HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-12-12, Page 6522. Lost and found • LOST A black terrier with a white throat and grey around the face and feet: Wearing a collar with Tag #282. and a Rabies tag on it. Anyone knowing her whereabouts please phone 528-3435 or 529-7914. --51i. 25. To give away HOUSE TRAINED • kittens, cute. Phone 395-5006. —50,51x EIGHT GERMAN Shepherd and English Collie . pups; . 8 weeks old; Phone 395-3434. —51. 30. In memoriam 1WEST In loving memory of Richard West, who ,passed away eleven years ago, December 21, 1968. Nothing can ever take away, Thelove a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near.' Ever remembered by his wife, Jean, and family. 31. Cards of thanks MURRAY I•would like to say a sincere thank you to everyone who yjsited me and sent cards and gifts while I was : in Winghain and University Hospitals and since coming home.. Special thanks to the Lucknow Doctors and nurses on• the 2nd floor. Seasons greetings to all: - Wayne Murray —51 FERGUSON I would like tosincerely thank my many good friends for their cards, treats, phone calls and visits,, while I was a patient in Westminister Hos- pital, London. Allan Ferguson —51 ASHFIELD FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE We would like to thank everyone for ' making our annual dance a success again., this year. Special thanks to our sponsors Reavie Farm Equipment, Hackett Farm Equipment, G. & E. Sales and Service, Bruce :Raynard,' Lucknow. District Co-op, and C. A. Becker •Equipment Ltd. -51 LUCKNOW EEOS The Lucknow and, District Leo Club" would like to thank all who helped to make the Santa Claus parade success- ful. We" ap-pi°eciate'your com- munity spirit. —51 ar FEAGAN We wish to express. our sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for their many acts. of kindness, floral tributes, sympathy cards, charitable donations and baking brought to the house, during the loss of a loved. wife, .mother, grand- mother and great grand- mother. Special thanks to the nurses and doctors at Alex- andra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich and Uni- versity Hospital, London. Husband and family of the late Mildred Feagan -51 ' FOWLER We wish to thank neighbours and friends of Dungannon for the beautiful gifts. Their thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Ruby and Charles Fowler I 31. Cards of thanks den BOER We would like to thank the Lucknow firemen for their help the night of the fire and since the fire. Thanks also to the Lucknow and. District Kinsmen and Kinettes and the Lucknow Business Assoc- iation for the benefit•dance in our honour. Thanks .to. the Lucknow Lions • club, the CBer's club and the Lucknow Public School for their gener- ous donations' and everyone who came to . the dance, Thanks to the Doctors and • nurses in, London hospital for their care, while Hank was a patient there. A special thanks to Irene and Bob Markham for providing us with a place to live since the fire. Hank, Alice, Josie and Paul —51 32. Coming events CANDLE LIGHT SERVICE To be held on December 24, 1979 at 8 p.m. in the Luck- now ' Christian Reformed Church. Everyone welcome. Nursery provided. Refresh- ments served.—50,51ar VARIETY CONCERT AND DANCE ' In the B.ervie I O,,O.F. Hall,. Friday, December 28, at 8:15 p.m. Ladies pleasebring lunch. $2.00 each or $5.00 a " family. Music by•the Kountry Kats. .51,52 NEW YEAR'S PARTY A New Year's Party will be held at the ' Legion Hall,'' Monday, December 31st from 10 - 1. Sponsored by Lucknow Legion. Hats, horns, • and smorgasbord lunch. Admission $10.00per couple. Tickets .to be picked up by December 22nd from executiveor bar. --49,50,Slar EXPECTANT PARENT EDUCATION CLASSES The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes, being held in the. Clinic Building,. Wingham commencing Wednesday, January 9, 1980 from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. These classes will ,run for 8 weeks. Would anyone 'whois 'interested. please register by calling 1-800-265-4252 toll free :or. the Health Unit ` office at 357-2264. Both husbands and wives are invited to attend and participate in the discus- sions. 1980 Spring Series will commence the week of March 31, 1980. —50,51,52ar TEEN DANCE At Kinloss. Community Halt; Highway 9, Thursday, Dec- ember 27th, 8:30 - 11:30 p.m. Music by Dave Owens. Spon- sored by Kinloss Township Recreation Committee. Ad- mission $2.00. —51x RIPLEY LIONS BINGO Will be held Wednesday, December 19, 1979 in Huron Township Hall, Ripley at 8:O0p.m. Purple Ball $60.00; Pot of Gold; Regular games, turkeys; 1 special $25.00; 1 special $30.00; 1 share -the - wealth; 4 corner jack pot, $20.00 on 5 calls; 1 jackpot 5475.00 on 54 calls, consola- tion $47.50 door prizes. —Mar POTii TO lt YOU: 32. Coming events SANTA CLAUS VISIT The Lions Santa . Claus visit will be held op Saturday,' Decetfiber 22 at the Ripley Arena, Free skating from 2 to 4 p.m. Santa will be avail- able tosee youngsters. from 3:15 to 4 p.m. Candy will be distributed at 4, through donations by the Lions, Leg- ion and Firemen. —51 Attention Farmers . For sale GOOD ' SELECTION , of Hampshire, Yorkshire, Hamp . x York and York x Landrace boars. Also avail- able gilts of these breeds and crosses. Bob Robinson, Wal- ton, 345-2317. —50,51 DECEMBER SPECIAL With .the purchasse of one tonne of SWIFT mineral re- ceive one boneless F.C. Swift ham at Johnstone's Mobile Feed Service Lncknpw, Qat. 528-3534 LYNN LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD: Amberley PHONE 395-5286 CLAY - Silo Unloaders, Feeders, Cleaners, Stabling, Leg Elevators, Liquid Man- ure Equipment, Hog Equip- ment. BUTLER - Silo. Unloaders. Feeders,Conveyors. FARMATIC - Mills, Auger.. 'etc. ACORN Cleaners, Heated Waterers. WESTEEL-ROSCO Gran:: B & L Hog Panelling. 40tfar 4 LUCKNOW SHIPPER TO. UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPT. TORONTO Ship your livestock with BILL TAYLOR R. R. # 5, LUCKNOW: On Tuesdays Or groups of 5 or more On Thursdays From Lucknow Stockyards CALL 528-3530 Home or 528-3119 Yards Tuesday. or Thursday by 8:30 a.m.. for prompt service ASK BILL FOR REQUIREMENTS. OF REPLACEMENT CATTLE —39tfar Luclmow Scathe!, Wedine rdny, December 19, 1979—Page 33 100 ACRES FOR RENT BY TENDER W% lot 8, conc. 8, E.D. Ashfield. Rental period negotiable. Forward tenders to Box R, c/o Lucknow Sentinel Or Phone 529-7427 Before December 30, 1979. 2 BEDROOM well: kept bun- galow, plus extra lot, , 3 blocks from. the P.O. Asking only $27,500. PRICE REDUCED - 3 bed - :room bungalow, with recrea- tion room, paved drive. Asking $37,900. Vendor moved._ 2 . SERVICED LOTS - in Lucknow; measuring 66' x 165' in new subdivision. Asking $16,500.. HOUSE on 13/. acres. 4 bedroom, large. kitchen. Lots of trees and creek crossing the property. Priced to sell. 1 BEDROOM frame dwell- ing, electric heat, well .iniu lated, space for 2nd bedroom and another apartment. Low taxes, 2 ACRE country lot, new ell with frame building partially 'remodelled for dwelling, $15,000, . . We are in need of farm listings. Robert Campbell Res. 529-7417 Barry McDonagh Res. 528-3821 .190. 80 Acres Bush GODERICH TOWNSHIP W..1. Hughes REALTY LTD. Rita Alien 524-9131 Res. 324;9$0 NOTICE GARBAGE COLLECTION For the Village of 'Lucknow (North, side) 1 Will be held on Monday, December 24th and Monday, December 31st instead of Tuesday, December 25th and Tuesday, January ' 1st Bruce County Health Unit IMMUNIZATION CLINICS FOR INFANTS - CHILDREN ADULTS DATE - 2nd Wednesday, each month TIME -3-.5p.m. LOCATION - Health Unit Office Campbell St. Lucknow Check Coming Events Monthly Re: Notice of Further Clinics Notice of Sale by Tender Sealed tenders will be received by United Co- operatives of Ontario until noon, January 10, 1980 for the sale of ,a vacant parcel :of land located near. Lucknow, Ontario on Highway #86, having approximately 39 acres and presently zoned to allow highway commercial development [C-41. The is known as being Parts of Lots 47 and 48, Concession 1, in the, Township :of Kinloss in the County. of Bruce =and is shown. as Part 2 on Reference Plan 3R-1649. Tenders are invitedon_ the following conditions: 1. Tenders must be accompanied by 'a certified' cheque payable to United Go -opera- tives of Ontariofor ten [10%1 of the amount. of tender as deposit, which deposit will be. returned if 'thetender is, not accepted, and forfeited to United Co-operatives of: Ontario as liquidated damages if the tender is accepted and the sale not completed by the purchaser. 2.‘ Only sealed tenders ' marked - "UCO Lucknow Property" will be accepted. 3. The highest or any tender will_ not. necessarily be accepted. . 4,. The tenders will be accepted on the bawls that the purchaser hasinspected the property described and no warranty is expressed or can be implied as to description, condition, quantity or in \any manner whatsoev v. , 5. Tenders may not be withdrawn until they have been considered by United Co-opera- tives: of Ontario. United Co-operatives of Ontario reserves the right to waive any of the conditions herein. Tenders Will , be opened at a meeting to be held at the offices of the undersigned solicitors, 7th Floor, 151 City Centre Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, on Thursday, January 10, 1980 at 12:00 o'clock noon. Any person submitting a tender is Invited to attend the opening of tenders. Further particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained: from Richard F. Preston, Real Estate Manager, United Co-operatives of Ontario, 151 City Centre Drive, Miss- issauga, Ontario, 416-270-3560. DATED at Mississauga, Ontario this 10th day of December, 1979. United Co-operatives of Ontario By Its Solicitors, Bowden L. McLean, Q.C., 151 City Centre Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5A :'3A4 416-270-3560