HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-11-14, Page 13St. Helens BY KATHRYN TODD , Loree Gammie ' was hon- oured on her forthcoming marriage to Keith Raymond, on Wednesdayevening at ,St. Helens .Hall,.. ,The program included a sing song by Anne Pritchard and. Norma Ray. nard. Readings followed by Beth Aitchison, Shirley Clark, Celia. 'Aitchison and Annie Gaunt. A skit followed MIP•.. M� HtY,+..,.r M-m'.t^nF�i°! V"pa�,5d�1 hon Laclatew Seofin el, Wedoe l3 !,; Nov abor 14, 1919—Pine 13 with a -colourful and humor- ous, description Qf. the bridal. party, Identity of ill the bridal party was ' unknown due to their colourful costum- es. Loree was thenshowered.. with, her gifts. She thanked the women who prepared the shower and .for guestsat- tending. Ham -on -.a -bun was then served for lunch. Loree and Keith are to be. married on November 24, 1979 in Lucknow. Ask:e.:ros. Coflstr�ction Custom Homes Cottages -.additions• Farm. Buildings - Renovations RICHARD. ASKES BERT ASKES. OFFICE, LUCKNOW; 528-2726 WINGHAM, 357-3053 WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Rep: MacKenzie Funeritl-Home Bus. Phone 357-1910 Res.. Phone 357.1015 INVESTMENT THESTERLING• . TRUST CORP. FIRST CITY TRUST CO: Prevailing Interest Rates Your Representative • ALEX.'MacN,AY •LUCKNCAN Rep.:Stratford•Memorials MacGilhivr� CHARTERED; ACCOUNTANTS 380Wallace Ave., N., Listowel, Ontario 291-1251. 40 The Square Goderich Ontario, 524- 677 Montreal Toronto ., 1 Brampton:'. Hamilton St. Catharines Port Colborne Listowel Winnipeg Calgary Edmonton Vancouver: Goderich Telephone 520-784:8 , RR 7 Lucknow, Ontario.: CAMERON REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING. SALES - SERVICE'- INSTALLATION Cpmmercil- Industrial - Residential • JACK CAMERON Guaranteed Service ' Box 580 LUCKNOW APPLIANCE CENTRE SALES'AND.SERViCE CALL KEN OR PETE ' 528.284.6 Lucknow, Ont. The St,Helens United Church Women held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, Don Cameron. In at- tendance .at the meeting were eight ladies and four children: Mr.: and Mrs. Fred Thompson and Ben of Cale - don visited with Mir. and 111111111111101111 For Your Feed • and Animal Health Needs Come to . Stanley Feed & Supply RIPLEY,.ONTARiO Phone 395-5955 1Vlrs Gordon McPherson. on November 7, '1979, Mrs:. Marg, Black and Elizabeth Black were also callers at the same time;` St—Helens United Church bid farewell to their. former pastor, Rev. Albert Cook on Sunday, October 28, 1979. He Was presented with a purse' of money' prior• to leaving. Rev: Gook has .ac,. cepted-.a charge in Western Canada. On Sunday, Novem- ber 4th, their new pastor, Reverend Stewart Minor of Exeter was welcomed by, the congregation:. : . Isabel Miller and Helen Todd returned home today Telephone 528.-3913 ;76 4 14.49 & s�eattrg KITCHEN REMODELLING - BATHROOM, REMODELLING REPAIRS - WOODSTOVES SOLD AND INSTALLED QUALITY WORKMANSHIP FURNACE INSTALLATIONS CLiFF MANN Box 309 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 0; Peterson CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS WINGHAM 357-1522 osammassmisismom The Co-operators • HOME - AUTO COMMERCIAL INSURANCE AGENT. JEAN :WHITBY LUCKNOW; :CHISHOLM FUELS HEATING _ OILS SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOW Phone 529-7524 or 524=7681 BURNER SERVICE PROPANE ....FILLING STATION _. Products For Farm, Hamra and Industry DON RIJCNIE ELECTRIC All Types of Electrical Work Generac Alternators Sales & Service IL R. 3 Lucknow Phone 529-7568 MURRAY MOFFAT, Electrical Contractor LUCKow Phone 528-2913 or 392=6061 VICTORIA AND GREY -TRUST CO. For Information On TRUST CERTIFICATES • INCOME AVERAGING REGISTERED.. RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN STANDARD TRUST Cali Their :Representative LLOYD [HAP] HALL 528-2045 ":._ immimMmuimiimOuiiop MacKENZIE and McCREATH FUNERAL .HOMES A MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED FUNERAL DIRECTORS SERVICE FUNERAL SERVICE Servicesconducted accord- ing to your wishes at your Home, your Church, or at our Funeral Hoene' at no additional charge. Lucknow, Phone 528»3432 or Ripley. Phone 395-2969 Garry Carruthers 311142 411 Day orNlght Rep: 'Ingham Memorials after spending it week visit- ing with Mr:, ,.and: Mrs,. Gordon Maclntyre of Rich- mond Hill and also. attending the Royal Agricultural Wint- er Fair in Toronto, . Jo s., Beauty, Boutique . . My Place or.. Yours Phone 529-7741 P.O. Box 29 Lucknow, Ont:. NOG 2H0 Anderson .LYax Products Ltd. Division of Mike Snobelen Farms Ltd.: DEALERS iN ALL TYPES OF GRAIN Business 1519] 528-3203 After Hours: Mike. Snobelen 395.5167 Sandy Liddle 395-5052. Ti.. Workshop Wib & Dae • Hartin R. R. i, DUngonnon, Onf. Nev/ Furniture Built Old Furniture Repaired _ And Refinished FREE ESTIMATES Pine 529.7205 INSURANCE AUTO - FARM - HOME COTTAGES COMMERCIAL INVESTMENTS R.R,S-P. and Trust Certificates - Vlctori>a and Grey :City Standard Premier Trust Companies McDonagb insurance Agency Ltd. BARRY - ROD Phone 528-3423 or 528-2031 SAND BLASTING BRICK BUILDINGS ALL STEEL WORK AIR HAMMER WORK BACK HOEING ARNOLD STOTHERS • PHONE 527+143 FOR,ESTIMATES KARL C. LENTZ CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT WJNGHAIVI, ONTARIO TEL. 3574087 " WM..A. [BUD] ,HA:MILTO'N. AGENT FOR. BP OIL LTD. Gasoline Heating Fuels BurnerService anti Furnace installations Trucks Radio Equipped For Better Service " Dial 528-3006' Res: 528-3616. Wholesale and Retail WM.. R. NELSON , CARPENTRY Area Representative For.• TRALEE KITCHEN CABINETS AND VANITIES • Free Estimates No O6ltgation , • LUCKNOW PHONE 528`2949, 1111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111 R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST GODERiCH The Square ` [Phone 52447661.) 111111111,111111011111111.111111111110111111 1