HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-02-20, Page 16PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1991. From the Minister’s Study ‘What is the secret of joy and peace?’ minister asks BY DON VA1R The beloved apostle Paul said in Romans 15:13 “May the God of hope fill you with great joy and peace as you trust in him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” What a wonderful reality for the Christian while living in a world that is characterized by anything but joy and peace, though it seeks these qualities with desperation. It is sad to see so many hearts filled with a sense of aimlessness, hopelessness, emptiness and des­ pair. Obviously material wealth does not satisfy the human heart at its deepest level. One internationally famous sin­ ger talked about the struggle just to get through the night. A woman of the royal circle said that life was like a bombshell. A famous psychiatrist said that about one third of his cases are not suffering from clinically definable neuroses but from the senseless­ ness and emptiness in their lives. I heard the director of a well-known institute of psychiatry say that life for the young has a certain empti­ ness that leads to death by suicide. In a special report that focused in on the terrible plight of street kids in a major city, one worker said “They have nothing to celebrate.” Because of the restlessness of heart and mind people cannot sleep. It is said that Americans are the champion insomniacs, consum­ ing billions of pills a year. I’m sure we in Canada are a close second. A famous man of another gener­ ation said “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation” - how true of our times as well. In the midst of all this human heart chaos stands one who said (John 10:10) “1 am come that ye might have life and that ye might have it more abundantly.” The tragedy is that Jesus’ words of John 5:40 “Ye will not come to me that ye might have life” are as true today as when He uttered them almost 2,000 years ago. What is the secret of this joy and peace - this abundant life. There is a great chasm between God and man. The cross of Christ is the only bridge across that great gulf. For those who come to God by way of the cross having their sins washed away in the blood of Christ there is peace with God i.e. 1 am no longer God’s enemy, I have been recon­ ciled to him. When this takes place then 1 can know the peace of God in my heart because I have trusted Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Jesus said John 14:27 “Peace 1 leave with you; my peace 1 give you. I do not give you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” Friend do you know this special peace and joy based on the forgiveness of sins? Only Christ can give it to you and He longs to do so if you will simply acknow­ ledge to Him that you are a sinner and swing wide the door of your heart to bid him enter in. “May the God of hope fill you with great joy and peace as you trust in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13. Sing-song begins United service Blyth United Church service on Sunday, February 17 opened with a lively sing-song of old favourite hymns led by Shirley Rutledge. Rev. Ramirez opened the service with the Call to Worship followed by the hymn “O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing”. The responsive reading was Psalm 120. The scrip­ ture reading was Romans 5: 12-21. The hymn “What A Friend We Have In Jesus” was sung. The choir rendered a beautiful anthem, “Jesus Touched Me”. Flowers in the church were in memory of Mrs. Ruth Shobbrook. A warm welcome was given to Leslie and Shirley Rutledge to our congregation on transfer from Eden United Church, Mississauga. Explorers meet February 21 at 4:30. The Sunday School skating party will be on February 24. Rev. Ramirez took his sermon from Romans 5: 12-21, “Death through Adam, Life through Christ”. The service closed with the hymn “Sing Them Over Again To Me” followed by benediction and choral response. Voice for Life plans banquet The Wingham board for Voice for Life has been very busy recently. On Saturday, February 2 the Regional meeting was held in the new facilities at Sacred Heart Church, Wingham. The groups from Port Elgin, Kincardine, Goderich, Walkerton, Hanover and Wingham were represented. A lively discussion about the demise of Bill C-43 took place. On Monday evening the Wing­ ham board held their monthly meeting in Wingham. Hinke Bake- laar opened the meeting with a reading from Psalm 33. The group watched a video titled, “Dr. Neder- hood: About Abortion, Making Our Country Safe”. This was an infor­ mative video about Operation Res­ cue and their purpose for exis­ tence. Sally Campeau, the educational chairperson, informed the group that three pamphlets, “Help I’m Pregnant”, “Dealing with PAS”, and “Hang onto your H-H- Hormones” have been ordered and will be available soon. These pamphlets are to be sent to interested parties. Mrs. Campeau put forth some ideas for future, positive action for the protection of human life. Members were encour­ aged to form groups to continue writing letters to Members of Parliament as well as one church service a month to be offered on behalf of the unborn. The annual banquet was discuss­ ed and plans for it are under way. Membership fees are now due for the year 1991. The next meeting will be March 4 in Wingham. Pro-Life group meets in Wingham A meeting of Region 2 of the Southwestern Ontario Pro-Life Association was held in Wingham on Saturday, Feb. 3, hosted by the local pro-life group. Voice for Life. Region 2 is one of four regions of southwestern Ontario, and consists of the pro-life groups in Huron, Bruce and Grey Counties as well as Listowel Right to Life. Twenty people representing six pro-life groups were present at this very interesting and productive meet­ ing. The meeting was chaired by Reggie Weidinger, a Board mem­ ber of the national co-ordinating pro-life body, Alliance for Life, Winnipeg. Also present was Jakki Jeffs, Executive Director, Alliance for Life (Ontario). On the agenda were such timely topics as the defeat of Bill C-43, N.D.P. government policies re abortion, euthanasia including Liv­ ing Wills, and Canadian Physicians for Life policies. Members discussed at length the defeat of Bill C-43 by the Senate. Now, with no law re abortion, unborn babies have absolutely no protection under the law leaving the womb the most dangerous place on earth to live. However, Bill C-43 offered very little protection and virtually amounted to abortion on demand. Pro-lifers will continue to work for full protection of the unborn, the same protection enjoy­ ed by the rest of Canada’s citizens. It was agreed to work together to increase T.V. ads and programs to promote the protection of pre-born human life. In accordance with this idea, plans were begun to sponsor the program “Feel the Heartbeat” on CKNX T.V. during the coming year. “Feel the Heartbeat” has appeared across Canada several times over the recent past with great success. Sunshine Unit holds Valentine meeting The Sunshine Unit of the Blyth United Church Women met in the church parlor for their February meeting. The meeting was centered on “Love”. The Valentine theme was used. The table was decorated with a red cloth, Valentines and flowers. Dorothy Daer and Bernice Mc- Clinchey were in charge of the devotions. Dorothy read a poem "A little thought for the day”. The hymn “I love to tell the story" was sung with Elva Gross at the piano. Bernice read the scripture from Matthew 5, verses 3-12. Dorothy read a very fitting story entitled “A heart filled with gladness” ending with a poem, “Bits of Gladness”. Bernice received the offering and Dorothy lead in prayer. Bernice read a poem, “Daily Valentine”. Shirley Rutledge gave the study. She chose as her subject, “A prologue to the begging of Easter”. She asked the question “Who were the first people to introduce us to God?” She told of the first prayers she learned in her home. She said, each year the trick to Easter is new. We have always had the starving and lonely, this year, the war. We need to draw our strength from God. She quoted how God called Moses to free his people out of bondage and Moses answered. “Who Me?” He did not feel adequate for the job. but who we are is good enough for God and as He said, “I will be with you”. Shirley closed with a praver. Bea Chambers president, took over for the business portion. She asked everyone to give their neigh­ bour a hug, then followed with a reading “Why God made hugs”. Everyone repeated the U.C.W. purpose. Feme McDowell secre­ tary, read the minutes and 18 members answered the roll call. Marjorie East gave the treasur­ er’s report and said the travelling aprons were on their way. Lenora Davidson gave the correspondence. Gene Snell was in charge of the birthday money. Some business was discussed. Bea closed the meeting by repeating the U.C.W. benediction and the singing of grace. Mariorie East, Feme Mc­ Dowell and Bea Chambers treated everyone to a lovely lunch in keeping with the Valentine theme. ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA REV. DAVID FULLER, B. A., M. DIV. February 24 Lent 02 MORNING PRAYER Blyth 9:30a.m. Brussels 11:15a.m. BRUSSELS MENNONITE FELLOWSHIP 9:30 a.m. - Worship Service 10:30 a.m. - Christian Education Hour for all ages Pastor: Gordon Bauman Elder: Sharon Freeman 887-6564 Each person truly welcome. 1 BLYTHCHRISTIAN ZjA REFORMEDCHURCH HIGHWAY4, BLYTH DR. W. H. LAMMERS Sunday at 10a.m. and 2:30p.m. Sunday School 11:00a.m. The Church of the “ Back to God Hour” and “ Faith 20” Back to God Hour 10:30a.m. CKNX Sunday Faith20 5:00a.m. Weekdays,GlobalT.V. ALL VISITORS WELCOME HURON CHAPEL MISSIONARY CHURCH AUBURN 526-7515 10:00 a.m. - Family Bible Hour 11:00 a.m. - Rev. Lloyd Fretz, District Supt. speaking 8:00 p.m. - Evening Service Wednesday - Prayer & Bible Study Friday, 7:30 - Youth Melville Presbyterian Church BRUSSELS Rev. Carolyn McAvoy 11:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. - Morning Service - Sunday School - Belgrave Service We welcome you to come and worship with us! BRUSSELS UNITED CHURCH Rev. Cameron McMillan Church Office 887-6259 Manse 887-9313 11:00 a.m. Sunday, February 24 Morning Worship Service Sacrament of Baptism “Abraham and Sarah’s Covenant” Nursery Church School Spring Curriculum “God’s Covenant With Us” 9:30 a.m. Ethel Worship Service God is the true liqht that shows us the best pathway.