HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-10-31, Page 21PAPERING AND PAINTING Interior and Exterior Phone Todd Park 395-5079 or Joe Allison 396.7173 —46tf CLASSICAL GL1TAR LESSONS Now available by experienc- ed teacher, classical guitar lessons in the Wingham area. Preparing for- Royal Conservatory of. Music ex- aminations, University , of Toronto. For more informa- tion call Anita Dekker, 357- 1085.-40-48 POLLOCK MUSIC CENTRE IN RIPLEY Agent for Heintzman Pianos and Panasonic Sound Equip- ment. Reconditioned pianos for sale; used pianos wanted. For piano tuning and repairs call, 395-2982.—40tfar APPLIANCES REFRIGERATION SERVICE Lucknow Appliance Centre Lucknow . Phone 528=2946 —32tfar DON THOMPSON T.V. & APPLIANCES Admiral Sales and Service Tower and Antenna Installation 395-3393 or 395=3466 RIPLEY —15tfar TRUCKING 'Topsoil, sand; gravel of all types and fill PHONE ! LEN STANLEY TRUCKING 395-5191 X42-45 Cecil Cranston R. R. 2 Auburn Phone 529.7691 AIRHAMMER BACKHOEING -Stfar AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of all Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 40tfar BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders;., Farrowing Crat- es., Water Bowls, Cow: Stalls and Hog Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3 Holyrood, phone 395-5390. —40tfar CARPENTRY Additions, renovations, car- ports, rec. rooms: For free estimates call Ben Dekker, 357-1085.•-4ltfar , GEORGE LUBBERS CONSTRUCTION Renovations,additions, cot- tages. Phone 357-3457, Whitechurch. —3tf 19. Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF, MARY AL- BERTA BUTTON, late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to The Trustees Act that all -creditors` and- others having claims against the Estate of the late Mary Alberta Button are required to send particulars .of their' claims, . duly verified to GOODALL, CAMPBELL & BROPHY, Solicitors, for the Executor of the said Estate, on or before November 7, 1.979, and that after such date the. Executor will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, , having regard only to the Claims of which they shall then have had 'notice. DATED at Lucknow, Ontario this 12th day of. October, 1979. Jack Alton, Executor of the Estate By his Solicitors GOODALL, CAMPBELL. & BROPHY Box •190, LUCKNOW,. Ontario. —42,43,44ar NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JAMES ED- WARD LITTLE, lateof the Village of Lucknow in the "County 'of' Bruce; Deceased: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to The Trustees Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late JAMES ...EDWARD LITTLE are re- quired to send particulars of their claims, duly verified to GOODALL, CAMPBELL & BROPHY, Solicitors, for .the Executor of the said Estate, on or before November 7th, 1979, and that after such date the Executor will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall ,then have had. notice. ' DATED at Lucknow, Ontario this 12th day of October, 1979. George Joseph Brophy, Executor of the Estate, By his Solicitors, GOODALL, CAMPBELL &, BROPHY Boa 190, Lucknow, Ontario.. —42,43,44ar WANTED 3- Full Time 2^ Part Time $8,00 per hour full time 55.00 per flour Part-time Must have car. Car allowance supplied.. Call: 524-6092 - I -T r.� i.-...... . Y'-• -r 20, .Public notices HAVINGs A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655. 40tfar HILRAY FARMS LTD. ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD The best in Home . Grown, Dry Fed Beef: Try our Fresh Home Made Sausage. Cus- tom killing by appointment. Phone 528.2132 -40tfar _, gym --op. 20. Public notices _.., . Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 31, 1979—Page 21 20, Public notices PINELODGE REST HOME A supervised retirement home caring for your person- al needs 24 hours a day. Lucknow 528.2703. •-50tfar Subscribers who renewed their Sentinel through the Lucknow Figure Skating Club, -and have not to date paid, are asked to do so by the end of the month. --43.,44flc NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS A representative of the Township is presently issuing dog licences for 1979-80. Fee Schedule per By-law No. 17-1979 [a] first male or spade female dog $5.00 [b] l each additional male or spade female $10.00 • [c] first female dog $10.00 [d] each additional female; dog $20.00 TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS Don't .Mis.sThis One Week Special FROM OCTOBER 31 to NOVEMBER 7 Enjoy your T. V.' this winter WE HAVE FOR YOU 40' TOWER, ROTAlt AND CONTROL, UHF and VHF antennae,. head, all lead ins, including installation for the low price of $390.00 DON'T DELAY, CALL TODAY CHARLIE FANCY, DUNGANNON 529.7902 ass►ssraNr ADMINISTRATOR HURONY1EW Applications are invited for the position of Assistant Administrator of Huronview, a 310 bed Horne for. the Aged, located near Clinton in Huron County. The successful candidate will assist the administrator in directing all the day.' to day activities of the Home Including residents' well-being, personal care and nursing, social services, recreation and other programs, housekeeping, personnel, finance, etc.; will have to be willing to undertake studies in the field, including a • sound, knowle.dgeof Ontario's Homes for the Aged and Rest Homes Act. Excellent working conditions with full employee benefits. Salary commensurate with training and experience. Apply in own handwriting giving complete resume of education and \experience to the undersigned up to 4:30 p.m:, Tuesday, November 13th, 1979. W. R. Alcock, Secretary, Committee of Management, Huronview, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M2 T ,.. - -n-T :r... -T The Jack Reavie Opportunity Workshop will hold a Christ- mas Craft and Bake Sale on December 8. The Workshop would like your assistance in collecting the following items for, making crafts: yarn, dry cleaner bags, old Xmas dec- orations and cards, quilt batting, pieces of ribbon, lace, felt, .old candles, styro- foam, material, • spice and baby food jars, styrofoam and tin dishes, tin cans with plastic lids, bottle caps., cardboard tubes,. cream cups. Contact Harvey Web- -ter 528-3107 for pickup. -44 Notice Directories for Hur- on & Kinloss Muni- cipal Telephone Customers may be picked up at the following places. PINE RIVER Camerons Store AMBERLEY McNays Store POINT CLARK Lighthouse Variety KINGSBRIDGE Sullivans Restaurant DUNGANNON Sherwoods Store HOLYROOD Holyrood Store KINLOSS Silver Lake Store. 21. Personal PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential suport. Birthright. Call 357- 1769 or 392-654,1. -40tf 22. Lost and found STRAYED FROM LOT 10, concession 14, Ashfield, Charolais • steer, approxi- mately 900 lbs. Gordon Brooks, 528-2542. —43,44 24. Business opportunities BE YOUR OWN BOSS. Ex- . tremely attractive, earnings. Incentive travel-bdnuses. No investment. Training provid- ed. Independent Contractor to represent old established 3A-1 mfg. of protective coat- ing and specialty lubes. A knowledge of bldg. materials and heavy equipment desire- able not necessary. Write: Airmail President, Dept. CC, P.O. Box 70, Sta. R, Toronto, Ontario M4G 3Z6. —44 • • EARN a second income. t. Learn income tax preparation at home. For free brochure write U & R Tax Schools, 118 Roxborough Drive, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 1X4. No Obli- gation. —44nc 25. To give away TRAPPERS: DON'T MISS THIS! Write for free cata- logue on Canada's No. 1 snares, .lures, trapping methods since 1926 Hoffman Trapping Supplies Ltd., Box 805, Russell, Manitoba. —44nc 1. Articles for. sale Almm — 3 PIECE DRUM SET, bass drum, tom drum, snare drum and all accessories. Phone Frank Alton, 529-7218. —44,45 30; In me. mor(am WRAITH In loving memory' of a dear husband, father and grand- father, John Wraith, who passed away, so . suddenly, on November 1, 1978. Oneyear has passed since that sad day, When one we loved was called away;' God took him home it was His Will; Within our hearts he liveth still. Lovingly remembered by Wife and family.. —44x 31. Cards of thanks McNALL AND SWAN We would like to thank all our frieflds, neighbours and relatives who came " and helped us celebrate our anni- versaries. Special„ thanks for all the lovely gifts and cards we received. Everything was appreciated. Lloyd and Mabel McNall Harry and Margaret Swan Garnet and Edna McNall —44 MacNAY Thanks to ' all who sent flowers and cards and to those who visited while I was in Wingham Hospital: Mrs. Robert MacNay -44ar FISHER, I would like to acknowledge and express my thanks and appreciation to the members of the Lucknow Lawn Bowl- ing Club for the gift ' I recently received. Mau die Fisher —44x MATTERS Our -sincere thanks , to Hen- derson Lumber Ltd. and their employees for the lovely dinner and gifts given us on Jim's retirement. Jim and. Ruth Mathers —44x MATHERS To all our friends and neigh- bours, our sincere thanks for your help while Jim was a patient in Wingham Hospit- al. The cards and visits were also sincerely appreciated. Jim. and Ruth Mathers —44x • GAUNT We wish to thank our rela- tives friends and neighbours for the lovely., gifts presented to us on the occasion of our fortieth wedding anniversary and also for the enjoyable time spent together. Harold and Annie Gaunt —44 ' HALDENBY Grateful thanks to Rev. Gar- ratt, Drs. Corrin, McKim and Jolly, the nurses of Wingham Hospital for their kind care. Thanks also to relatives and friends for their get well wishes. Aliwas greatly ap- preciated. Lillian Haldenby —44x THOMPSON I would like to express my sincere thanks to all my friends and neighbours, who sent letters, cards, andgood wishes, or telephoned, while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Your kind- ness will always be retnem- bered. Dorothy M. Thompson