HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-03-13, Page 19I lassified FAST DEPENDABLE HIGHLY VISIBLE TENDERST HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY .F.T. [H.C.] 91-06 For the supply and installat­ ion of two applications of lawn fertilizer and two applications of weed spray at O.H.C. Projects in Huron County. Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time Wednesday, March 20, 1991 by the Huron County Hous­ ing Authority, 44 East St., Goderich, Ontario N7A1N3. [519)524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECES­ SARILY ACCEPTED. V VEHICLES FOR SALE 1983 YAMAHA YZ80, EXCEL- lent condition. Asking $650 or best offer. Phone 887-6412. 10-2 WANTED WANTED TO BUY: SCRAP CARS and trucks. L & B Auto Wreckers, 1/4 mile south of Brussels. Call 887-9499. 09-tfn WANTED TO BUY: OLD MILK bottles, fruit jars, ginger beer bottles* crocks and jugs. Call 524-6582. 09-3 WANTED TO BUY: ARGYLE Sports Cards, 350 Clarke Rd., London, 659-3080. Open 7 days, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Always buying hockey and baseball cards. Must be in good condition. Small or large collections. Phone collect for ap­ praisal. 07-4 \WAMAUS ^7 ' WVKK x ALL THE TIME' •s. -A ’ •% /•*- "<2 / I Cig. council won't advise Bd. of Ed Facing a large budget increase of their own, Huron County Council­ lors voted Thursday not to send a letter to the Board of Education urging it to hold its budget increase to five per cent. Council defeated a motion put forward by Gerry Prout. Reeve of Usborne based on a letter received from Stephen Township Council. That letter dealt with a resolution of the township council to send letters to the public and separate school boards of education urging them to keep their increases to five \ CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. VACATIONS/TRAVEL CANAL CRUISES; five days aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR on scenic Trent Severn Waterway or Rideau Canal; private state-rooms, meals, free brochure. Write Captain Marc, Box 1540, Peterborough, K9J 7H7. stop smoking/lose weight. 10MW laser; manual and charts, $1500. Call (519) 649-7037. COMING EVENTS 10TH ANNUAL SPRING Forest City Nostalgia and Antique Show and Sale. Canada Building, Western Fairgrounds, London, March 16th, 12-9pm. March 17th 11-6pm. Admission $3 25. Olga Traher (519) 679-1810. EXTRA INCOME I Grow baitworms in your basement or garage Odorless operation. Low investment Market guaranteed! Free information. Early Bird Ecology, RR#1 Smithville, Ontario, LOR 2A0(416) 643-4252. OWN ALL CASH SNACK VENDING ROUTE. Newest machine is opening up great locations. No competition. Earnings can exceed $1,000 weekly part-time. $16,000 U.S. investment. 1- 800-444-0615. CRUISE CANADIAN RIVERS. This year, spend 3, 5, or 7 nights aboard elegant replica steamships cruising calm-water rivers and visiting romantic cities, the world-famous 1000 Islands, magnificent fjords and the International Seaway and locks. Experience whale-watching at its very best. $592-$2,850. Dial-a- brochure 1-800-267-7868 tollfree. B.C.'S BEST DEALS. 250 West Coast businesses for sale. Publication includes "Introduction" to British Columbia. Visa or M/C. Call tollfree 1-800-665-1123. FARM SERVICES GST. GET YOUR One-Time Credit. Ottawa owes you a GST start-up credit of up to $1,000. Get yours with TaxGuard GST HandlerTM. Call 1-800-268-6735. HELP WANTED REMOTE MOUNTAIN RESORT hiring for summer. Chambermaids, waitresses, gas attendants, cashiers. For application send self-addressed stamped envelope to Glacier Park Lodge, Rogers Pass, B.C. V0E 2S0. REAL ESTATE SELF-SUFFICIENT HOUSE on river plus 2 acres. $22,500 cash. Complete farm on creek plus 777 acres $155,400 firm. Lake of the Woods area. Rainy River, Ontario, Box 536. Phone (807) 852-3640, (807) 852-3784. FULL PART-TIME SALES. Advertising Specialties. Ideal for semi-retired or persons on shiftwork. Highest commissions paid. Lur.dy Specialty Advertising, 5-2485 Lancaster Road. Ottawa, Ontario, K1B 5L1. COMPUTERS FOR SALE OR RENTI New and reconditioned IBM compatible computers, printers, and peripherals. Terms available. Trade-ins acceptedl Call M-R Technologies at (519) 392-8300 weekdays 9-5. SALES HELP WANTED •BE RICH AND FAMOUS* FT $100,000. PT $25,000. Market Canada's Hottest Music Video Vacation Program Booklet. Protected Territories available. 24 hour information line, call 1- 800-263-1900. FOR SALE SWIMMING POOL SALE: Top quality in-grounds, on-grounds, above-grounds. Professional installation or do-it-yourself kits. Book early and save! Riviera Pools, (519) 747-4399. YOU'RE INVTIED to change your life! 15 year-old multi-million dollar Canadian firm seeks 2 representatives in your area, immediately. Potential $800+ weekly, commission. (416) 756- 2156, (416) 756-3174. WANTED TO BUY POSTCARDS, MAPS, TRADE CATALOGUES, books, magazines, photographs, pamphlets, other pre-1960 paper collectibles wanted. High Prices paid. Write for information. Neil Hayne, Bath, Ontario, KOH 1G0. TOTALLY TROPICAL INTERIORS is looking for part/full time consultants to sell silk plants/trees through home parties or commercial businesses. Call Brenda, collect (204) 467-9330. CAREER TRAINING TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING for rewarding careers in trucking. Class A-Z and D-Z licences. Days and weekend courses. Job placement assistance. Markel Transport Training. Guelph. 1-800-265-7173. SERVICES NEED CREDIT? Instant $1,500 line of credit. Guaranteed approval. Cash advances available OAC. Catalogue shopping Application send SASE: AdvantageCard, Box 4383C, Stn. D. Hamilton, L8V 4L8. MORTGAGES OWN A HOME? Need a loan? Payoff billsl Credit cardsl Example: Borrow $10,000, repay $195.00 monthly. No qualifying hassels! 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STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - FACTORY DIRECT - Thousands of satisfied customers have bought from the best for less. 25x30 $2,309. 35x40 $4,189. PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1-800-668- 5422. (24 hours). BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AMAZING NEW SECURITY SYSTEM perfect for the home, cottage or business. Sells itself with demonstration. Retails $400. Best MLM product ever. Distributors needed. London (519) 660-8386. BEST BUILDING BUYS - 1/2 Price Sale - Buy one building at regular price and get double length for 50% more. Limited steel. - Paragon - 24 Hours - 1 -800-263-8499. A Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. New types, steel/wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action & answers - Wally (416) 626-1794 alter 6pm, weekends. Free brochure. Clip-save M.L.M. HOME SECURITY. Your effort determines your income Send self addressed-stamped envelope, fax/phone (416) 878- 5733. 9-3pm. For info Canimex, 934 Childs Dr., Milton, Ont, L9T 4J6. START YOUR OWN Laser Treatment Centre. Treaments to help WHY SETTLE for second best when you can buy the very best for the same money For all your building needs call Future Steel Buildings. 1-800-668-8653. PESTICIDE STORAGE BUILDING kits. Steel frame/cladding 8 x12" with 6' sliding door. Starting at $2,295 plus taxes (F O B Dresden), Incuding foundation and floor. N.B.T. (519) 683-2181. Your ad could appear In community newspapers In Ontario, or right across Canada, or any Individual province. Space Is Limited, so Call This Newspaper Today! per cent. The county’s executive had recommended the letter be noted and filed, but Reeve Prout had urged the county support the resolution even though Tom Tomes, Reeve of Stephen said the letters had already been sent so the board knew of his township’s concerns. Bill Mickle, Reeve of Exeter said he didn’t disagree with the senti­ ments of the resolution, or of Reeve Prout, but “we'd better be prepar­ ed to deal with our own house”. If the county says the school board has to stay at five per cent and RATES 20 words or less only $3.00. Additional words 12c each. Extra billing charge 50c will be added if not paid the following Wednesday. DEADLINE 2 P.M. MONDAY IN BRUSSELS. 4 P.M. MONDAY IN BLYTH. brings in an increase of eight itself, it was asking for criticism. Howard Armstrong, Reeve of Stanley, said he thought such resolutions were the responsibility of individual municipalities. Hullett Reeve Tom Cunningham said councillors had to remember that education trustees had their own problems in holding the line because of provincial initiatives beyond their control. “The board of education has its hands tied even worse than we do,” he said. He pointed to the provincial decision THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1991. PAGE 19. road re- again at March 7 to urban Rebate issue exhumed The subject of urban bates reared its head Huron County Council’s session, session. The road rebates go municipalities on the theory that they gain less from the county road system than they put in through their taxes. Most urban municipali­ ties have very little county-main­ tained road within their limits. on budget that said board of education must provide junior kindergarten and said he applauded Hullett trustee John Jewitt in fighting junior kindergarten. Still, he said, politi­ cians must be aware of the current economy. “We’ve been aware of the problems in rural Huron but now there are problems in the town too,” he said. Reeve Prout said he agreed the county should look at its own budget increases. Still, the council defeated his motion to support the Stephen resolution. Gerry Prout, Reeve of Usborne, brought up the subject, noting the $405,000 item in the highways budget. Denis Merrall, county engineer explained urban rebates are mandated by the province and can be between 25 and 50 per cent of the levy for highways. Huron has chosen 45 per cent. Much of the money involved comes from the province, he said. Jack Coleman, Stanley Township deputy reeve, said he felt if cuts had to be made to the highways budget they should be in urban rebates. Mr. Merrall said that when he first arrived in Huron five years ago he was asked by council to look at urban rebates and he brought in a report that predicted the days of urban rebates were numbered. Council turned down changes in the rebates and he hadn’t brought the subject up again. Howick Reeve Norm Fairless asked how the rebates applied to unincorporated villages within townships and Mr. Merrall said there were inequities in the cases of townships with large urban populations. Hay Reeve Lionel Wilder said the subject had been explained well and had been put to rest and "I don’t think there’s any need of it now.” Hullett Reeve Tom Cunningham agreed saying the issue should be put to bed for the time being. Looking backward Continued from page 4 Heidi Scrimgeour, first. FIVE YEARS AGO MARCH 12. 1986 Two Brussels dance teams came home with championships from the interclub figure skating competi­ tion at Mitchell, Peter MacDonald and Kerrie Shepherd of Blyth took first place in the senior dance competition and Lisa Pennington and Scott Johnston were first in the novice dance category. Demolition of the Queen’s Hotel, a landmark on the main street of Brussels fore more than a century, started after the deal to sell the hotel from the village of Brussels to a developer finally became official. Frustration was in evidence in Brussels when the local bank was closed due to the storm. People with pay cheques couldn’t get them cashed. Business couldn’t get change for the weekend. People were going from store to store hoping somebody might have some extra cash, but were not successful, as they needed what they had to keep going. Pom not to blame sex or or Continued from page 6 instinctive behaviour. Women are committing the same abuses as men for the same reasons. I find it hard to swallow that no matter how it is done displayed creates violence abuse. If so, I think we are all in trouble. All evidence shows the opposite to be true. If we were to get rid of everything for its potential to create violence or abuse, then why not add the Bible to the list, where in Corinthians 11:3 and Genesis 3:16 it says directly that women are to obey men. People find it hard to believe or accept that something which is supposed to be so good and righteous and the heart of their cultural roots, could very well be the root of all the social ills in the first place. Sex has been used as an easy scapegoat for all the ills and evils of society since the fall of the Roman Empire. Maybe it is about time to turn this around. DOUG TROLLOPE BRUSSELS.