HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-03-13, Page 16PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1991. Melville plans Holy Week worship February was a busy month for Melville Presbyterian Church. At the annual meeting in Janu­ ary members again reiterated that this community-building was a top priority. The “Vision” adopted last May, succinctly summed up, says that they will work hard to: offer faithful preaching, teaching and worship; nurture various groups, especially youth and newcomers; and encourage individuals to find their particular gifts and use them in a spirit-led community involving all our people. Lots of energy and activities have gone into making this “vision” more of a reality. Anyone attending a Melville ser­ vice will be greeted by a family/ friends and then ushered to their seat by an elder. In February greeters were Maurice and Mary Douma’s family, Dave and Janet McCutcheon’s family, Leona and Jim Armstrong’s family and Bill and Peggy Aitchinson’s family. Elders were Mary Douma and Dave McCutcheon. For March the greeters are Bill and Joanne King’s family, Isabel, Viola and David Adams, Jeff and Cathy Cardiff’s family, Ron and Trish Clarkson’s family and Mur­ ray and Betty Cardiffs family. Elders are Jeff Cardiff and Bill King Sr. Members were happy to wel­ come the various Scouting and Guiding groups on February 17 as they observed their Thinking Day. Throughout Lent members have used a meaningful candle cere­ mony and the sermon series evolves out of different symbols from the Passion story of Jesus. Melville is planning some special worship during Holy Week and will share in the ecumenical worship experience in Brussels. On Maun­ dy Thursday Melville congregation and choir will host a musical/dra- matic service of the Last Supper. Easter morning the youth of the congregation will lead in an Easter sunrise service held in the yard of Wilma and Doug Hemmingway, by the river. Immediately following will be the Church School’s annual Easter breakfast at Melville, and of course Easter worship at 11 a.m. Various groups within Melville have been active in February and March also. Session and Managers From the Minister’s Study A pre-Easter thought BY REV. LORENZO RAMIREZ BLYTH UNITED CHURCH .. In a little over two weeks, it will be Easter and I know it’s a joyful time of the year for Christians all over the World. It’s a time when we celebrate and remember the Resur­ rection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Here in Canada, Easterime coin­ cides with spring time and the idea of coming into life is not a strange idea. Life after the cold and hard days of winter and the life of plants and bulbs being held back and then bursting into beautiful stems of colour, of bright yellow, bred, white, purple, pink, blue and light gTeen, it truly is a sight to behold and so was the surprise of the followers of our Lord Jesus Christ that first day of the week when they found the grave stone rolled away and the Lord had risen as He promised. This year we all have experienc­ ed in some sense such a holding back of life or of our breath when war broke out in the Persian Gulf. Our sense of security was shattered and we felt, or at least I felt, that feeling of helplessness. Our eyes and ears were glued to the news whether at a newspaper, T.V. or radio. There were times I felt, I don’t want to hear anymore be­ cause it’s all bad news. It felt like a long hard winter and there’s no escape from it until the good news we’ve all been waiting for, “Cease Fire” and surrendering a sigh of relief and prayers answered not just by us but especially by those who are personally involved. Praise be to God! Total peace is not here yet. It may never be but at least for now with those who struggled, a sign of peace is in sight. As we always say around this time of the year, tityth United Rev. Ramirez opened the March service at Blyth United Church with the call to worship followed by the hymn “Joyful We Adore Thee”. The responsive reading was Psalm 631. The scripture reading was Luke 15, 1-3 and 11-32. “Amazing Grace” was sung. “Lead Me To Calvary” by the choir was enjoyed. The sermon was “Love versus the Law”. Coming to seek and save the lost who we all are, God loves us and everything he has is ours. Floral remembranc­ es in memory of Evalena Webster were appreciated. “spring is just around the comer.” It may be a long, big comer but just like spring it will come. Here’s hoping and praying that “Peace is just around the corner” and our world will be at ease once again and our children can play in this world God made for us all. In closing, I hope and pray that your Easter will be truly blessed and a peaceful one. May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, The Love of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit be with you all. meet regularly, committed to re­ sponding to their various areas of business. The Sessin plans to meet for a supper meeting in March as they consider how to best respond to some of the ideas that were ‘brainstormed’ by the congregation at large at the annual meeting. The Managers continue to work on a plan for making Melville wheel­ chair accessible. The choir con­ tinues to offer meaningful music weekly in worship, and also share their gift with the Nursing home the third Sunday of each month. Some of the choir members were happy to join with the Walton choir on March 1 for the World Day of Prayer service. The choir is work­ ing on special Easter music, and music of the Maundy Thursday service. The Church school is active and vital, with many children partici­ pating and dedicated teachers. Teachers are meeting at John and Nancy Exel’s to plan for their annual Easter breakfast and a winter social activity for the child­ ren. The young people of the congregation are gearing up for the sleep-over at the manse, and planning for leading Easter sunrise worship. Tammy King is heading up ‘renovations’ and ‘restructur­ ing’ in the nursery, to meet the continuing needs of young families. A new ‘thirty-something’ group gathered for the first time for a social evening at the home of Elaine and Brian Armstrong. A great time was had by 18 and plans are underway for similar good times. Along with all these activities, the studies at Melville continue. A beginner’s Bible study called Kerygma meets most Wednesday evenings and we are into the Prophets and the Exile now. Every Wednesday at 2 p.m. a group meets at the church, currently the study involves Women in the New Testament. A BLYTH CHRISTIAN REFORMEDCHURCH HIGHWAY4, BLYTH _ DR. W. H. LAMMERS Sunday at 10a.m. and 2:30p.m. Sunday School 11:00a.m. The Church of the * ‘ Back to God Hour” and ‘ * Faith 20’ ’ Back to God Hour 10:30a.m. CKNX Sunday Faith20 5:00a.m. Weekdays, GlobalT.V. ALL VISITORS WELCOME HURON CHAPEL MISSIONARY CHURCH PASTOR JAMES H. CARNE AUBURN 526-7515 10:00 a.m. - Family Bible Hour 11:00 a.m. - Morning Service 8:00 p.m. - Evening Service Wednesday - Prayer & Bible Study Friday, 7:30 - Youth ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA REV. DAVID FULLER, B.A., M. DIV. March 17 Lent 05 HOLY EUCHARIST Blyth 9:30a.m. Brussels 11:15a.m. SOUTH AMERICAN FOLK HARP PLAYED BY EDWARD KLASSEN and his brother Gustav with his guitar Musicians from Winnipeg CONCERT Brussels Mennonite Fellowship Sat., March 23 7 p.m. Admission Free Melville Presbyterian Church BRUSSELS Rev. Carolyn McAvoy 11:00 a.m. - Morning Service - Sunday School 9:30 a.m. * Belgrave Service We welcome you to come and worship with us! Pastor: Gordon Bauman 887-6388 Consider the benefits of being part of a church family: • Friendship ^Service «Love ^Worship •Purpose in Living •Hope WE WARMLY INVITE YOU TO CHECK US OUT BRUSSELS MENNONITE FELLOWSHIP 9:30 a.m. - Worship Service 10:30 a.m. - Christian Education Hour for all ages Elder: John Baan 887-6967 BRUSSELS UNITED CHURCH Rev. Cameron McMillan Church Office 887-6259 Manse 887-9313 Morning Worship Service “The New Covenant Written On Our Hearts” Church School - Nursery An invitation to everyone to attend the St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon after Church. 9:30 a.m. Ethel Worship Service Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, pilgrim through this barren land. ECUMENICAL WORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE BRUSSELS AREA •Maundy Thursday, March 28th, 7:30 p.m. at Melville Presbyterian Brussels: a musical and dramatic observance of the Last Supper •Good Friday, March 29th, 9:30 a.m. at Brussels United Church: a symbolic remembrance of the events of Good Friday Easter Vigil, March 30th, 7:30 p.m. at Brussels Mennonite Fellowship: a time of watching for the light which comes out of the darkness a time of fellowship and refreshment to follow ‘Easter Sunrise, March 31st, 8:30 p.m. hosted by Melville Youth at the yard of Doug and Wilma Hemingway [end of Ellen St. at the river] •Easter Breakfast, 9:15 - 10:30 a.m. hosted by Melville Church School •Easter Worship in all of the area churches. The gathered Christian communities in the Brussels area welcome you to come and share in these special worship and fellowship opportunities. "Christ the Lord is Risen indeed!"