HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-12-05, Page 2919. Notice to creditor , + NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND. OTHERS IN THE MITER OF THE ESTATE OF RAYMOND KEITH HAMILTON, late of the Township of Huron in. the County of Bruce,. Deceased.. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant to The Trustees Mt that all, creditors and others having elaims againif the Estate of the late Raymond Keith Hamilton are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified to GOODALL, CAMPBELL & BROPHY, Solicitors for the Executrix of the said Estate, on or before December 12, 1979, and that after such date the executrix will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate,, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Lucknow, 'Ont- ario, this 14th day of Nov- ember:1979. Blanche Eleanor Hamilton Executrix of thaEstate By herilolicitors GOODALL, CAMPBELL & BROPHY, Box 190, • Lucknow, Ontario. —47,48,49ar NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS• IN. THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE ,OF MARGARET IRENE NELSON, late of the Township of. Ashfield in. the County of Huron, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to The Trustees Act that all creditors and others having claims against the • Estateof the late MARG- ARET IRENE NELSON ate required to send particulars • of their claints, duly certified to GOODALL, CAMPBELL k BROPHY, Solicitors, for . the Administrator of. the said Estate, on or before Dec- ember' 19, 1979; and that • after such date the Adminis- trator, will proceed to distri- bute the assets of the said. Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Lucknow, Ontario this 21st day of November, 1979. William James Nelson, Administrator of the Estate • By his Solicitors GOODALL, CAMPBELL • & BROPHY Box 190, Luelmow, Ontario. —4849;50' • Strayed. From lot 10, concession 14, Ashfield, Highway 80, • Charolais steer, weighing approximately 700 lbs. • GORDON BROOKS P110NE,528-2542 24. Business opportunities BE YOUR OWN BOSS. Make money in' your spare time or make it a full time job. •For more information write Box 275, Lucknow. —48,49 Make money in your spare time. Learn income tax prep- aration. For free brochure, no obligation, Write U & R Tax Schools, 118 Roxborough Drive, Toronto, Ontario. M4W 1X4.. —49nc 30. In memoriam • 31. Cards of thanks AUSTIN you, *0 Father Ed • Dentinger for the Mass of • ,Thitilksgiving, to our three sons, and all our relatives -and friends who made our 30th wedding anniversary such a memorable event. • John and Grace Austin CRANSTON. In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Jerry Cranston, who passed away December 9, 1976. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear. Fond .memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near. Ever remembered and sadly missed by his wife and —49x 31. Cards of thanks ARNOLD Gladys Arnold would like to thank all those of the Ripley area who have been coming to her home for the past four years to pnrchase Bruce 'County Tartan jewell- ery. 'After •November 30th, the jewellery will be at the home of Mrs. Margaret Ban- nerman at Kinloas, 395-3368 or Mrs. David Ireland, Tees - water, 392-6161. —48 • HACKETT We would like to thank our relatives and iriends ,.for the cards, gifts, flowers and visits received while in hos- pital and since returning • home. Thanks also to Doctors Corrin, McKim and Jolly and • staff at Medical Centre and • special 'thanks to Dr. Tew -and nurses on Middlesex East 'Wing at Victoria Hos- • pital, London. • Marjorie and Ryan Hackett —49 • . FARM FOR SALE Ashfield Township Nor- th. 100 acres. All workable„ No buildings. Priced to sell. Buying or Selling • Contact R.A. (Gus) Chisholm Farm talesman HOME: 524.8554 • OR ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN REALTY LIMITED GODERICH 524-2177 • 4.044;4 STUART The family of the late Mae Stuart wish to express sin- cere' thanks and deep appre- ciation to relatives, friends and neighbours for beautiful floral tributes', charitable do - ,nations and acts of kindness. during our recent bereave- ment. We also wish- to add our heartfelt appreciation for flowers, cards and visits while Mae was in hospital. Special thanks to Rev. D. Kaufman, MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home and ladies of Lucknow United Church. —49x McDONALD Mr. and Mrs. Allan .McDon- ald and baby Angela wout like to thank all the people who sent cards and gifts. Thanks also to the Lucknow doctors and special thanks to Dr. Hanlon who delivered her, —49x 32. Coming events BENEFIT DANCE Will 'be held for Alice and Hank den Boer at the Com- munity Centre on Friday, December 7, from 9:30 to 1:00 a.m. Lunch provided. Sponsored by Business As- sociation, Kinsmen and Kin- ettes. —47,48,49 LUCKNOW FARMERS MARKET MEETING Wednesday, December 5, at 7:30 p.m. at the heme of Fran and. Tony McQuail. We will review the 1979 season and make plans for the 1980 season. Anyone interested in the • market should try to attend. For directions phone 528-6542. —48,49 NEW YEARS EVE DANCE • Lucknow Tractor Pullers As- • sociation and Lucknow Fire 7,Department New Years Eve Dance, Lucknow Conununity • Centre, Monday, December • 31,,,:i979. Dancing9. p.m. to 1 • A.m. Music by Special . Ap- pointment. Lunch provided. Advancetickets only, $15 per • couple. Phone 529-7628, 529- 7488, .528-2028, • 528-3006, • 528-3932. —49,50,51ar • MOLE I would like to say a sincere thank you to all those who sent get well cards and wishes and gifts to me while in hospital. Also to all those who visited me and to the ones who were not allowed in the intensive care unit to see me. Thanks to the nurses on the second •floor and the Lucknow Doctors for their good' care of me. Belle Mole TilJNITYS.S. CONCERT Trinity United Church Sun- day School Xmas concert will be. held in Brookside Public School' on Friday, December 7 at 8 p.m. Everyone wel come. —49,x FAMILY DANCE 'The; 1st Holyrood Brownie Pack • is holding a family dance on Friday! December 14th, 8:30 p.m. - 12:00 in the • Holyrood Hall. Tickets $4.00 • per family$1.00 per person. Proceeds to the lst Holyrood Brownie Pack. -1-44... Music by the Kountry Kats. Ladies 'please bring lunch • —49,50 • NEW YEAR'S PARTY A New Year's Party will be •held at the Legion• Hall, Monday, December 31st from 10 - 1. Sponsored by Lucknow Legion.:Hats, horns, and smorgasbord lunch. Admission $10.00 per • couple. Tickets to be picked up by December 22nd from executive or bar. —49,50,51ar "•• • • Lucknow Sendnel, Wednesday, December 5p, 1979—Page 29 32. Coming events IMMUNIZATION %MC Bruce County Health Unit Infants, Preschoolers, Adults 2nd Wednesday each month Next Clinic December 12th Bruce County Health Unit Office 3 - 5 p.m. —48ar • ROTARY SYMPHONY Thursday, December 20 at 8:15 p.m.,. North Street Unit- ed Church. The London Sym- • phonir Orchestra presents Handels Messiah, the first. of three winter concerts. Tick- ets: adults, $9,00; family, • $20.00; available at Camp- bell's, The Square, Goderich or the Lucknow Sentinel newspaper office. —49 TURKEY BINGO At St, Joseph's Church Hall, Kingsbridge, Saturday, Dec- ember 8_ at 8:30 p.m. 0.0 turkeys; share the wealth and door prize. Admission $1.00. —49 • RIPLEY LIONS BINGO Will be held on December 5 at 8 p.m. at the Township Hall. Early bird, special; 12 regular games at $15.00; Purple Ball of $55; 4 corners, $20 on 5 calls; one share the wealth; one jackpot of 5450.00 on 54 calls; consola- • don game of 545.00. —49ar XMAS CRAFT AND - BAKE SALE Sponsored by the Jack Rea - vie Opportunity Workshop for Mentally Retarded Ad- ults, Saturday, December 8, 1 - 4 p.m. at the Wingham Town Hall. —49 Attention Farmers . For sale 5000 BALES of first Cut hay for sale. Phone Duncan Far- — rish 395-2728. —48,49,50 IIVROINCENTRE..FOR CHILDREN • AND YOUTH • s a non,profit, Organization dedicated to families solve problems relating to tha social and . emotional development and learning of children and young people. .• •REQUIRES A PART TINIE DICTA -TYPIST TO BEGIN IMMEDIATELY Of great importance is a warm friendly manner with our clients on the telephone and in the office and the ability to work in the strictest confidence. The position requires excellent dictaphone skills and competence in general office procedures including bookkeeping. Address Application to D. KEILLOR DIRECTOR OF THE HURON CENTRE FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH BOX 100 CLINTON, ONT. • LrIN LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD; Amberley • PHONE 395-5286 CLAY - Silo Unloaders, Feeders, Cleaners; Stabling, Leg Elevators, Liquid Man- ure Equipment, Hog Equip- ment. • •• BUTLER - Silo Unloaders, ,Feeders,, Conveyors. FARMATIC Mills, Augers . etc. • • ACORN - Cleaners, Heated • Waterers. - WESTEEL-ROSCO - Gran- • aries. B & L --Hog Panelling. • —40tfar Deputy Clerk -Treasurer .goo Arrimmediate opening exists for the above position. 'The successful candidate will have a strong accounting or financial • background and, preferably, prior municipal eXperience. • Salary conSmensurate with qualifications and experience. • • Excellent fringe benefits provided. • • Interested,, qualified applicants submit resume in writing not later Than 4:00 p.m. December 18, 1979 to: Chairman of Finance • Town of VVinghoM Ola Box 90 •• ' Wingham, Ontario NOG 2W0 C. Wanted • CAME. Ve pay good pric- es for reasonably injured or unthrifty cattle. Easy loading' trailer with winch. Call Co"- , led 238-2796, John Ansens, Grand Bend. —44-50 WANTED TO RENT 50 - 450 acres workable land in. Luck - now -Dungannon area. Phone. 529-774$. --49,5Q • ALLIS 'CHALMERS WD 45 tractor in good tOndition. Phone John Mowbray 395- 5373. —49x • E. Farm services LUCKNOW SHIPPER UNITED COOPERATIVES • OF ONTARIO • LIVESTOCK DEPT. TORONTO • Ship your livestock • with BILL TA'YLOR R. R. N 5, LUCICNOW • On Tuesdays Or groups of 5 or more • On Thursdays From Lucknow Stockyards CALL • 528.3530 Home • or • 528-3119 Yards Tuesday or Thursday by 8:30 a.m. for prompt service ASK BILL FOR REQUIREMENTS OF . REPLACEMENT CATTLE, —39tfar F: For rent 100 ACRES for rent by tender, W1/2 Lot 8, conc. 8 E.D. Ashfield. Rental period negotiable. Please forward tenders to Box R, c/o Luck - now Sentinel before Decem- ber 12, --49 HELP WANTED FULL TIME. _ • EXPERIENCED PERSONFOR TYPIST SECRETARIAL POSITION With West Wawanosh Mutual Fire insurance Company, Send resume stating -qualifications and experience along with anticipated Salary *to the Undersigned. Resumes will be accepted up toik December 12. Duties to commence immediately. West Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Co. STEPHEN B. WHITNEY •SECRETARY -MANAGER Dungannon; Ontario FARM FOR SALE BEEF SET-UP • Ashfield Township—on Division Line. 200 Acres. Level Land, Good Building . • CALL (GUS) CHISHOLM 524-8554 • Alexander & Chapman • Realty Ltd. 10 THE SQUARE. • GODERICH • 524.2177 -TP‘XO:"MiNIW,MM:Ws. ' , , , „ ." • • . • • • •