HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-04-17, Page 19Classified________ FAST___________ DEPENDABLE HIGHLY VISIBLE RATES 20 words or less only $3.00. Additional words 12c each. Extra billing charge 50c will be added if not paid the following Wednesday. DEADLINE 2 P.M. MONDAY IN BRUSSELS. 4 P.M. MONDAY IN BLYTH. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1991. PAGE 19. SERVICES WILL DO HOUSE CLEANING and some outside work. Call 357- 2951? 14-2 SANDERS CUSTOM SERVICES •Ploughing *Cultivating •Planting [sized seed only] COMPETITIVE RATES CALL . EVENINGS 523-9574 TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT Sealed, clearly marked tenders are now being received for the following: TENDER A - Supplying, crush­ ing, loading, hauling and spreading of 3,500 cubic yards more or less of 5/8’’ Granular “A” gravel for Road Construc­ tion in Hullett Township. TENDER B - Loading, hauling and spreading of 19,000 cubic yards more or less of Granular “ B ” and 7,000 cubic yards more or less of Shoulder Clay, Town­ ship of Hullett to supply mater­ ial for this tender. Work to be done in the month of June, 1991, to the satisfaction of the Township Road Superinten­ dent. Apply to the undersigned for contract forms. Tenders must be accompanied by a certified cheque for Ten Percent [10%] of the enclosed bid and will be received by the undersigned until 4:00 P.M., April 30, 1991. Lowest or any tender not neces­ sarily accepted and all tenders are subject to the approval of the Ministry of Transportation. Jim Johnston, C.R.S. [Intermediate] Road Superintendent, Township of Hullett, P.O. Box 226, Londesboro, Ontario. NOM 2H0 VEHICLES FOR SALE 1983 CROWN VICTORIA. AIR. power windows. Best offer. Phone 523-9684. 15-1 1985 MUSTANG LX, 4 SPEED, p.s., p.b., AM/FM cassette, good condition, one owner, highway driven, certified. Phone 887-9137. 14-2 WANTED WANTED TO BUY: 25 to 30 fresh fertilized Pekin duck eggs for hatching. Needed about May 10. Call 523-9636 after 6 p.m. 15-2p HOUSE WANTED - LARGE LOT or acreage with brick house built since 1980 with attached garage. Phone 527-2389. 14-2p WANTED - 6” PLASTIC FLOWER pots. Phone Frank Sanders, 523- 9729. 15-lp WANTED - CASH CROP LAND for ’91 season, state price and conditions. Apply to Box 99, c/o The Citizen, Box 152, Brussels. 15-2 WANTED TO BUY: SCRAP CARS and trucks. L & B Auto Wreckers, 1/4 mile south of Brussels. Call 887-9499 . 09-tfn KEEP CANADA BEAUTIFUL CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. COMING EVENTS TORONTO SPRING BOOK FAIR, Sun. April 21, 1991 - St. Lawrence Market, 92 Front St. E.,10:30 am - 5 pm. Over 45 dealers from Ontario, Quebec selling old, rare books, maps, prints. Admission $5 (416)483-6471. Muskoka Arms collectors present HUNTSVILLE GUN and TRADE SHOW. Sunday May 5th, Huntsville Curling Club 10:30 am to 3:00 pm Admission $2 Many displays and antiques food available. RECREATIONAL VEHICLES BONAIR CAMPING TRAILERS, Hardtop, Foldown, Fifth-wheel, Travel, Park-models, parts- accessories, New-Used. Fibreline & Leer Fiberglass & Aluminum Truck Caps. Consignments welcome. Royal Trailer & R.V. Centre in Teviotdale, Ont. (519)343-2122. VACATIONS/TRAVEL CANAL CRUISES; five days aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR on scenic Trent-Severn Waterway or Rideau Canal; private state-rooms, meals, free brochure. Write Captain Marc, Box 1540, Peterborough, K9J 7H7. HELP WANTED Mature & Student Summer help for Chateau Woodland Resort in Haliburton. Cook, kitchen, waiting, bar, housekeeping, office, adult recreation. Accommodation available. Write 1 Sulgrave Ores., Willowdale, M2L 1W5. FOR SALE AMAZING NEW Product! It's Electronic! Your dog will stay on your properly, without being tied up. Free details: Can., U.K., RR#1, Bancroft, Ont. KOL 1C0 Fax (613)332-1375. FURNITURE FOR SALE UNPAINTED FURNITURE, over 300 different solid wood pieces available. Order to-day your free catalogue. Faveri’s Unpainted Furniture, 1 Valleywood Dr., Markham, Ont. L3R 5L9. SALES HELP WANTED *BE RICH AND FAMOUS* FT $100,000. PT $25,000,commission. Market Canada’s Hottest Music Video Vacation Program Booklet. Protected Territories available. 24 hour Information line, 1 -800- 263-1900. FARM SERVICES GST GET Your One-Time CREDIT. Ottawa owes you a GST start-up credit of up to $1,000. Get yours with TaxGuard GST HandlerTM. Call 1-800-268-6735. CAREER TRAINING FREE career guide to home-study correspondence Diploma courses: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800- 950-1972. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. Next class: June 8- 15. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. EARN A SECOND INCOMEILearn income tax preparation or basic bookkeeping. Free brochures. No obligation. U & R Tax Services, 205 - 1345, Pembina Highway, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2B6 1-800- 665-5144. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES UNLIMITED INCOME POTENTIAL, Manufacturer now seeking Ontario dealers for "JUICEWORKS" , the amazing new fresh juice vending machine. Call Acton Assemblies (416)873-7806, for information package. NEED EXTRA CASH? Start your own 10K jewelry business for as little as $50. Easy, fun! Inquire today. Gold Discovery, 14335 - 47 Ave., Edmonton, AB, T6H0B9. (403)434-2550. AUTOMOTIVE Attention Ford Supercab owners (F-Series)l Seat Lift Kit available to raise rear bench seat. Contact your local Ford Dealer or call toll-free 1-800-561- 7867. Calmar. PERSONAL WOULD YOU Like to correspond with unattached Christian people, ages 18-80, the object being companionship or marriage. Write: ASHGROVE, P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.C., VOE 1M0. Your ad could appear In community newspapers In Ontario, or right across Canada, or any individual province. Space Is Limited, so Call This Newspaper Today! WANTED Autopsy to determine cause of death Continued from page 1 centre of Forensic Sciences. Described by some local people as a “bit of a drifter”, Godfrey was, police say, an occasional resident of the area. While OPP have confirmed he was shot and there was a gun found at the scene, few other details, such as who found Godfrey, and exactly where he was found, or what type of gun was used, have been disclosed. Inspector Jack Goodlet of the criminal investigation branch heads up a team of nine investiga­ tors from the OPP. Marshall said. They have been trying to track Godfrey’s movements in the 24 hours prior to his death. Until police are advised other­ wise, the investigation is being treated as a possible homicide, Marshall said. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - FACTORY DIRECT - Thousands of satisfied customers have bought from the best for less. 30x40 $3,797. Other sizes available. PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1-800-668- 5422. BEST BUILDING .PRICES - Steel Straitwall Type - not quonset - 32x48 $5665; 40x64 $8188; 50x96 $14,671 - non-expandable end(s), other sizes available - limited steel - Paragon - 24 Hours 1- 800-263-8499. A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. New types, steel/wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action & answers - Wally (416) 626-1794 after 6pm, weekends. Free brochure. Clip and save. STEEL BUILDINGS; Spring “Sellebration” on Buildings from Future Steel. No gimmicks, just solid value for your money. Call tollfree 1-800-668-8653. MORTGAGES We have Mortgage Money to pay off your bills, credit cards, back taxes, mortgage arrears, etc....No qualifying hassels. Call Intranslcon Financial Toll Free 1-800-268-1429. OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD for unpaid taxes. Crown Land availability. For information on both write: Properties, Dept. CN, Box 5380, Stn. F. Ottawa, K2C 3J1. □HELP WANTED The Huron County Board of Education invites applications for the position of TEACHER ASSISTANT It is anticipated that there will be a few vacancies throughout the County dunng the 1991-92 school year Individuals successful in obtaining a Teacher Assistant position will be required to work with exceptional students Preference will be given to those candidates with post­ secondary training and practi­ cal experience in the area of child development, with partic­ ular emphasis on exceptional children. Successful applicants will become members of C.U.P E., Local 1428. Interested applicants are requested to forward an appli­ cation, which will include a resume and references, prior to 12:00 noon, Fnday, April 26, 1991 to: Shelley King Acting Personnel Manager Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L0 Bob Allan Director Joan Van den Broeck Chair Blyth Legion hears speakers Guest speakers at the April meeting of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 420 were April Van Amersfoort and Lindsay Anderson, winners of the Branch Speaking Competition. Scott Overboe, Ken Overboe and Doreen Overboe were installed as associate members of the Legion by Dave Overboe, Branch Service Officer. Donations made by the Branch were as follows: $50 to the Seaforth Branch, Building Fund; $50 to the Navy League of Canada; $100 to the Vanastra Recreation Centre for the purchase of life-saving equip­ ment for the swimming pool; and $200 to the Cancer Society. Comrades Donna Govier, Bev Martin and Mary Lou Stewart attended the District “C” Spring Convention in Guelph on April 14. A donation of $50 was made by the Branch to the District, to both the Charitable Foundation and the Bursary Fund at the Council meet­ ing. The results of the elections of the Convention showed Jack Frost D/D Cdr. elected as District Comman­ der and Kip Reilly, Zone 2 Coman- der, was elected Deputy-District Commander. A card party is planned for April 20 in the Legion Hall, everyone is welcome to attend. The next Branch meeting will be held on May 2, at 8:30 p.m., plan to attend and show your support for the Branch.