HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-11-28, Page 17Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 28, 1979—Page 17 Trinity folks enjoy vollyball at Brookside --- BY BELL HACKETT Marvin and Hannie Scott and his father, Robert Scott, visited recently with Mrs. Gordon Kaiser of London. Rev. Kaiser°was a minister to the' Ashfield charge. Several from this commun- ity areenjoying the volleyball at Brookside school every Monday night. Any adults in the schools area are wel- come. Shawn Hackett, son of Wayne and Gloria Hackett, had his tonsils out at Wing - ham last week. We all hope you are feeling better Shawn. Tom and. Joan Helm, Jan- ine and Douglas, attended the wedding of Joan's sister, Carol Pollard and Ken Goeb- el at Ripley, last Saturday and the reception .in the evening. Dale Irvin of Kitchener visited over the weekend With his family, Russel and Lillian Irvin and Alex. Dale is employed at, Electrohome, Frances Wilkins of Luck - now. is a patient. at Victoria Hospital, London. The 'com- munity wishes her a speedy recovery and hopes she'll soon be home again. Jack and Donna Alton re- ceived. word recently from their daughter, Shelley, that she had been accepted in' a course to further her educa- tion, for a Masters in Busi- ness Administration at the University of Toronto. Shel- Calls on friends itt Kinlough BY MAY BOYLE Mrs. Arthur Haldenby is a patient in St. Joeph's Hos- pital, London. Her husband and family were with her on the weekend. Sadie McLean and Maude Thompson of Kincardine cal- led on friends here on Mon- day. Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Page visited • in Burlington with Mr. and Mrs.. Richard Page and baby, Andrea.. Edna and May Boyle siSent— the weekend with Jean Hod --- gins at Winghani, and all were dinner.. guests with Norma Coutts on Sunday. KINLOUGH W.M.S. The Presbyterian W.M.S. met on Wednesday afternoon at the home of. Mrs. Jack Barr with an attendance of 15. Mrs. Don Reid presided and opened with a poem, `'Expanded View—. Plans were made for the Sunday School . Christmas program to be held on Sun- day, December 2. Mrs. Don Robertson was in charge of the program .on "Peace" and "Remem- brance-. Mrs. Don Reid read a poem by Whittier. A. reading was given by Mrs. Alex Percy and- •Mrs. Don "Reid conducted a con- test. Mrs. John Barr gave 'a reading on the hymn, On- ward Christian Soldiers. The Lord's Prayer closed the meeting and the election of officers followed. Book which lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. SPECIAL OF THE WEEK t78-15 Goodyear. Blems 555 each . Computerized Wheel Balancer r in service Don't take chances with your new tires. Make sure they are properly. balanced. WILLITS ?IRE SERVICE Has Moved To the Former Hackett's Allis Chalmers Building On Ross St. The New Phone Number is 528-2103 We Are Selling Batteries, And Snow Tires Service Truck Available For Road and Field Repair: i'ikSd:''':. , ..,,.. ley has a position as Pro- gram -Analyst at Bell Can- ada, Yonge and Moor, Toronto. Mrs. Laura Pollock of Maitland Manor, Goderich, visited on Sunday at the home of her daughter, Isabel and Cliff Kilpatrick. Russ and Pat Ritchie at- tended the funeral on Satur- day of Pat's brother, Albert Hamelin at Penetang. Our sympathy is extended to you. Mrs. Ervin Zinn, Goderich and her sister,. Viola and Charlie Nelson, Clinton, vis- ited .on Sunday with Warren and Marion Zinn, Paul and Terry. Dora Alton, Stuart and t Steven, visited on Sunday with Ken and Ruth Alton, Sharon, George and Suz- anne. Mrs. Dora Alton received word Sunday that her niece, Marjorie and. Peter Levick and Aaron of Ottawa had just returned from a three week trip to Sydney, Austrlia where they visited with Pet- er's parents. Mr, and Mrs. Oraen Rock, Rick, Rob and Ronnie, of Ripley, visited at the home of their daughter, Rose and Tom Broome, Diane and Pat on. Sunday.. • Rose Broome helped with a baby shower last Saturday night, held at the home of MNUM INS OMR —e_Ma HWJR, DASHWOOD [XErfR YI I MI CARMEL to (ORBS IIj _ GRAND PEND } 1 COUNTRY y i ORM R SIGN HOURS MON. - SAT. 10-10 SUN. 12-6 Kawasaki I -1C 'SNOWMOBILES AND MOTORCYCLES ,• 23.7-3456 ff .—.Mil N: -i• — an on YAMAHA SERVICE AND PARTS • 1 her sister, Mrs. Ruth Mac- Kenzie, Lochalsh, for their friend, Pat Porter, Lucknow, and new baby girl, Lori. Diane Broome sang a song and little Mary Elen Mac- Kenzie did some tap danc- ing. William and Shirley Irvin and Shelley visited on Sun- day with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Robb. 00000 0 QO 0 0 aryJir GNeur 0Gliairdo... Kath•e's Q Hair Stylin 0 O in Dungannong 0 r --‘ HAS Specials 0Great O For NovemberQ O Call. Kathie Stanbury 0 nee.. re] 0 QO Cone O 529-7949 0 Q 000L) Here's how to play your ticket' and f ouow thedraws every Thursday night. Now Wintario goes weekly. With a new 6 -digit ticket* that's a lot more fun toplay."With snore ways to win. With more prizes- 165,972** of them every week: Including 15 grand prizes -3 of $100,000 and. 12. of $25,000.** . And nine exciting new draws instead of six, every Thursday night live on TV. FIRST DRAW- 4 WAYS TO WIN $10. The first draw is fora 3 -digit number. And if r' t: any 3 consecutive digits ai • 411.. in your ticket number matchthe'number'drawn, you're a winner. For example,' if your ticket number is. 123456, you would win if 123, -234, 345 or 456 were drawn. That's 4 separate chances at 12.,000 - $ 10 prizes in the 1st draw every Thursday.** SECOND DRAW - 3 WAYS TO WIN $100. The second draw is a 4-digii number. And if any 4 consecu- tive digits in your -ticket number match the number drawn, you're a winner. For example, if you hold ticket number 123456, you would win if 1234, 2345 or 3456 were drawn. 900-$100 prizes in the 2nd draw every Thursday.** THIRD DRAW- 2 WAYS TO WIN $1.000. The third draw �iiu ,• • ':.> •• moi. '' is a 5 -digit number, And if 5 consecutive digits in your ticket number match the number drawn, you're a winner. For example, if your ticket number is 123456, yob would win if either 12345 or 23456 were drawn. 60-$1,000 prizes every Thursday.** JI 123.456 `} ate of Draw Date of Xi . a Still $100 *Tickets issued in blocksi ofone million each numbered from 000000 to 999999: No series number. **Based on three million tickets issued. h ---FOURTH, FIFTH; SIXTH & SEVENTH DRAWS- FOR $25,000 GRAND PRIZES. The next four draws are 6 -digit numbers, each of them worth $25,000 if your ticket number matches the number drawn: No subsidiary prizes in these draws. 12 -.$25,000 prizes every Thursday** EIGHTH DRAW FOR $100,000 GRAND PRIZES PLUS MANY . MORE CASH PRIZES. The eighth draw for the First rand Prizes is also. a 6 -digit number. If your ticket number matches the number -drawn, you win one of the three $100,000 First Grand Prizes.** • And for this draw only. if the last five digits on your ticket correspond to those of the winning ticket number, you win $5,000. Match thelast fourand you win $100. And if you have the last three correct, you win $10. 3 -5100,000 prizes, 27-55,000 prizes, 270-$100 prizes and 2,760 - S 10 prizes in the Eighth Draw every Thursday.** NINTH DRAW- 5 WAYS TO WIN A WIN'FALL PRIZE. The Win'fall draw is a• 2 -digit number. And if any 2 consecu- tive digits in your ticket number match the number drawn, you win a free book of Wintario tickets on the next draw worth $5. For example, if your ticket number is 123456, you would win with 12, 23, 34, 45 or 56. 150,000 Win fall Prizes every Thursday.** 1 iek, ONTARIO LOTTERYCORPOf ATION