HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-12-05, Page 16Page 16-,Lucknow Sentinel, Wednelyday, December 5, 1979
Receive word of death of former .RRipley teacher
Ripley area folks were
shocked and saddened
this past weekend to
learn of the death of Mrs.
Sam Malhotra of
Goderich and formerly a
resident In Ripley. Mrs.
Mary Malhotra died in a
car collision just north of
Vanastra and south of
Clinton on Highway 4 last
Friday afternoon. Her
husband Sam was taken
to University Hospital in
London in serious con-
dition and underwent
surgery shortly after
arrival on Friday. The
funeral service for Mrs.
Mary Malhotra was held
yesterday, December 4,
in Goderich with in-
terment in Maitland
Cemetery, Goderich.
Surviving are her
husband Sam and young
son Kenny about ten
years old.
Sam and Mary cameto.
Ripley in 1969 whenhe
became the teacher of the
senior science classes at
the Ripley District High
School. Sam and Mary
first lived in the apart-
ment at . the home, of
Ambrose and Marion
Gamble then later they.
purchased the Bill
Graham home also
known. as the Treleaven
house two blocks south o.f.
the school.
Mary, a graduate
nurse, ,worked in Kin-
cardine and District
Hospital. Later she
transferred to Goderich:
They sold , their Ripley
home and bought one in
Goderich. It was during
their stay at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose.
Gamble that. Kenny was
born. He is staying at the
home of a friend and
neighbour Paul Rivers in
At the time of writing it
nominating report. The
Society decided to
replace one shrub at the
Medical Centre and Mrs.
Fair was going to see if it
could be done now.
Mrs. Wm. McCreath on
behalf of the Royal Bank
presented the trophy for
the most points in the
Spring and Summer
Flower Shows. This
trophy was won by Mrs.
Glenn Stanley, The
Simpson Sears prizes
went to Mrs. Gordon
Farrell and Mrs. Ewan
MacLean and the Hor-
ticultural Society prizes
went to Mrs. Walter
Farrell and Mrs. Cliff
Geddes. Convenor of the
program Mrs. Ewan
MacLean opened with a
Christmas poem "The
-Choicest Time-. She
introduced Mrs, David
Elphick who demon-
strated the making of
Christmas decorations,
wreaths, corsages and
fresh flower'
Several draws were
made during the af-
ternoon. Mrs. Godfrey
thanked the speaker and
presented her with a gift.
Mrs. Elizabeth Fair gave
the courtesies. Mrs.
MacLean gave a
Christmas reading and
the meeting closed with
the Queen, Thanks for the
above information goes to.
Mrs. Marjoric. MacLean
of Lochalsh.
Dinner guests with Mr.
and Mrs,...:Clarke Coiling
of Lurgan, down the hill
at the foot of the 9th
concession in Huron on
Tuesday evening of last
week, were his 'parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John
Coiling, and Mrs.
Katherine Coiling . of
Recently Miss Gail
is not known whether Maclver and friend
they were on their way to Vernon Whitaker of Fort
London or returning_ MacMurray, Alberta
home when the fatal visited her grandmother
accident happened. Mary Mrs: Martha Maclver of
was in her 40th year. On Ripley for a week.Also
this sad occasion our Mr. and ' Mrs. Guy
feelings of sympathy are Ramsey of Toronto
deep indeed and shared visited her . sister Mrs.
by many in this com- Macrver for a few days.
munity. Our hopes go to . Mr. and Mrs. George
Sam during the corning Meyer and Mrd. and Mrs.
weeks in hospital. Bob .. Campbell of
Our thanks to Reuben Belmont, Manitoba,
Burnett, Ambrose and visited recently with their
Marion Gamble for in- cousins - Mrs. Rhoda
formation. Ribey and Murray of
The Ripley Hor- Paisley, Mr. and Mrs.
ticultural Society met on Don Robertson of Purple
Tues., Nov. 20, in the Grove , Margaret
Ripley Huron Legion hall Robertson and Mrs.
starting with their annual Dorothy Collins of
pot luck luncheon. The Lucknow, Mrs. Mabel
1979 directors were in Breckenridge at
charge of the decorations Huronvilla, Mrs. Martha
and the serving of the Huston, and Mrs. Martha
meal. Mrs. Reg Godfrey, MacIver. in Ripley.
president, presided for The Ripley Figure
the meeting. Skating Club would be
The meeting opened grateful if the folks i .. the
with singing "0 Canada" community shoppint at
and repeating the Lord's Zehrs would save their
Prayer. Mrs. Reta Irvin grocery "till tapes" and
led in the singing of give these to Mrs. Janet
Christmas carols with Fludder on William
Mrs. Ambrose Gamble Street in Ripley or drop
pianist. Mrs. Gamble these into the.Zehr bag at
then played a piano solo.'„' the Ripley Huron Com -
Minutes were read and munity Centre Comptek.
approved. A special Mr, and Mrs. Glen
offering was received for Harris of Sarnia and Mr.
the Salvation Army. Mrs. n$' s. Steve George of
Elizabeth Fair gave the Ajax vi ited for a couple
days last week with the
ladies grandparents Mr.
and Mrs. Redvers
Johnson and also with
George and Joy McLean
in Ripley. Mrs. Harris
and Mrs. George are the
former Phoebe and Pam
Mitchell of London. They
were helping their
parents Mr. and Mrs.
Guest Mitchell move
back to their Kincardine
area home from London.
Mrs. Guest is the
daughter of Redvers and
Mildred Johnson and a
Turn to page 18•
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A Place for Kids
Written by Kathryn MacKay
Illustrated by Pamela F-1. Taie
and the
1. Venus, Jupiter. and Mars are
3. It is cooler in the - of a tree
7. A weather chart is a
8: A thermometer measures
temperature in
11. A shower
12. The opposite of hot
13. Erie is a Great
14. More than warm
16. it falls in flakes
18. This wind has an eye
20. The smallest planet
21. Water freezes at 0°
22. Frozen dew on grass is
25. The opposite of nights
26. A blizzard is a, iad,,snow .J: 10. A large itidy of salt water is
27, A very strong wind is a -. . an
28, Show in the spring 15. Rain falls from them
31. it's put on the road to melt ice 17. A ___., wihd brings cool. clear
33. At 0°C, water weather
34, On - days the sky is blue 19• it is light in the daytime
35. The sky is_when it's cloudy and at night
36. The clocks tell the 20. The rain sounds like pitter-
Down: 21. A lake without waves iA
I. They are on the ground after a 23. They twinkle en a clear night
rain 24. A light wind is a
2. The coldest wind is from the_ 25. A hot sandy place
4. it's hard and falls from clouds 29. A continent is a mass of __-.
5. Our planet is called 30. The is blue
6 ih-the-moon 32. Weather stripping is ..- that
"7. It's like fog sticks to doors.
9. Spring and summer are two 33,_It's ,likc a cloud on land