HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-05-15, Page 20PAGE 20. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15,1991. M'OfWE LJM’lZtX 1991 Heat pumps cool,heat economically MAITLAND MANOR NURSERY BLUEVALE 335-3240 Bare Root Specials 15" + Colorado Spruce $5. 15" + Norway Spruce $4. 18 - 24” Scotch Pine $4. 15” Scotch Pine $2. tractor when add-on heat pump sys- Basic Heat Pump Cycle High pressure. High Temperature Vapor High Pressure. High Temperature Liquid ◄i CONDENSOR COMPRESSOR Lou pressure. Lou Temperature Vapor EVAPORATOR Lou Pressure. Low Temperature Liquid EXPANSION VALVE If you are considering adding central air conditioning, replacing your existing central air conditioner or furnace, building a new home, or just want to save energy and money, think first about a heat pump. A heat pump is quite simply the most energy efficient heating system on the market today. The fact that a heat pump pro­ vides both heating and air condi­ tioning for your home, makes the heat pump an ideal year-round space conditioning system. This is accomplished by taking advantage of the scientific principle that heat flows from hot areas to cooler ones. The heat pump is changed from an air conditioner to a heating system through a reversing valve that changes the refrigerant flow. In the heating mode, the outdoor coil con­ tains refrigerant which is colder than the outdoor air. A fan blows outdoor air across the coil where heat is absorbed by the refrigerant. When the refrigerant temperature has increased, it is pumped to the indoor coil. The heal is then released into your home heating duct system by a fan blowing across the ir.door coil. In the summer, the heat pump functions like a regular air condi­ tioning system keeping your home cool and dry. Unlike other healing systems, the heat pump transfers existing heal from the outdoor air to the inside of your house, rather than creating heat from an energy source like gas, oil or electricity. Because heat pumps use existing heat, they can produce anywhere from 1.7 to 2.0 units of heat energy for each unit of electric energy consumed. Il does this by relying on the fact that there is heat available in the outdoor air until the temperature reaches -273 degrees centigrade. Even at -20 degrees centigrade, the outside air contains over 80 per cent of the heat that is available at 38 degrees centigrade. There are two basic types of heat pumps, the ground-source heat pump, and air to air heat pumps. The earth temperature under your house changes very little all year long. In the winter the soil is warmer than the outside air. The ground-source heat pump extracts this free energy and transfers it to your house in its heating mode. In the summer, the soil is cooler than the outside air and the cycle is reversed. The ground-source heat pump extracts heat from your house and transfers it to the soil in the cooling mode. The transfer from cooling to heating is done by your room thermostat. All GSHP s have two parts. A heat pump unit INSIDE the house, and a circuit of underground piping outside the house. The air to air heat pump operates on a similar principle, but the heat exchanging is done into the air. It is available in two versions: An add­ on heat pump which operates in sequence with your existing gas, oil, or electric furnace and its popu­ lar alternative, the complete con­ ventional system. Heat pumps operate in winter most efficiently at temperatures above -1 degrees C. Gas and oil furnaces in particular operate most efficiently at low tem­ peratures, since they run longer and more frequently than at high tem­ peratures. When temperatures drop below freezing, the heat pump cuts off and the gas, oil or electric fur­ nace takes over. The add-on heat pump in the summer operates like a conventional air conditioner. So you have year-round comfort and economy^ As the outdoor temperature decreases, there is less heat avail­ able in he air, and the heating capacity of the heal pump decreas­ es. Since the amount of heat required for your home increases as the outdoor temperature drops, there is a temperature below which the total heating requirement for your home cannot be met by the heat pump alone. This temperature is called the "balance point." With the add-on heal pump, the balance is manually set by the con- terns are installed. Once set, the system will automatically switch from the heal pump to the furnace as the outdoor temperature drops below the balance point. This com­ bination of systems allows opti­ mum performance from both the heat pump and the backup system. In the case of the conventional heat pump, when the outdoor tem­ perature drops below the balance point, electric resistance heaters are switched on automatically to sup­ plement the heat pump and keep you comfortable. Even with the supplemental resistance heat, a properly designed and installed heat pump system should have an operating cost less than your cur­ rent system. In fact, a heat pump will have a total owning and oper­ ating cost which is competitive with any heating system. Heat pumps, like all heating sys­ tems, work more efficiently in houses that are well insulated and weatherized. Therefore, when adding a heat pump system, it is a good time to make sure your home has adequate insulation, storm win­ dows, caulking and weatherstrip­ ping. In either system, your ductwork may need some changes to handle the airflow required for a heat pump. Your heating contractor will be able to tell you if your existing ductwork is adequate. For more information call 1-800-363-3801. 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