The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-10-31, Page 10Ne 10--L>trclmow -Sentinel, Wednesday, •October. 31, 1979 OES Huron Chapter holds installation A large crowd was present for the installation of the adilcers of Huron Chapter No. 89 Order of the Eastern Stat for the . coming year. Mrs. Florence Reavie, P.D.D.G.M., and her instal - Ibis nstal-l n board, Mrs. Audrey Reid, P.M.,Mrs, Donalda Moffat and Mr. Jack Kopas were assisted by Mr. Alex Robertson, P.P., Mrs. Chris- tine . Currie, P.D.D.G.M., Mrs. Kathleen Forster, P.M., Mrs. Isabel Congram, I',M., Mrs. Nancy Macln- tyre, P.M., Mrs. Phronie El- liott, P.M., and Mr.' Scott Reid, P.P. The following were instal- led: Worthy Matron Dr. Alma Conn -Armstrong, Wor- thy Patron Mr. Wallace Conn, Associate Matron Mrs. Llewella Armstrong, Associate Patron' Mr. flugh Armstrong, Secretary Mrs. Kathleen Moffat, P.D.D.G.M., Treasurer Mrs. For Your Feed and Animal Health Needs Come to Stanley Feed & Supply RIPLEY. ONTARIO Phone 395-5955 Askes Bros. Construction Custom Homes Cottages - Additions Farm Buildings - Renovations RICHARD ASKES BERT ASKES OFFICE, LUCKNOW, 528-2726 WINGHAM, 357-3053 WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Repel MacKenzie Funeral Home Bus. Phone 357-1910 Res. Phone 357-1015' INVESTMENT THE STERLING TRUST CORP. FIRST CITY TRUST CO. Prevailing Interest Rates Your Representative ALEX MacNAY LUCKNOW Rep. Stratford Memorials M•acGillivr.oy ' & Co. • • MoMontreal Brampton Hamilton CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS St. Catharines Port.. Colborne Listowel Winnipeg Calgary ;Edmonton Vancouver Goderlch 380 Wallace Ave., N., Listowel, Ontario 291-1251 40 The Square Goderich, Ontario, 524-2677. Telephone 529-7848 RR 7 Lucknow,Ontario . CAMERON REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING SALES - SERVICE -INSTALLATION Commercial - Industrial - Residential JACK CAMERON •uarintNd Service LUCKNOW .APPLIANCE CENTRE SALES AND SERVICE CALL KEN OR ;PETE 528-2946 ,.. Box SRO Lncknow, Ont. Jean Leitch, P.M., Conduct- ress Mrs. Nelva Scott, Assoc- iate Conductress Mrs. Leona Miller, Chaplain Mrs. Nor- een Gnay, P.M., Marshall Mrs. Mildred Blackwell, or- ganist Mrs. ' Louise Swanson, • o0 The illness you'll never see corning. Get in shape'— and don't give the enemy a big target. Fitness is fun. Try some. naAnanacr1nn�C P.M., Adah, Mrs. Shirley Langridge, P.M., Ruth, Miss Maudie Fisher, Esther, Mrs. Audrey MacDonald, . P.M., Martha, Mrs. Shirley Brooks, Electa, Mrs. Sharon Cowman, Warder, Mrs. Dor- othy Wall, Sentinel, Mr. Jack MacDonald, P.P. " Two lovely duets were sung by Mr. and Mrs. - Murray taunt. Mrs. Kathleen Moffat pre- sented the immediate Past Matron and Patron, Mrs. • Phronie Elliott and Mr. Fare ish Moffat with their jewels, Mrs. Jessie Kerr and her Telephone 528-3913 e& d Peee4atiet9 & "ea tilt, KITCHEN REMODELLING - BATHROOM REMODELLING REPAIRS WOODSTOVES SOLD AND INSTALLED QUALITY WORKMANSHIP - FURNACE INSTALLATIONS CLIFF MANN Box 309 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Business Directory Reid & Peterson CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS' WINGHAM 357-1522 The- Co-operators heCo-operators HOME - AUTO COMMERCIAL INSURANCE AGENT JEAN WHITBY LUCKNOW CHISHOLM FUELS HEATING OILS SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOW' Phone ti29-7524 or 524-768.1 BURNER SERVICE. PROPANE FILLING STATION Products For Farm, Home and Irtdustry, DO IE ELECTRIC All Types of Electrical.Work Generac Aitentators Sales & Service R. R. 3 Lucknow Phone 529-7568 MURRAY MOFFAT Electrical Contractor LUCKNOW • Phone 528-2913 or 392-6061 VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST CO. For Information On TRUST CERTIFICATES. INCOME AVERAGING REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN STANDARD TRUST Call .Their Representative LLOYD [HAP] HALL 528-2045 MacKENZIE and *CREAM 'FUNERAL HOMES A MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED FUNERAL DIRECTORS SERVICE • FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted accord- ing to your wishes- at your Home, your Church, or at our Funeral Home at no additional charge. Lucknow, Phone 528-3432 or Ripley. Phone 395-2969 or' Garry Carruthers 395.5268 Day or Night Rep: W Ingham Memorials social committee served lunch. The Qrder is having a special project this ; year to support cancer research. Joy's Beauty Boutique My Place or Yours Phone 529-7741 P.O. Box 29 Lucknow, Ont. NOG 2H0 Anderson Flax Products Ltd. Division of Mike Snobelen Farms Ltd. DEALERS. IN ALL TYPES OF GRAIN After Hours: Business Mike Snobelen 395-5167 1519] 528-3203 Sandy Liddle 395-5052 The Workshop Wib & Dan Hartin R..R..1, Dungannon; Ont. New Furniture Built Old Furniture Repaired And Refinished \FREE ESTIMATES Phone 5291205 INSURANCE - Aviv: FARM - HOME COTTAGES COMMERCIAL INVESTMENTS ,R.RS.P. ind Trust Certificates Victoria and Grey - Eity Standard Premier Trust Companies McDonagh Maur ace Agency= Ltd. BARRY -ROD Phone528-3423 or 528-2031 SAND BLASTING BRICK BUILDINGS ALL STEEL WORK AIR HAMMER WORK BACK HOEING ; ARNOLD STOTHERS• .PHOiV,E 529-7403 FOR ESTIMATES KARL C. LENTZ CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT WINGHAM, ONTARIO TEL. 357-1087 WM. A. [BUD]. HAMILTON AGENT FOR BP OIL LTD. Gasoline Heating Fuels Burner Service and Furnace Installations Trucks Radio Equipped • • For Better Service Dial 528-3006 Res. 528-3616 Wholesale and Retail WM. R. NELSON CARPENTRY Area Representative For TRALEE KITCHEN CABINETS AND VANITIES Free Estimates No Obligation LUCKNOW PHONE 52$-2949 R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST GODERICH The Sgaare [Phone 524=7661;] ..................