HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-03-06, Page 21THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1991. PAGE 21. Classified RATES 20 words or less only $3.00. Additional FAST words 12c each. Extra billing charge 50c will be added if not naid ths followina DEPENDABLE lllv ivllVvvlllw Wednesday. DEADLINE O D KA KHAklRAV HIGHLY VISIBLE z r.M. MUNUAY IN BRUSSELS. 4 P.M. MONDAY IN BLYTH. c COMING EVENTS 80 YEARS YOUNG - THE FAMILY of Mollie Grant wish to invite you to an open house to help celebrate her 80th birthday on March 16/91 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the lounge at Queen’s Villa, Main St., Blyth. No gifts please. Your presence is the best gift of all. 09-2 □ HELP WANTED FULL-TIME PERSON WANTED for 600 sow farrow-to-finish oper­ ation. Training period will be provided. Phone 887-6181. 08-2 A ACCOMMODATION TO RENT AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES 3 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR RENT on paved highway, $450 per month. Call 887-6425. 06-4 PEPPER THE CLOWN - CLOWN, acrobat and stunts - that’s what Pepper the Clown promises to perform for children at Blyth Memorial Hall on Sunday, March 10th at 2 p.m. Reservations call 523-9300. 09-1 2 OR 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT, electric heat and deck. Call 887- 9083. 08-2 open HOUSE 5 $ March 12, 1991 (5:00 p.m. - 7:OG p.m.) 12th & 7th Ave*., Vanastra The Board of Directors of VANASTRA LIONS CLUB APARTMENTS INC. (a Ministry of Housing Non-Profit Housing Development) invite you to attend an "open house" to view their bachelor, 1- 2- and 3-bedroom apart­ ment accommodation located at 12th and 7th Avenues in Vanastra. Ontario. These lovely units will be ready for occupancy April 1991. Rents $300- $475 including utilities. NOTE: Rental assistance available for qualified applicants. Application forms may be obtained at the open house or may be requested immediately from McCormick & Zock Inc., 252 Pal! Mall St., Suite 300, London, Ontario N6A 5P6 (519)432-3222.I J ARTICLES FOR SALE COLOSSAL SALE ON SUN- worthy wallpaper - Sale price $10.99 per single roll retail values to $26.99. Sale ends April 15. Available at Oldfield Pro Hardware Brussels. 09-lb RAINBOW TROUT - YEAR round fishing, and pond stockers, 3 concessions north of Blyth, 3 sideroads west. Gloria and David Hedley, 357-2329. 09-tfn TREES: 1000 BLUE SPRUCE seedlings, $270.00, The Lawn­ master, RR 2, Seaforth, Ont. N0K 1W0,519-527-1750. 09-1 SEEDLINGS: FROM 49 CENTS. Potted (1 gallon pot size) trees from $6.95. Norway Spruce, White, Blue Spruce, Scotch Pine, Austrian Pine, White Pine. The Lawnmaster RR 2, Seaforth, N0K 1W0, 519-527- 1750. 09-1 TURNBERRY UPHOLSTERY, Brussels - sofas and chairs, re­ covered like new! Free estimates, pickup and delivery. Workmanship guaranteed. Call 887-6073. 08-2 TWO ROWED SEED BARLEY. A proven variety grown from certified seed. Treated with Vita-flo 280. Price $9 per 88 lb. bag. To order phone J. M. Perry 887-6750. 08-2 THE NEW HURON COUNTY Historical Notes magazine is now available at The Citizen office. Only $2.50. tfn Sale* will rise if yen* use an “Action" ad to advertiae TXT CLA38ITIIDI AUCTION SALE of farm machinery for GLEN RIBEY R.R. #6, Goderich on SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1991 AT 12:30 SHARP Location: 1 corner North of Carlow and 1/2 mile West of County Road 1 or 1 corner South of Nile and 1/2 mile west. 1066 International cab tractor/front mount fuel tanks, set of duals 208-38 sells separate, good condition; 4400 I.D. combine “diesel”/cab/4 row corn head [narrow] model 443, pickup, 13’ straight cut all heads quick hitch; Allis Chalmers plough model 2000 5 - 18; International cultivator model 645, 20’ with wings; International 510 seed drill, 18 run double disc with grass seeder; Oliver 4 row corn planter; Kongskilde cultivator 18’ with 3 p.t.h.; 2-4 row scufflers; 6 section diamond harrows/stretcher; New Idea tandum double beater manure spreader; 200 gal. sprayer/2 sets of nozzles; 4 row bean puller; bean windrower; 2 gravity bins 225 bu. on wagons; 51’ 8” auger “Westfield” on wheels p.t.o. TERMS: Cash or Cheque with proper I.D. 8% Sales Tax where applicable as well as G.S.T. Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents or loss of purchase day of sale. Any announcements day of sale take precedence over written advertising. Plan to attend-this sale of well kept machinery and there will be very few small items. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: OWNER: GLEN RIBEY 524-2329 AUCTIONEER: BRIAN RINTOUL 357-2349 ENGEL. I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my rela­ tives, neighbours and friends for the lovely cards, flowers and gifts I received in the hospital. Also thanks to the dedicated nurses, doctors and clergy. Special thanks to Ross and Cora for all their help. It all helped to brighten the days. - Jessie Engel. 09-1 HAYWARD. I would like to thank my neighbours for the delightful tea, gifts, and unique card. I am looking for their visits after I move. Also many thanks to those who helped me pack, and thanks to all the young men who did my moving and thanks to my daughter Anna for all her help, also the grandsons and granddaughters that 1 couldn’t do without their help. - Anna Hayward. 09-lp STEPHENSON. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our friends, neighbours, relatives and family for the cards, gifts and good wishes on the occasion of our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. To the folks who braved the storm to make our party at the arena such a memorable night, many thanks. Charlene, Corrinna, Chantelle, Lois and. Wayne and everyone responsible for arranging the lovely dinner at the Brussels Hotel, the party and a weekend we will never forget, we want you to know that you touched our hearts and we truly appreciate all your planning and hard work. Thank you so much. Sincerely - Fred and Sharon. 09-1 MUSIC FUN FOR PRESCHOOL- ers. Let your child experience the joy of music through movement to music, singing, musical games and percussion instruments. One hour per week for 10 weeks beginning in April. Classes held in Belgrave and Wingham. Call now to register. Anne Spivey A.R.C.T., B.A. (Mus.), 357-3500. 09&11 WANTED: CARPENTER TO RE- pair and rebuild roof, chimney, porch, and some brick work. Phone 523-9586. 09-lp FULL AND PART-TIME Posi­ tions open on 180 sow farrow-to- finish operation. Willing to train. Must be self-starter and able to work without supervision. Experi­ ence with sows and construction skills an asset. Salary commensur­ ate with experience. Housing pro­ vided. Apply to Bob Hulley, RR 1, Blyth, 519-523-9411. 09-1 FAMOUS DOBSON FILM SERIES - “Focus on the Family” in Blyth Christian Reformed Church, March 8, 7:30 - “The strong-willed Child”; 9 p.m. “Shaping the Will without Breaking the Spirit”. Cof­ fee and admission is free. Nursery provided. Everyone truly welcome. 08-2 SEAFORTH HARMONY KINGS spring show “Old MacDonald’s Farm” with comedy skits and barbershop singing on Saturday, April 6. Call 887-6314 for tickets. 09-1 BUS TRIPS: WEDNESDAY, March 13 - Irish Frolic at Bingeman Park. Wednesday, April 24 - Scot­ tish Spring Festival at Bingeman Park. Call Isabel Campbell, Nichol­ son Bus Lines, 357-1938. 09-1 THE FAMILY OF JIM AND ERMA Williamson invite friends and neighbours to an open house in honour of their parents’ 50th wedding anniversary on Sunday, March 17, 1991 from 2 - 5 p.m. at their home. 09-2p 45TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY - The family of Cecil and Helen Beggs request your presence at their 45th anniversary. Saturday, March 9/91 at Kurtzville arena from 9 - 1. Best wishes only please. 08-2p KNIGHT. The prayers, visits, calls, cards, flowers and fruit Leslie received while in hospital and since coming home are really appreciat­ ed. Yvonne especially thanks Jack and Joe for their farm help. Thanks friends and relatives. - Leslie and Yvonne. 09-lp PRIOR. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my family and friends and those who sent cards and flowers while Taylor and I were in hospital. A big thanks to Dr. Long and the nurses on second floor. A very special thanks goes to Grandma Munro for her support and all her help in keeping Tim and Nathan. Also a special thanks goes to Tim for his love and understand­ ing. - Donna 09-1 SWEENEY. I would like to sincere­ ly thank all of my friends and relatives who remembered me with cards, floral arrangements while I was in the hospital in Mesa. Arizona. Your kindness will never be forgotten. - Margaret Sweeney. 09-1 VAN VLIET. A sincere “Thank You" to all those who helped me to recuperate from my surgery and long stay in Listowel and Stratford Hospitals. Thanks to all the doc­ tors, nurses, therapists, support staff, friends and family, I have been able to return to my own home. Special thanks to the first floor staff members at Listowel Memorial and Dr. John Stronks. - Jaantje van Vliet. 09-lp WHITFIELD. We want to thank friends, neighbours and relatives for all the cards and gifts, also for the special congratulations extend­ ed to us from each and every one of you throughout the day of our fiftieth anniversary. We say a special thanks to our family for planning this special occasion, also a hearty thanks for all the food provided. These memories will always be cherished. Thank you one and all. - Herman and Muriel. 09-lp BLYTH LIONS DABBER BINGO, every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m., Blyth & District Community Centre. $300 Jackpot must go. Over $1,000 in prizes. tfn LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT Lions Club Dabber Bingo every Sunday, Lucknow Community Cen­ tre, 7:15 p.m. Doors open 6:15 p.m. Air conditioned. Wheel chair acces­ sible. Potential prize board over $3,000. $1,000 jackpot on 54 calls or less. $500 must go. tfn BRUSSELS LIONS T.V. BINGO, every Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Cable 17. *4 regular games $25.00 ’Share the Wealth. ’Jackpot $750. 03-tfn FOR RENTF VETVASH! Sell Anythng With UAVTAWS GOOD PIG BARN, APPROX. 100’ x 72’, between Newry & Brussels. For inquiries call 357-3330. 08-2 □ HELP WANTED RESPONSIBLE PERSON RE- quired for Variety Store approxi­ mately 15 hours weekly, including weekends. Please send resume to P.O. Box 69, Blyth, Ontario. N014 1 HO. Attn. Store Manager. 09-lb WHEELS AWAY The North Huron Special Tran­ sit Corporation invites appli­ cants with interest in people and good communication skills for PART-TIME CO-ORDINATOR. This position requires a mini­ mum of 12 hours per week at the rate of $10.00 an hour. Responsibilities include sche­ duling passengers, supervising drivers, and ensuring the smooth operation of WHEELS AWAY. Send resume and covering letter by March 8, 1991 to Mr. Jack Kopas, Chairperson, WHEELS AWAY, Box 1090, Wingham, Ontario. NOG 2W0. n IN MEM0RIAM ARMSTRONG. In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grand­ mother, Gladys Irene, who passed away March 7, 1983. We’ll always remember the way you looked The way you walked and smiled You never failed to do your best Your heart was warm and tender You lived your life for those you loved And those you loved remember. - Loved and remembered by hus­ band John, Doreen Glen, Ken. Marlene, and families. 09-lp LIVESTOCK TWO HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES, 4 months old. Phone 523-9441. 09-lp WE BUY AND SELL LIVESTOCK dairy, beefandhorses, crippled and poor-doing cows PAY IMMEDIATELY LICENSED DEALER CLARENCE POORTINGA 526-7509 MACHINERY 1975 M.F. Tractor 1105, 105 horse­ power, 8 speed, trans., excellent shape, 28392 hours. Phone 887- 6027. 08-2 MARRIAGES COMEAU-HUARD. The marriage of Karen Huard, daughter of John Dunlop to Barry Comeau, son of Anne Comeau took place at Duff’s United Church, Walton on Sunday, March 3, 1991. 09-nc