HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-10-10, Page 16Page 16—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 10, 1979
Ripley thanksgiving......
•from page 15
saying that he underwent
the same surgery on the
shoulder. Friends wish
Lloyd complete recovery,/
Dorothy and Russ
Brooks attended the
university graduation of
their nephew „ Rick
French in Waterloo on the
weekend Sept. 2$-30. ,
The regular meeting of
the Ripley and District
Lions Club was held on
Wed: Sept. 26 at the
Purple Grove Com-
munity Centre, with
twenty-four members
and two guests present.
It was alarming to the
members to hear that the
doors and toilets had been
smashed at the new
picnic booth.
Plans were made to sell
Nevada tickets to help
raise money.
Guest speaker was
Deputy District Governor
Don Coghlin of Fordwich.
Plans were made for
the float and the booth
with the beef on bun at
the fair on Saturday.
Mrs. Mar.garet
l'hornton Burrows of
Brampton passed away
at the age of 78 on Friday,
Sept. 14 in Brampton
Hospital where she had
been a patient for some
Former native of
Teeswater, she lived in
Ripley for a number of
years when her first
husband, Jim Thornton
also of Teeswater was the
baker in Bill Bushell
store - now the Mrs.'
Grace Carruthers store
She is remembered
here for her contribution
as a fine singer in church,
Women's Institute and
meetings and other
gatherings. She is sur-
vived by their son Jack
Thornton of Brampton,
her mother Mrs. John
Harkness of Brampton
and three sisters Winnie
and Mildred of Brampton
and Lorna of Midland.
The funeral was held in.
Brampton on Monday,
Sept. 17. On Sunday,,
George and Margaret
Harkness of Bervie went
to the funeral home
visited the family in
Fair results..
Now for further in-
formation on the fall fair,
a new event for the boys
and girls was the frog
jumping cosiest: Doug
Sorbara's frog 'won the
competition, foilowed by
an entry .by Suzanne Bell,
then the joint entry of
T resa
Schuyler and Patty
Griffenham. Two boys,
Philip Plowright and
Matthew MacLeod had
'frogs jumping the same
distance for fourth
placing while Stephanie
Bell and Darryl Robinson
placed fifth.
There was the usual
long and varied parade
involving mucheffort on
the;. part .of the entrants
with two bands - Seaforth
District High School
Girls' Marching Band
and the. Kincardine
Scottish Pipes and
Drums. Then there was
the beauty queen riding
in the MacKenzie Honey
Farms convertible car
from Tiverton followed
by floats, several from
thehigh school,, the
uniformed motorcycle
riders, Graham Cook's
steam engine, Big Bruce,
the fancy dressed riders
and horses of the Huron -
Bruce Pony Club many
decorated bikes and
trikes.,beautiful heavy
horses, tandem hitches,
and clowns.
There was a good
heavy horse show. The
following_ ..men had en-
tries. Belgian teams were
Jim Aitchison of
.Lucknow and Ross Young
of Tiverton. Another man
who attends the Ripley
show each year was
George Gregg of Paisley
with his Clydes. With
Percherons (the \black
Ones) were Omar Brooks
of Lucknow, Andy Catto
of Paisley and Edgar
Hughes of RR2 Ripley or
Clark's concession 12,
Huron Township with his
teams. He shows at the.
Royal Winter Fair in
Toronto come November.
Entries in the com-
mercial for wagon horse
teams were Kent Lamont
and Fraser Lamont both,
of Paisley and Angus
Armstrong ..of Holland
In the fancy dress pony
team class wee entries by
Len Meyers of Walker-'
tort,. Eldon Lowry of
Huron, Smith Lowry of
Tiverton, Morgan Nixon.
of Wiarton, and Hall's 4-H
Stables of Mildmay.
In the purebred beef
cattle show there were
tvvo herds tied in Knox -
shed. They were Gordon;
Ribey''s Aberdeen Angus
cattle from Tiverton -
Underwood and Fred
McConnell' all the way
from Meaford with his
shorthorn herd.
Going back to the
parade for a moment - on
antique cars it was
Harvey Palmateer of
Kincardine, Bill Carson.
and Graham Cook both of
Ripley. In the decorated
pony and cart class it was
Glen Walker and the
Bargers and in the
decorated pony and
saddle it was Shelley
Gamble, Glenda Gamble
and Lisa Watt.
In the commercial
cattle the following had \
entries: PaulHarris,
Gordon Ribey David
Gamble, Kevin Boyle,
Jeff Elliott, Dan
MacDonald, Bob Black—
well, Paul Keelan, Garry
Rutledge and Heather
The successful poultry
show was held in the
basement of the Huron,
Township hall and was a
credit to directors Cecil
Sutton and Ted Rouse.
and all who helped them.
Turn to page 1740
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