 *Share the Wealth. *Jackpot $500. 03-tfn BLYTH LIONS DABBER BINGO every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Blyth & District Community Centre. Jackpot of $1,000 on 46 numbers, reducing by $50 on every number called. Min­ imum jackpot of $300 must go. 16-tfn DABBER BINGO - $1,000 JACK­ POT must go! Wingham Knights of Columbus, every Tuesday. Sacred Heart Parish Hall, Wingham. Doors open 6 p.m. Early Birds 7:15 p.m. 17-tfri TIME, TALENT, TREASURE AUCTION on Friday, May 24, at St. Joseph's School, Clinton, 6:30 p.m. Unique items offered. Proceeds to Parish Building Fund. 16-5 A MEETING OF THE HURON Bruce Federal Progressive Conserva­ tive Association will be held at the Brussels Legion on Thursday, May 16, 1991 at 8:30 p.m. The purpose is to select senior and youth delegates to attend the General Meeting and Policy Conference of the P.C. Asso­ ciation of Canada at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre on August 6 to 11,1991. 18-2 TOWN AND COUNTRY HOME­ MAKERS Annual Meeting - June 4th at the Goderich Township Communi­ ty Centre, Holmesville. Reception - 6 p.m.; Dinner 7 p.m.; Lottery Draw on a 1991 Chevrolet Cavalier - 8 p.m. Entertainment by Homespun. Dinner Tickets $10.00, available at the offices of Town and Country Home­ makers or from Board Members. 18-2 ANYONE INTERESTED IN TAK- ing a St. John First Aid Course begin­ ning May 23 in Blyth should contact Deb Craig at 523-9318. 18-2 EUCHRE PARTY TO BE HELD Saturday, May 18, 8:00 p.m. sharp at the Blyth Legion Home upstairs. Everyone welcome. Please bring a friend. 18-2 WATCH FOR BIG AD FOR COM- munity yard sale in May 29 issue of The Citizen. 19-1 KINBURN CANADIAN FORES- ters Chicken B.B.Q., Thursday, June 13, 5 - 7 p.m. Kinbum. Adults $7, Children $4. Tickets available from members. 19-22-23 COMING EVENTS MAYTIME SUPPER AT MEL­ VILLE Presbyterian Church, Wednesday, May 29. Supper - 5 to 7 p.m. Adults $6.50, children under 12, $3.00, pre-school free. 17-19-20 BUS TRIPS: MAY 18 - NIAGARA Blossom Tour. June 25 - Geritol Fol­ lies. Call Isabel Campbell, Nicholson Bus Lines, 357-1938. 19-1 BRUSSELS & DISTRICT HORTI- culture Society regular meeting, Monday, May 13 at 8 p.m. at Brus­ sels Public Library. Members holding a plant and shrub sale. Come and help the Horticulture by taking part in our Auction Sale of locally grown articles. Everyone Welcome. 19-1 WALTON U.C.W. GARAGE AND Bake Sale, Saturday, May 18 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Walton Hall, main comer, Walton. 19-lp A COMMUNITY SHOWER WILL be held for Jana Pearson, Wednes­ day, May 22, at 8 p.m. in the Ethel United Church. Everyone welcome. 19-2 BUCK AND DOE FOR JEFF WAT- son and Gayle Horton on Saturday, May 18 from 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. at Blyth and District Community Centre. No minors. 19-1 THE CALVIN BRICK UNITED Church is holding their annual cold meat supper on Saturday, May 25 at the Institute Hall, Belgrave from 5 - 7 p.m. Adults $7, Children $3, Pre­ School Free,. 19-2 FLEA MARKET INDOORS AT B. M. & G. Community Centre, Satur­ day, July 6 (Brussels Fun Fest Week­ end). $20/table. Reserve Now. Call Sharon Horst 887-6279. 19-2p RELATIVES, FRIENDS AND neighbours are invited to an Open House to celebrate Aaron and Ruth Kuepfer's 40th Wedding Anniversary on Sunday, May 26, 2 to 5 p.m. at Ethel Community Hall. Your pres­ ence is your gift. 19-1 F FOR RENT 40 ACRES OF ALFALFA FIELD for season or only first cutting. Lol 30, Cone. 14, Grey Twp. Phone 887- 9527. 18-2 G GARAGE YARD SALE YARD SALE AT SEERS RESTAU- rant, Auburn, May 18 al 9 a.m. Spon­ sored by United Church Sunday School. 19-1 MOVING/GARAGE SALE - MULTI family, May 18, 8:30 'til?, 2 miles east of Auburn, County Road 25, watch for the signs. 19-1 YARD SALE, SATURDAY, MAY 18 at 170 King St., Blyth. Starts at 9 a.m. Numerous antiques and house­ hold items. 19-1 YARD SALE - SATURDAY, SUN- day, Monday, May 18, 19, 20, at Treebelt, 1 mile west of Blyth. Small household appliances, large carpet, gas barbecue, '79 Camaro (Julie's), large selection of trees and shrubs, etc. 19-1 MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE MAY 18, 19, and 20, one mile south of Belgrave and two miles east on County Rd. 16, follow the signs. Geraniums, boxed plants, large selec­ tion of perennials, 500 ft. 3/4" galva­ nized pipe, 1" and 2" oak lumber power hack saw, 2 radiators and other parts for Ford car, heavy duty trailer hitch, other items too numer­ ous to mention. 19-1 YARD SALE - MAY 18 AND 19, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. rain or shine. Miscella­ neous household items, clothing, etc. 1/4 mile west of Brussels on 5th line of Morris (just past village limits). Don't miss it. 19-lp GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, May 18, 74 Queen St., Brussels, 9 - 5. Rain date - May 25. 19-1 YARD SALE - 779 TURNBERRY St., South, Brussels, Friday, May 17 - afternoon and Saturday, May 18 - all day. Rain date - May 25. 19-lp GIGANTIC GARAGE SALE - over 2,000 items. Hundreds at $1.00 or under. Mostly new items from closed businesses - giftware, work clothing, tools, cosmetics, office equipment, and much more. May 18, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. May 19, noon - 6 p.m. Dinsley St. E„ Blyth. 19-lp THREE FAMILY YARD SALE #4 Hwy. one mile north of Belgrave, Saturday, May 18, 9-2, chrome set, car seat, misc. 19-1 GARAGE AND BAKE SALE AT THE LONDESBOROUGH UNITED CHURCH MAY 25, 9-12 SILENT AUCTION ON CRAFTS Din ME MORI AM COLLINS. Wm. (Bill). God saw you getting tired when a cure was not to be, He closed His arms around you and whispered, "Come to Me." In tears we saw you sinking, we watched you fade away. Our hearts were almost broken, you fought so hard to slay, But when we saw you sleeping so peacefully, we could not wish you back to suffer again. So keep your arms around him. Lord, and give him special care, Make up for all he suffered and all that seemed unfair. - Sadly missed and remembered by Aunt Mildred Hamilton and Kelling- ton family. 19-lp Don 't miss the new Indoor & Outdoor FARMERS’ MARKET at Brussels Livestock Every Tuesday & Saturday Opening May 25th WE NEED VENDORS •Handcrafted Art •Baking •Produce ’Etc. For details call 357-2832 evenings SMALL. In loving memory of my father and our grandfather Jim Small, who passed away one year ago May 17, 1990. There'snothing so treasured and noth­ ing so rare As the love a father and daughter do share You suffered much in silence A pain we could not share As I gently held your hands You quietly slipped away So peaceful, free from pain We could not ask you to stay To suffer so again. - Remembered always by daughter Debbie and Rod, grandchildren Kevin, Carrie, Michael and David. 19-lp LIVESTOCK FOR SALE - READY TO LAY STARTED pullets. Contact Bill Roy, 5234237. 174 RABBITS, BREEDING STOCK and cages, 887-9393 after 6 p.m. 17-3 WE BUY AND SELL LIVESTOCK dairy, beef and horses, crippled and poor-doing cows PAY IMMEDIATELY LICENSED DEALER clahence POORTINGA 526-7509 NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS The council of the Township of Morris deems it necessary to hold a special meeting of council on Wednesday, May 15,1991 at 7:30 p.m. Nancy Michie Clerk Treasurer NOTICE ROAD CLOSING Residents In the vicinity of Concession Road 12/13, Lot 35 to Lot 41, Township of Hullett, are hereby notified that the above noted road will be closed for approximately 6 weeks during July and August, 1991 for repairs to the Waikerburn Bridge. Please exercise caution in this area during construction. James Johnston, C.R.S. Road Superintendent Township of Hullett PERSONAL CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTRE. Are you pregnant? Need Help? Call our 24 Hour Hotline collect 323-3751 or drop in at 178 Main St. S., Mount Forest for free pregnancy testing, counselling and support, childbirth coaches, clothing. 49-eow