HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-10-17, Page 47Lucknow Sentinel, WedneoditY, October 24, 1979—Page 19
Dungannon girl editor for
Mrs. Wm. Berry returned
to her trailer last weekend.
Canvassers were around
collecting for the Blind
through the week.
Mrs. Tom Park was in-
formed Thursday that she is
a great grandmother again.
Her grandson,. Jim Lawlor -
and his wife:Deborn,-had a 7
H. 5 oz. girt, . 'Adrienne
Elizabeth. Jim is the .son of
TOM and. Millie Lawlor of
Inez Howe, Robert Howe
and Judy Williams .were all
callers at Lil MacDonald's on
Saturday. On Sunday Mr.
and Mrs. -Molton visited
Frank in the Wingham Hos7
Judy Carmichael, a grade
9 student at G.D.C.I. was an
Editor-for-a,Day at the Sig-
nal Star recently.
Kingsbridge is sponsoring
a Vietnamese family. Anyone
wishing to donate bedding or
household articles, please
contact Mrs. Kathy Olson,
Jim Stothers, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Stothers,
was home from Montreal on
the weekend to attend his
graduation at Waterloo with
his mother and father.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
Park attended the Baptismal
services at Nile where their
niece, Amanda Mallough,
•was one of -the two babies
baptized. They later travel-
led to Goderich for a family
'celebration at the Mallotigh's
home. .
Dave Dawson arrived back
home this week after nweek
• long hunting trip.
Mrs. Fred Schmid return-
ed Wednesday from Hainil-
tonafter a five day visit with
daughter, Gabriel.
Visitors withiMr. and Mrs.
Ben Mole on Sunday were
Mr. and Mts. Harvey Mole.
Visitors with and Mrs.
Wilfred Pentland over th• e
weekend were Mr. and. Mrs.
Hugh Croc,kett of Pickering;
Meagan and Jason.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Crockett
and Mrs McNally, all of
London, and the rest of the
• family were all home to
attend baptism: services at
Dungannon; ' '
Saturday evening company
at the honeof Mr. and Mrs.
Stephen Park .were Mr.and
Mrs. Kervin Rourke of Clin-
ton. and Mr. and Mrs.. Bob
Rourke of Zurich.
Rev. Cecil Wittich of Blyth
was guest minister at Dun-
• gannon and Nile on Sunday
to conduct the sacraments of
Baptisni and Communion.
His sermon was entitled, "In
Remembrance of Me". The
choir sang the anthem,
"Sons of God", led by
organist, Mrs. Jean Elliott.
Children baptized at Dun-
gannon were: Jason •Hugh
Crockett, and Meagan. Lynn 1
Crockett, children of Hugh
• and Nornia (Pentland) Cro-
ckett; Michael Joseph Rich-
ard Dauphin, son of Gary and
Heather (Park). Dauphin;
• Owen Bruce Utley and Tara
Dene Utley, children of
Bruee and Rodene (Pentland)
Children baptized at Nile
'United Church were Timothy
Brent Black, son of Bryon
and Jean (Drennan) Black;
Amanda Joy Mallough,
daughter of Michael and
Valerie (Stothers) Mallough.
Tyros meet. on Tuesday
evening in Dungannon
Church basement. This is an
organization for boys of ages
9, 10 and 11 and boys from
both churches attend.
Many fine comments are
heard about the church
choirs and their leadership.
Young people attending are
making a splendid contribu-
Willing Workers met on
Thursday evening. This
week's topic for discussion is
the Christmas Bazaar.
The Nursery Care provid-
ed for the infants and pre
schoolers during the church
service is much appreciated.
Mr. Cowan plans to attend
the Music Workshop and
Concert in Mitchell on Satur-
day, October 27.
Next Sunday, Rev.. Ian
MacKay of Chatham will be
conducting • both services
while Mr. Cowan is in
• Chatham for their "Lay"
The October meeting of
the U.C.W. was held on
Tuesday evening, October 16
at the home of Mrs. Gloria
Pearson. Mrs, Donna Alton
opened the meeting with a
Thanksgiving Thought. Mrs.
Marie Stewart read the medi-
tation, "Thankfulness'. •
•'Guest speaker was Mrs.
Herbert Lawrence, of Dun-
• gannon who. read passages
from Genesis and Kings to
illustrate her -theme, "God
opened my eyes that I may
see". Mrs. Amy Wiggins
thankedthe speaker. 'and
then led the business part o
the' meeting: Mrs? Helen
Dawson gave the treasurer's
• report and reported the quilt
donated by Mrs. Elma Reed
has been quilted and sent to
Woodstock Disaster Area.
Discussion was held .on the
need for more hymn books
and it ikas"decided to purch-
ase 40 more books.
Mrs. Wiggins. informed
the ladies that their '!prayer
sister" organization is now
the Blyth U.C.W. and regul-
ar prayers are isequeSted. It
was agreed to get 50 church
calendars to sell at 51.50
each. Some discussion was
held on a float , for next
'-summer's .birthday celebra-
tion but definite plans were
• deferred for a future meet-
ing. ,
The next meeting will take
the form of a pot Ind dinner.:
Mr. Cowan- pronounced the
benediction and grace Was
sung, Mrs. Olive Blake and
Mrs. Mary Bere served
By Lisa Brown
and Marilyn Jam' seri
This week has bee a very
exciting week.
Room nine teache , Mrs.
Graham, went to a confer-
ence on Art frortiqktober
10th to October 12th at the
Downtown Holiday Inn, Lon-
don. She attended lectures
on the use of art in education
today and art in the com-
munity. A tour of the elem-
• entary and high school art
programs was attended. Fri-
day was spent in observing
artists and consultants work-
ing with various media in a
workshop atmosphere.
Room one had a special
Week reliving the story of the"
Gingerbread Man. On Tties-
day they baked a ginger-
bread man who disappeared
leaving footprints and notes.
Some comments from the
children were; Kevin Web-
ster, "He was hiding him-
self". Jeffery Storey, "He
can't run!" Melonie Hum-
phrey, "Mr. Jewitt or Mr,
Blake took him!" and Lizzie
Binder, "He ran • away!"
Also someone said, "I
thought Mr. Wilkins wolfed
him clown!" Mr. Jewitt gave
them the final clue when he
called o4r the intercom,
'There's a little brown man
down here and you better
come down here and get
.him," When they found him,'
they ate him.
The cross-country meet for
1979 was held on Thursday,
October 18th at Point.Farms.
Schools competing were Rob-
ertson, Colborne, Victoria
and Brookside. Brookside
received only one pennant,
the Midget girls competition.
Runners who placed in the..1
first five were Jean McWhin-
ney lst, Shelley Good 2nd,
Scott Hackett lst, Harvey
Kikkert 4th, Nancy Carmich-
_ael 2nd, Doug Farrish 3rd,
Jeff Gibson 5th, Wilma Van-
dervelde lst, Janice Cook
5th, John Curran 4th, Gor-
don Farrish 3rd and Ricky
Livingston 2nd. Congratula-
tions to all runners and good
luck next year!
Grade 3 from Room 3 were
busy all week preparing a
play, "The Story of Olaf',
from their reader which they
performed on Friday in Kin-
dergarten, Room 6, Room 4
and Room 3.
Congratulations , to Judy
Carmichael, of G.D.C.I.,
formerly of Brookside, who
was one of the Editors -for -a -
•Day at -Signal Star recently.
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