HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-02-20, Page 17THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1991. PAGE 17. Classified________ FAST___________ DEPENDABLE HIGHLY VISIBLE RATES 20 words or less only $3.00. Additional words 12c each. Extra billing charge 50c will be added if not paid the following Wednesday. DEADLINE 2 P.M. MONDAY IN BRUSSELS. 4 P.M. MONDAY IN BLYTH. COMING EVENTS LIVESTOCK A ACCOMMODATION TO RENT BIRTHS COMING EVENTS 3 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR RENT on paved highway, $450 per month. Call 887-6425. 06-4 BLYTH - GROUND FLOOR apartment, central location, two bedrooms, available March 1. Re­ ferences required. Phone 482-9371. 04-5 TWO BEDROOM UPSTAIRS apartment in Blyth. Includes fridge and stove. Available immediately. Call 523-4531 after 6 p.m. 07-2p PRIOR. Tim and Donna are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their second son on February 17, 1991. His name is Taylor Samuel and weighed in at 8 lbs. 11 oz. Nathan is eagerly awaiting fun times ahead with new brother. Proud grand­ parents are Jim and Isabell Prior, Wayne and Hope Lowe from Brus­ sels, and Wilma and Clarence Munro of Perth. FREE ART SHOW FEATURING local artists, Wingham Library. Everyone welcome. Show runs Feb. 13-28, regular library hours. 05-3 DANCE AT AUBURN HALL Saturday, February 23 8:00 p.m. -1:00 a.m. MUSIC BY D. J. Sponsored by Londesboro Men’s Slow Pitch League Tickets $2.00 at the door Lunch provided Proceeds to Hullett Ball Park SAANEN BUCK. 9 MONTHS OLD. Phone 523-4284. 06-2p NOTICES ARTICLES FOR SALE LARGE QUANTITY OF SQUARE and round bales, first and second cut hay. Phone 523-9837. 07-2 RITCHIE. Kevin, Deb and Jimmy are pleased to announce the arrival of Trevor Kevin on February 1. Spoiling privileges go to Jim Harri­ son of Goderich, Marlene Harrison of Goderich and Merv and Mae Ritchie of Blyth. Great-grand­ parents are Peter and Phyllis Harrison, Art and Mary Thomson and Phil Dawson. RESCHEDULED - AUBURN & District Lions Club Valentine Dance, Auburn Community Hall, Friday, February 22. Dancing 9 to 1 a.m. Music by the Country Com­ panions. Tickets $7.00/person. All proceeds to community better­ ment. Sorry, no minors please. 07-lb □HELP WANTED COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS BROPHY JACKET CENTRE IN Wingham. Final chance clearance price before stock is put away. Boys’ jackets $8.00, Men’s and Ladies’ $10, insulated coveralls $30, Air Canada parkas $40, Corduroy jackets $40, Snow pants Adults’ $40, Adult 2 pc. snowsuits $95, final chance at extra low prices before stock is put away. Sale over March 2. 07-2 CARD OF THANKS ROGER GEORGE WILL SPEAK at East Wawanosh Federation of Agriculture annual meeting on March 7. Tickets $10 from directors or call 523-9528. 07-lp ANNUAL HOT LUNCHEON, Brussels United Church, February 28, 11:30 to 1 p.m. Everyone welcome. $5/person. 07-2p GREEN METAL DOUBLE PEDE- stai desk with typewriter shelf, in excellent condition. Phone 523-4215 after 6:00. 07-1 1ST BLYTH - LONDESBORO VENTURER COMPANY would like to extend our thanks to all the parents and people who helped to make our Duck Dinner a huge success. Because of their donations of time and effort this activity was a learning experience and an oppor­ tunity for us to advertise the new group. 07-1 BLYTH LIONS DABBER BINGO, every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m., Blyth & District Community Centre. $300 Jackpot must go. Over $1,000 in prizes. 43-tfn PIANO, UPRIGHT MASON AND Risch in good condition. Phone 887-9489. 06-2 2 AIRLINE TICKETS FROM Orlando, Florida to Detroit, March 30, reasonable. Phone 527-2389. 06-2 COLD STORAGE IDA RED, Delicious, Macintosh and Spartan apples. Contact Boyd Taylor, 523-9279. 06-3 NEW AND USED SATELLITE systems for lease to own or rent with monthly payments. L. & A. Southwest Satellite, RR 2, Clinton, 524-9595. I2-tfn McTAGGART-BYERMAN. We would like to thank all our family, friends and neighbours for visits, cards, phone calls, flowers, dona­ tions and food sent to our homes. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. - Ross McTaggart and family and the Byerman family 07-lp THE BRAMPTON FALCONS Hockey Club would like to sincerely thank Mr. and Mrs. Brian Huether of Brussels for their generous hospitality during their stay while participating in the Goderich Old- timers Hockey Tournament. - Thanks again, The Brampton Fal­ cons. 07-1 BRUSSELS LIONS T.V. BINGO, every Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Cable 17. *4 regular games $25.00 *Share the Wealth. *Jackpot $750. 03-tfn LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT Lions Club Dabber Bingo every Sunday, Lucknow Community Cen­ tre, 7:15 p.m. Doors open 6:15 p.m. Air conditioned. Wheel chair acces­ sible. Potential prize board over $3,000. $1,000 jackpot on 54 calls or less. $500 must go. 14-tfn is accepting applications for the position of Chief Building Offi­ cial. Applicant must have a good knowledge of the building code. Applications should be submitt­ ed to the Clerk’s Office by March 1,1991, 5 o’clock and be clearly marked “Chief Building Official”. Donna M. White Clerk-Treasurer. n IN MEM0RIAM ELSTON. In loving memory of Barbara Grace Elston, a wife and mom who passed away February 25, 1989. Even though you’re gone, you still live within our hearts. We love you. - Keith, Emily and Leanne. 07-1 THE AGGREGATE RESOURCES ACT NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A LICENCE Huron County Highways, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M2 hereby give notice that application has been made for a Class A licence to excavate aggregate from a 16.9 hectare pit site located in Lot 30, Cone. 4, East Wawanosh Township, Huron County. Application is for a new pit/quarry. The estimated amount of aggregate to be excavated annually is 100,000 tonnes. A detailed site plan for the proposed pit may be examined in the local municpal, county/regional office or at the district office of the Ministry of Natural Resources. Any person may send, in writ­ ing, objections with reasons and, if desired, request an Ontario Municipal Board hear­ ing on this application to the Ministry of Natural Resources local district office at the follow­ ing address: R.R. #5, WINGHAM, Ontario. NOG 2W0 The last day on which objections and any request for a hearing may be filed with the Ministry is the 12th day of April, 1991. All information in respect of this application including any writ­ ten objections is available for public review. THE NEW HURON COUNTY Historical Notes magazine is now available at The Citizen office. Only $2.50. tfn BAILEY. Danaka Jacquelynne was born on January 24, 1991 at K-W Hospital weighing 8 lbs. 1 */2 oz. Proud parents are Dan Bailey and Lynne Bannerman (nee Bowie), half sister for Darlene and Angela Bailey and Derek and Dustin Bannerman. Grandparents are Mason and Hazel Bailey and Margo and David Bowie. Great- grandparents are Iola Bailey and Ellis Thomas. THOMAS. A sincere thank you to all my friends and relatives for the lovely cards, gifts, visits and phone calls which I received in honour of my 85th birthday. You were all a part in making my day the joyous occasion that it was. A special thanks to my family who planned and arranged the open house when 1 was privileged to meet so many relatives, old friends and neigh­ bours. 1 will always remember this delightful day. Again 1 say, thank you. - Verna Thomas. 07-1 Anyone interested in making MOP DOLLS CALL 887-9842 Ask for Deborah • Cost will be $20 including supplies •Completed project takes only one evening MARKS. In loving memory of our dear daughter who passed away February 12, 1982. Wonderful memories woven in gold, These are the memories we tenderly hold. Deep in our hearts your memory is kept, To love, to cherish and never forget. - Lovingly remembered and sadly missed bv Mom, Dad and boys. 07-1 PERSONAL CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTRE Are you pregnant?. Need Help? Call our 24 Hour Hotline collect 323-3751 or drop in at 178 Main St. S., Mount Forest for free pregnancy testing, counselling and support, childbirth coaches, cloth­ ing. 49-eow COLLINS. Rev. James and Lor­ raine Carne and Ab and Joyce Collins thank God for the arrival of their granddaughter, Victoria Joy, born February 1, weighing 10 lbs. 8 oz., 23” long. Warren and Joy Collins, York, Ont. are the happy parents. WORK. Words cannot express adequately, how much I appreciat­ ed all the beautiful cards, flowers, letters, telephone calls, visits in the hospital and since coming home, all the good treats and delicious food. Special Thank Yous to Rev. Carolyn McAvoy for her visit and prayers, my doctors and nurses at Univer­ sity hospital. Thank you. - Margar­ et Work. 07-1 TO THE KIND MAN FROM Cranbrook for stopping to help me with the van problems, I truly appreciated your assistance. A sincere thanks.-P.K. 07-1 Blyth Rutabaga Festival GO - AHEAD MEETING MON. MARCH 4/91 7:00P.M. Blyth Council Chambers Everyone Welcome SEERS. In loving memory of a dear father, grandfather, and great­ grandfather who passed away one year ago, February 20, 1990. When thoughts go back as they often do, We treasure the memories we have of you, Gone are the days we used to share, But in our hearts you are always there. Life goes on we know that’s true, But it’s not the same since we lost you. - Always loved and never forgotten by Bill, Maxine and family. 07-1 LIVESTOCK SERVICES INCOME TAXES PREPARED: farm, business, personal. Stephen Thompson, Blyth, 523-4916 (even­ ings). 05-10 CUSTOM WELDING: pigs/cattle penning, aluminum, ornamental railing, trailers, custom hitches, machinery repairs and fabricating. Call Peter de Jong, 523-4816. tfn HANK’S SMALL ENGINE SALES and Service, Highway 4, Londes­ boro. Complete service for small engines. Dealer for Canadiana, Bolens, Weed Eater, Poulan and Badger Farm Equipment. Call 523-9202. tfn WE BUY AND SELL LIVESTOCK dairy, beef and horses, crippled and poor-doing cows PAY IMMEDIATELY LICENSED DEALER CLARENCE POORTINGA 526-7509 W han th < get ttragh... yiv can taka a bite out of inflation In the Claaalfleda CALL CITIZEN CLASSIFIED AT 523-4792 OR 887-9114 24 HOURS A DAY