HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-11-14, Page 111 Dungannon BY MARIE PARK Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Jack Culbert on the birth of their son; Joseph Willi m, on October 21st at St. oseph's. Hospital, Lon- don: • L Pat and Bob Ott, Matthew and Andrew of ,Kitchener visited with' her parents, Irvine and Colleen Eedy on the weekend. We are sorry to report K. K. Dawson has been sick at home with the flu. Hope to see you out again soon, K. Dave Dawson and John Stanbury are home from a week's hunting near Parry Sound where they got their deer and Dave got a bear: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lawlor of Auburn visited with Bill and Marie Park, Wanda, Pat, Todd and Brad on Sunday. Congratulations to Hodges Milling Limitetion the spec- ial award they received rec- ently, ' presented by Shur - Gain Division of Canada Packers. This award ' was based on a ed texture competition am ng all Shur Gain mill opera ors in Ont- ario: Ken Hod es attended the Dealers' Co ference held at the Bristol P ce Hotel in Toronto and . cepted the, award on behal of Hodges Milling.. A job well done, boys. ' The district No. 8 annual Agricultural Society pot luck supper and meeting was held, Wednesday evening, ' Nov- ember .7th at St: Marys. Bob, and Sally Wright, EldonCul- bert, Judy Kerr, Louise Brin- dley and Lynda McNee at- tended as representatives of the Dungannon. Society, Mr, and Mrs. Omar . Brooks of Lucknow and form- .erly of Dungannon left on Saturdayfor their home in Florida. Mrs. Olive Chisholm and Leola visited Helen Foran and children at Lucan on the weekend DUNGANNON UNITED CHURCH George Cowan spoke on the topic, "Why did_ you tell me tolove" andclosed his remarks'by reading' a poem with that;title. The choir sang two numbers with a Rement,: brance Day theme, "Hold the Fortr by Phillip P. Bliss which was written at . a Sunday 'School convention at which the writer was inspired by the telling of a war story and "Where have all the. flowers gone", which was written in 1961 by Peter Seeger to emphasize the folly and waste of war. The Willing Workers are holding a bazaar and tea on Saturday 'afternoon, Dona- tions will be gratefully re- ceived. Choir practice is on Thurs- day evening in Dungannon for both choirs. A good at- tendance is hoped for as it is time to start preparing Christmas music. The choir would welcdme any volun- teers, young or older, espec- ially alto or bass or tenor. 1980 -Church Calendars are available from U.C.W. mem- bers. Copies are at the back of the 'church. Nursery Care is being. provided during the church service each Sunday in Dun- gannon by members of the. Willing Workers. BROOKSIDE BROADCAST By Suzanne Alton and Lisa Brown On Friday, November 9, the students of Brookside took part in a Remembrance Day Service in the auditor limn. The. service was opened`' with the singing of 0 Canada followed by the Lord's Pray- er. They then sang the hymn,' Onwar Cahristian Soldiers. Lisa Brown. and Celi' Chandler presented the choc, plate barsales winners 'wit th e ir-4aftvards. The scripture was read b Celia Chandler. Don Camp bell, representing Local 30 Lucknow Branch of the Ca ' a�dian Legion, spoke to the students. Donna Freeman, a former Brookside student, read her prize -wining Remembrance HARDING CARPETS ODD SIZE RUGS 12' x 12' to 12' x 18' (16 "sq.yds) - (24. sq.yds) Also Special Purchase Rolls of Carpet Al Jst Quality Savings of $2.00 sq. yd. to $9.00 sq: yd CARPETING AT CUSHIONFLOR AND LINOLEUM YOUR COMPLETE NOPE DECORATING CENTRE DRAPERIES IFAY DECORATORS Lucknow, Ontario WALLPAPER AND C.1•L PAINTS Pb.on511.3434 E Lucltno w Sentinel,, Wednesday, November 14, 2979 -Page 11 receives %ed texture award Day poem from last year, entitled "Why I Wear A Poppy". , Mr. Errington presented medallions to this year's Point Farms cross-country run. winners. The assembly • -then sang,. "One Tin Soldier", A five- minute portion of a Remem- branceday film was shown followed by The Last Post and Reveille. The assembly was closed with the singing of God Save The Queen. . - DUNGANNON W.I. A very interesting institute meeting on Canadian Indus- tries was given November 8 at the home of Mrs. Roy Robson, who was also con- vener for the meeting. After the opening exercis- es, Mrs. Robson introduced the guest speaker, Bill Rob- inson obinson of St. Augustine, who spoke about Maple Syrup. He 'explained the Indians' discovery of . the "sweet water" and their use of it for cooking and later "making it into sugar. Wooden . spiles and wooden buckets were the first equipment used, with the bucket being placed on the snow-covered ground, which frequently upset, when the snow melted. It is now an industry of great commercial value, and many advanced improvements were describ- ed in the methods used. Many questions were clearly answered by Mr. Robinson, for example, the amount of frost is what causes the variation in the sugar content of the sap. In conclusion the Members enjoyed " sampling maple ,butter. Mrs. Robson gave the speaker a gift in appreciation. Mrs. George Errington, president, conducted the business and program which followed. Mrs. Robert Irvin read "The Old Log School", a lament, written by Marion Lawrence, and a humorous article entitled "Age is a State of Mind! Mrs, Clifford Purdon read a :poem •on Remembrance -Day. Following 4-H Achieve- ment Night at' Brookside, several . articles on Needle- point cushions and a book were shown to us, and were greatly admired. The Seniors class on In- door Gardening and a Mac- rame hanger began last week 'at Nile. Judy Kerr and Kathy Olson are leaders. A report of the Area Con- vention which was held at St. Mary's was given by Mrs. Elmer Black, brandh dele- gate, supplemented by Mrs. Graham McNee, district .del- egate. Its theme was Rights and Responsibilities of the Child. Hostesses for the lunch were Miss. Iy, a Carr and Mrs. George Errington, assisted by Mrs. Robson. The silent. auction articles were checked and distributed by Mrs. Robert Irvin. at the -close of the meeting. 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