HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-02-06, Page 17THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1991. PAGE 17. Classified RATES 20 words or less only $3.00. Additional words 12c each. Extra billing charge 50c will be added if not paid the following Wednesday. DEADLINE 2 P.M. MONDAY IN BRUSSELS. 4 P.M. MONDAY IN BLYTH. FAST DEPENDABLE HIGHLY VISIBLE OHELP WANTED Din MEM0RIAM ACCOMMODATION TO RENT BIRTHS COMING EVENTS 2 OR 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT, electric heat and deck. Call 887- 9083. 05-2p 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW IN Brussels, immediate possession, $550 per month. Call John Boyer, 1-884-4000. 01-tfn LARGE TWO BEDROOM APART- ment, newly renovated. Main St., Brussels, $350.00 plus utilities. Call 743-7903 Kitchener. Leave message. 01-tfn BROMMER. Dave and Debbie are pleased to announce the birth of their second child, Nicole Victoria on January 9, 1991 at Victoria Hospital, a little sister for Jessica. Fourth grandchild for Gerald and Anna Vander Heyden, RR 3, Blyth and fifth grandchild for Peter and Sylvia Brommer of Clinton. PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING the 1991 Blyth Rutabaga Festival, tonight (Wed., Feb. 6), 7:30 p.m.. Art Gallery at Blyth Memorial Hall. This open meeting is to hopefully establish a direction for the Ruta­ baga Festival. Everyone welcome. 05-lb CARD OF THANKS THREE BEDROOM HOUSE FOR rent in Brussels, $400 plus utilities. Call 743-7903 Kitchener. Leave message. 01-tfn BLYTH - GROUND FLOOR apartment, central location, two bedrooms, available March 1. Re­ ferences required. Phone 482-9371. 04-5 ARTICLES FOR SALE BRYANS. A sincere thank you for all the cards, the visits, the treats and the good wishes which I received during my stay in Univer­ sity Hospital. They were all very much appreciated. - Jack Bryans. 05-lp CAMPBELL. I wish to thank every­ one who remembered me with cards, inquiries, gifts and treats while I was in Clinton Hospital and since I have been home. 1 am very grateful for the kindness that has been shown to me by each of you. - Adeline Campbell. 05-lp FREE ART SHOW FEATURING local artists, Wingham library. Preview February 12, 7-9. Every­ one welcome. Show runs Feb. 13-28, regular library hours. 05-3 SOMEONE TO SPEND ABOUT two days every other month de­ livering Townsman magazines to newsstands and setting up new dealers in Huron, Perth, Bruce area. Must be able to drive. Pleasant, outgoing personality an asset. Apply to Keith Roulston, The Citizen. P.O. Box 152, Brus­ sels or P.O. Box 429, Blyth. 05-tfn TURNBERRY UPHOLSTERY, Brussels - sofas and chairs, re­ covered like new! Free estimates, pickup and delivery. Workmanship guaranteed. Call 887-6073. 05-2 SWIVEL OFFICE CHAIR - $40, light steel work benches and coun­ ters $65, filing cabinet - $75, 10” Craftsman table saw - $350, 1 yr. old Kenmore vacuum - $199, office desk and chair $100. 523-4455. 05-1 JOHNSTON. I would like to say thanks to my relatives, friends and neighbours for the flowers, cards and visits while a patient in Wingham Hospital and since com­ ing home. Special thanks to the doctors, nurses and staff on the second floor and also to Rev. P. Tucker for his visits. - Sincerely, Bert Johnston. 05-1 1,000 GALLON “LELY” VACUUM liquid manure tank; One - II Brussels “Marten” Feed cart, 280 feed 16 ins. Patz stable cleaner chain and 5 h.p. unit, 3 year old Patz Molehill Unit with 10 h.p. motor. Phone 523-9277. 05-2p SMALL VACUUM CLEANER, like new, good suction, disposable bags, $75. Phone 523-9689. 05-1 p BUILT-IN DISHWASHER, NEW- ly overhauled, $150. Call 887-9324. 05-1 p THE WALTON AREA SPORTS Club wishes to thank all those who participated in the poker rally on Sunday, Feb. 3/91. To all those who canvassed, who worked check points, registration, food booth, getting ready the trail, the land­ owners and those who donated chili and hot dogs, our greatest thanks for making the poker rally a great success on such short notice. 05-lb THE FAMILY OF VERNA THO- mas invite her relatives and friends to an Open House honouring her 85th birthday to be held in the common room at Maple Villa Seniors Complex, Brussels on Sun­ day, February 10, 1991 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Your friendship and presence at this special occasion is a cherished gift. We respectfully request no other. 05-lp KIDS & US PRESENTS A MORN- ing social including a informative and humorous video on parenting Thursday, February 7, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Wingham United Church. Everyone welcome. Baby­ sitting provided. 05-1 DESSERT EUCHRE, FEBRUARY 11, 1:30 p.m. in Brussels Rebekah Lodge Room. Everyone welcome. 05-lp OLDTIMERS BROOMBALL Night! Friday, February 8 at 8:30 p.m. in the Blyth Arena. Dancing 9-1. Music by Soundproof. Lunch provided. Admission $5.00. Age of Majority required. Proceeds in support of Blyth Junior Broomball. 05-1 CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OF HURON COUNTY is inviting applications for SOCIAL WORKERS - FAMILY SERVICES This agency requires two full time Social Workers to provide protective and preventive ser­ vices to families and children. The successful applicants will assume complete case manage­ ment responsibility for a protec­ tion caseload including the re­ sponsibility for assessing family and individual functioning and the provision of therapeutic intervention. We are a small rural agency located in Goderich, on the shore of Lake Huron. This agency encourages creativity and innovation and provides opportunities for learning and growth within a supportive en­ vironment. QUALIFICATIONS: Minimum B.S.W. [B.A. with directly related child welfare experience may be considered). Salary and benfits offered will be commensurate with the re­ sponsibilities and qualifications. Reply in writing by February 18, 1991 to: Children’s Aid Society of Huron County 46 Gloucester Terrace Goderich, Ontario. N7A1W7 STEPHENSON. In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Frederick Mac, who passed away February 3, 1985. To a beautiful life came a sudden end. He died as he lived, everyone’s friend, He was always thoughtful, loving and kind. What a wonderful memory he left behind. He left so sudden, his thoughts unknown, But he left a memory we are proud to own. Treasure him God in your garden of rest, For in this world he was one of the best. - So very much missed and always lovingly remembered by your wife, Sarah, son Fred, daughter-in-law Sharon and grandchildren Char­ lene, Corrinna and Chantelle. 05-1 STEWART. In loving memory of my Dad, Jack Stewart. Dad, memories never change at ail, Except to grow more dear. They’re brought to mind each day, And forever in my heart. Dad you’re remembered always - Love Ann and family. 05-1 STEWART. In memory of Jack Stewart, husband, father and grandfather who passed away February 6, 1987. Today is remembered and quietly kept, No words are needed, we’ll never forget, Deep in our hearts you will always stay, Loved and remembered every day. - Forever in our hearts - Ruth and family. 05-1 USED WATER SOFTENER $350, $400 installed. Phone 367-2516. 04-3 THE NEW HURON COUNTY Historical Notes magazine is now available at The Citizen office. Only $2.50. tfn WHITFIELD. I would like to thank my family, relatives, friends and neighbours for their cards, visits, flowers, phone calls and concerns while I was a patient in Clinton Hospital and since returning home. A special thank you to Dr. Sals­ bury, Dr. Watts, Dr. Street and the first floor nurses. - Sandra Whitfield. 05-lp COMING EVENTS ALL YOU CAN EAT PANCAKE Supper, Tuesday, February 12, Blyth Memorial Hall, 5 to 7 p.m. Adults $5.00, children $3.00, pre­ schoolers free. (GST included). Includes sausages, salads, des­ serts. Sponsored by Trinity Angli­ can Church. For home delivery phone 523-9223. 05-lb BRUSSELS LIONS T.V. BINGO, every Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Cable 17. *4 regular games $25.00 *Share the Wealth. *Jackpot $750. 03-tfn HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATION OF ONTARIO Improving your odds against y Canada's #1 killer Quit-smoking quick tips V Don’t offer cigarettes to other people and don’t accept cigarettes, just say “no thanks." Get rid of all ashtrays. Use a pop bottle and don’t empty it. Your local Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario chapter has details on quitting. FORTRESS FEEDERS - QUALITY hog feeders guaranteed to handle any type of feed. Ask for a free trial. Also available concrete feed­ ers and penning, Can-Can feeders and equipment. Feb. - Mar. spe­ cial: hog scales list $485, now $415. Call Fortress at 523-4555. 04-3 A CEILIDH, PRESENTED BY Blyth Festival Singers and Friends on Saturday. February 9, 8 p.m. Goderich Township Hall, Holmes­ ville. Scottish songs and dances followed by buffet. Tickets $12.00 advance, $14.00 at the door. Ad­ vance tickets available from choir members or 523-9300. 04-2 BRUSSELS AGRICULTURAL Society Annual Meeting, Feb. 6, 1991 at 8 p.m. at B. M. & G. Community Centre. Featuring a History in Review to help celebrate our 130th year. 4H and Junior awards presentations. Lunch serv­ ed. 02-4 n.N MEMORIAM TWO SNOWMOBILES - 1977 AND 1978 Elans as one package, good running order. Best offer. Call 887-6377. 04-2 BLYTH POKER RALLY - SATUR- day, February 9. Registration 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Blvth Club House. 04-2 LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT Lions Club Dabber Bingo every Sunday, Lucknow Community Cen­ tre, 7:15 p.m. Doors open 6:15 p.m. Air conditioned. Wheel chair acces­ sible. Potential prize board over $3,000. $1,000 jackpot on 54 calls or less. $500 must go. 14-tfn NEW AND USED SATELLITE systems for lease to own or rent with monthly payments. L. & A. Southwest SatellAe, RR 2. Clinton. 524-9595. 12-tfn BLYTH LIONS DABBER BINGO, every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m., Blyth & District Community Centre. $300 Jackpot must go. Over $1,000 in prizes. 43-tfn IMAGINES New Year's Resolution 1103 I'm going to hug my kids more often - and help them learn what it means to embrace community causes, too MARKS. In loving memory of a dear granddaughter Charlene who passed away nine years ago February 12, 1982. Dear is the grave, where our darling is laid, Sweet is the memory that never will fade, Her little soul, so pure and sweet, Will blossom at the Saviour’s feet. No one heard the footsteps Of the angels drawing near, Who took from us to Heaven The one we loved so dear. No hand so soft and gentle No heart so tender, true No sorrow life could bring us To equal losing you. Far and oft our thoughts do wander To a grave not far away. Where they laid our darling baby Just nine years ago today. - Sadlv missed by Grandpa and Grandma. 05-lp CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTRE Are you pregnant? Need Help? Call our 24 Hour Hotline collect 323-3751 or drop in at 178 Main St. S., Mount Forest for free pregnan­ cy testing, counselling and sup­ port, childbirth coaches, clothing. 49-eow PETS CALL CITIZEN CLASSIFIED AT 523-4792 OR 887-9114 24 HOURS A DAY