HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-12-12, Page 10A Page 10-1,-Lucltnuyi Seatinel, Wetlneti.day, December 12,1979 W uniis hold .their .Chrigmas raeetings. U.C.W. UNIT 1 The December meeting of Unit 1, was held in the church parlour with 14 pres- ent. Mrs. Shirley Bolt open- ed the meeting with a Christ- mas reading and welcomed• everyone. Carols interspersed each of the following numbers. Mrs. Walter Alton read the Christmas story from Luke, followed by a. prayer by Mrs. Bolt. Readings were given by Mts. Ruth Pritchard and Mrs. Alton. Young master graham recited a "Story of 'hristmas Bells' ' . The business portion was .onducted by M'rs. Anna Mae Hunter, who voiced the members regret that our leader, Mrs. Isabel Havens, was unable to be with us. A card wishing her Well was signed by each person. Mrs. Freda Button, reported for Supply and Welfare, and said a quilt had been given to a Lucknow fatuity. The roll call was answered by a child - Vesper service , hood memory of Chtistmas and the exchange of gifts. A splendid financial report was given by Mrs. Bolt and the proceeds from the sale of the remaining craft articles was given 'to the cheerio committee. Mrs. Clara Raynard re- ported on visits she and Mrs. Edith Webster had made to shut-ins. Mrs. Edna MacDonald gave a Stewardship report and a reading. Mrs. Hunter reported for the flower, membership and cheerio committees. Mrs. Beth Ritchie closed with prayer then read a letter from Mrs. Havens thanking all the members for their support and co-operation ov- er the past two years. Lists of the new units for 1980-81, will be posted in the church next week. LUCKNOW U.C.W. UNIT 2 The December meeting was held at the home of Mrs. OneNight in Bethlehem "One Night in Bethle- hem" was the theme of .the 1979 CGIT Christmas Vesper Service held in Lucknow United Church on Sunday evening. The CGIT chojf sang "Bethlehem Bound" after which the LIGHT(can- dle) and the WORD (Bible) were placed. Kay Morrison was leader of the service and Brenda Hendersonand Shir- ley Loree read the scriptures. • Four monologues were • done by special guests: Rev. Bill Munshaw was Joseph, • Jean Munshaw as Mary with baby, Catherine, Ken Irwin as stable hand and. Rev. Doug Kaufman as a travel- ler. The choir sang "Child in a Manger.' with soloist, Peggy Gibson, singing Mary's verse. Candles of LOVE,.SERV- -ICE, FAITH, and HOPE were lit by Diane Gibson, Wendy Forster, Janke McIn- nes and Brenda Davies. The choir sang "Christmas" .and the offering vvas received by Christine Gibson, Julie Dav- ies, Julie Clarke and Donalda Thompson. Each girl lit a candle and the service ended with the carrying out of the LIGHT and the WORD. Mary Lynn Cayley was organist and choir director. Karl Morrison assisted with lighting and Jean Kaufirian prepared con- gregational bulletins. The CGIT girls, their fam- ilies and friends enjoyed tea, punch and cookies following 'the service. Glen Walden. Mrs. Grace Gibson opened the meeting with a poem, "Everybody's Christmas". The roll call, "A Christmas Verse, was answered by 13 members. Mrs. Andrew Ritchie read the treasurer's report .for the past year which was quite a successful one. The year's report for Social Functions was given by Mrs. Chas. McDonald. Mrs. W. G. Hun- ter reported on supply and welfare for the year. Mrs. Janet Drennan read a message for the 1980s, "Out of Bethlehem". The Stew- ardship report was given by Mrs. Eldon Ritchie. The offering was dedicated by Mrs. Gibson. Mrs. Chas. McDonald was in charge of the meeting. This being the Christmas meeting, the program follow- ed the Christmas theme. The scripture was read by Mrs. Greta Johnston. Mrs. Glen Walden gave the meditation and prayer. Mrs. Chas. McDonald read, "A Country Christmas". Mrs. Grace Gibson read "Christmas Coming" . Mrs. Mamie Henderson read the Christmas Candle Light Service To Be Held On Monday, December 24 at 8 p.m. •In Lucknow Christian Reformed Church EVERYONE WELCOME Nursery Provid Refreshments Sery "Ten Commandments of Christmas ShOPPers''• "The Priceless Gift of Christmas" was read by Mrs. W, G, Hunter. Mrs. McDonald read an article, "Christmas". LUCKNOW U.C.W. UNIT 3 •-On December 4, Unit 3 met in the fellowship room of the church with 16 members present. Mrs. Cook welcom- ed everyone and opened with a poem, "The Priceless Gift of Christmas". The minutes were read and approved and the roll call was answered by a Christmas Verse', and a gift to exchange. ' Mrs. Jardine gave the treasurer's report. The offer- ing was taken and dedicated by Mrs. Cook, and the meeting was turned over to Mrs. Cliff Menary and her committee. Readings were given by Mrs. Wightman and Mrs. Menary, Mrs. Spence Irwin read the scripture and the devotions and prayer were given by Mrs. Elizabeth Gower. Mrs. Ted Rice played two piano intrumentals, "Star of the East" and "Keep Christ's Name in Christ- mas". Mrs. Rice gave the topic, "What does Christmas mean to you and ine?" Rena. , Menary gave a vote of thanks to our leader, secretary and treasurer, and Mrs. Cook thanked everyone for their co-operation these last two years. Mrs. Wilbur Brown gave out the gifts for the gift exchange. ,The committee - served a tasty lunch and a social time was enjoyed as the unit- sat around a table decorated for the Christmas season. LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Doug Kaufman Minister SUNDAY, DEC. 16 10 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Nursery Provided For Pre -School Children Jr. Congregation for • 5 -8 Year Old Children LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Wm. Munshaw B.A. M. Div. SUNDAY, DEC. 16 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship-- Everyone Welcome LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. L. VanStaalduinen SUNDAY, DEC. 16 Services 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 pan. • Listen to the Back to God Hour 10:30 a.m. CKNX Rustic Pecan • • WALL PANELS Overlay Panel • • $10.59 each ALSO Coloured Nails • and Matching Trim Renovate with luxurious looking paneling Spruce up your home with, easy -care, easy -to -install