HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-11-14, Page 25• • in fnelnoriam NELSON TO IRENE Ah) Love! could you and 1 :j with Him conspire To grasp this sotry Scheme of Things Entire, Would not we shatter it to bits - and then Remould it nearef to the Heart's desiref.... Gerry —46x ° moor ,... ,-.1 -.-. !t-•Rr••1-,--d.fflit--- 31. Cards of thanks MARTIN We.would like to express our gratitude to the people who have been our neighbours on the fourth of Kinloss. The lovely housewarming gift's and good wishes were very much appreciated: Come to see us on Rose Street, Lucknow. Austin, Joan Martin land Family --•-46x NELSON The husband and family of the late M. Irene Nelson acknowledges with thanks the kindness and generosity of all relatives, .friends ' and neighbours shown to . her while she was a patient in Wingham and District Hos- pital and Victoria Hospital, London. Thanks also to Doc- tors Corrin. oc-tors'Corrin, McKim and Jolly and the nurses at the Wing- ham Hospital. A special thanks to Doctors Warwick, Finlay and FulIer of London for their efforts at the time of the death of our loved .one. Thanks to neighbours and friends for .food brought to our homes: the Ladies of Trinity .U.C.W. who served after the funeral and those itho helped in so many .ways. Appreciation is" also extend- ed to the honourary and active pallbearers, theflower bearers,: the MacKenzie and. McCreatli Funeral Home,, the . many donations to 'the Cancer Fund and floral dona- tions. These kindnesses will always be remembered.. Jim Nelson Bill and. Mary Nelson Barbara and Art Helm —46 ROSS - WEST We wish to express our sincere thanks for the many kindnesses shown to our dear sister, Irene Nelson, during her illness and at the time of her passing. Bill Ross Mary West —46 DADSON • The family of the late Charles 'Dadson, would .like to thank all 'their friends in Lucknow and area for their kindnesses at the time of our bereave- ment. Cathy and John Dadson, John Jr., Tammy and Leg --46x denBOER We wish to thank everyone who has helped out since the fire. Special thanks to Koen and, Kathy van Dijk. Thanks to Doctors Corrin and Jolly, the nurses in intensive care and those who visited Hank and sent cards and treats. Everything is much appreci- ated. Hank, Alice; Josie and Paul —46x 1 3t r Cards of thanks i,LEOiON AUMLIARY The Lu• .know Legion Ladies A.uxthar would like to thank those ho patronized their bazaar . nd helped make it such a Success, —46 32. Co Mg events BAZAAR, BAKE SALE &"TEA Will be held at the Lucknow Legion. Hall on Friday,• Nov- ember 16th front 3:00 - 10:30 p.m. Tea will be served 3 - 5 p.m. Supper available. En- tertaining games and auction in the evening. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by the Christian School Ladies Aux- iliary. •--45,46 VARIETY CONCERT & DANCE Concert 8 p.m. Dance to follow. Good music in Ripley. Township Hall, Friday; Nov- ember 16. Lunch available. Admission - D'onations to Woodstock and Area Disast- er Fund.. .=7-45,46 PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE The Grade 8's are sponsoring a progressive euchre party which will be held in the auditorium of • the Lucknow Central School on Thursday, November 15„ 8:15 p,m. Lunch will be provided. Ad- mission $1. Everyone wel- come.—45.46ar CONCERT A guitar and flute concert , featuring . Eric Wilner and Davis Joachim will be held at. the Lucknow Library, Sun: day; November 18 at '8 p.m. Free, 46.. HOSPITAL ,AUXILIARY ' MEETING The November meeting of theWingham and : District Hospital Auxiliary will be held in the Boardroom at the hospital, 'on Monday, Nov- ember 19, at .2 p.m. There will be a shower for the gift case. Mrs. Paula Blagrave, the hospital dietician will be the speaker.. -46 PLAN TO ATTEND A familydance at Brookside School on Saturday, Novem- ber 17 from 9 p.m. to 1 a,m. Admissicn $2.50 per person. —46 CHILD HEALTH CLINIC The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic,' held at the Health Unit office, Wing - ham Hospital on Wednes- day, November 21, 1979 from 9:30. 11:30 a.m. for: 1, Health Surveillance, 2. Anaemia Screening '% 3. lntniunization 4. Fluoride —46ar LEGION DAN -GE The monthly Lucknow Legion dance will be held Saturday, " November 24th to music by Ian Wilbee. Admiss'on $7 per .couple, includes lunch. —46,47ar ANNIVERSARY DANCE The family of Mr. and Mrs. -Tom Stewart would like all relatives, friends and neigh- bours to, accept this as a personal \ invitation to an anniversary dance in honour of their parents' 60th wed- ding anniversary Nits Ripley Complex on Saturday, Nov- ember 17. Dancing from 9 - 12:30. Best wishes only please. —46x • s"""ue"""c . s 1 La eknow Semf nel, We dneaday, November 144 1979-40ego 25 Concert Lueknovv Public Llbraty Sunday, November 18 p.m, •LUCKNOW - LORNE REID J , $00E REPAIR PHONE 5284011 Prtogrgsttive Euchre Lucknow Central School Thursday, November 15 8,15 p.m. --- 32. Coming events • COFFEE BREAK & BAKE SALE ..._ Enjoy a coffee and. tea :break and homemade bake sale in Lucknow. Town Hall base- ment on. Wednesday.. • Nov- ember 14, 2 - 4;30. Auspices of Heron- Chapter of the Eastern Star. Everyone wel- come. —46 CHRISTMAS BAZAAR AND BAKE SALE Will be held on Saturday, November 17 at the Lucknow Legion, from 1 - 4 p.m. Sponsored by Lucknow Jun- ior 'W.I: --45,46 ' HOWICK LIONS BINGO Will be held on Friday, November 16th at 8:00 p.m. .Wroxeter Community Hall.. Admission '$!',00: 12 Regular games for $10.00; 2 Share the -Wealth; one $25.00 Special; Jackpot $130.00 on 55 calls; Purple Ball $210..00; Door and Consolation Prizes. —46ar SHOOT PARTY Shoot' party .in St. Helens Institute Hall, Thursday, November 15,at 8:30. Lunch served. --46 Attention. Farmers A. For sale • VIKING HAMMERMILL;' 2 h.p. electric, very good con- dition, • also.belt driven .ham- mermill. Burt White. phone 3.95-3239.•=-46,47,48 SET OF OF :HEAVY, HORSE sleighs, real good condition. Burt White, phone 395-3239. 46,47,48 • , HEAT HOUSE to fit 7600 Ford tractor. Phone 528- 5902: =46 YOUNG BOAR of service- able age. Phone 395-5641. —46 LYNN LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LID. . .Acnberley PHONE395.5286 CLAY - Silo Unloaders, Feeders; Cleaners, Stabling, Leg Elevators, Liquid, Man- ure Equipment, Hog . Equip. merit: BUTLER - Silo Unloaders,• Feeders, Conveyors. FARMATIC - Mills, Augers ACQRN - Cleaners, Heated Wat rers. WESTEEL:ROSCO - Gran- aries. B &. L - Hog Panelling. ' —40tfar B. Custom work CUSTOM COMBINING, 30 or 36" row. Phone 529-7765, -45,46 CUSTOM' COMBINING now! Low rates, longhours to get job done. Grain, beans and corn. Phone Goderich .524- 4700.—29tfnc CUSTOM COMBINING, 30" row, '$18.00 acre for corn. Phone .529.7469 or 529-7890. —44,45,46,47 CUSTOM PLOUGHING. Phone 395=55101 42.48 C Wanted MIXED GRAIN, barley and corn, Snobeleri Farms Ltd., Ripley, phone 395-5167. —I ltfar CATTLE e pay good pric- es for reasonably injured or, unthrifty cattle. Easy loading trailer ..with winch. Call col- lect 238-2796, John Ansens, Grand Bend. —44-50 D. Livestock PUREBRED DUROC, Hamp- shire, Yorkshire boars. Health approved, R.O.P. tested, low backfat. Priced reasonable and fully guaran- teed. Milton Turner, R. R. 1 Lucknow, call 519-528-3914. —45,46x BRED GILTS. due 2 to 4 week!;, good selection of Hamp, York, Haiti"x York, York x Landrace boars. Bob., Robinson, R. R. 4 Walton, 345-2317. —46,47 almie down E. Farm services CLOVER AND GRASS SEED Cleaned Bought and Sold Grain -Storage Available ELLIOTT'S SEED MILL AND TRUCKING Luclknow Phone 528-3500 -33tfar LUCKNOW SHIPPER TO UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPT. TORONTO Ship yourliyestok. • with: • BILL TAYLOR R. R. #.5, LUCKNOW On Tuesdays Or groups of 5or•more On Thursdays . . From Lucknow Stockyards CALL 528-3530 Home or 528.3119 Yards" Tuesday or. Thursday by , . 8:30'a.m. for prompt service ASK .BILL FOR REQUIREMENTS OF..:.'. REPLACEMENT CATTLE -39tfar Auto Body:Oitin1 Maclyn Manufacturing 9,; 1'%, miles north of Amber- ley, west of #21 Highway. Phone 395-3352, Open from 8 to 6 Monday to Saturday, •Closed Wed- nesdays. Also small gas engine repairs, 2- and 4 cycles. "A Cheap Way For Rust. Protection" 80 Acres Bush GOOERICH TOWNSHIP W. T. Hugb.s REALTY LTD: Rik; Allen $240$1 hhs.,42114101. .. MANE IT A RULL USE WANT ADS AANDV TOOL 528.2822 LOGS WANTED • Standing Timber For top prices and instant cash. Call iyour'loca1 sawmill CRAIG'S SAWMILL • AUBURN - Bill Craig Phone 526-7220 AI Craig. - . Phone 526-7512 OUTSTANDING AUCTION SALE Worthy of Your Attention . :WINGHAM AUCTION CENTRE Beside'L.C.B.O. Water Street. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1979. lI a.m. Modern vintage•aud'som.e antique furniture and affects from home of Mrs. Myrtle.MacNaughton, Winghatn - antlquu Victorian arm chair; vintage matching rocker and arm chair; cane back.,: genuine .walnut frame; vintage bow front bed; large dresser; a molr.e chest; .dressing-tablew.- iwing mirrors; antique bottom ,of flat to wall cupboard; vintage 5 drawer bureau; Duncan Phyfe..mahogany. inning, .table, '4 lyre back chairs, buffet -hutch; outstanding condition;' w;riti.ng desk w: double drawers;, washstand' with part toilet: set;" late ' mode! colon ed console T.V.; Hi-fi stereo and: radio; 2. Fry .& Blackhall chesterfield with matching .foot stool, good condition; large:Westinghou$e frig and up- right freezer, ,in knew condition; 2 pc: Colonial bedroom suite; Viking electric sewing ; machine in. cabinet; • Colonial kitchen .suite; 2. Underwood portable type= • writers;. quantity Community Plate flat ware;, large .Moffatt electric stove; variety of interesting dishes and •. gl'assware, kitchen utensils; electrical: equipment;. odd chairs; dressing table •mirror; kitchen . bake table;. Heintzman & Co. piano and bench; press back rocker Several wicker' chairs:;,.wicker fernery; •wooden fernery; hip rest chairs;, ,!blot!; end. tables; outstanding set •wrought iron fireplae tools; white enam,elannex wood burning heater; lamps, electric clocks; ,box; :books sealers; bedding; other Miscellaneous items. PREVIEW FRIDAY, NOV. 16 - 2 -`5 and 7.9 MOBILE LUNCH Proprietress - Mrs. Myrtle.MacNaughton AUCTIONEER JACK ALEXANDER, TEL '357 14:42 .� —46ar AUCTION. `S=ALE Swine, Machinery and some Household; Effects ° willbe held for GEORGE KENNEDY Lot 24, con. 14, West, Wawanosh 4mile east of Lucknow on 86 highway SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24 at 12:30 p.m. 3 young sows with, 6 week old litters;' 10 feedor pigs, [85-90 Ibb Massey Ferguson 35 tractor Allis,. Chalmers WD 45 trctor; Massey 3 furrow' plow;' Allis' Chalmers rota baler; 26 plate trail disc; stiff tooth cultivator; 12 ft chain harrow; New idea 2 row corn picker shelter; wagon with rack; Case PTO Manure spreader; posthole auger; bate' lifter Massey 4 bar rake; skeleton elevator •with nevi motor; Oliver mower; 2 walking plow3; 2 scullion; small corn sholier; turnip pulper; fanning Mill; 5 .logging chains; 200 gallon tank;. 2 chain tightners .cedar and steel posts; McCulloch chain saw; plank and lumber;:10 gal. anti freeze; 8 horse' snow blower; galvanized 6x x:2' water trough; rota tiller; 650 x 13 tlres;_2.of 20 ft. aluminum ladders; step ladder; 2 drill wheels; cattle clipper with 2 heads; tatto set (as new[; cattle scales; mineral feeder; rubber' 'feed' buckets; wheel barrow; hand saw; scythe; twine; scrap iron; sugar kettle; Onan 'generator with 5 horse gas engine and 110 ft. cable cord. .HOUSEHOLD ITEMS INCL.UDE, 2 chasterfi.oid suites; upholstered win chair; picture's; WOW oriental; rugs, site 12' X 81/2' and 71' x 41/2', mirrors; chimeclock; coffeete curtains; 3 venetian 32" blinds; table and floor 'ittmps; violin; 2 day bads; walnut dining room suite; antique cupboards; Singer • treadle sewing machine; : Moffat ..electric stove; Frigidaire fridge; table and 4 chairs with chrome trim; small tables; odd chairs; dishes; pressure cooker; sealers; numerous milt items found on a century farm; • FOR INFORMATION PHONE 528.6495 TERMS CASH OR CHEQUE WITH LD. DAY OF SALE PAR'M SOLD Owner or AuctIOneer not responsible tor accidents GEORGE POWELL • BRIAN RINTOU'L Clerk Auctioneer.