HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-12-26, Page 14Pege 14--Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Member 26, 1979
Federalion wants
Members of the Huron
County Federation of Agri-
culture took their campaign
against foreign ownership of
Ontario's farmland one step
further at their regional
meeting in Belgrave Thurs-
Federation members from
the north of the county
strongly supported a resolu-
tion put . forward by Vince
Austin asking that "the
Ontario Federation of Agri-
culture request the Ontario
government to act quickly to
prevent further purchases by
absefitee foreign interests."
The resolution said absen-
tee interests are purchasing
farmland as an investment
and "Ontario residents can-
not compete with them in
money markets for the capit-
al they require to purchase
Of OFA directors in Toronto,
and a report on their action
will 4e brought back to
Huron County members at
their annual meeting in Brus
sels on October 19.
Before presenting the res-
olution, audience members
had challenged guest speak-
er Floyd Jenkins, the region-
al assessment commissioner
far Huron and Perth ciiun-
ties, to defend statements he
had made earlier . in the
week. Mr. Jenkins had been
quoted as saying he felt the
issue of foreign land owner-
ship in . Huron County has
been exaggerated in
Mr. Jenkins told the audi-
ence any foreign ownership
purchase of land by a non-
resident of the country is
land" and "foreign absenteesubject to a 20 per cent land
ownership of lar parcels of tr-rinsfer tax, and that a
land in any givenea causes survey of land transactions
deterioration of f���our rural showed, reports of absentee
' community." ownership were exaggerat-
The resolution will be for- ed.
warded to the next meeting Adrian, Vos,. one .of the
Lilekti OW s. oldest _
citizen es
Lucknow's oldest resident
(lied Tuesday, October 16 at
the' age of 103.
Annie Cruickshanks Pater-
son MacKenzie died atPine-
crest Manor where she had
been ..a resident since 1974.
Born in Huron. Township,
Bruce County, March 12th,
1876, she was one. of .nine
childrenin: the family of
Agnes and Alex' Paterson. `.
After graduating from
Mountainside Hospital.'
Montclair, New Jersey, and.a
most interesting nursing car-
eer, she married William
MacKenzie...' They took up
.residence in 'Luckn.ew.
' After, the death . of her
husband, in 1941, Mrs. Mac
Kenzie continued to live in
Lucknow. In November of
1947 Mrs. MacKenzie moved
to 'Toronto to live with her
daughter, Katharine. There"
she;took:an active part in her
church.,had many .interests
At their regular meeting,,
November 21, the` Lucknow.
District 'Kinstneno Club fiost-
ed the Lucknow and District
Fire Department. Fifteen of.
the 20 man volunteer force
were in attendance.'
They were treated to a.
meal followedby an interest-
ing film presentation and•talk
. by guests speaker,. Ken. Wil-
kinson, from Kincardine..
Mr. :Wilkinson is the Train-
ing Superintendent for Fire
Safety 'at the Bruce Nuclear
Power Development at Doug-
las Point.
His.film dealt with similar.
disasters as the recent one in
Mississauga. A question and
answer period followed for
the 40 people present. Firth.
Chief George Whitby thank-
ed the Kinsmen for the ap-
preclation night.
Fund raising ideas and up-
coming events ''were `discus-
sed bX the the Kinsmen.
Nominations . were held to
replace Director, Clem Cote,
whose work will . be taking
him to Scotland in January.
and made a wide circle of
friends: ,
Due :to: failing health in
1974 Mrs. MacKenzie be-
' came a resident of Pinecrest
Manby. She and her family.
were very. appreciative of the
loving care and personalat-
tention she received until her
Mrs. MacKenzie was pre-'
deceased by' her husband in
June, 1941, and by three
sons, Alex, Tom, and. Dr.
Win. P. Surviving members
Of the family .are Katharine,
•Thornhill, Frank, Kinloss
Township and Dr. John. K.,
The funeral ` service was
held at the . MacKenzie and..
`McCreath4Fund41,Home Fri-
day, .October 19; 1979,. con-
ducted by Rev. George Lowe
of Knox .Presbyterian
Church; Toronto.
bn behalf of the family,
'Frank MacKenzie sang The
Twenty-Thiyrd. Psalm:, a testi-
mony to his mother's abiding„
faith', .
y.... ,..-"I:A. RJ:`,iir t,gi'/w •�M..v # w,wrupueiF.a _Mat:: Gnu+
reign ownership sopped
federation members who
first raised the issue of
absentee ownership, said all
this. proved. Was "that the
buyers have smart lawyers."
Mr. Vos claimed many"
foreign investors are hiding
. their involvement in Ontario
The pallbearers and flower'
bearers were Sandy: and
Bruce MacKenzie, Bob, Ken
and Tom MacKenzie, Ian
and Rod MacKenzie and
David Eadie., i
Interment was in South
Kinloss Cemetery.
registered companies.
Mr. Jenkins . said, "I
wouldn't disagree complete-
ly ly that there isnoreign
money in the Huron county
farming industry.
Vince Austin told the
audience he had researched
the sale of 1,865 acres of land
in his township. Although
the sale was to -a registered
Ontario company, on further
research he discovered the
company was made up of
four "tenants in common",
,all residents of the Republic
of West Germany.
Companies which are reg-
istered- in;,;Ontario aren't
subject to '"The 20 per cent
land transfer tax paid when
land is sold to a nonresident
of the country.
Mr. Jenkins said if the
company were legally regist-
ered with the Ontario gov-
ernment, then "that's legal
and that's possible."
Russell Whithy
replaces otrump
The 'Village of Lucknow.
hasa. ornplete council again.
At the regular monthly
meeting of council last Tues-
day a new councillor was
sworn in to fill a post, vacated
by William Crump following
his resignation in July.
Russell Whitby agreed to
fill • the ' vacancy and was
sworn in by Clerk -treasurer,
Alf Herbert, prior to the
council meeting.
Whitbyy is no stranger,.to
the counciltable having
served as a councillor from,
1972-74 and will Serve for 13
months until .the next. elec-
During his 13 -month term,
Whitby will serve. as the
council representative on the
arena board and, hydro com-
Crump resigned from
• council in July for business
and personal reasons.. He
and his family are now. living
in Wingham.
Crump was chairman of
the hydro commission, a
member of the arena board
and the village representa-
tive on the Maitland Valley
Conservation Authority: lie
willcontinue to serve with
the. MVC.A until the end of
the year.
Dies in farm accident
A Ripley youth died in a
farm ' . accident on . Friday
morning • when he became
caught in 'the beaters of a
forage wagon.
Charles Carson Dadson;
15,. was unloading a 'forage
wagon on the farm of Doug-
las Stanley of concession 10,
Culross Township, when he
lost his balance and . his
clothing became caught in.
the machinery.
Mr. Stanley discovered the
accident when, hearrived on
the scene about 10,50
he stopped' the tractor' and .'
went to his residence where
his wife: called for an anibu-
lance, • ' the police and Mr:
Adson's father.
A fire of undetermined
cause destroyed the family
room addition to the home of
Ian Montgomery, Kinloss
Township, just north of the
village of Lucknow on• Have-
lock Street;. early Friday
The fire alarm was turned
in at 6.30 ami. acid when
firemen arrived, the fire had
burned through the door into
the main part of the brick
house. Firemen quickly ,
broughtthe flames under•
control and were able to save
the Amain part of the house..
The 16. by 24 foot addition
was _ completely gutted and
there was heavy smoke and
,some water damage to the
house, Damage is estimated
Elsie Jackson of Lucknow
, celebrated her 100th birth-
day on Monday, October 8.
She marked the occasion ata
family dinner held at the
Sutton ark Inn on. Saturday,
October 6.
A lively woman;: who looks
younger than her 'years, she
still likesto ham it .dp''for a
photographer and enjoys be-
ing the centre, of attention,
A resident at Pinecrest
Manor she attends activities
in the cafeteria and visits.
with her family and friends: in
the Manor's lounge.
When the Sentinel marked
-• the 98th birthday, it reported
she had recently slipped and
fallen while doing the High-
land Fling during an activity
period. The nurses claim she
canstill kik as high as her
head. She could still stand on
her head when she was 65.
`°'84-A great skater in her
youth, she competed;in the
races held at the winter car-
nivals in the district. She
would skate backwards and
win the race while the other
at about $1S,000. -• " contestants, skated forward:
Notice to
Property Owners
and Tenants
Pursuant to section 46 of The Assessment
Act, I hereby extend to the 22nd` day . of
January,1980; the day upon which the asses
ment roll for the year 1979 is required to be
returned pursuant to the provisions of the
said act, in all: municipalities in the Counties
of Bruce and Grey.
And notice is hereby given that the final
date for lodging a complaint with the
Assessment Review Court' in respect. Of any
assessment containedinthe assessment rolls.
that are requlred to be returned' on the 22nd
day of January, 1980, is extended to the 12th
day, of February, .1980.
MinistryMINISTEENR . •
Revenue T.M. RUSSELL,
Lret's juin
to keep the
'torch of peace
andfreedom burning
to light
the way to a
New ''hear
filled with
para pony and
John W.
. A.
enderson Lumb�rLtd.
Donald, Jim and Staff