HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-11-07, Page 25• „ — 31. Cards of thanks 111.5,r".1F ..!!!!!- MOFFAT We wish to thank pur rela- tives and friends for ...the surprise dinner party and enjoyable evening arranged for us. •Special thanks for those who arranged this patty and for all the gifts we received. Lloyd and Muriel Moffat —45x . • • • IRWIN We would like to thank Allan and Helen for arranging a party for our 50th anniver- sary, October 28. We ,ap- • preciated the many cards and gifts and enjoyed visiting with our relatives and friends. Catherine and Lloyd Irwin —45 CAMPBELL I would like to thank every- one for cards, visits and phone calls during my stay in Wingham and District Hos- pital. Special thanks to Drs. Watts, McKim and Corrin; also nurses on 2nd floor. Sincerely, Edna Campbell —4Sx MeNAB Pleaie 'accept my thanks for cards and gifts while I was in hospital and since returning home. Rena McNab —45 LANNAN We wish to thank Mends and former neighbours at Kings- bridge for their many kind- nesses to our family at the time of the. passing of a dear mother, grandmother and . great grandmother, Cather- ine Mary Lannan. Special thanks to Rev. Fr. Ed Den- tinger and the- C.W.L. of St. Joseph'sparish, who served a delicious lunch following the funeral. Billy Lannon and family —45 31. Cards of thanks ARNOW I wish to express nay thanks to friends 'and relatives for the lovely cards,towers, and gifts sent to me while I was in the hospital and for the many calls to the house. A special thanks, to Dr. McKim, Dr. Coffin and the "wonderful care of the •nurses and doctors at University Hospit- al. • Violet Arnold —45x • BARKWELL My sincere thanks to my family and friends for their kind remembrances on my 85th Birthday. Evelyn Barkwell —45x • MORAN We would like to thank our friends and neighbours for the lovely gifts presented to us upon leaving the commun- ity. The gifts will always be -a. reminder of our Ashfleld friends and neighbours. Your generosity is very much appreciated. .• Alvin and Joyce Moran —45x TIFFIN We wish.th thank .family and friends for the kindness they extended George while in London Hospital and also for the love and friendship the • family received at the time of his .,passing. It is greatly appreciated and will long be remembered. A special thanks to Dr. Corrin. Isabel Tiffin and Family — Donations to or CUS36" TOMtow. Phone 5N-7'765, —45 Pee ...Pi pee pee ....Pp Pe— Pee. e.g.. 32, Coming events Pee. .r.PR pee ere PePeePPP roe. ene....e. BUS TO'ROYAL WINTER FAIR Bus to Royal Winter Fair Wednesday, November 14, 1979. Call Montgomery Mot- ors, 528-3007 for informa- tion. —43,44,45ar TUPPERWARE DROP-IN PARTY A Tupperware Drop-in Party will be held at the Mayfair Banquet room on Saturday afternoon, November 10. Bring your Christmas shop, ping list, and drop-in any- time between 2 and 5 p.m. —44,45x 35TH ANNIVERSARY. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Danny Tiffin invite everyone to attend their parents' 35th wedding anniversary at the Teeswater Complex Satur- day, November 10, 1979. Dancing 9 - 1. Lunch prov- ided. Best vvishes only. —44,45x BAZAAR, BAKE SALE & TEA Will 'be held at the Lucknow Legion Hall on Friday, Nov- ember 16th from 3:00 - 10;30 p.m. Tea will be served 3 - 5 • p.m; Supper available. En- tertain,ing games, and auction in the eve ing. Everyone. -welcome. S onsored by the Christian Sc ool Ladies Aux- iliary. _45.46 • • Luelmew Sentinel, Wednendny,Noyentlier 1979--49ase $2, Coming events BAZAAR & BAKE $A1E Will be held on Saturday, November 17 at theiLucknow Legion, from 1 -' 4 p.m. Sponsored by Lucknow Jun- ior W.I. —45,46 Attention Fanners A. For sale /MO LY14/4 LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. Amberley PIIONE395-5286 CLA - Silo Unloaders, Feeders; Cleaners, Stabling, Leg Elevators, Liquid Man- ure Equipment, Hog Equip- ment. BUTLER - Silo. Unloaders, Feeders, Conveyors. FARMATIC - Mills, Augers etc. ACORN - Cleaners, Heated Waterers. WESTEEL-ROSCO - Gran- aries. B & L - Hog Panelling. —40tfar HOLSTEIN HEIFERS due in January. Phone 529-7152. —42'45 B. Custom work _J.-- CUSTOM" PLOUGHING. Contact John or Grant, phone 529-7129. —44,45x CUSTOM COMBINING, 30" • roW, $18.00 acre for corn. VARIETY CONCERT • COMBINING, 30 • & DANCE oncert 8 p.m. Dance to follow. Good music in Ripley Township Hall, Friday, Nov- ember 16. 'Lunch available. Admission Woodstock and Area Disast- er Fund. —45,46 —45,46 • Phone 529-7469 or 529-7890. —44,45,46,47 CUSTOM PLOUtHING, Phone 395-5510. —4248 I.." E...Farnt servlOes.„, '41170•••••••**.: CLQVER AND OBASS SEED gamed Bought and Sold grain Storage Available ELLIOTT'S.SEED MILL AND TRUCKING Lucknow • Phone 528-3500 —33tfar LITC- 440W SITIP.PER 1 1; TO UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF.ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPT. TORONTO Ship your livestock with.• BILLTAYLOR R. R. # 5, LUCKNOW On Tuesdays • Or groups of 5 or more On Thursdays From Lucknow Stockyards CALL - 528-3530 Biome or 528-3119 Yards Tuesday or Thursday by 830 a.m. for prompt service ASK BILLFOR • REQUIREMENTS OF REPLACEMENT CATTLE —39ffar ' 'VARIETY CONCERT OdtA4144111, Sponsored by W.I. will be held in Whitechurch Com - Beauty Counselor munity Hall Friday, Novem- • Products ber 9, 8:15 p.m, Adults Call $1.Q0. Children under 12, Pat Livingston ', 4:,'•-•-45 529-7607 ANTED 3- Full Time 2- Part Time $8.00 per hour fulltime $5.°wper hour Part-time Must have car. Car allowance supplied. Call; 524.9077 Pleasecail between 3 and 5 111()TiCE TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS A representative of the Township is presently Issuing t dog licences for 1979-80. Fee Schedule per By-law No17-1979 NI first male or spade female dog $5.00 Pal each additional male or spade female $10.00 [c] first female dog $10.00 [di each additional female dog $20.00 .TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS PLAN TO ATTEND The fourth Annual Banquet and Dance of the West Huron Junior Farmers on November 17, at, 7 p.m. at Brookside School. For tickets call Elizabeth Irvin, 529-7594 or Joanne Pentland, 528- 3322. —45,46 • PROGRESSWE EUCHRE The Grade 8's are sponsoring a progressive euchre party which will be held in the auditorium of the Lucknow - Central School on Thursday, November 15, 8:15 p.m. Lunch will be provided. Ad- mission $1. EveryOne wel- come. —45,46ar RIPLEY LIONS BINGO Ripley Lions Bingo will be held Wednesday, November 7 at 8 p.m., in Huron Township Hall, Ripley. Pot bf gold; 10 regular games at $15.00; one share the wealth one special of $25.00; Purple Ball $60.00; four corner jackpot on five ,calls 530.00; ,regular jackpot $350.00 on 53 calls; contolation 535.00. —45ar • IMMUNIZATION CLINIC 1 Bruce County Health Unit Infants, Preschoolers, Adults 2nd Wednesday each month Next Clinic November 14th , Bruce County Health Unit Office 3-5 p.m. CUSTOM COMBINING now! Low rates, long hours to get lob done. Grain, beans and corn, -Phone Goclerich 524- 4700. .--29tftic fomme C. Wanted MIXED GRAIN, ;barley and corn. Snobelen Patois Ltd., Ripley, phone 395-5167. —11tfar CATTLE, We pay good pric- es for reasonably injured or unthrifty cattle. Easy loading ,-trailer with wmch. Call col- • lect 238-2796; John Ansens, Grand Bend. •'Auto • Body Oiling liagfasttittinol 1% miles north of AtOber-, ley, west of #21 Highway. Phone 395-3352. Open from 8 to 6 Monday. to Saturday. Closed Wed- • nesdays. Also small gas engine l'epairs, 2- and 4 cycles. '. `v. ••.,9 "A Cheap Way For -Rust Protection" 80 Acres ODERlCH T °WN::P W.jH1:I. REALTY LTD Rita Alen544131 Rs5244so • , D. Livestock PUREOREWIWROC; amp - shire , Yorkshire oars. Health approved, 0.P. • tested, low backfat. Priced reasonable and fully uaran- teed, jvfifton Turner, R. L 1 Lucknow,, call 519-528-3914. —45,46x • LOGS WANTED Standing Timber For top prices and instant cash Call your local sawmill CRAIG'S SAWMILL AUBURN Bill Craig Phone 526-7220 AI Craig Phone 526-7512 without advertising --45at you could lose • your shirt! • THE. MAN TO SEE ivisiNTEE HOMES • 1 • ' ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP, situated on over,2 acres of land:a brick veneered 5 bedrooni home. This home has had a great deal of renovation, large rooms, Original wood work. If you want lots of room ask to this property. , Dungannon, completely renovated 2 bedroom home, electric heat, new kitchen, carpet, reduced in price to $22;800.' ' 2 BEDROOM HOME located on Highway 86, Lochalsh area, 1/2 acre lot., This home is in excellent condition, new furnace, 'carpet. Taxes under 5200.00. 4 BEDROOM hottie on R se Street,. Lucknow; kitchen,' dining room, living roni, and utility room,plus recently constructed ga age and paved drive. This : home is carpeted and irn aculately kept and is o home you would be proud to own. DUPLEX Willoughby. Street, LucknoW, bOth have 2 bedrooms. . • 2 BEDROOM HOME -.nicely located on Stauffer Street, • reduced to 521,000, • • FARMS 150 ACRES in East Wawanosh;. 7 room frame home; beef barn and modern farrowing barn 50' x 100'. 460 ACRES, Highway # 86, additional land available; 2 homes and barns for beef cattle. This is- a good productive farm, -partly in pasture; fall possession available: • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 0 AN OPPORTUNITY to start your own business. 3 bedroom home with 2 baths, well maintained through- out, and former general store, Hwy. 86 location. Immediate possession. Take out food outlet, small engine repair? TO RENT 4 BEDROOM, and 2 bedroom home, Kinlough area. We have Inquiries for farms, both large and small acreages. If you are thinking of selling, give us a call, we would be pleased to talk to Warren & Terry Zinn. R. R. it 2, LUCKNOWI PHONE 529.7350 :1 •