HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-11-28, Page 27Celebrate diamo Christlna�s ,Day, .1919, was the date .chosen to solemnize the marriage between. Thom- as Artktur Stewart and Fern Ila Larrett at the home of the bride's parents; the 1a,te Mr. and.. Mrs, John •Larrett of Briercrest, Saskatchewan.. Rev. A. Armstrong, officiat- ed. The groom isthe son of. the late Mr. and Mrs. John. Stewart, concession 2 of Bruce Township. They were attended by Miss Stella Almond of Van- couver, B.C. and the bride's brother, Rolph Manning. Following their marriage, Tom and Fern took up a homestead at .Glenavon, Sas katchewan.where their fain-. ily of .six boys .and five girls were born.., Thefamily con- sists of . Ila, 'Mrs, Arnold. Wilkie, Kincardine;. Ellen, Mrs. Ken Rowe; Kincardine; John' of Crediton; Gerald of Kincardine;Eva; Mrs.. lan McPherson, Teeswater; Ern est , at home; Mable, Mrs. Lloyd . Cornish, . Winnipeg; Alex, Orangeville; Millie,. Mrs. Ron Stanley, Kinloss; Russel, Toronto and Harold of B,ervie. The family now .incl.udes'38 grandchildren: and .20 great.. grandchildren` as well. In: 1938r:.the family came'.. by train to Ontario.' They s etit a year in Millarton and then purchased a farm on the 14th concession' 'of Culross Township. They farmed there 'for' 33 years before retiring to,; the Southline of Kincardine Township, where ,they'have resided since 1972. TO celebrate the occasion, of Tom• and Fern's 60th anni- versary, a'family dinner was.: held "at, the Ripley -Huron Community Centre ,on'Satur day, November 17; "attended; by the .couple's;children and. many of their'grandchildren. The grobrn's .brother, :Al listar, Kincardine and his sisters, Tilda, Mr's. Gordon.. Mewhinney, Kincardine and Ida, : Mrs.'' Bob Bonnet, Kin=:. cardine and Allan and Marie Farrell of Kincardinewere special guests.. John Stewart was master of ceremonies and presided over a short program. Grace was given by Ron Stanley followed with an enjoyable The Lung Association is Concerned About Asthma Chronic Bronchitis Pneumonia Tuberculosis Enlithisena Fight Lung Disease With Christmas Seals ttiia Matterof Life and'Breath. meal. Alex Stewart proposed a 'toast on behalf of the children and Leanne Stewart • on behalf of the grandchild- ` ren: The - .original newspaper notice or the wedding was read by Millie Stanley and Laurena Stewart read a hum- orous poem 'Written for the' occasion by Ann Collins. Greetings were read from the bride's family, the Queen, Prime Minister Clark, Dr. Gurbin, MP, Premier Davis, and Murray Gaunt, MPP. Following the dinner a dance and a late buffet were held with approximately 400 • people attending. Guests from a distance included those who attended from Winnipeg, Ottawa; Or- angeville, Toronto and Cred- iton. _ CHRISTMAS SEALS FIGHT LUNG DISEASE New generations continue' old trauditions in special. ways. And : ,his year's Christmas Seals celebrate the 80th anniversary ' of the Lung Associations in Canada. The Seals. origin-, ally • were ' used to raise money 'to c b tuber-. culosis ;in chip.' The children . ;of today. have never , seers scenes that . swept the nation early in . the twentieth. Century. Then, dying. children lay in their moth:; er's arEns .coughing up blood. Entire families were"_ !wiped. out : by 'a monster disease ' "called tuberculosis... 18..1900, .the: average life- span. was. only 47..years. TB and: other .infectious diseases cut life brutally„ short. 'By 1979, that .span had soared to 73 years.• - By creating .Christmas Seals, . lung . associations provideda way for.every- •' •one`, . of; however little :means, to join the fight: Against the monster dis- ease. This . enormous ef- fort by dedicated, volun teers to. rally a' • nation '.against a single killer had never been attempted be- fore, The story of the fight against TB is one of the triumphs of our century, Today the lean-to elim- inate TB. completely are. available. But, today there are other threats to our lungs. ' 4 million Canad- ians - Children 'and adults suffer from long term respiratory .:disease. Most .people no longer die sad• denly from infections dis- eases; three-quarters". of them die lingering deaths from long-term ones. Long -tenni lung disease ranks sixth as the cause of a f, caths. This year's Christmas Seals support the ongoing fight against lung disease and its cur- rentcauses, including cig- arette smoking and air pollution. To continue • that fight; and a Canadian tradition, answer your Clristnlatt Seal letter. Lt's a , .Matter of 'ilfe and breath! • Luclmow Sentinel, Wednesdi ii, . ,November 28, 1979,—Page 21 DEALER & WAkRANTY DEPOT TURNS ON SI&SOUNDS • BY PHILIPS. 14" COLOR PORTABLE MODEL `C1410 MODEL NO. AHPIS 60 WATT RECEIVER AMPLIFIER FEATURES 1f,.,,•, lhvy I'uwpr Supitly 1 aha 0041,01 from., Malqu, 1 uOs,00I Muting Tape...'. M•:,.d,... It. 1...1 MuII ,I8 DI.0118. 1M S10180 11181.010, ilywhert ,.O.nu 1Y8•18 times Unil S. ,h' HOudphnne 1a11 100. ,p00I,.8 Cnpohd.ty Sw.l 18.11.1.. 44 N, . rinn• 1• < n 8..t p„dr" 4,00, Ihgh (. I I 1484 MFG.•SUGG. LIST '429.00. ' • . OUR SPECIAL PRICE MODEL 2333 ' • SOLID STATE /C CIRCUITRY • PRECISION IN-LINE. PRICTURE TUBE • AUTO COLOR CONTROL, •.WALNUT WOODGRAIN FINISHED CABINET • • DOLBT NOISE REDUCTION . • BIAS/EQUALIZATION SELECT • THREE DIGET COUNTERS +'AUTOMATICSTOP ...FRONT LOADING DECK rtruataarmarmattratuffq v'—:� • TACK* CONTROL CAPSTAN MOTOR • THREE' MOTORS. DIRECT DRIVE DC . • DNL . (DYNAMIC 'NO1SE' LIMITED) • Most skein • TAPE. 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SPECIFICATIONS SPEAKERS Woofer 8" cone•tvpe M,a+range 2' wide -dispersion dome•type Tweeter 1" dome•type POWER HANDLING CAPACITY 40, WPM- IRMS1 80 watts peak power IMPEDANCE 8ohms EFFICIENCY 95d8el4wens 1 metre ITHO 1,0%) FREQUENCY RESPONSE 3E40 000 Hz CROSSOVER REOUIREMENTS SO'O and 450 Hz CROSSOVER NETWORK • 3 -Way 12 dB/octave parallel type FUSE TYPE Fast blow protection DIMENSIONS 22"11 .1.13"W a 10,6''0 WEIGHT 45 lbs. lapproa.) MANUFACTURERS SUGG. LIST ICE IS NOT >f NCE S RILY IIS LOWIST & OR USUAL SELLING PRICE. 1