The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-10-10, Page 10Page 10—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 10, 1979 Lucknow. UCWplan UNIT 1 The October, meeting of Lucknow U.C.W. Unit 1 was held at the home of Helen Thompson. Isobel Havens welcomed everyone and then handed the meeting over to Helen Thompson and her committee for the following program. Helen opened the Thanksgiving. meeting with a poem. The scripture was read by Eunice Dunsmuir. Helen Thompson present- ed the meditation, "Be Ye Thankful". The guest speaker,.. Mrs. Shiells, was then introduced and gave a very inspiring talk on "Thanksgiving is Thanks - living". She was thanked by, Helen Thomspon. Jean Mac- Leod then read two readings and a piano solo by Mary MacGillivray was enjoyed. Edith Webster gave an informative reading on Citiz- enship: A visit to Pinelodge was planned for October 3rd with Anna Mae Hunter, Edith Webster, and Eunice Dunsmuir . as visitors. Jean MacLeod and Olive Irwin offered to visit shut-ins :for October. The fowl supper was dis- cussed while the committee served lunch. UNIT 2 The October meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Gordon Kirkland. Mrs. Gib- son opened the meeting with a poem, "Linger on a Little Longer". Mrs. Andrew Rit- chie gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Chas. McDon- ald made arrangements for supplies and helpers for the annual fowl supper to be held October 16; also for the tea following the evening anni- versary service, October 14. The citizenship convener, Mrs. Drennan, read "The Galloping Grandmothers". The offering was dedicated by Mrs. Gibson. Some hum- orous quotations by Rev. Wilbur Howard were read by Mrs. Gibson. Mrs. Glen Walden presid- ed for the program. In open- ing, she spoke about the beauty of Nature which is so evident at this time of year. The theme was "Pause and Praise". Mrs. A. Ritchie read the scripture.. The fol - South Kinloss Thankoffering The fall thankoffering and regular meeting of South Kinloss W.M.S.were' .com- bined and held at the home of. Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon, October 3. Mrs. Philip Steer presided. Mrs. Olive Needham read a poem, A Song of Thanks- giving and Mrs. John. Mow- bray also read a poem, The Happiest Gift: The 'Bible. Study, the Par- able of the Mustard Seed, was taken by Mrs. Donald Maclntyre. Ladies taking part in the Prayer Circle were Mrs. Olive Needham, Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall and Mrs. Harold Howald. The offert- ory prayer was given by Mrs. Dave MacKinnon. Mrs. Jack Needham gave a Thanksgiv- ing message and concluded by telling the meeting of St. Helens WI Hold FRO meeting The P.R.O.meeting ,of St. Helens W.I. was held in St. Helens hall on October 4. Members of the C.N.1;B.. canvass committee from Ashfield, Dungannon and St. Augustine were in attend- ance to hear Mrs. Judy Coats of Strathroy, a social worker with the C.N.1.B. in London-. Arrangements were made for the Armistice Service which will be held one week early on November 4. Mrs. Muriel Curran gave a report on the Institute rally which was held in Elmvale United Church. The motto, prepared by Mrs. Allan Cranston on The International Year of the Child (Parentage)", was giv- en by Mrs. Bob Aitchison. A reading was given by Mrs. Russel Phillips. A lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Bob Aitchi- son, Mrs: Bruce Rard and Mrs. 'Gordon Lyons their trip to Mexico the past winter. Prayer by Mrs. Herb Buck- ton closed the meeting. Lunch was served by the hostess and directors, Mrs. Donald MacIntyre, Mrs. Vera Schmidt and Mrs. Dave MacKinnon lowing ladies read scripture selections which referred to the theme, Mrs. Helm, Miss Ada Webster, Mrs. Free- man, Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. Clarence Irwin; also a short reading, "Harvest Bless- ings" by Mrs. Barger. The meditation was given by Mrs. Walden. Mrs. Mc- Donald gave a reading on how much we owe our par , ents and friends. Mrs. Wal- den mentioned the blessings for which we are thankful and read a poem, "We Thank Thee". A discussion of the meaning of hymn, "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" was led by Mrs. Walden. Mrs. A. Ritchie owl supper read an article on Thanks-_ giving of earlier years. Mrs. Walden gave a read- ing on Human Rights which stated that 50 years ago women were not considered to be persons. Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. Gibson. UNIT 3 Unit # 3 of the Lucknow U.C.W. met in the church parlour on Tuesday, October 2. Mrs. Cook welcomed everyone and opened the meeting with a poem, "Let's practice Thanksliving as well as Thanksgiving". Seventeen members an- swered the roll cal) with a Thanksgiving Thought. The convener reports and the announcements were given: A workshop is to be held in the Harriston United Church on Tuesday, October 9. All are invited to a display of crafts from the Third World Countries in the Brookside Public School on Thursday, October 25, sponsored by the Mennonite Central Commit- tee. Plans were made for the unit's share of food and help needed for the annual fowl supper to beheld on Tues- day, October 16: The offering was taken and dedicated by Mrs. Cook. Blanket Fund donations were taken and two birthdays added to the igsnl iage l.A W L fund. Oetober meeting Twenty-four members of the C.W.L. were present October 1 in St. Joseph's Parish Hall for the October meeting. Mrs. Bob Howard presid- ed and ..Father Dentinger opened the meeting with the League Prayer. ' Mrs. Antone Van Osch gave the minutes of the previous meeting. The finan- cial report was given by Mrs. Walter, Clare. The corres- pondence was read by Mrs. Antone Van Osch. Cultural Life report =Mrs.. Theo VanDiepen reported that grades S and 6 recently went to London to visit- the Convent and St. Peter's Sem- inary, accompanied by moth 1S1tOI'S 11'1 urple Grove Mrs. Eileen Baptists and Gerald Formosa, Mrs. Olive :Thacker, Li19onia visited with Mrs. Ben Scotk. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Martin and Mrs. Marion Martin, Kitchener visited with Mrs. Ben .Scott on Saturday. Welcome h'ome to Mr. Ben Scott who has been a patient in Owen Sound Hospital: • , . Visitors for the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Farrell and girls were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright, Judy and Trevor and Mr. Wes Wright, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Angus Elliott, Kin- cardine, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Greenwood and boys, Mr. arid Mrs. Don McCosh, Ripley; Mr, Jim Greenwood, • Elmwood were. Thanksgiving dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Farrell and girls. Mrs. Irene Boyle had the Interdenominational Bible Society group at her home on Tuesday. Two new study groups are starting and anyone is welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Stanley spent the weekend in Detroit. Mr. John Ker, Belgrave is starting an advance session in spinning on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs Wilma Sutton. Rev. and Mrs George Honour and Ann "Big River'', Sask., are. holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Thompson and Bert. Mr, and Mrs. Paul Greenwood and boys had as their guests for Thanksgiving Mr: and Mrs. James Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Tom MacMillan, Scarborough. Many from here at- tended 'Tees water Fair on Sat. All report a good fair and meeting friends. Mrs. Janet Nixon was hostess to the Purple Grove Women's Institute on Thurs. evening. Mrs. Gladys Arnold showed the Tweedsmuir history book and spoke on family trees. A card party will be held Oct. 19. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Robinson entertained the Forrester families on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Forrester and Donna spent Thanksgiving day with Sandra's parents Mr, and Mrs. Evan Keith, South Kinloss. Mrs. Sandra Forrester and Donna, Mrs. Mar- jorie Thomp"son attended the Holyrood Women's - Institute meeting on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Harold Smith, Holyrooil. ers. Brother Carl's 40th an- niversary party last Saturday evening was a success. A birthday party for the Senior Citizens is being planned. Church Life - Mrs. Carl Riegling reported that religi- ous classes are being held each Tuesday night at St. Peter's, Goderich; a quasi retreat was held at Camp Huronia . Sunday afternoon and a Holy Hour in : the church that evening. Father Mike Myroniuk was the speaker. Several parishoners from Zurich were present at the retreat, Mrs. -Jim Gil- more reported sending two \Senior Citizens birthday cards and one baby card was sent to a new. mother. Pro -Life - Mrs. Mark Dal- ton reported that the annual meeting in form of a pot luck supper will be held in Clin- ton, October 24. Catering - Mrs. John Van- Rooy reported that help is needed for the Boel wedding dinner on Saturday. Denise Dalton, co-ordinator of St. Joseph's Community School, was present and gave a run down of present and future courses available and those that might be offered during the winter menths: A motion was made by Mrs. Mark Dalton to buy some religious books for the school library. This was, seconded by Mrs: John Aus- tin. A motion was made by Mrs. Theo VanDiepen, sec- onded by Mrs. Bill Berry, to give to the same Missions as last year. Repairing the washrooms in the hall was discussed. A Spiritual talk was given by Father Dentinger. The meeting was adjourned by Mrs. Bill Berry and closed with prayer. , Tri -county CGIT rally in Listowel October 13th offers a great opportunity for C.G,I.T. girls and leaders in the Tri -County areas of Bruce, Huron and Perth to experience fellow- ship and become better ac- quainted. The Girls's Rally will be held in Listowel and will offer fun, music, games, discu-ssion, worship, crafts and Jamboree news. Mrs. Bradley read a poem on Autumn. Mrs. Jardine, the convener of the program, opened with a Thanksgiving Thought, followed by prayer. St. Mary's WL St. Mary's C.W.L.. held their October meeting at Mr. and Mrs. L. Rosenkis' cot- tage at Amberley with 10 members present. Mrs. Leddy welcomed all and conducted the meeting. Mrs. MacDonald, secretary, read the minutes and corres- pondence. The business part ofthe meeting : included the purch- asing of a C.W.L. Emblem for the church and card parties will start later in October: Fr. Dentinger then gave his -message which was Live the Christian Message through prayer. Mrs. Mac- Guire adjourned the meet- ing. Mrs Annie Kilpatrick read the lath- Psalm, and the meditation was given by Mrs. Jardine. Mrs. Cook sang "Because He Lives", accompanied by Mrs. Wes- ley Ritchie. Mrs. Wightman gave a most interesting topic on Thanksgiving. Mrs. Jes- sie Alton gave a reading "A Thankful Heart". Mrs. Jar- dine gave some thoughts pertaining to this Thanks- giving Time, and also thank- ed all who helped the com- mittee. The committee serv- ed lunch and a friendly visit was enjoyed with a cupof tea. LUCKNOW PRESBYTERiAN CHURCH Rev. Wm. Munshaw B.A. M. Diva SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship Everyone Welcome LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. L. VanStaalduinen SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14 Services 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Listen to the Back to God Hour -10:30 a,m. CKNX For a Reef Treat & 411 You Can Eat Come To The Hot.: Turkey Supper. Lucknow United Church Tuesday, October 16th 4:30 7:30 p.m: Admission - Adults - $4.50 Children under 12 $2.00 Lucknow United Church Extends a Cordial Invitation to the Community To Attend Its 117th Anniversary Sunday, October 14 Guest Ministers: 11:00 a.m. Rev. Ron Pierce, Walkerton 7:30 p.m. Mr. George Cowan, Dungannon A Social Hour WM follow The Evening Service The Anniversary Supper Will be Served Tuesday, October 16 Between the Hours of 4:30 p.m, and 7:30 p.m.