HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-12-12, Page 58• ! • f . . " " ;4. • •1•.,,,-4..4,,,.;0ox, •• . 1•••••••=,-,4-Jr3-1-44,•• — • k • • • Paige 26—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 19, 1979 41 04.•••.•. • Du gannon woman home from lorida• BY MARIE PARK lease, problems developed and he had to return to hospital, where he was re- leased again on December 17. His grandmother, Mrs. Nets Pearson, stayed with her daughter; Sharon, Mrs. Leonard Beggs and husband at St. Catharines for a few days, so as to have a shorter drive to Toronto. DUNGANNON U.C.W. Dungannon U.C.W. held their December meeting on Wednesday evening in the churCh basement in the for i of a pot luck dinner wit the Willing Workers as guests. There were 27 in attendance to enjoy the, delicious meal. • Mr. Cowan led a sing song accompanied by Mrs. Jean Elliott on the piano. A film, "The Owl Called• My. . Name", was shown. Diane Park thanked the ladies of , the U.C.W. fort inviting the Willing Workers. Gloria Pearson thanked Amy Wiggins for her work as Mrs. Cecil Blake returned president during the *past home on Friday, after spend - year. Mrs. Wiggins replied ing a Month in Tamarack, graciously, comfit -tiling on Florida with Mrs. Richard the willing co-operation she.. Kilpatrick at her winter home had received from the mem- there.. Mrs. Jessie Kirkland bers. A thank you letter was • of Lucknow also visited the read from the Oxford Centre month and returned home r • wnich received the U.C.W. with Mrs. Blake. David and Dorothy: Bere. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP visited Betty and Brad Lewis CHURCH in -Kitchener on the weekend. About 50 people attended Brad Park spent the Week: Inaystery supper on Satin - end in Goderich with Chris day at the Christian Fellow- • Good and family.- ship Church. This event was •We welcome to the village sponsored by the Youth Mr,. and Mrs. Irvine Men- Group of the Church. An' gers and family. They are interesting time was had by • residing in the former Jack, all, as they ordered their . Philips 'house. •, meal from the „pent' on Frank Thompson' of Kin - which the items were dis- cardine, formerly of the vil• - guised by itrange names and • lage,was admitted to Uni- descriptions. vthity Hospital,' London; on Following the supper a Saturday. Hope the stax is time of Christmas carol sing- • not too long Frank.• ing was enjoyed. • • The eZecutive. of the Birth - The Christmas Sunday day celebrations for 1980 School program was Sunday • report there are only .a few evening in the church. The • tickets left .for the draw 'on juniormembers of the Sun. the 20 inch colour portable day .School contributed in • T.V. to be drawn on Christ - Songs, recitations, and a mas eve at the West' Wawa- • h," hand. The you• ng. nosh •• offices. Drawing * the rhythm people put on a Christmas ticket will be Suzanne Alton, play, and. then led the con - daughter of Ken and Ruth, gregation in a candlelighting Alton, a student at Brookside: ceremony. Pastor Lawrence was chairman for the program, and Douglas Zehi, from -Lon- don, gave a brief message explaining the meaning of the candIelighting part of the service. There was a good turnout in spite of the cold, stormy weather. 'School, who was the winner of the crest contest conduct- ed to deternine a crest to be • used in t -shirts,' Mugs, etc. On Saturday, Santa paid ' an early visit to the: village when, he visited the many. - -children who 'gathered at the Agriculturetgall for a Christ- mas party. Mrs, Mary Bere ran the projector and showed • the film, "Santa Came", DUNGANNON courtesy of the Goderich lib- . • rary. Following the film, • Santa made his appearance and handed out treats to all • the children prekent: Any boy 16 and under in the Dungannon area wishing to play hockey Saturday morning in Lucknow please • call 529-7719 for a ride or more information. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deeves celebrated their wed- ding anniversary recently, With the occasion of a dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith. Ken Eggleston, 10 -year- • old son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Gerry: Eggleston, (Fay Pear- son) underwent .surgery. Sick Children's Hospital, Tbroato the first part of •Deceinber. F011Owing his re, UNITED4C11URCH The Sunday morning ser- vice in the United Church followed the White Gift program with the Sunday School participating. Mr. Wayne Snyder, superintend- ent, read the Leader's parts with the various classes. doing ' readings and songs with great effectiveness. Helen Elliott _accompanied the children on. the piano. The choir sang, "Go Tell It On The Mountain", led by organist, Mrs: Jean Elliott. Mr. CoWin gave a short talk on "It's the Little Things That Count'. On the previ- ous two Su dayt purple can- dles Were lit for Repentance. Jim Wright lit the pink candle for Joy andthe con- gregation sang' "Joy to the .1 . World". The children placed their White Gift envelopes in a chest for the purpose and all loose change on the offering plates will go to White Gift also. A certain amount of this goes to the local Family Services and the rest to World .Missions. YOUR AUTHORIZED SERVICE 395-5405 R.R. 2 KINCARDINE DEALER & WARRANTY DEPOT TURNS ON SIGHTS &SOUNDS • MAGNAVOX TELEVISION BY PHILIPS 14' COLOR PORTABLE MODEL C1410 • • • ' • $OLID STATE 1C CIRCUITRY • • Palawan mums stenos TUSI, • AUTO COtOR CONTROL ' • WALNUT WOOOGRAIN FINISHED colorist NOW ONLY THE CAVALIER, • 241"COLON PORTABLE anus es WATT • .„ RECEIVER 0,1-4 -AMPLIFIER PP tar'41 • - 7 . • liill . . Se : , 4 . ,04 04 '... 0:71;.! ..) ..: .0,40.• FEATURES ..;. '. . . . . . . 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