The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-10-17, Page 16• • • . • • -a Page 16—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 17, 1979 Kiniough, Congregations unite Thanksgiving service. BY MAY BOYIX Douglas Teixeira of South Burnaby, B.C. visited last Sunday with Mrs. Agnes Hodgins and Mr, and Mrs, Jim Hodgins and girls. Visitors during the week- end with Edna and May Boyle were Mrs. Pearl Lloyd, Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Lloyd of Burlington and Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, concession 10. Mrs. Howard Whiteside and her nephew, Howard Bennett Jr. of Toronto spent the weekend with Arthur Haldenby and with Mrs. Haldenby, who is a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital. Mrs. Gordon Saunders spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rhody and faMily, concession 10. Members of the Presby- • terian congregation joined with the Anglican congrega- tion on Sunday for •the Harvest Thanksgiving serv- ice. The Presbyterian W.M.S. had their Fall Thankoffering on Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. G. Thompson guest speaker. The village church ladies and visiting groups. were guests, and all enjoyed a most profitable afternoon and fellowship hour. Rev. George Garratt began the Bible Study group class on Tuesday at the home of Edna and May Boyle. KINLOUGH. A.C.W. The Anglican Church Deanery meet at St. Peter's Registration and a coffee hour were held in the parish hail of St. Peters Church, Lucknow when the Clergy . and Anglican Church Wom- • en met for their fall Deanery meeting. After a. time of fellowship, Rev. George Gar- • !Mt: invited the men to his home. where Rev. J. King,of • Kincardine and Rural Dean of South Satigeeh chaired the meeting. • Guests who were welcorn- . ed were Bishop Morse Rob inson of London, Archdeacon C. R. Townshend of Owen Sound, ..also a former rector of Lucknow, Rev. H. L. Jen- 4.0.4inings and the Clergy of the Deanery. • The women held their meeting in the church with Jocelyn •Daunt presiding. • Mrs. Frances Ewing was • organist for the morning ses- sion. Mrs: Edith Cooper of •-Lucknow gave the address of welcome, and also a resume of lthe church: . • 'The Secretary treasurer, •Mrs. Ewing, read the minut- •es, gave the treasuter's report and called the roll. • Representatives were present from almost every parish in the Deanery. Mrs. Freda Jacobs of Kin- cardine brought her report, speaking on the International Year of the Child; mention- •• ing especially the foster child in India. • The Children's Festival, which has been very success- ful each . year in two loca7 tions, will now be held in a third location in the Western Area. • Pakistanian Embroidery, which is beautiful, was on display for sale. '- An invitation was extend- ed from St. JamesChurch, Hanover, to hold the spring Deanery meeting there. Janet Miller of Southamp- ton Diocesan Council, rep- resentative planning chair- man, spoke on Christian Education, Mrs. • Eleanor Laramie spoke on workshops which are corning up soon. Money was donated to the Fair Share general fund for • distribution where it is need- •- ed most. Special speakers were L. McFadden and her friend, Lynne. from St. John the. • Evangelist Church, Kitch- ener, and members of the • Order of Lake (Healing • Ministry). The led in prayer • and explained more fully the • Healing Ministry. • All gathered at the •parish • •hall for the. noon •luncheon and after lunch a lively sing song was enjoyed with Rev. • Dan Sargeant playing the accompaniment on his guit- ar. • Following lunch the clergy • went back into 'session; and the women were divided into \ • groups for a workshop on • .ksages in the Bible. • Following these sessions, the Clergy joined with the ladies for a service of Holy Communion. Mrs. Anne Prit- chard, • organist • of the church; presided. Celebrants were Bishop ,Robinson and Rev Garratt At the altar rail for special prayers' request• -. ed, were Rev. Laramie and, the two guests from Kitch- • ener. Soft guitar music by • Rev. Sargeant Was played. The meeting closed with refreshments served by the A.C.w Stocker Sale • On Monday, October 15, 390 cattle were sold at the Lucknow Community Stocker Sale. • 20 Hereford steers, aver- aging 810 lbs. sold by John Rutherford to Clare Van Camp, Belgrave at 89c. Ron Forster sold 2 heifers averaging 620 lbs. to L, Colwell, Glammis for 89%c, Ken Elphick bought 3 steers, averaging 380 lbs., consinged by Wm. Uulrich, Wingham, for $1.20 lb. Wm. Uulrich also sold 2 heifer calves averaging 415 lbs. to Allan MacDonald, Kintail for $1.06 Ib. Gross transaction at Mon- day's sale was $247,000.00. • Women met on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ronald Thacker. The meditation on Thanks- giving was given by Mrs. Delbert Hedley, Minutes were read by Mrs. Ronald • Thacker. The roll call was a bibljcal verse containing either a fruit or a vegetable. Miss Edna .Boyle reported on the South Saugeen Deanery meeting which was held at Lucknow. • For the program, readings were given by Mrs, Roy Schneller, Harvest Time; Mrs. John Scott, • What Thanksgiving Means To Me; Mrs. Howard Thompson, Shadows; Mrs. Midford Wall, A Thankful Heart; Mrs. Ed Green, When is • Autumn; Mrs, Bert Nichol- son, Thanks of a Rich Man; Mrs, George Graham, He Found Time; Mrs. Gertrude Walsh, Thanksgiving is More Than a Day to Rem- ember. Mrs. David Haldenby read A Thanksgiving Prayer; Mrs. Rey Collins, A Thanksgiving; Mrs. Rev. Garrott, Thankful For This Day; Mrs. Eric Thacker, Everything is Going Up. Mrs. Midford Wall con- ducted a contest on Thanks- giving and Mrs. Roy Collins won the prize. Mrs. Delbert • Hedley and Edna and May Boyle each showed a craft. • Rev.., (iarratt closed the , meeting with the Grace. • Mrs. Gertrude Wall gave the • courtesy remarks and a deli- cious lunch was served. 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