HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-11-14, Page 6Page 6—Lucknow Sentin 1, Wednesday, November 14, 1979
"The Sepoy Town"
On the Huron -Bruce Boundary
. • Established 1873 -
Published Wednesday
Business and Editorial Office Telephone 528-2822
Mailing Address P.O. Box 400, Lucknow, NO 2f10
Second class mail registration number -0847
ANTHONY N. JOHNSTONE - Advertising and
General Manager
PAT LIVINGSTON - Office Manager
MOLE E.LLIOTT - Typesetter
MARY McMURRAY - Ad Composition
Subscription rate, S12 per year in advance
Senior Citizens rate, SIO. per year in -advance
U.S.A. and Foreign, 521.50 per year in advance
Sr. Cit. U.S.A. and Foreign, 519.50 per year in advance
The' mayor of Mississauga wants firmer
controls on the transportation of deadly
chemicals. ` Mayor Hazel McCallion is
appalled by the .lack of regulations..
Her ;cit 4.s. a ghost town today,following
the evacuatign of 250,000 people when a
train derailed Saturday, night. The : train
carried tanks of:propane which exploded into
a firey inferno. • A ruptured tank of chlorine
threatened to spread degdly chlorine gas
through the city.
As well as the deadly chlorine, the train
carried propane, butane, caustic soda,
styrene and tuluol, a' ,solvent:
People are wonderingwhy such a co cen-
trati'on of dangerous cargo is allowed to
travel through the cities and along the fields
of our province: The safety director ,of the
Ontario transportation ministry, Fred ' Ced-
erberg, blames the federal ..government.:
Proposed'' federal legislation ori limiting
loadeand labelling shipments died when the
May 22 election was called.
Municipal politicians vivant advance notice
that such- cargoes are conning and •such
transports manned by. escorts. Municipalit-
ies have no idea what' is• being carried
trough their streets or along their railways,
What ,was a low priority bill, permitted to
on the order paper when the election was
called in May, is now : deadly' serious..
The beautiful Indian summer of the past
few weeks has been greatly enjoyed. 'May it
long continued,
Rev. Elliott, brother of Dr. A. G. Elliott of
this village, will be the Conservative
candidate in West Huron in the upcoming
election to the Ontario Legislature. M. G.
Cameron, MPP of Goderich, will be the
Liberal candidate.
Today, Thursday, November 17 is Thanks- . n
giving Day. The yeaf has-re'lled around and
once. again we have come to the season in
which we are supposed to join in the
thankfulness for the summer time and the.
harvest. The olden time Thanksgiving with
its big family gathering, its great turkeys
and pumpkin pies is becoming but a tradi-
tion in too many areas. Thechildreego far
away from home, to the city, to a town too far
away to get home for Thanksgiving, and the
dinner is a very small formal affair, instead
of like the historic ones. We have, however,
so many things to be • thankful for. The
incense of a glad heart is the best kind of a
thanksgiving .song.
T. S. Read, manager of the Bank of
Montreal here sinceits establishment, has
been transferred to the office at Orillia. Mr.
Reid has been almost .a life long resident of
• Lucknow and ' he started in bank work here
When a mere lad, so it is needlessto say he
and Mrs.` Reid will be very greatly missed
from Lucknow.
Some young folks have been amusing
themselves .by writing with' chalk on the
walls of buildings along • Campbell Street.
Under some circumstances this may become
quite a ;serious': 'offence' •and the Village
Council warns those who have been indulg-
ing in it, that serious consequences may
follow. Better stop it. now. '
A solemn, impressive and appropriate
ceremony on Monday, in connection with the
unveiling of the soldiers' memorial, was held
on Armistice and Thanksgiving Day;. The
cenotaph stands in the littlepark at Carnegie
Why does it take an accident of this
proportion to alert the peopte'whp can make
the necessary regulations. J.
People will not be satisfied with a public . .
study. There must be - 'regulatien:s and
controls... Municipal officials must be made
aware of what deadly chemicals are being
transported through the streets, over the
rails, and down the pipelines of their cities.
The legislation should have been passed
long ago. The mobility of toxic and deadly
chemicals throughout the province - is
increasing and the dangers have been with
us for some time'. Long enough; to pass
legislation concerning the controloftheir
transportation: '
Fortunately no one lost a life in .the
Mississauga accident. Hopefully, 20-20
hindsight stress'the priority of .tranapor-
iation regulations and a ftiture disaster can
be 'averted. '
Hall, near the sidewalk and to the west of the
main entrance to the hall, Reeve Johnston
presided and the Lucknow Band and a
massed choir, under the direction of Mrs.
Wesley Joynt,, participated.
The Anniversary at Hackett's Church last
Sunday evening was well attended. Music
was under the leadership of Miss Violet
Twamley. Mr. MacKenzie's stirring Arm-
istice message brought to the people a vision
and a hope - the one thing needed for our
Isabella Henry of concession 2, Kinloss, is
still active, alert and enjoying good health at
the age of 90. She celebrated her 90th
birthday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Congram on Sunday, November. 7. She still
does all her household duties at her family
home in• Kinloss and can still milk cows,
which: she does occasionally,
Mr. and Mrs. James • Heaton were
honoured guests at a house party at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brooks Inst
week, when neighbours in their School
Section gathered to bid them adieu • and
present them with a lovely travelling case.
They planto leave soon for a trip west which
will take them as far as Vancouver, They will.
spend the winter with members of their
family in Western • `Canada where they
themselves farmed for some 30, years. They
plan to return. to Lucknow to make their
home `here..
The folk ofthis community arequite
interested in the progress of little Judy
Agnew who, since early childhood, has been
in a cumbersome cast to correct a hip defect.
.Judy was three 'last June and for some 20
months has been in a ,cast.'The dau:ghter of
Mr. and Mrs: Joe Agnew, the.littleaot was in.
London on the, weekend 4t see. her bone
specialist. She had a new cast applied that
will permit her to •walk.. This : cast is a
precautionary measure .to afford support to
the left knee which had been operated on. It
is expected that in about three months, Judy
will be free ofthi"s cast.
Bill's Place
Has New Stock Arriving Daily
New Christmas Arrivals
Nowi is the time to complete
Our Christmas, Shopping
and.avoid the last 'minute rush
Bil's Pltice Variety Store
Open 6 Days a Week
Phone 528.2238