HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-12-12, Page 2Page 2,—Lucl now •Sentinel, Wednesday, December 12, 1979
Set class size....
*from page 1
He told theboard ef-
forts had been made in
recent collective
agreements between the
board and its teachers to
establish maximum class.
sizes. He said . declining
enrolment and elective
courses being offered
students now made it
necessary for the board
to set minimums. •
Cochrane said a
workload committee
consisting of teachers,
principals, ad-
ministrative staff and
trustees had -tackled the
problem of minimum
enrolments • and
recommended some
figures for board policy.
He said the figures were
based on econotnitS and
educational principles.
He said under the.
suggested policy the.
minimum class
enrolmentsfor technical
credits would be .20
students, remedial
credits 20, special
education credits in
academic subjects 20
while special education
credits sn practical
courses would be
students. ,
He said minimum class
sizes would be 12 students
for advanced credits, 10',
for general credits, eight
for technical, remedial :.
and academic special
education• classes and six
for practical special
education classes. .
The director said the
minimum classsizes
would not be adhered •to
at all costs under the -
recommended board
policy. He said the,
workload committee had
several alternatives that.
could be used if the'class
size was under . the
He • said those alter-
natives': included com-
bining two grades into
one class, combining two
classes at the same grade
level, teachers ` volun-
teering spare time to
teach the course, a night
school course, combining
the needs of two schools
to,„offer'the course in•one
of those t*o, paying
tuition fees to another
board offering the course
and sending students to
schools operated by that
board or having students
take •ministry. of
education correspon-
dence courses.
The director pointed
out that some of the
,alternatives may bring
the wrath ' of parents
down on trustees. He said
if trustees succumbed to
that pressure and gave.
parents what they wanted
the trustees should make
it clear to the parents the
board should "not receive
any nasty letters at
budget time",...
• He told the board the
policy was not an un-
weildy thing to work with.
He said : it : would -en-
courage school principals.
and teachers ' to work
together and "be . , in-
novative" with
timetabling. He added
that if 'a student really
wanted to takea specific
course they may have to
get to- another school to
get it....•
"We (the board) can't
tie up a;teacher 'for a year
for three or four students '
pit's just too costly," said
He.,, also warned the
board that there ' were
some pitfalls in the new
policy. He said ` small
Grade 13 classes may be
eliminated,' students will
be reluctant to travel to
ether ` •schools, "- the
"smorgasbord" of
courses offered will have
to be drastical.lyreduced,
board members will: be
subjected to local'
pressures if classes in
"their 'school" - are cur-
tailed or eliminated and a
viable Grade 13 program
may well mean changes.
in transportation policy
and philosophy.'
"It doesn't take too
much imagination to
realize that some Grade
13 courses and even some
classes will be wiped out
altogether," warned
Cochrane. But he added '
the policy is the first step i`
toward • handling
problems of . declining
enrolment and it "has to
be taken".
but can't
.beer a
•The Huron. county
board of education in-
dicated Monday it 'was
fine for :19. year .olds to
drink alcoholic beverages
but not so fine for them to
watch others drinking.
Theboard supported 'a
resolution.from the Elgin
County board.. of
education,to write a letter
to Ontario's • Attorney
• General. expressing.
concern over ad-
vertisements of alcoholic
beverages on television.
The • board .would. not.
..support a resolution from.
the Elgin board to raise.
the legal drinking, age to
21 years of age '
The intent of the
board's decision l9 year
Turn to page 4'
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These familiar faces were recognizable behind the cos of the Peep Hole Show
presented by the junior and intermediate classes of Trinity Church Sunday School at their
Christmas concert Friday; night. Janet WIHdns was narrator. George Alton played .Santa.
Clans and Dona Campbell was his reindeer. [Sentinel Staff Photo]
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