HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-10-31, Page 6Page 6—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Oetober31, 1979 .The • LUCKNOVV SENTINEL LUCKNOW ONTARIO sx' "The Sepoy Town" On the Huron-Bruee Boundary Established 11173 Published Wednesday Business and Editorial Office Telephone 528-2822 Mailing Address P.O. Box 400, Lucknow, NOG 2140 Second class mail registration number -0847,, A SIGNAL PLIKICATION SHARON J. DIETZ - Editor ANTHONY N. JOHNSTONE - Advertising andi General Manager PAT LIVINGSTON - Office Manager MERLE ELLIOTT- Typesetter MARY McMURRAY - Ad Composition Subscription rate, S12 per year in advance Senior Citizens rate, $10 per year In advance U.S.A. and Foreign, $21.50 per year in advance Sr. Cit. U.S.A. and Foreign, $19.50 per year in advance ..•Courage prevents #6.0gfd.jr-. The fire on•the main street Friday night men on the department: could have been the scenario for a, disaster movie, but as the people who gathered on the streethat night realized, • it was a drama in real life. The •peoPle who came running from the burning building were friends, neighbours and acquaintances. A fire is always tragic and the things that could have happened Friday night, but didn't, are horrifying to. think about. Fortunately, there was no loss of life and property damage is much less than it would have been, if the firemen had not down the hallway _screaming "fire!" to been able to bring the fire under control waken the other residents in the building, as quickly as they did. • allowing them to escape. • Everyone involved acted quickly with- . He then went back to his •own ._. out panic and it is no doubt one reason apartment to try and put out the fire. why everyone made it out of the burning When his attempt to smother the burning building safely. chair with a chesterfield cushion failed, he grabbed the burning cushion and Firemen Peter Steer and Ken John- carried it out of the building. stone will tell you they were only doing . :their job, but they were, almost overceme •Mr. den Boer is in hospital recovering by smoke several times and yet, they from second degree burns from his returned to the building to bring the fire ' attempt to 'put out the fire. • • under control. Many people who take determined The Lucknow l?istrict Fire Department action in a crisis 'situation, act without is a volunteer. organization and all of the----corisideration for their own safety. They men whO reported for duty. Friday night act on impulse and afterwards do not deserve commendation for a job -well consider their action to be courageous.. done. A fire on -the main street can easily get away and burn a whole section of the • Whether Mr, den Boer will admit iror:-s. main street, which has occurred twice •not, it takes courage to enter a burning • before in the careers of some of the older building three times. • One man deserves special recognition for his actions Friday night. Hank den Boer returned to the burning building no less than three times: He savrhis wife and children safely out Of their burning apartinent, .He then re- turned to save the dog which had awaken- ed them; probably saving their lives.. Although he cannot remember every- thing he did that night, as far as can be determined, it was Mr. den Boer who ran 77, • . • The great pumpkin Daryl Graham's 78 pound 'pumpkin was 'the wand winner in the Cedarhill: Garden Centre pumpkin growing contest Darylentered the contest last, Spring when he received 'his little pumpkin plant from the Garden Centre. He planted .the pninpidn plant hhnself and for it all through summer, watering and weeding it, careftd1Y.. His" parents helped him plant sunflowers around It to protect it from the sun. This fall When it. was time to judge the pumpkins, Daryl's weighed in at 78 pounds. Daryl has plan/4 far his Pumpkhi.• He found a • picture of a jack-o4antern hi a magailne and he wants his mother, Who is nn artist, to recreate the jack -o -lantern out of his puinpldn Daryl is the son of floYd and D. D. Graham of S Kinloss Township. •• [Sentinel Staff Photo] Letter to the editor Family enjoys Sentinel To the Editor: , tin October 4, 1979, my 'father, Roderick Finlayson MacLennan, died in Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. after a lengthy illness. He was 70. Please 10411 of his friends in the Lochalsh, Lucknow, and Ripley area know. He is survived by his wife of 44 years, Janet, and two sons, Ronald of Troy, Michi- gan and Bruce of Livonia, • Michigan and 5 grandchild- ren. He leaves two brothers, Frank of •Lucknow and Ken. neth of Goderich. 1 wanted you to know- how much the "Sentinel" meant to Dad and the rest of our fainily. Even after 52 years in Detroit, it was his and our tie with "home" - though Bruce and myself were born and raised in Detroit. Each time I see the Sentinel,, memories of Bruce Beach, Grampa (Red Rory) and Gramma's farm, and Uncle Frank and Aunt An- niel home and store at lAchalsh come flooding back to me. ••Dad wet very ill during the last year of his life. My mother, while not a • nurse, took care of him at home til the day he died. Each visit to my folks home have my Dad bringing out the Sentinel, me reading it and then reminis- cing about mutual memories and stories from the past. For these memories I thank you. Sincerely, Ron MacLennan, Troy, Mich. U.S.A., 4048 Greensboro • 48098 • From Queen's Park lames BY MURRAY GAUNT iler design sed their concerns as follows: lack of decent andaffordable daycare facilities, classes which, are too large, inadequate help for children with:learning disabilities, inSuffiei- ent financing for the teaching of English at a r second language: and long waiting lists for children awaiting entry to mental-health centres. They •also complained about an increase of -only 5 per cent for the province's , • Children's Aid Societies. The Honourable Keith Norton, Minister of Community and Social Services and. The HOnourable Bette • Stephenson, Minister of Education addres- sed the crowd. Mr. Norton emphasized that servicesto ehildren havereceived the largest budget increases in the Ministry. Ile said that by the end ofthe year only a few Children's Aid Societies will be kept to the 5 per cent ceiling, but that most will have • received an increase of. 12.7 per cent. A new comprehensive Ministry of Tran- • sportatien and Cominunications bus inspec- tion program will begin October 31. After that dote, buses found operating 01.1 " provincial streets and highways without the appropriate safety insPection stickers will be removed from service until the stickers have. been obtained. Inspections :must be carried out by a registered licensed -mechanic at one of the 9;000 licensed inspection stations in the province or at licensed company-owned facilities. , Vehicles meeting the required Standards will be 'issued two stickers - a safety inspection Sticker, valid for six months and a special brake inspection Sticker, valid for 12 months. Both must be displayed pliimin- ently on the inner surface of the windshield: A senior Ontario Hydro official blames. a boiler manufacturer's design for problems' inY thesteam generating system at the Bruce A generating station that could take years and • millions of dollars to solve.— • William Morison, Hydro's director of design and development, said the design concept, developed by Atomic Energy of • Canada Ltd. and adopted by Babcock & Wilcox Canada Ltd. apparently didn't meet . Hydro, specifications, • A special task force is tneeting almost daily in an effort to decide what to do about • stresses that 'occasionally' build up within • huge steam drums at the nuclear plant. Mr. Morison confirmed that one of many options being. examined is a multi -million -dollar replacement 'of the drums that would require each of the station's four 791 -megawatt units to be shut down for months at a time. • The Ontario Cabinet has shelved inde- finetely its proposed' resident tithing licence, Natural Resources Minister James Auld announced this week. Mr. Auld said that various groups have expressed Support, for the licence, which would require Ontario residents to buy a seasonal fishing licence, on the ,condition that more money be given for fisheries management. Currently, only non-residents must buy a licence to fish. Mr. Auld said the fisheries program is. , a high-priority item which has already receiv- ed $2 million this year. , About 2,000 parents, along with many .children held a rally at Queen's Park this week to protest against government cut- backs affecting children. The group expres-