HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-05-15, Page 28PAGE 28. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15,1991.
Peace, justice, theme of rally
Golden anniversary
Reta and Jack Blake celebrated their 50th wedding
anniversary in Blyth Sunday. The Blakes were married
May 10, 1941 at the bride's Hullett township home.
Blakes celebrate 50th
On Sunday, May 12.. 1991
approximately 80 friends and rela
tives gathered for an open house at
the Blyth United Church to cele
brate the 50th wedding anniversary
of Jack and Reta Blake.
Mr. and Mrs. Blake were married
on May 10, 1941 at the home of the
bride in Hullett Township. Mr. Bill
Blake was his brother’s best man.
The bride was attended by Gladys
Caldwell (formerly Webster). The
minister who officiated was Rev
erend Arthur Sinclair.
Speaker tells WZ some
energy saving tips
On Wednesday, May 8 the
Majestic Women’s Institute held
their meeting in the Brussels
Library with 25 ladies attending.
A poem on Mother’s Day was
read by new president Leona Arm
Doris McCall read the minutes of
the last meeting. Correspondence
included information on a quilted
runner contests and new courses on
dressing up gifts, jewellery making
and silk floral arrangements on
June 3 and 10, and a course on June
5 on “Read My Lips”.
A discussion was made on mak
ing up shut-in boxes on May 15
and delivered on the same day to
the Nursing Home. Alice Brothers
and Freda Pipe will do the enter
tainment. Doris McCall and Ida
Evans will supply cupcakes.
A reminder of the District Annu
al on May 14 at Bluevale at 9:30
was mentioned. Roll call was
“Name one way you have changed
your household habits” was
answered by the ladies.
Dorothy Steffler introduced the
speaker Debbie Trollope. Mrs.
Trollope spoke on how to save
energy and water in the home and
named some simple cleaning prod
ucts that have many uses. An inter
esting fact was that spider plants
absorb indoor pollution. A compar
ison on price differences and using
less chemicals on cleaning products
was also brought to attention. Mrs.
Trollope did demonstrations on
cleaning brass and a solution for
unclogging drains.
Dorothy Steffler thanked the
They farmed in Hullett Township
before moving to their present resi
dence in Blyth in 1964. For many
years he was a chef at the Clinton
Air Force Base and later at the
Stratford General Hospital, until his
retirement in 1978.
The couple has four children:
Ivan and Gertie Blake of Hanover,
June and Lloyd McDowell of Strat
ford, Sheila Kruse of wingham and
Bruce and Barbara Crapper of Mil
verton. lhey have seven grandchil
dren and three great-grandchildren.
Mrs. Steffler spoke on life 50
years ago with a number of mem
bers remembering when and how
we’ve changed our ways, in shop
ping, eating habits and way of life
at home. Remembering back gave a
lot of happy memories but some
were sad and left members with
things to think about.
In June, members are to promote
Women’s Institute. Happy Birthday
was sung to members, which was
followed by a delicious lunch.
E. Garland
throughout the week, the elders
at Brussels Mennonite Fellowship
set for their regular meeting as did
the Mission Committee and the
Prayer and Praise group.
On Sunday, May 12 for the
Mother’s Day Service, Elwin Gar
land led the service and Mervin
Lichty led the singing. Paul Green
wood and Mervin Lichty gave
Reflections on motherhood. Moth
ers and grandmothers were present
ed with flowers by children of any
The Larprom famib. added to the
worship by supplying special
music. The regular fellowship pot
luck meal was postponed until next
Peace and Justice in a troubled
world was the theme for the spring
rally of the Mailland Presbyterian
Church, Whitechurch on Monday,
May 6.
Organist Jean Ross played suit
able music to set the theme for the
meeting. President, Isabel Arbuck
le, welcomed everyone and opened
the meeting with a reading “The
Song that Moved the World from a
Distance” and prayer. Kathleen
Elliott welcomed everyone to
The worship service was con
ducted by three ladies representing
the Kincardine W.M.S., Audrey
Boron, Laura Taylor, and Jessie
Robinson. Mildred Purdon and
Kathleen Elliott gathered the offer
ing and the offertory prayer was
given by Shirley Hawthorne of
Jessie Johnston of Lucknow was
Voice for
appoints bd.
The 17th annual Wingham and
District Voice for Life dinner meet
ing was held April 24 at St.
Andrews Presbyterian Church,
Rev. Stan Soltysik led the group
in offering grace. A delicious roast
beef dinner was served by the St.
Andrew’s ladies. Rev. John
Vaudry, pastor of St. Andrews
offered thanksgiving and medita
tion. Rev. Vaudry read from Eph
esians 4. Christians must become
mature in the Lord. Christians are
called to speak the truth in love, a
soft answer can turn away wrath.
One must be calm and rational
because the facts and truth are on
our side. „
A welcome guest was Reggie
Veindinger a director of Alliance
for Life, Winnipeg.
Mr. Jim Bakelaar the group’s
president gave a short address. He
informed the group that not only do
abortions continue to be performed
but the rate has increased. The pro-
life struggle continues. He urged
the group to make Canada a coun
try that is safe for the unborn.
The proposed board of directors
for 1991-92 was introduced by
Sally Campeau. Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Sjarda were nominated as new
board members.
Mrs. Joan Van Den Assem intro
duced the guest speaker Jakkie
Jeffs, the regional director, Alliance
for Life, Southern Ontario. Ms.
Jeffs gave an interesting back
ground to her becoming involved in
he Pro-Life movement. She
informed the group of many things
with which all pro-lifers should be
concerned. These issues are: Sex
education in schools; new repro
ductive techniques; the living-will
legislation which is now before
Parliament, and of course abortion.
She called for all Christians to
put aside their differences and work
together to preserve life. In this
movement ordinary people are
called to do extraordinary things.
They must look at these issues, be
well-informed and stand up for
what they believe in. If they put
themselves where God wants them,
they can make a difference, she
said. They should remember that
David beat Goliath.
A new
spirit of
the recipient of an Honorary Mem
bership Certificate presented by
Rhoda MacKenzie, president of the
Lucknow W.M.S. She also
received a pin which her family had
donated. The In Memoriam service
was conducted by June Wylds of
the Ashfield W.M.S.
Jean Ross played three instru
mental numbers on he organ which
were enjoyed by all. Following the
repeating of the Aim and Purpose
of the W.M.S. Rev. J. Neilson sang
two beautiful solos “Great Creator,
God Who Called Us” and “This Is
My Song, Oh God of All the
Nations”. Recording Secretary Iso-
bel Jeffray read the minutes of last
year’s rally and Marjorie Wall gave
the treasurer’s report. The roll call
was answered by sixteen groups.
Ina Ireland reported on the Chil
dren’s Rally to be held at Camp
Kintail, June 11. Highlights of the
synodical held in Hamilton were
given by Ethel Baker, Wilma
May 19 The Feast of Pentecost
9:30 a.m.
Rev. Cameron McMillan
Church Office 887-6259
11:00 a.m.
* Sunday
May 19
9:30 a.m.
Manse 887-9313
- Morning Worship Service
Sermon-" Gifts of the Holy Spirit"
Church School - Nursery
- Ethel Worship Service
Our loved Dominion, bless with peace and happiness
Rev. Carolyn McAvoy
11:00 a.m. - Morning Service
- Sunday School
9:30 a.m. - Belgrave Service
We welcome you to come and worship
with us
Sunday at 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Sunday School 11:00 a.m.
The Church of the "Back to God Hour" and "Faith 20"
Back to God Hour 10:30 a.m. CKNX Sunday
Faith 20 5:00 a.m. Weekdays, Global T.V.
AUBURN 526-7515
10:00 a.m. - Family Bible Hour
11:00 a.m. - Morning Service
8:00 p.m. - Evening Service
Wednesday - Prayer & Bible Study
Friday 7:30 - Youth
Clarke, Kay Brasjen and Margaret
Underwood. Greetings were
brought from Presbytery by Rev. J.
Neilson stating that without the
W.M.S. churches would be in great
trouble and encouraged continued
prayers and work. Beth Nichol
invited everyone to the Spring
Rally in 1992 in Teeswater.
Everyone then moved to he base
ment where guest speaker Evelyn
Murdock showed slides depicting
her work as Area Consultant. She is
a very busy person working with
young people, Explorers, camp
leaders, associating with missionar
ies, training elders and helping to
let people know the resources that
are available. Kathleen Elliott
thanked the speaker and Margaret
Keith extended courtesies to the
ladies of Whitechurch and to each
one that had taken part. Following
the singing of “Let There Be Peace
on Earth”. Betty Bushell closed the
meeting in prayer.
11:15 a.m.