HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-01-23, Page 11THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1991. PAGE 11. WI donates to Brussels Fair Bd.Walton The Institute served a hot beef meal to approximately 64 people at the hall on Wednesday. The meeting followed after the 10 members had their lunch and dishes cleaned up. Margaret Mcln- voy presided for the business opening with the Institute Ode. Mary Stewart Collect and O Canada. Margaret read a poem on “Some Encouragement.’’ Marjory Community extends sympathy Mrs. Hazel Watkins of Londes- boro visited last week on Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Isabelle Short­ reed. The community expresses sym­ pathy to Maxine Marks and family MPP Klopp announces funding for programs Paul Klopp, MPP for Huron, has announced $156,250 annually to Phoenix Stage 2 Housing of Huron County. The money will be used to provide second stage long-term accommodation and support ser­ vices for women and their children who are victims of family violence in the County of Huron. Second stage housing is accom­ modation for women who have sustained domestic abuse and have decided not to return to their partners. The women and their children then often require safe shelter for a longer term until they are able to locate their own accommodations. Phoenix Stage 2 will offer accom­ Humphries read minutes and cor­ respondence was attended to. Nine members answered roll call: “A current event on Agriculture’’. Tentative dates were given to put on the birthday program at Calen­ dar Nursing Home in February. A donation has been made to the Brussels Fair Board. There was much discussion on the A.C.W.W. project in the area, it was left to get in the passing ot Nelson (Dick) Marks this past week. He had been in business in Walton, where he had lived all his life, was a bus driver for several years. They had moved to their new home in Seaforth two years ago. modation for six to 12 months, as well as counselling, housing refer­ rals, assistance with budgeting and life skills training. “I am very gratified that Mrs. . Akande’s ministry is able to pro­ vide this vital assistance to Phoenix Stage 2,” said Mr. Klopp. “It is unfortunate that in our society there is a need for havens for women and children who have gone through the trauma of family violence. But I’m pleased that these shelters are available in Huron to provide care, understand­ ing and the helping hand the women need to help get their lives back together. “I know that this program will in touch with other local Institutes about having a church service. At the next luncheon in February, turkey will be on the menu. It was decided to have the regular Insti­ tute meeting at 8 p.m. on February 20. Marion Godkin reported on the District meeting she had attended on Monday. Ruth Axtmann chaired the rest of the meeting and called on Viola Kirkby who was convenor on Agriculture, reading a motto: “Be proud of your farm heritage and have faith in the future”. She followed with a poem “Faith and Tulips”. Viola gave a very humor­ ous reading, “In balance with Nature” written by H. Gordon Green. The meeting adjourned. Marjory Humphries served cake and punch. help the women to re-enter society well prepared to manage their lives independently,” he added. BLYTH DECORATING CENTRE LTD 188 QUEEN ST. BLYTH GRBAT RESULTS! CLASSIFIED ADS WORK Compiled by Mrs. Betty McCall. Phone 887-6677 Duffs junior choir sings ‘A Questioning Song’ Sunday morning service at Duff’s United Church was officiat­ ed by Rev. Bonnie Cole Arnal. Glenda Carter was organist. Offering was received by Ray Huether and lan Wilbee. The junior choir sang an anthem “A Questioning Song” accompanied by Marion Godkin at the piano. Next Sunday, January 27 a pot luck lunch will be held after the 11:30 worship, the annual meeting to follow. Sunday, Feb. 3 is Seaforth United Church annual meeting. Sunday, Feb. 10 is Winthrop United Church. Note there will be a change of times to accommodate these meetings for the minister. Regular worship will be reversed 523-4930 Jan. 27, Feb. 3, Feb. 10 with Bluevale having the 9:55 a.m. service and Walton the 11:30 service. The Youth Group Tobogganing will be followed by supper onSun- day, Jan. 27 at 3:30 p.m. The Slave luncheon, sponsored by the senior Sunday School is scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 10. Adults $3.50 and children $1.50. The two baskets of flowers in the church were in loving memory of Nelson Marks from his family. 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