HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-12-12, Page 28s ti Paye 28--Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 12, 1979, et t6IEIIiI 1. Articles for sale BEEF By the Quarters and Halves CUSTOM WILLING Qn Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped to your specifications Quick Freezing Available BUTT N'S MEAT MARKET LUCKNOW Shop 528-3009 Or If No Answer Call 528-2112 --40tf XMAS TREES, ready for pickup ,first Wednesday in December; Scotch Pine, White Spruce and Balsam. Ronald Forster; Lucicnow, phone 528-2346. -49,50 CHRISTMAS TREES, Scotch Pirie and Spruce, any height, 57.00 and, up, delivery avail ab1e,,Nie1 Edgar, highway 86 'east of Whitechurch, 357- 2440. -49,50,51 XMAS TREES, Scotch Pine. and. Spruce. '. Phone ‘Floyd Milne, 528-2712: --49,50,51 GONE WITH THE WIND lamp; finger lamp; 48: bronze drawer pulls.. Phone 395- • 5909..--49,50x DRY AIR• Try an Electrohome'Humid- ' ifier from. GreerT.V." and Electric, phone 528-3112, Lucknow. We also have filters' and Sanitaire for your Electrohome humidifier.. ' •-45tfar . . OVENREALLY` ROOSTERS, 51.00 Ib., available now. Call Ken Stewart, ' 395-5104. 48;49,50 NOW TAKING ORDERS for geese. Allan R. Miller. 4. Articles wanted LOGS WANTED. Standing Timber For top prices and instant cash Call yourlocal sawmill CRAIG'S SAWMILL : AUBURN BW Craig Phone 526-7220 Al Craig Phone 526.7512 MULTI ,METER for reading resistance, voltage and amps.. Phone ' Clinton 482- 9719 after 5 p.m. •-7501-Inc WANTED: Old brick build- ings for demolition and sal- vage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 1-542-4088; Ontario's largest supplier of reclaitned bricks.-47tfar DEAD STOCK We pay highest cash price for fresh animals over 500 lbs., smaller animal's picked up free. Radio equipped trucks. Call 881-3459 or 1-800-265.3011: Graf Animal Fonds ` Ltd., R. R. - # 1, Chepstow. 26tfar 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1972. DELTA 88, air condi= tioning, air shocks, ' new paint, will certify; 1971 Tor- ino Squire, wagon, i9 passen- ger,'will certify. Phone 528- 3201. -49,50x 1976 G.M.C. 1 TON, 12 passenger van, V8 automat- ic, .P;-F.T.D., heavy duty sus- pension, Micheians, double': air conditioning, cruise, new. paint; 54500. Owner . leaving country, phone 395-5412. Phone 528-2299. -39tfar • -50 1972 MERCURY MARQUIS:, full powered accessories, saf- ety checked, ready to go, $950.00. Phone 529-7757, be- . tween 8 a:m. and 5 p.m..: --50 FIREWOOD' and cedar Posts.. .CaII. 353-5046 after 6 p.m. --50tf BOBBSEY TWINS books, 1tl ct' n like • 9. Accommodation to rent HOUSElN AMBERLEY, av- ailable November' 15. For further information call 395 5305. •--43tfar TWO BEDROOM apart- ment, Lucknow; two bed- room furnished apartment, Ripley;, one bedroom apart- ment, furnished or 'unfurn- ished, . Teeswater. Phone Glennhaven Apartments, 528-3234.-48tfar STORAGE SPACE available for vehicles, machinery, etc. Blyth, Belgrave area. Phone 523-4493. -50x THREE BEDROOM house, edge ,of town. Available • im- mediately. Phone ' 528-2104 after 8 p.m. -50,51 1 MATURE LAUNDRY. person required at Pinecrest Manor iNuzsing Horne.`. Time con- sists' of 3 days in 8, 4 - 41/2 hours per' day, 10' a.m. td 3 p.m. Those interested con tact Mrs. P. Dynler or Mr. David Newbold, 528-2820. -49,506 . 2. Help wanted arge co a to , ' new, priced reasonable, children's. delight. Near Brookside School. Phone 529-7209. 50x 75 JOHN DEERE 800 'sno- mobile in good condition,. with tachometer, speedom- eter and electric start. Ask- ing. $800:00. Phone 528-3619 after 4:30 p.m. -50x 76 JOHN DEERE 400 sno}v- mobile, 5600; upright piano; Lady Kenmore dishwasher; Kenmore 30" range; Ken- more portable sewing .mach- ine; owner leaving .'country and must sell. Phone 395- 5412. -50 BLACK VINYL LAZY BOY relincer rocker, medium size, new condition: Phone 528- 3537. -50x - KITTENS FOR XMAS, 8 weeks old, male and female. Phone 528-3214. -50x POOL TABLE, 3' x 6', good slate top, needs new Legs, 530.00. Phone 528-3214. _.. 50x OVEN READY GEESE. Phone Bruce Skillen, 528- 6093. -50,51 1. q 1974 MAZDA-' RX4 Station 'wagon, four speed, rear win- dow' .defogger, ' reclining seats. Must sell.. Asking $750:00. Safetied. ' Phone 524-7003. -50 ; 6. Pets HORSES BOARDED: ,Box stalls, 565 per month, excel- lent riding; area, outside ring, possible •' indoor arena this winter: Phone. after 6 p.m.., 482-9960. -43tfnc FRE PUPS for Xmas. Phone 395-5615 at noon or after 6 . p.m. -=50;51, 9. Accommodation to rent DOUBLE WIDE ' 'MOBILE home in Ripley, .2 bedrooms, , VA baths, stove and frig included, carpeted through- out, large 2 car garage and workshop. Available Febru- ary 1st. Phone 395-5175. 4---49.52 - HOW, V mile west of St. Ielens..', Phone " 528-6193. r--49 - (/' TWO BEDROOM apartment available immediately, Cali 528-2625 or 528-3536. -47tf 12. Help wanted BRUCE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION requires immediately A qualified teacher for the -following position RIPLEY DISTRICT SCHOOL Ripley, Ontario Occasional teacher to teach Senior Science For details contact Mr. WiWam Turvill, Principal, Ripley, Ontarlo: . Phone School 519-395-2695 Home 519-396-7690. ' -50ar RNA REQUIRED. fox part time employment; two days on., four days off,commen- cing early January 1980 on night shift, 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. If ' interested please ' contact Mrs. P. Dymer or Mr. D. Newbold at Pinecrest 'Manor Nursing. Home, 528-2820. -50,51ar 18. Services available APPLIANCES SERVICE Lucknow Appliance Centre Lucknow ,Phone 528-2946 32tfar .. /ALES HELR 'REQUiRED Due to an ever expanding Real Estate market, Johnson Carney is looking for a Real Estate Representative in Lucknow and surrounding. area For a confidential " interview, contact ` Gary McWilliams,. 396-7561. • • Johnson Carney Ltd. 313 LAMBTbN ST, KINCARDINE, ONTARIO. 'EY -BRUCE CANADA:MR* LABOUR:PON:. invites Applications for the Position of MANAGER Applicants must have knowledge of the area and a thorough understanding of agri- culture. Administrative experience wouldbe helpful. Responsible for operation of three year-round :offices and one seasonal office involved with recultment and placement ,of fulietime •and casual farm workers. Salary range $14,000 ,to. $18,000 plus ,a travel . alloowance. A car is essential: Employment, will commence in January, 1980. • - 'Applications form PSC 367-4110 and further. information may be obtained at any local Canada Employment Centre. To ensure consideration, applications must be received by. the Canada Employment Centre, Walkerton not later than the 31 December, 1979. 18. Services available PAPERINGAND PArtOtriG Interior and Exterior . Phone -Todd Park,395-5079 or,Joe Allison 396-7173 --46tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE ' OF MARGARET - ' IRENE NELSON, late of the Township of Ashfield in the County of Huron, Deceased. AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teesviater Licensed Auctioneers . Sales of all types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 -40tfar BERG STABLE. EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing Crat- es, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3 Holyrood, phone 395-5390.. --40tf D.ON THOMPSON T.V. & APPLIANCES Admiral Sales and: Service Tower end Antenna Installation 395-3393 or 395.3466 • ' RIPLEY ---15tfar ' PORTABLE WELDING Will do' portablewelding and in shop repair work. SPIKE BAKKER R. R. # 5, LUCKNOW 528.2026 --I3tfar Cecil Cranston R..R.-2Auburn Phone:52977691 AIRHAMMER BACKHOEING -5tfar EXCAVATING, GRADING AND TRUCKING topsoil,: sand, gravel of all types and, fill. Phone Robert Syrnes Contracting, ' R. R. #` ' 5, • Lucknow, . phone 528-3047. 29tfar . BILI: THOMSON CARPENTRY. Renovations, repairs, •odd jobs, cement patios; ;curbs, sidewalks etc: 'Freeestimate call 528.3715 :after 'six.' POLLOCK MUSIC CENTRE; -IN RIPLEY • Agent for Heintzman Pianos and Panasonic Sound Equip- ment. quip-me it. Reconditioned pianos for -sale; used pianos wanted. For piano tuning and repairs call, 395-2982. '--40tfar SMALL ENGINE REPAIRS All makes and models, snowmobile and 'snowblower. engines, chainsa.ws and sharpening. Cecil Little, R.R,3 '. Wing.ham (Whitechurch), phone 357- 1963.-37,38,39 Snowblowing Residential and Commercial °. James.Symes, 528,3233 ' Or 528-3047 -49tfar CARPENTRY Additions, renovations, car- ports, rec. rooms: For free estimates call Ben Dekker 357-1085.-4ltfar GEORGE UMBERS CONSTRUCTION Renovations, additions,: cot. tages . Phone ° 357.3457, Whitephurch. -3tf, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Tile Trustees Act that all creditors and others having claims against , the Estate . of the late . MARG- ARET IRENE NELSON are required to send particulars oftheir claims, duly certified to GOODALL, CAMPBELL & BROPHY, Solicitors, for the Administrator of the said Estate; on • or before Dec- ember 19, 1979, and that after such date the Adminis- trator will proceed to distri- bute theassets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have bad notice. DATED at Lucknow, Ontario this 21st: day of November, 1979. .. WWIam James Nelson, Administrator of the Estate By his Solicitors GOODALL, CAMPBELL &-BROPHY Box 190, Lucknow, Ontario. 48.,49,150„ 20. Public notices I.wi'll not be responsible for :; any debts incurred by Lloyd Arthur Wail, as of 'November' 28th, 1979. Harry Wall -48.,.49,50x PINELODGE"ILEST HOME A ;supervised retirement home caring for your person- al ' needs 24 hours a 'day.' Lucknow. 528-2703. •-50tfar BUS TO N.,H.L. games in Detroit from January 26 to April 5. For more more .informa- tion call United Trails, Sea- forth, 527-1222:=4.7tf GUITAR LESSONS' By experienced teacher in Lucknow area. 'Phone 357- 3248. -49;50x. Start your beard. for the Dun gannon 125th Birthday Cele- brations. ,Register with Terry Hodge bfore January lst, 1980. -49,50' HOLIDAY C% OSING FINLAY DECORATORS December24 toJanuary 12 • . Inclusive --50,51,15 21. Personal PREGNANT' and .need help? Free' positive confiidential. support Birthright. Call 357- 1066 or 392-6541 or 432-7.197 collect. --40tf -- HAVING A ' DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich ..524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655. -40tfar 24. Business opportunities EARN ' a second ined ne. . Learnincome tax preparation at home. For a free brochure write 13 & R Tax Schools, 118? Roxboro -ugh Drive, Toronto', Ontario. M4W 1Z4. No obli- gation. -,-50nc