HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-11-28, Page 25..w 22. Lost and found Draped' From lot 10, concession 14, Ashfield,: Highway 86, Charolais steer, weighing approximately 700 lbs. GORDON BROOKS PHONE 528.2542 'STRAYED - 'Holstein heifers strayed to Sepoy Acres Farms. Owner held respon- sible for expenses`: 'Phone 529-7465, -48x LOST - 3 Holstein heifers, 550-850 lbs. from area of concession 2 and Hwy. 86.- $50 6.$50 reward offered. Phone 395-2733. —48x 24. Business opportunities BE YOUR OWN BOSS: Make money in your spare time or make it a full time job. For more Information write Box 275, Lucknow. —48,49 EARN a second income. Learn income tax preparation at home. For free brochure write U & R Tax Schools; 118, Roxborough Drive, Tor- onto, Ontario. M4W 1Z4. No obligation. =48nc K1 . In memoriam MATHERS In loving memory of a beloved Wife, mother, and grandmother, Maizie May, who passed away November 24, 1973. Ours is just a simple prayer, God bless and keep you in his care. Deep in our heart's you will always stay, Loved and remembered ,ey. ery day., Dearly loved and sadly missed by Pharis, Carolyn, Wayne, Stephen and Jean- ette. -48x 31. Cards of thanks MacTAV.ISH My sincere thanks. to Doctors and nurses on second floor for the care I received during my .stay. in Wingham Hospit- al. James MacTavish —48x STEWART.. We wish_ to say a sincere thanks to our family and everyone responsible for such an enjoyable evening on the occasion of our 60th wedding anniversary. Thanks everyone for the lovely gifts, money, cards and best wishes and espec- ially to dor• relatives, neigh- bours and friends for coming out to share this special occasion with us. Tom and Fern Stewart --48x GRAHAM I wish to express my sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for visits, cards, flowers and gifts I received while a patient `in the Kincardine Hospital. I also wish to thank. Rev. and Mrs. Garratt for their visits to the .hospital and for his corn -rafting prayers. I am especially grateful to Mrs. Bert Nicholson for her many kindnesses to me in various ways in the .past and at the present time. These kind thoughts of all are deeply appreciated. Mrs. George Graham -48x 31. Cards of thanks MnFARIANE I would like to thank all who sent cards, letters,. flowers, ' the Lucknow Doctors and those who were so kind to Spence while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital. M rs: Spence McFarlane —48x STEWART We would like to express our thanks to our family, friends and relatives for lovely flow- ers, cards; gifts and visits to Mary while she was in hospital at Goderich. To. Doctors and nurses on 2nd flooreast, responsible for good care she received. All was deeply appreciated. Mary and Art Stewart —48x TAMAN The family of the late Wesley Tamanwish to extend their thanks andappreciation to all their friends, neighbours, and relativesthat were so helpful during this trying time. The many acts and expressions of kindness, will long . be remembered. A special thanks is extended to the Blyth Branch #420, of the Canadian Legion and the Ladies' Auxiliary and Rev. C. Wittich, Dr. R. W. Street and the Tasker Funeral Home. The Taman Family Audrey Walsh, sister Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Sproul —48x 32, Coming events BENEFIT DANCE Will be held for Alice and Hank (Jen •Boer at the Com- munity Centre on Friday, December 7, from 9:30 to 1:00 .a.m., Lunch provided. Sponsored. by Business As- sociation, Kinsmen and Kin- ettes. -47,48,49 OPEN HOUSE 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Lewis Flowers, Wingham, 135 Frances St.,.1'/2 blocks south of the Wingham Public School. Drop in have a coffee, see 400 poinsettias .in our greenhouses. Meet our staff, Free Xmas corsage to each lady. —48ar COMMUNITY. CHRISTMAS CONCERT. To be presented by the Blyth Centre for the Arts in the Blyth. Memorial Hall on Wednesday, December. 5th at 8 p.m. Listen to perform- ances by the Goderich Teen Tones, the Kincardine Knights of Jazz, and many other local residents. Join in the carol sing -along. Tickets available' at the door, re- freshments included. -48ar LUCKNOW. FARMERS MARKET MEETING Wednesday, -December 5, at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Fran and Tony McQuail. We will review the 1979 season and make plans for the 1980 season. Anyone interested in the market should try to attend. For directions phone 528-6542, —48,49 TURKEY BINGO In St. Augustine Church Hall, St. Augustine on Thursday, December 6 . at 8:30 p.m. 10 turkeys; share the wealth; door prizes. Everyone welcome. —48 SNOWMOBILE MEETING The St. Helens Snowmobile Club will hold' their organiza- tion meeting, Friday, Nov- ember 30 at 9 p.m. at the Township Hall. —48 32. Coming events HOWICK LIONS BINGO Will be held on Friday, Nov- ember 30th at 8;00 p.m, in Wroxeter Community Hall. Admission $1.00. 12 Regular games for $10.00; 2 Share the Wealth; one $25.00 Spec- ial; Jackpot 5140.00 on 56 calls: Purple Ball $220.00; Door and Consolation prizes. —48ar 30TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Help John and Grace Austin. celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary at the Dungan- non Hail, on Saturday, Dec- ember 1. Music by Boyds Orchestra, from 9 to 1. Lunch provided. No gifts please. —48 VARIETY CONCERT Will be held Saturday, Dec- ember 1, 8:15 p.m. in Holy- rood Hall. Prizes for different categories. Ladies please bring lunch. Silver collection —48x POT LUCK DINNER In' the St. Helens Institute Hall, Friday, November 30 at. 7 pan. Silver collection. Pro- ceeds .for village light. Every- one welcome. —48 Attention .Farmers . For sale 5000 BALES of first clot hay for sale. Phone Duncan Far- rish 395-2728. 48,49,50 BELT DRIVEN hammermill. Burt White, phone 395-3239. —46,47,48 LYNN LOWRY 'FARM SYSTEMS LTD. Amberley PHONE 395-5286 CLAY Silo Unjoaders, Feeders, Cleaners, Stabling, Leg Elevators, Liquid Man • ure Equipment, Hog Equip- ment. BUTLER - Silo Unloaders, Feeders, Conveyors. FARMATIC Mills, Augers etc. ACORN Cleaners, Heated Waterers. - , WEST.EEL-ROSCO . - Gran- aries. B &:L - Hog Panelling. —40tfar 8.' Custom work CUSTOM COMBINING now!. Low rates, long hours to get. job done. Grain, beans and corn. Phone Goderich 524- 4700.—29tfnc CUSTOM PLOUGHING. Phone 395-5510. —42-48 C. Wanted \ \\ MIXED GRAIN, barley and corn. Snobelen Farms Ltd., Ripley, phone 395-5167. lltfar CATTLE. We pay good pric- es for reasonably injured or unthrifty cattle. Easy loading trailer with winch. Call col- lect 238-2796, John Amens, Grand Bend. —44-50 LOGS WANTED ' Standing Timber For top prices arid instant cash Call your local sawmill CRAIG'S SAWMILL AUBURN BW Craig Phone 526.7220. Al 'Craig Phone 526.7512 77, Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 28, 1979—Page 3S E. Farm services LUCKNOW SHIPPER TO UNITED CO.OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPT. TORONTO. Ship your livestock with BILL TAYLOR R. R. # 5, LUCKNOW On Tuesdays Or groups of 5 or more On Thursdays From Lucknow Stockyards CALL 528,3530 Home or 528-3119 Yards Tuesday or Thursday by 8:30 a.m. for prompt service ASK BILL FOR REQUIREMENTS OF REPLACEMENT CATTLE --39tfar CLOVER AND GRASS SEED Cleaned Bought and Sold Grain Storage Available ELLIOTT'S SEED MILL AND TRUCKING Lucknow Phone 528-3500 —33tfar Auction Sales LIQUIDATION SALE OF NEW FURNITURE At The Wingham Sales Arena 680 Josephine Street; North end of Wingham across from Hodgins Buildall THURSDAY, NOV. 29 ' 9-6p.m. FRIDAY, NOV. 30 9-9p.m. SATURDAY, DEC. 1 9-5p.m.. SEE LAST WEEK'S PAPER FOR FULL LISTING Terms Cash, Cheques, Master Charge, Chargex Days of Sale SALES MANAGER - Ed KIkkert, 357-1730 —48ar AUCTION SALE Wingham Auction Centre Beside'L.C.B.O., Water St., SATURDAY°, DEC. 1, 1979 11 a.m. FURNITURE ' AND EF- FECTS FROM WINGHAM AND LUCKNOW DISTRICT -featuring, corner chinacab- inet; nrIodern ab-inet;.nmodern 4 pce. bedroom suite; excellent gate leg table; cedar chest; pine jam cupboard; ' 5 drawer chest; pine cupboard; Quebecheat- er; vintage kitchen cupboard; combination dresser -arm- oire; bed with brass head- board; vintage bed; bowfront dresser w. mirror; pine church pew, approx. 6'; 5 press back and 3 hip rest chairs; hump -top trunk; floor lamp w. solid brass base; kitchen suite - modern; rare print Queen Victoria (jewel- lery scene); oval braided mat, 9' x 12'; good rug, 12' x 15'; mirrors; 3 electric heat- ers; step table; vintage bed, single bed; treadle sewing machine; portable B. & Vitt television; several table lamps; 3 antique coal oil lamps; Fleetwood record player; small electrical appli- ances; kitchen utensils; vari- ety of dishes; small amount 1 bedding and old blankets; boxes books; costume jewel- -lery, including some china items; some pieces flatware - silver plated; brass pickle fork; electric clocks; 2 small India brass tea kettles; num- erous other items. PREVIEW Friday, November 30, 1979 2.5p.m.and 7.9p.m. MOBILE LUNCH JACK ALEXANDER Auctioneer, Tel. 357.1442 CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE SALE OF House hold effects and antiques at .fhe ' Wingham Sales Arena 680 Josephine;Street, North End of Wingham Across From Hodgins. Buildall Thursday, Eve. Dec. 6th 7:30 p.m. PARTIAL LISTING OF SALE: - Rop nd oak table with 6 matching chairs; solid oak side board, very ornately carved; ' oak combination buffet and china cabinet; 3 bedroom suite; complete dining room suite; odd dressers and chests of drawers; burled walnut wardrobe; Kroeler.recliner [like new]; colour T.V.; portable B & W. T.V.; chesterfield suite; kitchen suite; coffee and end tables; washer and dryer; electric range and refrigerator; numerous new small items. TERMS - CASH, CHEQUES, CHARGEX, -. MASTER CHARGE NIGHT OF SALE Preview- Thurs. 12 Noon Til Sale Time SALES MANAGER AUCTIONEER Ed Kikkert Jake Kikkert 357-1730 -48ar Farms For dale ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP - on Division' Line. Beef Set-up. 200 acres. Level land. Good building. NEAR DUNGANNON Hog operation. 100 acres, 70 workable. Farrowing 130 sows. Modern barn. Modern- ized home. Negotiable farm stock and equipment. Trout pond. Hardwood bush: Second home available. Must be seen to be appreciated. Excellent opportunity for part- nership. . NEAR LUCKNOW 200 acres, 192 workable, 8 acres bush. Good home. 2 barns. Excellent cash crop opera- tion. For above farms, or if you are buying or selling., Contact our Farm Salesman R. A. (Gus) Chisholm Home 524-8554 or Business 524-2177 [519] ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN REALTY LTD. 10 The Square, Goderich WANTED TO RENT FARM LAND in the KINLOSS AREA 100 to 400 acres for cash crop PHONE R.A. (GUS) CHISHOLM at 524-8554 or Alexander & Chapman REALTY LTD. GODERICH 524-2177