HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-04-17, Page 3The winners
Bly th Public School recently won a co-ed volleyball tournament that the school hosted against
other schools from the area. Members of the winning team are: (front row, left to right) Margy
Stewart, Sandra Walsh, Kim Lee, Amanda Howson, Shawna Walker, Sharon Baechler; (back)
Jeff Ferguson, Greg Blok, Kurt Lentz, Mark Wilson, Shane Burkholder and Craig Empey. Bob
Livermore coached the team to victory.
Blyth council briefs
No decision on phone system
No decision on the purchase of a
telephone system for the Blyth
municipal office was made at the
regular meeting of Village Council
Thursday night but information
was put forward that might help
pare the cost.
A decision to purchase a system
from Bell Canada was put on hold
at the March 26 meeting of council
because of the $3,000 price tag.
Councillor Dave Lee was particular
ly vocal about the cost. Although he
was not present at the April 10
meeting due to a back injury,
Councillor Lee had done some
research and left the figures with
Councillor Steven Sparling. He had
talked to two different companies
and got information. One, Wight
man Communications had quoted a
price of $2,042 for the same
Meridan North Star system quoted
by Bell Canada.
But Clerk-Treasurer Helen
Grubb had pointed out that there
were items such as the installation
of a telephone in the Public Works
garage, that were not included in
the Wightman bid.
Still, councillors were interested.
Reeve Albert Wasson said he knew
that the Huron County Road De
partment had installed a Wightman
system in their garage in Auburn
and he felt if the county had
installed the system it must be
getting good service.
Councillor Sparling agreed. “If
Wightman is quoting on the same
package and will give the same
service as Bell, then go with
Wightman. The difference is at
least $1,000 on the hardware.”
Even a small cost extra for service
would still make the Wightman
quote attractive, he said.
Councillor Lee and Mrs. Grubb
were authorized to investigate fur
ther and take action.*****
The Rutabaga Festival will have
to work out problems of who is
going to clean up the fairgrounds
and who is going to pay for hydro
expenses for the midway and
camping area, councillors decided.
Councillor Lorna Fraser had
brought the subject before council
on behalf of the Rutabaga Commit
tee wondering if it would be
possible to use the camping facili
Councillors had no problems
with the idea but they pointed out
that when other groups use the
park, (such as the Thresher Reun
ion and the dog show), the group
looks after supervising camping
and cleaning up elsewhere. Coun
cillors pointed out that the hydro
meters for the camping area are
charged to the Thresher Reunion so
some accommodation would have
to be worked out. They also worried
that construction taking place in
the park for improvements by the
Thresher Association might conflict
with the placement of the midway
and suggested that be worked out
as soon as possible.*****
The annual spring pickup of
large items for garbage was set for
April 27.*****
Tenders have been received for
the cleaning and repainting of the
rusted beams in the arena portion
of the Blyth and District Commun
ity Centre.*****
The council’s recreation commit
tee will see if service groups would
donate to purchase equipment for
use in the summer recreation
program. Councillor Sparling sug-
Blyth has surplus
Continued from page 1
also needs to be done. She also
suggested that since the building is
being repaired and the Masonic
Lodge and Blyth Centre for the
Arts have paid to renovate the
upstairs of the building, the up
stairs windows should be replaced
to save on heat. The estimate for
window replacement is $11,000
bringing the total estimated costs
to $22,000.
If the municipal building was in
good repair, there should be little
expense with building repairs in
the next few years since Memorial
Hall and the Arena have recently
had improvements, she suggested.
It would leave council free to
concentrate time and resouces on
projects like the main street re
building and the rebuilding of
Morris Street.
Councillor Shirley Fyfe said
she’d like to see the brickwork at
the rear of the building repaired
immediately but suggested the
remainder of the work left until fall
to see what funds are available.
Council agreed with that course of
gested the idea, explaining that the
costs for the program had been
kept down over the years because
the Blyth Public School had loaned
its sports equipment. However, he
said, it meant the school’s equip
ment got worn out sooner and with
tightening budgets for the school
this was unfair.
Councillor Sparling suggested
local groups might donate to buy
equipment but Reeve Wasson sug
gested it would make more sense,
rather than to duplicate equipment,
for the clubs to make donations that
could buy new equipment that
could be used by the school and the
recreation group.*****
Council agreed to the idea of an
open house to show off the new
village offices and the Extended
Service Office of the O.P.P. No
date was set for the event.*****
Sandra Hessels was hired to look
after the booking and caretaking at
the ball diamonds this summer.*****
Final design has not been agreed
to for the entrance signs at the
north and east and west entrances
of the village. The sign at the
north, similar to the one at the
south, has an estimate cost of
$6,480 for the stone work not
counting the cost of the sign
making. Meetings have been held
with the landowner in the area and
it appears that it will be possible to
rent the land the sign sits on. Signs
at the east and west on County Rd.
25 will be of wood construction.
New Spring
R.R. 1 Blyth 523-4426
Gene Snell and Bert Daer had
the top scores at the lost heir card
party Wednesday night at Blyth
Memorial Hall. Effie McCall and
Millar Richmond won the prizes for
low score. Ella Richmond won the
special prize.
The District 9 Horticulture ann
ual meeting was held in Teeswater
on Saturday, April 13 with eight
In last week’s accounting of East
Wawanosh council, mention was
made of a New Horizons grant. The
report said that the grant was
approved on the stipulation that the
seniors were guaranteed use of the
Belgrave W.l. Hall at least three
days a week. The stipulation Is
actually for the new hall to be
located as part of the arena
reconstruction, not the Women’s
Institute Hall, which is located in
Morris township.
We apologize for this error.
10 TO 50% OFF
159 Dinsley St. E., Blyth
Phone 523-9876
A regulation controlling the dumping of fill is now
in effect for the Village of Lucknow, and the
Townships of East and West Wawanosh, Ashfield,
Colborne, Howick and Grey.
This regulation restricts filling in any watercourse,
flood plain, wetland, headwater area, lakeshore
gully, or river valley within these municipalities.
The placement of fill in a regulated area now
requires a permit from the Maitland Valley
Conservation Authority (MVCA).
The purpose of the regulation is to ensure that the
proposed filling won’t cause pollution, affect the
value or function of important natural areas, cause
erosion, slope instability, or affect flooding.
Maps outlining the location of areas that are
regulated are available at the MVCA office in
Wroxeter. Applications for a permit are available at
municipal offices, or through the MVCA.
Questions regarding permits for the placement of
fill, or the regulation, should be directed to the
Maitland Valley Conservation Authority, at
k_______ _________________________________7
members from Blyth attending
including: Lloyd and Mary Walden,
Alvin and Gene Snell, John and
Vera Hesselwood, Alma McCallum
and Erma Cook.
The Florida exodus is in pro
gress. Back home we are glad to
see in our midst again Gordon and
Betty Elliott, John and Muriel
Manning, Irvin and Betty Bowes,
John and Rita Blake, and Gordon
and Nellie Mason. We look forward
to the arrival of one or two more
Blyth residents’ return.
Door to Door
in Blyth, Auburn and
9A.M. TO 12 NOON
Blyth Brownies, Guides
& Pathfinders
Thank you for your
Large Item Pickup
scheduled for April 27,1991.
Items will not be handled from
inside buildings. No household
Village of Blyth Council.