HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-10-31, Page 11II'
Lucknow Sentinel, Wedne*day, October 31, 1979Page 11
KinIoSsiOwflSh.ip.inst4lt catckbin
On Saturday Kinloss
Township, . put in a catch
basin in the vicinity of E. S.
Watt's mill,
Rev. and Mrs. John Bell
left on Sunday afternoon to
spend a few days in Bramp-
ton with Mr. and . Mrs. Bert
Fontaine and family,
Nat 'Thomson of Lucknow
was a Sunday afternoon
caller on Mr.. and Mrs. Victor
Mrs. Bill Evans spent Fri-
day and Saturday with her
daughter, Mrs. Edith Brown
of London.
Robert Perry,who was rec-
ently hospitalized, was able
to be back on Sunday at the
United' Church where Mrs..
Millan Moore gave the mes-
sage for him which she had,
,received from her brother.:,
Word .was received here
that George Tiffin of Luck -
now, a patient at University
Hospital, passed away Sun-
day evening. The community
extends their sympathy to his
wife, .Mts.. Tiffinand daugh-
ter, Colleen (Mrs. McMil-
lan), Mr. McMillan and
family. •
Mrs: Mayme Caslick on
Sunday visited with Mr. and
Mrs. , Ronald Coultes.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Bill Empey
and Craig of Auburn and Mr.
and Mrs, Ronald Coulte.s.
visited, on Sunday. with Mr.;
and Mrs. Rae Lewis and
Attending the •Grant-
Puron.' wedding; at Weiland
on Friday and. the: reception
at 'Port Colborne were .Mr..
and Mrs. Alan Falconer, Mr.
and' Mrs. Angus Falconer;.
Ke i . Falconer, Lode Pur=
don, . M. and Mrs. Wesley
Tiffin,' Mrs. George Tiffin
and .Mrs. Cassie Mowbray.
The bride., Shelley Purdon, is
the daughter of Mr... and Mrs.
Athol Purdon; Port Colborne.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Gaunt. and Jennifer. of Chats'
ham are spending holidays
with her parents, Mr.• and
Mrs. .Bill Purdon and ..his
parents, Mr.:and Mrs Rus
sel Gaunt of Winghani.
The High School pupils
enjoyed a day off Monday, as
it was/ Professional. Develop-
ment Day,
Mr. ' and. Mrs. Walter
Moore and Richard attended
the hockey match in Hanover
on Sunday where Richard.:
was playing on the team. .
„hr„. and Mrs. Gordon:.
Campbell and Heather of
Kitchener; spent the weekend
with her parents, ` Mr: and
Mrs: Bill 'Rintoul.• While
here, Heather celebrated her
first birthday. .
Mr. and Mrs. ; David Elliott
of Blyth were. Sunday visitors
with his .parents, Mr.. and
'Mrs. ' Walter Elliott and
family. '
The. Children of the
Church meeting was held at
Chalmers Church on Sunday
during . church service. The
call td worship was given by
president, . Joanne de Boer:
•Brian:. Ross read the scrip-
ture. Prayer : was given by
Liane Young. The Minutes
were read by secretary Kar-
en Elliott. Brian Ross, treas-
urer, gavea report. The
birthday calendar was mark•
ed with 'Steven and. Scott
Rintoul adding their 'names.
The offering of $1.94 .was
received by Scott flh tout.
Karen Elliott gave' the,.offer
ing•prayer. The junior story,.
Autumn in God's World, was
given by Mrs. Purdon and
the senior story by Mrs.
Simpson. Mrs. Simpson
made a jack-o-lantern'for the
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith
had their baby boy, Jarpes
Michael, christened at God-
erich North Street United
Church on Sunday.
Rev. Bev Kay of Kitimat
was a caller on Monday at a
few homes, ashis time was
limited, being here to see his
mother at Guelph, who isnot
too well, His sister Gail was
taking him to see the folks at
The, Kinloss-Kairshea
Women's Institute held their...
Citizenship and World Af-
fairs meeting in the W.I. hall
. on Thursday, October 15 at
1.30., with Mrs. Bill Halden-
byas hostess. •
The president, 'Mrs. Allan
MacDougall,. gave: a thought
on `.`The Year of the Child.
Mrs. Gib Hamilton read the
scripture. ' . The ' secretary..
treasurer, Mrs.. Lloyd. Mac-
ac Dougall, read'the minutes
and correspondence.
Mrs. Hank Hartemink re-
ported on. the' 4-H `club,
Needlepoint, in• which there
are nine .girls participating,.
;Mrs. Evan: Keith reported en
the morning session of the'
Rally: held October 18 in
Artnow and : led in a ,new
song. The Institute Gals,
Which all enjoyed:very much.
Mrs. Cliff .Roulstou reported
for the: afternoon and told us
that Bruce County.. 'Centre
would be'•host •for the 1980.
Mrs. Jack Needham ac-
companied for.the singing' of
the=song.,-tor the .Year of the
Child, "'Reach our .in .Love.
Mrs: "Harold flowald gave a
report' on the `75th' anniver=
nary dinner of the Belmore
W.I. held On October 10..
Mrs: Harvey Houston, Kair-
shea Curator, read.some
interesting articles- from the
Bruce' County .`Museum
Newsletter. Mrs. Allan Mac=
Dougall :reported 1 on . ' the
evening spent at the White-
church .W.I. meeting on
October 10.. • •
Mrs. 'Donald . MacKinnon
was chairiady for the . pro-
gram.; Four ladies,' ' Mrs.
Evan Keith, Mrs. Allan Mac-
Dougall, 'Mrs..:Lloyd Mac-..
Dougall", and Mrs.. Harry
Lavis, sang a comical song, I
Have Lost My Underwear.
Mrs. "'Harvey Houston, in-
troduced' the 'guest :speaker,
Mrs: Ross Cumming, District
• President: She 'spoke on. Citi
zenship. Mrs.: Allan Mac-
Dougall thanked Mrs. Cum-
ming for . her interesting
Mrs. Donald MacKinnon 11
conducted a stow contest
which was 'quite appropriate
as it. was snowing. Mrs.
Virden ' Mowbray gave an
interesting and .most inform-
ative talk. on China. She said
there are 9,000;000 people in
China which is one -fifths` of
the human race.
Whitechurch. She is attend-
i{tg Knox College,
David Adams of Windsor
spent• the weekend with his
mother, Mrs. , Bob Adams
and family,
The Whitechurch . Water .
System heldit's fall meeting
on October 23 'la the Com-
munity Memorial Hall. „The
minutes. were;' read by the
secretary,. Mrs. Cecil Little..
It was decided to leave the
completion of the painting of
the pump house until spring.
Dave Gibb informed the
meeting that the lines had
been flushed and that on
:For all your building needs contact:
Bore Bros: Construction
OR S29-7894.
The courtesie's were given
by Mrs. Donald MacKinnon
and a delicious lunch' was
served by the directors, Mrs.
Bill Ralden'by and Mrs. Don-
ald MacKinnon..
Wednesday K. K. Dawson of
Dungannon was coming to
check the pump, Mrs. Walter
Moire resigned her position
as the one to collect ' water.
sainples to be sent away.
Dave Qibb agreed te.. look
after this duty. The wages
were set for the maintenance
The lines were flushed
twice and K. K. Dawson
came and inspected the
system and found everything
satisfactory. The large tank
was cleaned out on the week-
end and filled with fresh
water.to have on hand el case
of fire.
Rev. Wm. 'Munshaw
B.A.,M. Div.
10 a.m. Sunday School'
I I. a.m. Morning Worship
Everyone Welcome
Rev. Doug Koafmaa
10 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.rn.
Morning Worship
Nursery Provided
For Pre -School Children
Jr. Congregation for
5 =8 Year Old Children
Rev. L. VanStaalduinen.
10:00 a.m. and 2430 p.m.
Listen to the
Back to God Hour
10:30:a,m. CKNX
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