HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-10-10, Page 20Paige 20-Luclmow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 10, 1979 /TS EASY TO BUY --SELL-REMT- /RfAMID WOTf1;,,.. V(..t 7 L e BqA AS. ., a JON' Ji. .p n. on,' oe.n as .aL owe R>_ LAWRENCE 'AGM.. ...W 41 4. vet' s, RAD 1. Articles for sale RINGN.ECK and white dov- es, white Trumpeters, Runts, and Amherst pheasants. Phone 395-5072. -41 . NOW TAKING ORDERS for ducks and geese. Allan R. Miller. Phone 528-2299. -39tfar SPECIALS ON RECORDS, TAPES AND CASSETTES Cheap Trick - Dream Police, limited quantity, $6.99 each. Several other new arrivals in records, tapes and cassettes. Sepoy Stationery & Printing, Lucknow Phone 528-2919 7' HELM snowblower. Phone -357-1290. -41 811 of -'rWN,fN�- IrU�• 5. Cars, trucks for sale 12. Help wanted 1975 MAVERICK 6 cylinder automatic, radio, good con- '.dition, safety checked. Luck - now, Service Centre, Howard J. Neable, phone 528-2812. -41ar MEDITERRANEAN STYLE console stereo in autumn oak, 55" wide, dual 1225 changer, 2 - 10" speakers, 2 - 6" speakers, 2 31" speakers, high quality A.M.- F.M. stereo chassis, $499.95, Greer T.V. and Electric, phone 528-3112. -40tfar • Two used Hoover spin wash• ers and a used Beatty spin washer; reconditioned 16" portable black and ' white television with new picture tube, $125. Greer T.V. and Electric, phone 528-3112. -40tfar FIVE. GERMAN SHEPHERD and Norwegian Elkhound crossed puppies: 'Excellent, watch dogs. Phone 395=5407. -40,41 HAVE YOU GOT MOIST AIR IN YOUR HOME? THEN TRY A DEHUMIDIFIER From Greer T.V. & Electric Lucknow Phone 528.3112 27tfar POTATOES, Superior and Red Chieftan, $3.50 per 75 lb. bag. Call 392-6613. -40,41 1 QUANTITY: OF USED lum- ber, sheeting, studding. Phone 528-3149. -40x BEEF By the Quarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING On Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped to your specifications Quick Freezing Available BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET LUCKNOW Shop 528-3009 Res. 528-2119 .:4Otf 4. Articles wanted OMNI DEAD STOCK We pay highest cash price for fresh animals over, 500 lbs., smaller animals picked up free. Radio equipped trucks. Call 881-3459 or 1-800-265-3011. Graf Animal Foods Ltd., R. R. # 1, Chepstow. -26tfar BROWNIE UNIFORM, size 7 or 8. Phone 528-2841. -41 . r.e. ' ..:li�fNyy'.yj,:�y43aYF:..:..MY:.4m w.11iW ..tiAL �q.wYiF•N:..� wwu 1976 DODGE CHARGER, half vinyl roof, 6 cylinder, 2 door, 4 new radial tires, also radial snow tires, already safety checked. Apply to Box R, c/o The Lucknow Sen- tinel. el. -41 1977 CHRYSLER NEWPORT sedan, air conditioning, 26,000 miles. Price $4,500:00. phone528-3305. -40,41x 1971 3/, TON CHEV, custom cab, 350-V8 motor, power steering and power brakes, $500 or best offer. Phone Goderich 524-8009. -40,41 SNOW REMOVAL Sealed applications marked ''Snow Removal" (snow blowers preferred), will be received until 4 p.m. October 25, 1979 for snow removal at the following school/s: Lucknow Public Kinloss Central Ripley -Huron Central Ripley District Apply immediately on appli- cation form available atthe school or at the address below. The Bruce County Board Of Education, Box 190, Chesley, Ontario. Telephone :[519] 363-2014 Attn: Mel F. Wedow Supervisor of Buildings & Maintenance -41ar 7. Real Estate . for sale 15. Tenders 2 RIVER LOTS on quiet street. Phone 528-3234 or 529-7272. -29tfar DUNGANNON, 3 bedroom mobile home, partly furn- ished, landscaped lot, 66 x 132, completely serviced: Give us an offer. Phone 529-7923.-40-44 9. Accommodation to rent ONE BEDROOM apartment in Lucknow. Call Glennhaven Apartments, 528-3234. -4l tfar 2 BEDROOM brick bunga- low, kitchen, living dining area; ,full • basement. Well located in the Kinlough area, available about November 1. Call 529-7350. -41x TWO BEDROOM apartment on Main Street, Lucknow, heat and hydro included:. Phone 528-2236 or 529-7670 after 6.-40tfar FOUR BEDROOM:. house in Lucknow. Phone 528-3004. -38tf FURNISHED BED -SITTING room, .heated. All utilities paid. Phone 528-3723;, Oliver Glenn.' -34tfar.: TWO BEDROOM furnished apartment in Ripley. Phone Glennhaven Apts., 528-3234 or 529-7272. -35tfar 3 BEDROOM FARM HOUSE on Highway 86, near. Am- berley. Phone 395-5220. 37tf BACHELOR APARTMENT, available October 1, heated, one bedroom, newly decor- ated. $115.00. Phone 528- 2031. -39ar SMALL FURNISHED apart- ment in Lucknow. Available now. Also 1 bedroom apart- ment, frig and stove: Avail- able November 1. ' Phone 528.2174 or 528-3134. -39tf \ \\ FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be accepted until the 24th day of October, 1979, for the farm- property belonging to Carl Menno Schlueter and Margaret Schlueter, inclusive of all buildings, situate in the Township of Huron, County of Bruce, and known as the West . Half of Lot 30, Con- cession 2, consisting of 50 acres more or less. Tenders should :be accom- panied by a depositby certi- fied cheque of 10% of the tender price. Cheques should be made payable to Goodall, Campbell and Brophy In Trust. Any and all tenders not necessarily accepted. Tenders should be mailed or delivered to:, ' Goodall, .Campbell & Brophy Box 190; Lucknow:; Ontario NOG 2H0 -40,41,42ar fth.•%SO IUK• ij nl�-I_Ftt to. KKE n MOW row, • Aqcy, 120 W 42 p' KN �,c �m h ro 17. Auction Sales 17. Auction Sales CONSIGNMENT STOCKER SALES at- Lucknow tLucknow Community Sale MONDAY; -OCTOBER 1,15, AND 29 400 HEAD Phone 528-9912 or 395-5230 -35-43 AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery and Some. Household Effects And Antiques will be held for DUNCAN FARRISH Four miles east of Amberley On highway 86 or seven miles west of Lucknow on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20 at 1 p.m. TERMS CASHFARM SOLD Auctioneers Grant McDonald, Ripley Phone 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater. Phone 392-6170 -41ar 4. Articles wanted GOOD USED FURNITURE,,; antiques,. clothing including blue jeans, and nick-nacks on consignment. We can sell those unwanted articles for you. Call for more informs, tion. The Second Time A- round Shoppe (opening soon) at site of Rintouls Luxury Pools, % male north of Wingham on No. 4 Highway. Phone 357-2628. -41 Newspaper advertising can make a big difference...ask any successful businessman. He's learned through experi- ence that the best way to reach people and bring in customers is through news- paper advertising. AUCTION SALE. . Of Livestock, Machinery and Some Household Items Will be for ERNEST SNOWDEN Lot28, Con.\9 East Wawanosh Twp. 6 miles north of Auburn on County Rd. 22 or 5 corners West of Belgrave and V2 mile north SATURDAY, .00TOBER 13, 1979 at 12130 p.m. 10 Hereford cows with spring calves and rebred; Hereford bull; Allis Chalmers WD 45 tractor with chains; Ford 8N tractor with loader and chains;, snow blower, fits Allis Chalmers tractor; harrows; Allis Chalmers 3 furrow plow; 9 ft. rubber tired cultivator; wagon with 16 ft. rack; 2 -wheel trailer with stock rack; skelton 30 ft bale elevator; New -Holland 6.8 baler with grain chute; Internation*l 15 run power lift seed drill: with grass seeder; Massey 6 ft. binder; John Deere manure spreader, has new tires; hammer mill with belt; rain auger with motor; corn muffler; chain saw; 30 ft. extension ladder; cattle clippers; barbed wire; scales; heel barrow; garden tiller; Fax mini bike; 10 speed bicycle; 1971 GMC 1/2 ton truck Las is]; Woods freezer; fridge, as new; electric stove; wringer washer; clothes ryer; 'buffet; drapes; 'chairs; wood stove; chest of rimers; wardrobe; dresser; cradle; single bed; spool bed; trunk; some antique Items. TERMS CASH OR CHEQUE WITH I.D. DAY OF SALE FARM SOLD GEORGE POWELL, Clerk BRIAN RINTOUL, AUCTIONEER -40 41 \ YS 17. Auction Sales LARGE 3 Consignment Sale OF OVER 50 TRACTORS and NEW & USED FARM EQUIPMENT at Brindley's Sales. Yard DUNGANNQN Friday, Oct, 19 11 a.m. SHARP Massey Ferguson 1505 4 wheel drive with 3 point hitch and P.T.O., D:B.1210 4 wheel drive, 6 new tractors. For More Information'coll 529-7970 FURNITURE LIQUIDATION SALE LEASE EXPIRED EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD COST OR LESS 2 DAYS ONLY FRIDAY, OCT. 12,-1 p.m. - 9 p.m. SATURDAY, OCT. 13, 10 a.m. 6 p.m. * CASH & CARRY * ALL SALES FINAL KINCARDINE PAVILION 156'DURHAM ST. KINCARDINE 10 WEEKS TILL CHRISTMAS Earn extra cash for holidays 910° 0 Per Week Part Time $21000 Per Week Full Time A CAR NEEDED itHONEFOR 524-9077 INTERVIEW iYiwJe1.4 145,,4. J4ir