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Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 10, 1979—Par 1
Show er for Kingsbridge bride -elect
On Thursday evening, Oct-
ober 4, bride-to-be, Lucille
Frayne, was guest of honour
at a shower in the church
hall. Corsages of marigolds
and leaves, made by Helen
Riegling, were presented to
LuCille, her mother,
Frayne, her grandmother,
Mrs. Mary Frayne, and to
her sisters, Donna and Marg-
aret. Lucille was accompan-
ied to the front by her sisters,
while Mary Clare „played a
fitting piece on the piano.
Karla Hogan welcomed ev-
eryone to the shower and
introduced Lisa Frayne who
entertained all with one of
her dances. Helen Riegling
then introduced Rhonda
Hoganwho played two selec-
tions on the piano. Following
this Helen did a reading and
then the Stapleton girls from
St. Augustine sang two
songs, •one of which : was
dedicated to Lucille. A poem
•was both composed and read•
by Helen and Karla read an
• address to Lucille. Rhonda
and Tammy Hogan pulled
the gifts to the front in • a
wagon. Lucille thanked ev-
eryone or coming and for the
Many lovely and useful gifts.
• She also invited everyone to
come to her reception at the
Lucknow Community Centre
on October 13 following her
marriage to Rick :Knight.
Rick and Lucille will be living -
in Sarnia and Lucille invited
everyone present to drop-in
to see theni.
Those attending St. Hel-
• ens Women's Institute meet-
ing at St. Helens Hall
Thursday, Octpber 4 from
• Ashfield were Duncan and
Peggy Farrish, Loretta Do-
herty, Mary Maize, Nellie
• Pentland and Fran Riegling.
From the St. AuguOne area
were Mrs. Gus Redmond,.
Emma,Franken, Leona and
Mary Boyle. The 'guest
speaker, Miss Judy Coates of.
•Strathroy, a Social Worker
with the C.144.B.? showed a
film on "What to dp, when.
you meet a blind person",
which was enlightening and
huMorous. Miss Coates gave ,
a resume of herwcMlwith
Children and during • the
question period she respond-
ed dim there are between:30
Congratulations to Dan
and Mary Ellen Boel who
were married ,Saturday, Oct-
ober 6 at St. Joseph's
Church, Kingsbridge, •
Home for the weekend
were Denis and Rochelle
Champagne and Christine
and Rene of Rolphton. While
here they called on their
neighbours and friends and
visited with Ray and Mildred
Hogan; Max and Helen
Riegling, and with Tom and
Karla Hogan and their famil-
ies, The Champagnes will
return to Kingsbridge in
January following the com-
pletion of Denis' final course.
Weekend visitors with
Walter, Mary and Mary
Luanne Clare were Mrs.
Fred Grespan of Kitchener,
Ida Grespan of Waterloo and
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McGlynn
of Ann Arbor, Maigan.
Clarice Dalton had all of
her family home to spend
Thanksgiving together. Pete
and Louise Martin and child-
ren of Glamis, ,Eddie and
Maureen Chilton_ and boys,
and Bruce and Aith Pritchard
of Mississauga visited with
their mother and family.
--Steven Howard was the
lucky winner of Pioneer Farm
Chainsaw at the Internation-
al Ploughing Match. He
entered a contest to guess
the number of people attend-
ing the Ploughing Match this
year. Anita • and Janette
Hogan of London spent the
holiday .-weekend at their
The Bolland family spent
Thanksgiving at their home
• Gerry Heffernan of Strat-
ford, Blanche Biledeau of
Waterloo, and John and
Anne Sheardown and Ricky
and Kim of St. Thomas spent
the holiday with Yvette Hef-
fernan and Antone and Del-
ores Van Osch and family.
Carl and Fran Riegling
were Thanksgiving dinner
'guests with Ambrose and
Barb Redmond, Brian , and
• The committee in charge
of writing the history of the
• parish is looking for a picture
of the church when first
completed in 1905. Any
pictures or information
would be appreciated.
Playtime for preschoolers
is starting this week and any
small tables and chairs,
usable toys and material
.would be appreciated. Please
contact Cathy Olson of Dun-
gannon. •
Notice for those who like to
see news in the Kingsbridge
column, Please phone some
news in to the person writing
it by Sunday, if possible. A
volunteer to do this golusna
for the next two weeks would
be appreciated.
If you own unmatured Canada Savings Bonds dated prior
to November 1, 1974, you are entitled to a special cash bonus
payment on November 1, 1979. Here are the eligible Series and
• the amounts payable .per $100face value:
•increase the effective annual yield on the bOnds td 101/2°/0 from
September 1, .1974 to October 31, 1979. •
Series • .
1967/68 (S22)
.1970/N(S25) ,
4 1971/77(S26)
1972/73 (S27)
• Cash Bonus Payable
November 1979
• $32.50
$16:75 .
. ' 1973/74(528) ' ''.• ••$20.50 • . ' .•.
.. (1 folcit,rs of tilt., CSetiti.mnial 5i.‘ilt•, (.itt-ti Nov. 1 196f) apd n.lifturing on Nov. L.
• 1979, In'1 11 rt.;e1..iVt• at maturity a cash bonus of s30.75:per $1(10 fact value ..)• ...... ,,,
.. ,
These Cash bonuses, which were introduced in 1974, - . •
. •
• .
In addition to the:NoVember 1', 1979 ash bonus you will
alSoreceiVe a final. CaSh bonus payrnent, providing you hold,
these bonds' to Matti tity. With the final bonds, yourbOnds will..
continue Ao yield 101/2P/0- to.their maturity date. , • -
• . . • Final Cash Bonus
, • • .
, . . yayable at Maturity:
• .
Series' • .. Ma turity ,Date, , 'Per $ wo.Foc(, witk :
1967/68 (522) • N.ov. 1, 1980
and 40 children with poor ,
sight in Huron County ho 1968/69 (S23) Nov. 1, 1982
1970/71 (s25) Nov. 1, 1081
-are being helped by the
C.N.I.B. Miss Coates provid- , 1971/72 (526) Nov, 1, 1980
1972/73 (S27) Nov. 1, 1984 •
ed information regarding the 1973/74 (S28) Nov. 1,1985 . $21.50
work df the C.N.I.B. and also ••
the many resources available
$ 4.50
•$ 5.50
• $ 2.75
to the .schoOls for these
children.. It. -19. • unfortunate -
that more ..were -Unable to..
• Whitechurch proof of payment, they'll' remove the upper left
hand corner and the bOnd will then be given back
1979 BONUS 1.
SimpdCanada Saving's Bon issuing agent.
yl take your bond to any bank or other
to you. Remember, you do riot have to redeem •
• •your bond or clip any of the interest coupons
The U.C.W. held their
October meeting on Thurs-
day 'at the home of Mrs.
• Muriel Thompson, Wing -
ham. Mrs. \Thompson read
the scripture. Mrs. • Fred '
Tiffin led in prayer.
The topic was Church in .
Society. Mrs. Lorne Durnin
read a story itregards to the
topic. She also read a story
on India.
Mrs. Thompson gave in-
• formation oh the. Boat
People. Mrs. •Farrier gave
highlights of the Rally at
Wroxeter October 2nd.
in ore ert t this C o as bonus payment.
• Starting October .9 you can make advance
arrangements to claim your special cash bonus.
If you act in October, all the paperwork in connection
with the paymenrof the cash bonus will be donelor
you immediately and the transfer of funds will take
place automatically on November 1.
• .
• Effective from November. 1, 1979 the average annual. yield
to maturity on issues date.0 NOVernber '1, 1974 to Novernber 1, •
1978 has been incriast.sd to 10'/a°/(,: • •
1974J751975/76 AND 1976/77 SERIES
F101der$ ()One:* Serie4will receive the new, higher return
.in the form of a cash- bnus pavihle on the Mat LI rity.ctfite Of-Dtht;',
bonds, The cash bonus increases the .effective annual yield on.:
• these bonds to 10'4()/Q, from November 1, 1979 to maturity Here
. rre the bonuses payablt.‘ per $100 fau. hle: •
• • C7ash Bonus Payable'.
'Series • Maturity Date. at Maturity •
• • 1074/75 (529) • Nov. 1,1983 • $250. • ' •
•1975/76 (S30)Nov. 1,19,84 •$4.75
1976177(S31) . '
No 1; 1985 . $8.:00
To rec:-eivo your cash bonus,. you ha,,• -,e. to hold yOUr. bond
I -
to maturity You Can however continue ash vour
couponS or interest cheques .0ach year and stilrbe ent tied. • • •
to the cash boilus ••
• •
1977/78 AND 1978/79 SERIES •
. • ' . 'Efft,:‘ctivo from November 1, .1979.these Series:Will now .
-• .yield 10'/1' interest for each remaining year to'rnaturitV;
• •
With. the • increased'rate Of .return,-holderS of Regu kir,
'Interest Bonds of these Series will -now receivean annual
• interest payment of $102,50 per $1,000 face value. eaCh
•. November 1, beginning in 1980, until the bonds. mature, ..,: - •
. ,
. For Compound Interest Bonds, .interest will now - . .
accumulateat the new rate of, 10'44% avear. This interest is, ...,
.payable_when the bonds are tAedeemedor at maturity. 1 Iere's - ...
how the value of a $100 Compound Interest BOnd will. • .
.. 1.
. . . . .
• . now grow: .. . . . .. .
1977!78Series . 1978/79 Series 1 •
, •
• Nov. 1, 1979 $115.81
Nov. 1, 1980 • $127.69.
Nov. 1, 1981 $140.77
Nov. 1, 1982 $155.20
Nov. 1, 1983 $171.11
Nov. 1, 1984 $188.65
Nov. 1, 1985 $207.99
Nov. 1, 1986 $229.30
New Canada Savings Bonds yield 101/4% every ypar for '7 years.
On sale October 9th. •