HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-05-15, Page 7THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15,1991. PAGE 7. U . ■Londesboro Compiled by Mrs. June Fothergill. Phone 523-4360 Wonderland trip, June 8 Service award Clare Vincent (second from right) was presented with the Meritorious Service Award, the highest award a Legion Branch can bestow on a member in a ceremony in Blyth Friday night. Presenting the awards were (left to right) Keith Lapp, Blyth branch president, Don Standen, District Commander, and John MacDonald, Zone Commander. W - I Legion honours member Clare Vincent, a member of the Blyth branch of the Royal Canadi­ an Legion for 44 years, was pre­ sented the highest honour a Legion branch can bestow, at a special cer­ emony Friday night. Mr. Vincent was presented with the Legion Meritorious Service Award for his long service to the Legion and to the community. He was president of the branch in 1955-56 then became secretary in 1957. In 1972 he added the job of Hullett sets date for tenders Hullett council set the date of June 4 for lenders to be in, for the work on the Weymouth and Sturdy Drainage works, at its April 30 meeting. A petition signed by the ratepay­ ers of Auburn, requesting drainage into the Longhurst Drains has been sent to the engineering firm of RJ. Burnside & Associates. The request is for application to the Ontario Drainage Tribunal for an OSAID shows students how to "Be Excellent" Students at F.E. Madill Sec­ ondary School and Grade 7 and 8 classes of the area elementary schools saw a special video presen­ tation at Madill on Tuesday. The Madill chapter of OSAID (Ontario Students Against Impaired Driving) hosted the program in conjunction with Police Week and have also scheduled other promo­ tional events around it. The program, entitled "Be Excel­ lent" is the second in the "Choices" series. Sponsored by Pepsi, the video features famous people and athletes, and rock music, offering students an upbeat, informative dis­ cussion on such topics as peer pres­ sure, drugs, smoking, alcohol and safe sex. "Constable John Marshall of the Goderich OPP travels with the video and talks to students about it," said OSAID president Sandy Bennett, a Grade 13 student at Madill. "What these videos have basically tried to do is promote healthy lifestyles in a way that kids can relate to." Other activities through the week include an OSAID display, an assembly and a poster and logo contest to be judged by committee members and staff advisor, Ms Shirley Smith. Sandy says they also hope to have a wrecked automobile on the school property at the end of the school day on Fri­ day as a reminder to the students about drinking and driving. treasurer and remained as both sec­ retary and treasurer until he retired from the posts in 1984. Mr. Vincent has served on the Legion's Poppy Committee from 1953 until the present time, acting as chairman for several years. He was the branch's service officer from 1984 to 1988. In the community, he has served as a schoolboard trustee and chair­ man of the school board for Hullett amendment to the report of the sturdy Drainage Works Repair and Improvement, 1991. Council instructed Ken Dunn of B.M. Ross and Associates to call tenders to repair the deck on the Walkerbum Bridge. The tenders for road construction on sideroad 20/21, from County Road 25 to Cone. 12/13 were opened. Council accepted the ten­ der of Radford Construction for B gravel and shoulder clay in the amount of $33,384. The tender of Howatt Bros, for $14,792.75 for road construction was accepted. Council instructed Reeve Tom Cunningham and Clerk Bev Shad­ SS No. 5, and served as both reeve and councillor in Hullett. He has served on the board of the Blyth and District Community Centre and was a director of the Blyth Centre for the Arts. He was chosen Citizen of the Year in Hullett Township in 1985. On hand for the presentation were Don Standen, District Com­ mander from Lions Head and John MacDonald, Zone Commander from Goderich. dick to sign a lease agreement with Gordon Daer for Part Lot 23 of the Maitland Block. A bylaw for the erection of Yield signs at certain intersections in the township was passed. Council passed a by-law autho­ rizing the aquisition of Part of Lot 24, Cone. 11 for municipal purpos­ es. Cheri Hoggart was hired for the summer under the Municipal Stu­ dent Awareness Program. Mrs. Shaddick was given permis­ sion to attend the Clerks and Trea­ surers spring zone meeting on May 16. Registration is $20. The accounts totalling $45,923.32 were paid. Greeters at Londesboro United Church on Sunday, May 12 were Lome and Addie Hunking. Ushers were Sharon Bergsma and Joanne Wilts. Baptism was held for Drew Zachary Garlichs, son of (Lloy Shaddick) and Dirk Garlichs. First scripture Acts 19: 1-7 was read by Christie Scott. Second scripture John 16: 12-15 was read by Erin Horbanuik. The sermon topic was “Pul Some Effort Into II.” The Confirmation class of Kerri Szusz, Erin Horbanuik, Rhonda Howatt, Christy Scott, Jason Konarski, B. J. Scott and Greg McClinchey were confirmed by Rev. Ross assisted by Nick Whyte. Flowers on piano were in memo­ ry of Marjorie McNall and Rena Watt placed by Bob and Marsha Szusz and family and for Amy Bosman by her parents, Kelly and People The sympathy of the community is extended to Jack and Helen Lee on the passing of their sister-in-law, Wilma Radford of Blyth. Happy Gang Seniors who will be going to the Senior Games in Mitchell on June 24 and June 25 are: shuffleboard, Lome and Geral­ dine Dale; cribbage, Len and Betty Archambault; crokinole, Orville Kelland and Lome Hunking; euchre, Alice Buchanan and Ora Bruce; walking, Reta Kelland; five pin bowling, Edythe Beacom, Nel­ lie Brock, June Fothergill, Harry Lear and Joe Hunking. Rutabaga yif Trivia Questions 4th Weekend In June Big day begins June 21 •Who now owns the Rutabaga plant in Blyth? •In Blyth a Rutabaga waxing plant was erected. This was the first time rutabagas were introduced to the area. What year was it, who opened the plant? •The one and only precision seeder that sowed one seed at a time was patented in the U.S. and Canada. Who was responsible for this invention and what year was it? •In the early years, the discovery of the Rutabaga was associated with that animal? •What were rutabagas used for before people discovered they actually like to eat them? •To change the image of turnip, Russel gave the turnip a new name. Two names were used, what were the names? •What year did this new turnip's name change? •Years ago Blyth hosted a Rutabaga Agricultural Fair. What year was It? • In what year did our recent Rutabaga plant owner purchase the plant? •What Is the correct botanical name for rutabaga? •Additional names have been given to the rutabaga what are they? •What family Is the rutabaga related to? List at least four. •What variety of Rutabaga is grown In Ontario? and who developed this variety and where? •Who promoted rutabagas In 1953? •Who hosted last year's Rutabaga Festival? •Who was last year's winner of the Gong Show and what was their winning act about? •Who was named King of the Rutabagas. The first one? Answers can be dropped off at Box 396, Chauncey's Hair or The Citizen. Draws made every Friday now'til June 21, six draws in total. Your Knowledge Sheets now available at The Citizen, Village Clerk's Office and Chauncey's. Lisa. The flowers on the memorial stand were in memory of Wilma Radford placed by Jack and Helen Lee. Senior Youth Group will meet Wednesday, May 15 from 8-10 p.m. for mini-golf and food at Willy’s Burger Bar, Clinton. This will be the last regular meeting until September. Huronvicw Fellowship Time will be Thursday, May 16 at 1:15 p.m. There will be a bus trip to Won­ derland on June 8. Cost is $29. If interested call Rev. Ross. If you have any items for the Silent Auction on May 25 call Helen Lee 523-4370. Call Doug Dolmage 523-4726 if you want things picked up for the garage sale. Did you over want to bo ■ Rock Star, a Famoua Ballerina, Maybe a Famoua Actor....Her*'a your chance to be Serioua or Funny. Como Join in the Fun. Gong Show Friday, June 21, 7 p.m.