HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-01-30, Page 2Change of command Brussels Cadets had a Change of Command on January 22 at the Legion. Replacing Commanding Officer Stuart Parker, seated right, is Commanding Officer John Grobbo, centre. Witnessing the official signing are Lt. Col. J. H. Abbott, left and Capt. Hugh Gillis, standing, both of whom have Canadian Forces decorations. Woman gets suspended sentence Legion makes donations A former area woman now living in Toronto was given a suspended sentence in Ontario Court, Crimi­ nal Division, in Wingham January 23 for her part in a break, enter and theft from the food booth at the Brussels ball park last summer. Cora Lyn Kuepfer, 18, admitted taking part in the break-in at the food booth July 17, last year. Taken were cigarettes, candy and chicken burgers. Police later interviewed Ms. Kuepfer and she admitted having taken part and turned over $40 worth of candy and chicken burgers. Defence attorney Tom Troyan told Judge R.G.E. Hunter that Ms. Kuepfer was one of three indivi­ duals involved. The vehicle used was her car, he said but she went along with the two young offenders not Knowing what was going to happen. She acted more as a watchman, he said. But Acting Crown Attorney Liz Maguire interrupted to say that was not her understanding of the facts as presented by police. She understood Ms. Kuepfer had been inside the building. Mr. Troyan admitted that was the case. However, he said she has since made a dramatic and difficult decision in her personal life and it may point to a different future. She has moved to Toronto and is working in a fast food restaurant. Ms. Maguire pointed out that the accused was on probation at the time of the break-in. Judge Hunter decided to give Ms. Kuepfer a chance to prove that her life really had been straighten­ ed snowmobilers to check for ed out and suspended sentence while at the same time imposing 18 months probation. He also ordered her to pay restitution of $55. BRUSSELS ST. JOHN S ANGLICAN CHURCH PANCAKE SUPPER TUESDAY, FEB. 12 5 PM to 7 PM Adults $6.50 Pre-schooler, free 10 & under, $3.00 pancake, sandwich, relish and pie BY SANDRA JOSLING During the general meeting of the Brussels Legion a motion was passed for the following donations from the Nevada account. $270 was donated to the Brownies and Girl Guides to help pay for bus fare to the Ice Capades. $500 was given to the Seaforth Marching Band for their trip to Phoenix Arizona and $100 to the Windsor Classic Indoor games for the handicapped. On February 20, the Provincial Service Officer Mel Harper will be visiting the Legion. Anyone who has inquiries regarding benefits, disability pensions or the Veterans Independent Program can call the Legion before February 6 for an appointment time. On Tuesday, January 22 the Nona TO DOG OWNERS IN THE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS 1991 Dog tags are now available at the Municipal office. All dogs must be licensed according to By-Law #17-1987 being a by-law to license dogs and prohibit the running at large of dogs. The fee schedule to be paid shall be: a] if the dog is a male or a spayed female a fee of $8.00 b] if the dog is female, a fee of $10.00 c] for a second female a fee of $15.00 d] for a second male or spayed female a fee of $10.00 Proof of rabies vaccination must be shown at time of tag purchase. The owner shall within 10 days of becoming such owner, and thereafter within the first 60 days of each calendar year cause it to be registered, numbered, described and licensed at the office of the Clerk. Failure to license your dog will result in a $25.00 fine. Donna M. White Clerk-Treasurer Village of Brussels cadets had their change of Com­ mand. Replacing Commanding Of­ ficer Stuart Parker is Commanding Officer John Grobbo. CO Grobbo has brought many new ideas to the corps. Some activities planned are winter campouts, and rifle range. Any youth between the ages of 12-18 is welcome to join the corps. Meetings are Tuesday nights at 7 p.m., there is no cost to the cadet, only new challenges. Results from the Monday night mixed darts are as follows: Dave Adams and Bill Nethery, first; Kitty Rutledge and Paul Willie, second. High shooter for the ladies was Deb Cann (140), and the men Alex Henderson and Dave Adams (100). Darts are played every Monday night at 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Brussels People Members of the Wingham O.P.P. detachment were in Brus­ sels Sunday in patrol cars and on snow mobiles to respond to several complaints issued by residents recently regarding snowmobilers. Sgt. King of the Wingham detachment said the officers stopp- Noble Grand resigns Morning Star Rebekah Lodge held its regular meeting on January 22. Despite the cold weather there was a good turnout of members. Leola Hood Vice Grand presided due to the fact that Noble Grand Mary Lowe is ill but now home from hospital. The members were sorryat this meeting to hear a letter of resigna­ tion as Noble Grand from Mary. All hoped her health improves and it won’t be long until she is back at Lodge - her usual, lively, happy self. Janet McCutcheon P.N.G. has agreed to resign her chair as Outside Guardian and assume the responsibilities of Noble Grand for the balance of the year. Rene Richmond has agreed to assume the duties of Outside Guardian for the balance of the year. A donation was made to the Ontario I.O.O.F. eye research pro­ gram. This worthwhile project has been supported by all branches of insurance, snowmobile vehicle per­ mits and drinking. Such visits will be done to monitor the situation, he said. Scouter Larry Proulx and Scout David Proulx presented a sign for the Moncrieff Community Hall to the members of the Moncrieff Community Board on January 22. The entire Brussels Scout Troop helped make the sign. Ainsley and Sue Wilson travelled by train to Kingston last Thursday to spend the weekend with June and Joe Dunn. They saw the main highlights of Kingston and had an enjoyable weekend. our Order for many years. A donation was also made to the St. John’s Ambulance Brigade to aid them in the purchase of an adult manequin for teaching C.P.R. classes. Dessert euchre is February 11-1 p.m. Winnifred Edgar and Janet McCutcheon celebrated their birth­ days. Next lodge meeting is Febru­ ary 12. Euchre winners There were eight tables at the euchre party held in the Lodge rooms January 21. Prizes went to: high lady, Kate Wilson; low lady, Isabel Craig; high man, Bob Richmond; low man, Ralph Pearson; most zeros, Calvin James. There will be another card party in the Lodge rooms in February. VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING A PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT Zone change from “Institutional [11]’’ to “Residential, High density - special provision [R3-1]” TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, February 19, 1991, at 7:00 p.m. at the Brussels Municipal Office to consider a proposed zoning by-law under Section 34 of the Planning Act, 1983: The proposed by-law amendment changes the zoning on Elizabeth Street, Lots 40 and 43, Registered Plan 192 from “Institutional [11]’’ to “Residential - High Density [R3-1]”. The proposed amendment would permit the establishment of a single-storey multiple attached [row house/town house] building containing ten residential units. The subject lands are currently used as a public tennis court and occupy approximately one-half acre. The proposed multiple attached building would be 795 square metres [8,560 square feet] in area. The dimensions of the proposed building are approximately 12 metres [40 feet] by 65 metres [214 feet]. The proposed development would contain ten residential units and fifteen parking spaces. The proposed by-law includes a number of special provisions to recognize deficiencies from a number of the zone provisions for the establishment of a multiple-attached building. These Include deficiencies in lot area, parking location, privacy yard, rear yard setback and the total number of permitted residential units. A complete listing of the provisions to be amended Is available from the municipal office in Brussels. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either In support of or in opposition to the proposed zoning by-law. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed zoning by-law amendment is available for inspection during regular office hours at the Municipal Office [887-6572] or the Huron County Department of Planning and Development [524-2188]. DATED AT THE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS THIS 25th DAY OF January, 1991. Donna White, Clerk-Treasurer VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS Box 119, Brussels, Ontario. NOG 1H0 [519] 887-6572