HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-02-20, Page 18PAGE 18. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1991. Classified FAST___________ DEPENDABLE HIGHLY VISIBLE RATES 20 words or less only S3.00. Additional words 12c each. Extra billing charge 50c will be added if not paid the following Wednesday. DEADLINE 2 P.M. MONDAY IN BRUSSELS. 4 P.M. MONDAY IN BLYTH. HELP WANTED □ HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TENDERS T TENDERS * ^SUDDENLY ITS SOLD^ I BAILEY n REAL ESTATE LTD. Mason Bailey 482-9371 BROKER (24 Hour Service) 100 ACRES: no buildings, 50 acres bush on paved road. BLYTH: new 1 floor bunga­ low, with finished basement with fireplace, attractive price. VANASTRA: 40 Victoria St., 1 floor full basement, very nicely kept. COMMERCIAL PROPER­ TY: Hamilton St., Blyth, ideal for offices, hairdress­ ing, or service business, reasonable price. COMMERCIAL BUILDING: Albert St., Clinton, 1400 sq. ft. plus 2 bedroom apartment above, vendor will finance. 50 ACRES: Near Auburn with good home, drive shed. Barns for cattle, sheep or horses. LOTS FOR SALE: Londes- boro. Your choice or take them all. RESTAURANT: Licensed for 60, apartment above, central location in busy town. 70 ACRES: 9th Concession, Hullett, 58 workable, 12 acres hardwood bush, no buildings. RESTAURANT AND GAS STATION on busy corner, showing good return, resi­ dence on same property. LONDESBORO: Large com­ mercial building on Hwy. 4, large lot, ideal for retail or service business. HULLETT TOWNSHIP: far­ rowing operation with good home on 4 acres. Reduced to sell. BLYTH' 3 acres, subdivided property with good home and barn. BLYTH: new home under construction 1400 square feet plus attached garage. WE NEED LISTINGS ON HOMES AND SMALL ACREAGES. © HURON COUNTY HOUSING Authority S.F.T. [H.C.] 91-05 For landscape and site maintenance at Huron County Housing Projects listed on Appendix ‘C’ of this tender. Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, March 6, 1991 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 44 East St., Goderich, Ontario N7A 1N3. [519] 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECES­ SARILY ACCEPTED. TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWAN0SH GRAVEL TENDERS Sealed tenders properly marked will be received by the undersigned until 12:00 noon, Tuesday March 5, 1991. HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY P.T. [H.C.] 91-03 For the removal of existing Kitchen Cupboards and related plumbing disconnections and reconnections and the Installa­ tion of New Kitchen Cupboards and Counter Tops as specified at Exeter 0H1 Bid Security P.T. [H.C.] 91-03 $2,000.00 Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, February 27, 1991 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 44 East St., Goderich, Ontario N7A 1N3. [519] 524-2637 from whom de­ tails and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TEN­ DER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT 'r. k OPEN HOUSE $ March 12, 1991 < (5:00 p.m. • 7:00 p.m.) 12th & 7th Aves., Vanastra The Board of Directors of VANASTRA LIONS CLUB APARTMENTS INC. (a Ministry of Housing Non-Profit Housing Development) invite you to attend an ’open house" to view their bachelor, 1- 2- and 3-bedroom apart­ ment accommodation located at 12th and 7th Avenues in Vanastra, Ontario. These lovely units will be ready for occupancy April 1991. Rents $300- $475 including utilities. NOTE: Rental assistance available for qualified applicants. Application forms may be obtained at the open house or may be requested immediately from McCormick & Zock Inc., 252 Pall Mall St., Suite 300, London, Ontario N6A 5P6 (519) 432-3222. 1. Crush, load and haul 19,000 metric tonnes of 5/8 inch Granular “A” road gravel to township roads. Option: Contractor to supply, crush, load and haul 19,000 metric tonnes of 5/8 inch granual “A” road gravel to township roads. Contractor to supply and set up weigh scales. Tenders to be submitted on township forms obtained at the Municipal Office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All tenders subject to the approval of M.T.0. Ralph Campbell, CRS Road Superintendent Township of East Wawanosh Belgrave, Ontario NOG 1E0 [519] 357-2880 TOWNSHIP OF McKIllOP TENDERS FOR 5/8” “A” GRAVEL Sealed Tenders, plainly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 P.M. TUESDAY, MARCH 5,1991 For supplying, crushing, hauling & spreading approx- mately 25,000 imperial tons gravel on the north end of township roads. Contractor to supply and set up weigh scales. A certified cheque in the amount of 10% of the con­ tract price, payable to the Clerk-Treasurer, Township of McKillop must accompany each tender. All tenders must be submitted on tender forms which are available at the Township Office of the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted and must be approved by the Ministry of Transportation, Ontario. WAYNE DOLMAGE Road Superintendent R R # 1 SEAFORTH, Ontario N0K 1W0 519 527-1916 PHOENIX OF HURON A new Huron County second-stage housing project for assaulted women and their children is opening in three locations in Huron County (Goderich, Exeter and Clinton). WE’RE COMMITTED TO: ‘providing affordable housing, support and counselling to women ending vio­ lence in their lives ‘providing services in a non-judgmental manner, respecting choices and differ­ ences amongst women ALL POSITIONS REQUIRE: ‘an ability to work within a woman-centred agency which bases its services on a feminist analysis of violence ‘knowledge and familiarity with rural issues WE NEED: COUNSELLOR/ADVOCATE: To provide individual and group counselling for women residing at all of the sites of Phoenix of Huron. To provide liaison with other professionals and agencies in the community, social service, medical and justice systems. -must have social sciences bachelor degree and appropriate combination of training and experience in counselling and advocacy (related experience in vic­ tim services considered equivalent) -requires knowledge of local community services -requires knowledge of the issue of violence against women and children -valid driver's licence CHILDREN’S ADVOCATE: To provide counselling for children victims/witnesses of wife assault. To advocate for a child’s personal safety and growth. To help children identify and express feelings surrounding the violence and separation. To promote positive mother/child relationships. -must have post secondary degree/diploma in social sciences with appropriate combination of training and experience focussed on counselling children -requires knowledge of local community services -requires knowledge of the issue of violence against women and children -valid driver's licence (3) SITE SUPPORT WORKERS: One required for each of the sites. To provide child-care, practical life skills and site maintenance work. To support women in basic home management, i.e., bud­ get, nutrition, and child management. -requires a mature, flexible individual with good organizational skills -requires experience with caring for children, and good problem-solving and interpersonal skills PLEASE SUBMIT APPLICATION TO: JULIE LEE PRESIDENT, PHOENIX OF HURON , . c/o P.O. BOX 334 GODERICH, ONTARIO N7A4C6 CLOSING DATE: March 8,1991 Heritage 527 0245 WALTON WANTED WANTED CHILD CARE WANTED. LOOK- ing for mature, responsible person to babysit 9 month old in my home or yours, weekdays. Phone 523- 4479. 07-1 WANTED TO BUY: ARGYLE 887-6365 Sports Cards, 350 Clarke Rd., London, 659-3080. Open 7 days, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Always buying hockey and baseball cards. Must be in good condition. Small or large collections. Phone collect for ap­ praisal. 07-4 CHRISTMAS (^COUNTRY Flowers & Gifts 120QueenSt. Blyth 523-4820 CALL CITIZEN CLASSI Fl ED AT 523-4792 OR 887-9114 24 HOURS A DAY