HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-04-17, Page 2PAGE 2. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1991.
Former Brussels resident Bar
bara Brown, now of Kitchener,
enjoyed a very special day on
Sunday, April 7. Her grandchildren
Angela and Lindi Kubiak of Swea-
burg, Ontario were participants in
Majestic WI holds
annual meeting
The annual meeting was held on
April 10 with 32 Majestic Women’s
Institute members attending. A
delicious meal was served by the
Presbyterian church ladies who
were thanked by Ruth Galbraith.
President Peggy Cudmore open
ed the meeting followed by the
minutes and treasurer’s report by
Doris McCall.
A quilt event at Milton Agricul
ture Museum in August and table
runner competition were mention
ed in the correspondence.
Draws for prizes were won by
Freda Pipe, Jean Fraser, Wilma
Hemingway, Iona Moore, Thelma
Cardiff and Edna Pletch.
Kathy Bridge introduced the
guest speaker Margaret McMahon.
Mrs. McMahon spoke on “what
W.I. has done for me’’, how she
has improved her leadership skills
and met new people. She said “be
yourself and don’t copycat some
one else’s traits’’. Leona Arm
strong thanked her and presented
her with a gift.
Doris McCall presented the 4H
leaders Peggy Keffer, Marie Stute
and Kathy Bridge with gifts.
Margaret MacLeod lead a sing
song with Freda Pipe on the piano.
Kathy Bridge gave the nominations
Margaret McMahon installed the
new members who are: past presi
dent, Peggy Cudmore; president,
Leona Armstrong; first vice presi
dent, Ruth Sauve; secretary-trea
surer, Doris McCall; district direc
tor, Peggy Cudmore; alternate
district director, Marie McTaggart;
branch directors, Leona Connelly,
Kathleen Semple and Jane De
vries; PRO, Kathy Bridge; assis
tant, Iona Moore; program co-or-
dinator, Margaret MacLeod; pian
ist, Freda Pipe; assistant, Wilma
Hemingway; Sunshine girls, Peggy
Cudmore and Ida Evans; Smiles,
Ruby Steiss; telephone committee,
Jane Devries, Laura Lucas; audi
tors, Isabel Adams, Wilma Hem
ingway; nominations committee,
Kathy Bridge, Ida Evans, Doris
McCall; Tweedsmuir Curator, Ruth
Galbraith; assistant, Kathy Bridge
and all members; Convenors for
Agriculture, Peggy Keffer, Ruth
Baer; Canadian Industries, Marie
Stute and Marie McTaggart; Citi
zenship and Legislation, Edna
Pletch, Jean Fraser; Family Af
fairs, Iona Moore, Dorothy Steffler;
Education, Freda Pipe, Effie Hend
ricks; International Affairs,
Wilma Hemingway; Resolutions,
Marie McCutcheon and Margaret
Delegates for the District Annual
are Peggy Cudmore, Ruth Sauve,
Leona Armstrong and Doris Mc
Call. Ida Evans presented two
pictures of Institute members to
the Institute. Iona Moore gave the
Sunshine report. A reminder was
given for the Presbyterian Church
service on April 28 at 10:45 a.m.
The Institute is to go to the
Nursing Home in May. A quilt is to
be put up on Monday at Doris
McCall’s. Leona Armstrong made a
motion to pay the bills, seconded
by Wilma Heming vay.
Ida Evans will look after the
scrapbook for three months. The
casserole supper and card party i
the Woodstock Figure Skating
Club’s “Carnival 91”. Angela was
a “Kermit. Kutie” and Lindi a
“Forest Friendly Frog”.
An unexpected and delightful
pleasure for Barbara was seeing
the special guests, Brussels area
native Peter MacDonald and his
dance partner Suzanne Killing in
two performances.
Friends and family were on hand
Saturday to help push Greg Wilson
“over the hill”. Councillor Greg is
turning 40 on April 17. In addition
to locals, guests attended from
Barrie, Stratford and Kingston.
to be held on April 29 at 7 p.m.
Marie McTaggart presented retir
ing president Peggy Cudmore with
a gift.
The roll call of revealing your
sunshine sisters was answered.
The new president Leona Arm
strong gave a few remarks before
adjourning the meeting. The next
meeting is on May 8.
At the Sunday service, April 14,
Brussels Mennonite Fellowship
welcomed the following active par
ticipants who have chosen to
become official members: Mervin
and Tillie Lichty, Rob and Sharon
Demaray, Darren Hemingway,
Gerald Miller, and Carl Sieman.
Elwin Garland was the worship
leader and Lena Siegers led the
congregational singing. Pastor
Gordon Bauman gave the message
“Committed to Christ and the
Church”. A pot luck meal and time
of fellowship followed the Christian
Education Hour. A start was also
made on taking family pictures to
update the Church directory.
Sunday evening a hymn-sing
hour of worship was held at the
church. Church Council met for the
regular meeting Tuesday evening
and the Prayer and Praise group
met Thursday evening. The Youth
Group hosted a supper and time of
fun for the Grade 5-6 children.
Good attendance
at Rebekahs
The regular meeting of Morning
Star Rebekah Lodge, Brussels was
held on April 9 with Noble Grand
Janet McCutcheon presiding.
There was a good attendance.
At the next meeting April 23
District Deputy President Ruth
Campbell of Seaforth will pay her
semi-annual visit. Lodge members
from Seaforth, Wingham and
Monkton are invited to attend.
The Spring Variety Fair will be
held in the village Library base
ment on Friday evening, May 3 and
Saturday, May 4 with the Bake Sale
at 11 a.m. All donations of good
used clothing will be very accept
Spring is here, Spring has sprung,
Alas, the DOG and CAT complaints have begun,
I know sometimes it is very hard,
But please keep your pet in YOUR OWN yard
When walking your pet, please be SUPER
Be sure to use your POOPER SCOOPER.
Thank you
Donna M. White
‘ Clerk-Treasurer
Star players
The Brussels Atom Rep team’s top players were: from left, Scott Clarkson, Most Improved
Player; Craig Thompson, Most Sportsmanlike, and Brett Fischer, Most Valuable Player. They
received their awards at the year-end banquet.
Dart challenge, Thursday
On Thursday, April 18 the Brus
sels Legion Monday night mixed
dart players will meet the Wednes
day night Brussels Hotel dart
league in their annual “Chal
lenge.” This year’s “challenge”
will take place at the Brussels Hotel
at 7:30 p.m.
Social time
WMS meeting
The April meeting of Melville
W.M.S. was held at the home of
Mrs. James Armstrong with eight
ladies answering the roll call with a
Bible verse containing the word
Mrs. Helen Elliott the President
opened the meeting with prayer
and a poem. Hymns were sung
with Helen Elliott at the piano.
Ruby Steiss gave the secretary’s
report and Isabel Adams gave the
treasurer’s report. Marguerite
Krauter gave the Mission Study on
“Signs of Hope in Central Amer
ica” and prayer.
The scripture from Matthew 5,
verses 1-12 was read in unison.
Leona Armstrong gave the topic on
the ninth verse of Matthew, fifth
chapter: “Blessed are the peace
makers” and she also read a poem
of Helen Steiner Rice, “In times
like these” and “There is a way to
find peace in the Bible”. Leona
closed the meeting with prayer.
Lunch was served by Leona
Armstrong and Marguerite Krau
ter and a social time enjoyed.
Results of the Monday night
darts April 8 are as follows: Mary
Ross, Martha Logan and Colleen
Martin first, Gord Jacklin and Kitty
Rutledge, second. High shooter for
the ladies was Mary Ross (156) and
for the men Cam Ross (127).
Starting June 3 will be summer
mixed darts. All those interested in
playing are welcome to attend.
The next euchre night will be
Wednesday, April 17 at 7:30 p.m.
Cost is $1.50/person with lunch
served after. All are welcome to
Tickets are now available at the
Legion for the May 4 Honours and
Awards banquet. Cost is $7.50/
person. Social time will be 6 - 7
p.m. All new members that have
not yet been initiated are urged to
The next Legion pub night is
April 26. Post time will be 8:30
p.m. Early Bird from 8 - 8:30 p.m.
Everyone is welcome to join in the -
Any Ladies wishing to play
Slo-Pitch for a Brussels Team
in a Belgrave League
Corrie or Kendra
887-9820 887-9867
after 6 p.m.
A public meeting has been
called for Wednesday, May 22,
1991 at 7:30 P.M. at the B. M. &
G. Community Centre to receive
public input into a community
improvement plan under the
Provincial Special Anti-Reces
sion P.R.I.D.E. Program.
This notice is given pursuant to
the requirements of the Plann
ing Act.
Donna M. White