HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-12-12, Page 2925. To give away HOUSE TRAINED kittens, .cute. Phone 395-5Q06. 30. In memoriam MOFFAT In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Gladys Moffat, who left us December 15, 1977. \They who think that you are gone, Because no more youi face they see, Are wrong - for in our hearts you live, • And always will, in memory. Sadly missed by your family:. • —50x DURNIN In loving memory of a dear husband, who passed away December 23, 1978. If I had one:. lifetime 'wish, One dream that could come/ true, - 1 would pray to God with all my heart ` For yesterday and you. You fell asleep withouta good-bye But memories ' of you shall never . die. Loved and missed so very much by wife, Dell. -50 31. Cards of thanks JACK REAVIE OPPORTUNITY WORKSHOP The staff and trainiees'of the Jack Reavie Opportunity Workshop,: Wing m., would like to extend our . sincere thanks to, everyone who helped make .our. craft sale .such - a •success',Many thanks. —50 Staff and Trainees ' HARTIN Sincere thanks tb all those who sent get well cards, gifts and good wishes while I was a .patient in University Hos- pital. Also to Rey, Brubacher for his support._' and. visits. Margare.t Hartin —50 . We wish to say thank you to our family, all those who sent lifts, all our relatives and friends who 'Made .our 140th; wedding anniversary. such a memorable event. Bill and Elsie Hardy HOUSTON We would like to thank friends, neighbours and rely tives of the late David Houston for their kind acts bf sympathy during our recent bereavement: Special thanks to Dr. lolly, the nursing staff on 1st floor of Wingham and • District Hospital and Mac- Kenzie and McCreath Funer- al Home, Lucknow. The Houton Family . , —s0 COURTNEY The family of the late Mary Courtney express sincere• thanks to their neighbours, friends •and relatives for the support of prayers and ex- pressions of kindness and Christian love shown . to us and to Mary during her ill- ness in hospital and at home: Comfort was received in messages of sympathy, and from those who called. Gifts_ of food, flowers, and memor- ial donations were deeply appreciated. By your sharing and the strength of our Lord Jesus, we have peace. —50 31. Cards of thanks RAYMOND We wish to express our sincere thanks for ail the lovely and useful gifts receiv- ed at the Helens Com - inanity shower, the Evening Auxiliary shower held at the home of Mrs. Jessie John- ston, and the girl friend shower held at. Mrs. Gail Caslick's. A special thank you for . the ladies who arranged these showers and for the lunches served. We also wish to thank everyone that came to our 'reception and for the gifts received which helped to make our day a very happy one. Keith and Loree (Gaftnmie) Raymond --50ar MOFFAT We .wish tothank neigh- bours, friends, and St. Hel- ens W.I. for the surprise parties. A special thanks for the gifts and those who plan- ned these parties. • Lloyd and Muriel Moffat .-50x 32. Coming events NEW YEARS. EVE 'DANCE Lucknow Tractor Pullers A. sociation and Lucknow Fire Department New Years Eve Dance, Lucknow Co imunity Centre, Mr 1, , 'December 31, 197Q ‘4,,,ing9 p.m: to 1 a.m... t\ Vie by Special Ap- pointment. Lunch provided. Advance tickets only, 515 per couple. Phone 529-7628, 529- 7488, 528-2028, 528-3006, 528-3932. —49,50,51ar • FAMILY DANCE - The 1st Holyrood. Brownie Pack is holding •••a.. family dance on Friday, December 14th, 8:39 p.m; - 12:00 in the Holyrood Hall. Tickets 54.00 per family. or $1.00 per person.Proceeds to The 1st Holyrood : Brownie Pack. ,Mnsic by the'Kountry Kats; Ladies please .bring lunch.. —49,50 . NEW YEAR'S PARTY A New Year's Party will be held :. at the Legion Hall, Monday, December 31st.. from 10 - 1. Sponsored by Lucknow Legion, • Hats, horns,'" and smorgasbord, lunch. Admission $10.00 per couple. Tickets to' be picked up. by December 22nd from executive or bar. -49,50,51ar . • , Johnstone's Mobile Feed Lucknow, Ont. , 528-3534 —50,51x 32. Coming events CANDID LIGHT SERVICE Tobe held cin December 24, 1979 at 8 p.m. in the Luck- now • Christian. Reformed. Church. Everyone welcome. Nursery . provided.. Refresh- ments served. - 60,5tar OPEN HOUSE Don Thompson T.V. and Appliances R. R. 3Ripley. See display ad in this edition. --50ar LEGION MEETING All Legion members are re- quested to attend a regular meeting, Tuesday, .Decem- ber 18th at 8 p.m. Note change of date: —50ar CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS PARTY ,Saturday, December 15, 2 - 4 p.m.. at Reid's Corners Hall. Sponsored by Point Clark 'and District Kinsmen Club. —SOar. CHILD HEALTH CLINIC. The Huron County Health Unit invites you toattend the Child Health Clinic, held at the Health Unitoffice, Wing - ham Hospital . on Wednes- day, December 19; 1979 from 9:30 -.11:30 'a.m.. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Fluoride —50ar -VARIETY CONCERT At Brookside Public. School oh Tuesday, December 18 at 8:15 p,m. Silver collection. Everyone welcome. -•--50x COMMUNITY CAROLFEST Will be held December 12;at. 8:30 p.m, in the Lucknow United Church: Choirs, of.. local churches and the Luck- now .Concert Band willtake part. Free will offering for boat people. -50x Attention ,.Farmers . For sale 5000 BALES of first cit hay for sale. Phone Duncan Far- tish 395-2728. -48,49,50 DECEMBER SPECIAL With the .purchase -Of , one tonne of SWIFT mineral re- ceive one boneless F.C. Swift ham at EXPECTANT PARENT EDUCATIONtIASSES 'he Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes, being held in the Clinic Building, Wingham commencing .Wednesday, January 9, 1980 from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. These classes will. run . for .8 weeks. Would anyone who is interested pleaseregister by calling 1-800-265-4252 toll free or the Health Unit office at 357-2264. Both husbands and wives are invited to attend and participate in the discus- sions. 1980 iscus-sions.1980 Spring Series .will. commence the week of March 31, 1980 —50,51,52ar HOWICK LIONS SPECIAL -CHRISTMAS BING° Will be held on Friday, December 14th in Wroxeter Community Hall. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Bingo starts at ' 8:00 pin Admission 51.00. 12 Regular games for $10.00; 2 Share the Wealth; one $25.00 Special; Jackpot $150.00 on 57 calls; Purple Ball $23000; Door and Con- solation Prizes. —50ar LYNN LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. Amberley PHONE 395-5286 CLAY Silo UOloaders, Feeders, Cleaners, ..Stabling, Leg Elevators, Liquid Man- ure Equipment; . Hog Equip- ment. BUTLER - Silo Unloaders, Feeders, Conveyors. • FARMATIC Mills, Augers etc. ACORN - Gleaners, Heated Waterers. WESTEEL-ROSCO - Gran- aries. B & L - Hog Panelling. —.40tfar ' C. Wanted CATTLE. We pay good pric- es for reasonably injured or unthrifty cattle. Easy loading trailer with winch. Call col- le'ct 238-2796, John Ansens, Grand Bend. _44 50 WANTED TO RENT 50 -150 acres workable land in Luck - now -Dungannon area. Phone 529-7748. •--49,50 • LUGHNO.W swim TO UNITED COOPERATIVES OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPT. TORONTO Ship your livestock With . , BILK TAYLOR R. R. # 5, LUCKNOW On Tuesdays Or groups of 5 or more On Thursdays From Lucknow Stockyards CALL 528-3530 Some or 528-3119 Yards Tuesday or Thursday by 8:30 a.m. for prompt service ASK BILL FOR REQUIREMENTS OF, REPLACEMENT CATTLE. —39tfar • Lucknow SentineI, 'Wednesday, December. 12, 1979 -Pap 'E SNOW PLOWING VILLAGE OF LucKNO.w.:,. All vehicles • must be removed from all streets In Lucknow between the hours of 2 a.m. and 7 a.m. during the winter.months: • , The Village will not assume responsibility for damage to vehicles who do not comply with • these regulations. , Cars left on the street may be towed away at the owner's expense: Notice of Sale by Tender Sealed tenders will be received by United Co-. operatives of Ontario until noon, January. 10, 1980for the sale.of .a vacant parcel of land located near Lucknow, Ontario on Highway • #86, having approximately 39 acres and presently zoned to allow highway commercial development [C-4]. The property is known as being Parts. of Lots 47 and 48, Concession 1, in. the Township of Kinloss in the County of Bruce and is- shown:, as Part 2 on 'Reference eference Plan 3R-1649. Tenders. are invited on the following , conditions: • 1, ,endersmust be accompanied, by a certified cheque payable toU ited Co-opera- tives of Ontario for ten' [10%1 of the amount of tender as deposit, 'which deposit will be returned if the tender :is not accepted, and forfeited to United Co-operatives of Ontario as liquidated damages if - the tender is accepted and the sale not completed, by the purchaser. ., 2. Only sealed tenders marked "UCO Lucknow Property" will be accepted. S. The highest or any tender will not' necessarilybe accepted. • 4. The tenders will be accepted on the basis that the purchaserhas inspected•:the property described' and no warranty is expressed or • can be implied as to description, condition,, quantity or inany manner: whatsoever. 5. Tenders may not be withdrawn until, they have been considered by United Co-opera- tives of Ontario. United Co-operatives . of Ontario reserves the right to waive any of the conditions herein, ' Tenders' will be opened at a meeting' to be held at the "offices of the undersigned solicitors, 7th Floor; 151 City Centre Drive, Mississauga, Ontario,., on Thursday, January 10,•.1980 at 12:00 o'clock 'noon. Any person submitting a tender is invited to attend the opening of tenders. Further 'particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from Richard P. Preston, Real Estate Manager, United Co-operatives of .Ontario, 151 City Centre Drive, • Miss- issauga, Ontario; 416.270-3560. DATED at 'Mississauga, Ontario this 10th day of December, 1979. • United Co-operatives of Ontario By its Solicitors, Bowden L. McLean, 0.C., 151 City. Centre Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5A 3A4, 416-270-3560 \\ • Hutt�n' { TEESWATER Comtnercial building, centrally located - suitable for variety store, beauty shop or any business.. Beautiful apartment ' above, broadloonted and decorated, Suggested asking price in the upper twenties. Well worth the asking price .for living quarters. FIVE ACRE building lot in Glamrnis - Tiverton' area -on the property is a new 10". basement house wall. Hydro to the property -drilled well. Asking :$24900, owner trans- ferred. LUCKNOW building lot 140' x 841/2', one blockfrom main. street, . excellent loca- tion, reasonably priced. OUR MANY LISTINGS : INCLUDE: • '100 ACRES Morris Twp., level cash crop .land, 'no buildings, over 80: acres workable. 150 ACRES north of Tees - water, highway farm, . brick house with new addition and, ::new kitchen, new,,.combina-, tion furnace 2 baths, barn :. 80 x .90, pit silo 26' x82'. Asking 5129,000'. Will con- sider all reasonable offers. 116 ACRE. highway farm near Wingham, an outstand- ing farm. 100 ACRES on highway .in. Delmore area. MEL MATHERS . Wingham, Phone 357-3208 Rep. L. W.. Hutton Real Estate Ltd. . Broker, Kincardine 80 Acres BuIh GODERICH TOWNSHIP W. J. *mhos REALTY LTD. Rita Allan 1Z/,1'il h.►,�sl�-sit!