HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-11-07, Page 24• e \ • are/. rt0 rapt 34-4acintow Sentinel, Wedneaday, November 7, 1979 ALt. 44400Si. b .0 • ..11111 IAN ipatece ;teimc., 40 w .7 7. s,frosP 1. Articles for sale • TRANSIT LEVEL and tripod, electric chain saw, steel mortar box,, Phone 357-1291. 200 OVEN READY roosters, a roximatel 10 lb Place your order now. Phone Frank Alton, 529-7218. -44,45 OVEN READY TURKEYS, as 1. Articles for sale AA. AAA 41•101111 MM. NINO "MID • 5. Cars, trucks for Sale DRY AIR Try an Electrohome Humid- ifier from. Greer T.V. and Electric, phone .528-3112, Lucknow. We also have filters and Sanitaire for your Electrohome humidifier. 1978 FORD Granada, stand- ard transmission wr- ith Ove drive, • low mileage', econ- omical transportation at 30 MPG, $4300.Q0. 'Contact Floyd Stanley, 395-5277. -45 -45tfar 1970 PONTIA C Laurentian, is. Phone528 3714 ONE PAIR of boys skates, size 12; 3 pair of girls skates, size 3, 11 and 1. Phone 395-5390. -44,45 3 PIECE DRUM SET, bass drum, tom drum, snare drum and all ace'essories. Phone Frank Alton, 529-7218. -44,45 RAWLEY SPORTS, man's 3 speed bike, excellent condi-. tion; two humidifiers, Mast- ercraft and McGraw Edison. Phone 529-7201 after 5 p.m. -45 • and Muscovy ducks. Phone Mrs. Don Alton, 529-7356. 1970 CHARGER, as is. Phone 528-6193. -45x 6. Pets ' --45 46 BEEF By the Quarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING On Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped to your specifications Quick Freezing Available BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET LUCKNOW Shop- 528-3009 Res. 528-2119 --40tf • 40 SINGLE RABBIT cages; 4 ALUMINUM STORM win- used oil.furnace. Phone dows with screens 33"wide 395-3451. -45 and '76" high. Phone 529- ORM .01010 HORSES BOARDED: Box stalls, $65 per month, excel- lent riding area, outside ring, possible indoor arena this winter. Phone after 6 p.m., 482-9960. -43tfnc 9, Accommodation . to rent - •UPSTAIRS APARTMENT in Ripley, fridge and stove sup- plied. Available 11QW. Phone • 395-2614 or 395-5828. 7384. -45 ROUND CHROME kitchen --45,46,47ar 41" ROUND TABLE, brown laborite, almost new..Phone 528-2118 after sit. -45x 2q08. -45 • 2 BEDROOM apartment and • one bedroom apartment av- ailable immediately. Phone FRANKLIN HEATER with screen; one, grey chester- GEESE AND DUCKS, ready field. H. M. Greer, photte; -45x for • cooking at.51.30 lb. • Phone 357-3507. -44,45x • FIREWOOD TOR • $25.00 per cord delivered in 5 cord lots. Phone 353-5046 528-5353. ---45 • DONT WAITuntil the lights go out to arrange for yout standby power. For free demonstration of a depend- • after 6 p.n. 4 BEDROOM farm house between Ripley and Kincar- dine. Available immediately. at a reasonable rent. Contact • Floyd Stanley, 395-5277. •able Wine° alternator, call 45 .• • Glenn Schvortzentruber at Morris Electric, 357.1605. 515.00 .per cord for Poplar --45,46,48 delivered in 5 cord lots. FIREWOOD SPECIAL - • Phone 353-5046 after 6 p.m. AAA 1A.A . •Articles Wanted • • DEAD STOCK • OVEN READY CAPONS. We pay highest cash price for fresh animals over 500 lbs.; smaller animals picked '•up free. • Radio equipped OVEN READY ROOSTERS. trucks. Call 881-3459 or Contact John Rutherford, 528-6744. --44,45 1-800-265-3011. Graf Animal - Foods LtdR. R. # 1, Order novv, $1:00 D. Phone 395-5713. -7-44,45 • , SPEED. QUEEN washer - spin' dryer; stereo car radio, AM FM with 8 track; student • desk and chair; air condition- er, used one season; chrome table and chairs; lounge • exerciser. Phone 529-7741. -44,45 FOR SALE, PRIVATE lumber, tires, work bench, • belts, 1 used Skidoo, 1 motor bike, 1 Mercury twin' out - •board (oldy), 1 grease can- nister with pump, 1 - 150 gal. tank with pump, v.vindows, doors, 1 GMC single axle dump, as is, bon MatIntyre, • 1 block east of Henderson • Lumber, Saturday, Novem- ber 10, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. -45x BRUNSWICK AIR HOCKEY game, 6' x 3', • excellent condition. Phone 395-5038. -44-47 SPY APPLES. Phone Wobbe Top, 392-6421, -44 • NdW TAKING ORDERS for ducks and geese. Allan R. Mier. Phcrne 528-2299i • -39tfar • ' • FRANKLIN STOVE vvith r# • screen, never kied. .Phone 529-7872. -45' •HARD MAPLE, Beech, soft • Maple and Cedar bush lots, large -or small acreage. Will also buy mature trees from bush lots. Phone Mervyn 3 BEDROOM mobile home, Yule, 353-5046' after 6 p.m. •unfurnished. Stove and frig --44tf •included, 395-5110. --45,46x • TWO STOREY farm house, near Aniberley, .three bed- rooms, 1V2 •bath. Phone 395;5140. -44,45 , 2 BEDROOM HOUSE in' • Dungannon. Phone 395- 3255. -44,45,46 • HOUSE IN AMBERLEY, av- ailable November .15. For furtherinformati�n call 395- 5305. -43tfar oNEBEDROOM apartment •-in-tucknow, available Nov- ember- 1; heat and hydro included. Phone 528-2236 or after 6 p 529-7670. -43tfar USED TWO WHEEL trailer 3 -BEDROOM HOUSE in in good condition. !he Whitechurch. Available Dec - 395272& --45x ' ' ember 1st Phone 357-3760' to,,,• ;/ As AZ., .7447110,47.2. 14. Employment wanted .11•111,10,4111.111.. 17 YEAR OLD BOY looking for full or Part time work. Phone 528-3046 and ,ask for Ron. -45x 15. Tenders AAA AM, SALE BY TENDER A 1973 Ford C750 bulk feed truck, complete with 14' box, hoist and bulk blower, Sealed tenders for the above unit should be delivered by, 5 p.m., November 15, 1979 to TEESWATER DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE BOX 39, TEESWATER Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted -45ar 17. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE BRIEF. Auction Sale of Household effects and antiques from the home of Mr. John Sturdy, • plus additions, Scott Street, • Wingham will be held at the WINGHAM SALES ARENA 680 Josephine Street (north end of Wingham, across from Hodgins Build - all) •- • THURSDAY,NOV. 8 • at 7:30 p:M.;, • SEE LAST WEEK'S PAPER FOR FULL LISTING Sales Manager .• Auctioneer KEd 'Wert Jake Kikkert 357-1730 ' 357.2987 after hours , • -45ar PIA: I• airSt 47F AcKY, 12gW41. f„ $, e.Meenlet 'm• 18. Services available 11•••• •••• - MOM .111MP CLASSICAL ' GUITAR LESSONS Now available by experienc- ed teacher, classical guitar lessons in the Winghani area., Preparing for Royal • Conservatory of Music ex- aminations, University of • Toronto. For mote informa- tion call Anita Dekker, 357- 1085. -40-48 POLLOCK MUSIC CENTRE IN RIPLEY Agent for Heintznan Pianos and Panasonic Sound Equip- ment. Reconditioned pianos for sale; used pianos wanted. For piano tuning and repairs call, '395-2982. -40rfar •• APPLIANCES REFRIGERATION SERVICE Lucknow Appliance Centre Lucknow, Phone 528-2946 --32tfar DON THOXPSON T.V. & APPLIANCES • Admiral Sales and Service , Tower and Antenna Installation • 395-3393 or 395-3466 RIPLEY ---15tfar • , Topsoil, sand, gravel of all • types and fill PHONE • LEN STANLEY TRUCKING 395-5191' -42-45 PAPEIIING AND PAINTING • Interior and Exterior • Phone Todd Park 395-5079 or Joe Allison 396-7173 --46tf 111111.1111411111111111 Cecil Cranston • R. It. 2 Auburn • 18. Services available • GEORGE LUBBERS • CONSTRUCTION" Renovations, additions, cot- tages.. Phone •.357-3457, Whitechurch. -3tf THE VINYL CLEANING & RESTORING SERVICE We clean and restore vinyl, plastic and leatherette to like new condition. Furniture, cars, bus seats, hardtops, wearing 'apparel, and much more. Investigate before you in- vest. Call H. Smith Enter- prises 529-7521 for free esti- mates and low prices. -45 46x-45,46 •-40tfar 30, In memoriam • .Phone 5294691 AtitHAMIVIER BACKHOEING -5tfar AUCTIONEER SERVICE • Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater, • Licensed Ancdoneers Sales of all types Phone Ripley 395-5353,, Teeswater 392-6170 -40tfar • BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing Crat- es, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3 Holyrood phone 395-5390. 20„ Public notices HILRAY FARMS LTD. ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD The best in Home Grown, Dry Fed. Beef. Try our Fresh Home Made Sausage. Cus- tom killing by appointment. Phone 5284132 • -40tfar Teeswater Ex-Toggery closes November 24. Please pick up money and left over articles Tuesday, November 27, 2 - 5 and 7 - pan., Wednesday, November 28, 2 - 5 n,re. Runanage Sale Friday, Nov- ember 30, 2 - 5 p.m. Open every afternoon -Tuesday, November 13 - Saturday, November 17 and Tuesday, Noveinber 20 to Saturday, November 24, 2 - 5 pin'. -45,46 HAVING .A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655. -40tfar. PJNELODGE REST HOME A supervised retirement home caring for your person- al needs 24 hours a day. . Lucknow 528-2703, --50tfar • • • 21. Personal PREGNANT and need help? , Free • positive confidential suport. Birthright. Call 357- 1769 or 392-6541,. •---40tf • 24. Business • opportunities Make monein your spare - time. Learn'income tax pre- • paration. For free brochure, no obligation, Write U & R • Tax Schools, 118 Roxborough • Drive, Toronto, • Ontario. M4W 14. --45nc • Marketing, Distribution re- quired by manufacturer of 100 styles of. sign clips and holders used by all retailers. Contact: Kost Klip Mfg., Comox, B.C. Phone 604-339- 5495: -45nc 26. To give away WE ARE four adorable pups looking for a good home. We • are seven weeks old and love children. For more lamina- • fion phone 524-2294 (goder- ich). -45-47nc Goo'? USED FURNITURE, antiques, clothing including blue jeans, and nick-nacks on consignment. We can sell those unwanted articles for you. Call for more informa- tion.. •The • Second Tiiiie Around Shoppe, OPEN, at site of Rintouls Luxury. Pools, % mile north of Wingham on No. 4 High - waif. Phone 351-2628. -45-49 BROWNIE UNIFORM, size 8 equipment to fit 6 year. old. Phone 5284914. -45,46x or 10; little boys' hockey • • - • • .1 itt: i.1(NRYDU ,t$ '`'• ONE BEDROOM- apartment, Lucknow; two bedroom fur- nished apartment, Ripley; one bedroom apartment, far- nished or unfurnished, Tees - water. Plione •Glennhaven Apartments., 528-3234. 12. Help wanted- WANTEIY :BASS- PLAYER and keyboard player for well • knciwn country and old • rock 'n' roll band. For appoint- • ment call 528-3206 or 523- 4219. -44,45. • „ EXCAVATING, GRADING AND TRUCKING topsoil, sand, gravel of all types and fill. Phone Robert Symes Contracting, R. R. • # 5, Lucknow, phone 528-3047. -29tfar BILL THOMSON • CARPENTRY JOBS Building New and Repairing • • Old Furniture Call 528-3715 Lucknow For Free Estimate -18tfar PORTABLE WELDING Wil do portable welding and • PART-TIME BUS DRIVERS • in shop repair work required.. For' information, call 524-7622 or 24-71136. . • SPIKE it'UCKER , R 4 It; # SO LUCKNOW 528-2026 • -13tfar, • Additions, renovations, car- port, rec. rooms. For free • estimates call Ben Dekker, 357-1085. -41tfar , SERE BROS. CONSTRUCTION Building or Remodelling Alkkincliaf Carpentry GERRY BERE Port Albert 5294177, DAVIDDERE Dungannan 529, • 4 In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, • Mrs. Jennie Robb, who passed away one year ago, November 8, 1978. Time slips by but memories •'stay, QuietlY remembered every day, When old times, we recall, It's then we miss you most of all. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by the family. -45 • • IAA AAA AAA Aar Aar AA. ..••• AAA AAA AAA 7. Real Estate tar sale *AA AAA•AAA wow AA. 2 RIVER LOTS, on quiet street. • Phone 528-3234 (a 529-7272. -29tfar •