HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-10-10, Page 1I SEE .
By The Sentinel
Skating registration
Figure skating registration will be
held at the. Lucknow Town Hall for the
Lucknow Figure Skating Club this
Saturday between 10.30 a.m. and 2.30
p.m. Private lessons are available
Thursday nights.
CNIB .canvass
Canvassers for the International.
Institute for the Blind will be out
1cno€king on_ doors in Ashfield and
West Wawanosh Townships ' this
month. Mrs. Carl Riegling of Ashfield
is campaign chairman.
Hockey players
This Saturday is the ,last, chanceto.,
register you son toplay hockey with •
the Lucknow Minor Hockey Associa-
tion. Registration will take place this
Saturday from 1 5 p.m.. at the Town,
Hall. Registration must be completed :
this Saturday to arrange schedules
and ice time.
Fowl: supper
Lucknow United Church will hold
their annual fowl,supper on October 16•
in conjunction with; the 117th anniver
-sary of the .church. The dinner, an
autumn tradition in the community
will be served between 4.30 and .7.30
Leathercraft hobby
Leather craftsman, . Bob Kelly has
shown his work at the Western Fair in
London for the past fouryears and he
has won four firsts, throe seconds and
a third in the showings. Forced into—
retirement because of a knee injury,
Bob began the time consuming hobby
of working With leather. He has
produced hundreds of leather crafts
since moving to his retirement home
in Ashfield, from London. See picture
story on page 2.
Elsie Jackson of Lucknow celebrated her
100th birthday on Monday, October 8. She
marked the occasion at a family dinner held
at the Sutton Park Inn on Saturday, October
6. -
'A lively woman who looks younger than
her years, she still likes to ham it up for a
photographer and enjoys being the centre of
• A resident at Pinecrest Manor she attends
activities in the cafeteria andvisits with her
family and friends in the Manor's lounge.
When the Sentinel marked the 98th
birthday, it reported she had recently
slipped and fallen while doing the Highland
Fling during an activity period. The nurses
claim she can still kick as high as her head.
She could still stand on her head when she
was 65. -
A great skater in her youth, she competed
in the races held at the winter carnivals in
the district: She would skatebackwards and
win the race while . the other contestants
skated forward. -
Born Elsie Janette Bowers an October 8,
1879, she is the, only remaining member of
a family of seven children of the late Mr, and
Mrs. John Bowers of Huron Township. She
helped the family clear the farm where they
settled two and half miles south of Ripley.
She worked as a seamstress in Detroit for
some time and. in 1905 she married Tudor
Alexander Jackson who had come to Ripley
from Seaforth to open a jewellery, store. They
lived in Ripley where they raised. their family
of two children, ' a . daughter, Dorothy
Stergios, who lives in Fort Lauderdale,
Florida and a son, Roy H. Jackson, of
Detroit, Michigan. She has a grandson, Roy
M. Jackson of Detroit, Michigan and a great
grandson, Roy M. Jackson Jr.
She resided at her home in Ripley until
five years ago when she moved to Pinecrest
Manor. She leaves Pinecrest periodically to
spend time with her family at her home in
Elsie Jackson
WEDNESDAY,OCTOBER 10, 1979 4 Single Copy 30c
Herb Clarkwas honoured.at;a retienent'partymarking the end of a
career of 31 years. Mr.' Clark, outdoor recreation supervisor at the
Wingham office of the ()Maria Ministry of Natural Resources, has.
served in the area from Oxford County north to' Bruce during his
-years with the ministry and previously with the department, of lands
and forests. Herb and his wife, Alene, make their home in Lucknow.
[Wingham Advance -Times Photo)
erb Clark retires
rom ministry
A . retirement party September
28 marked theend of a career
spanning 31 years for Herb Clark
of Lucknow. Mr. Clark, outdoor
recreation supervisor.. at • the
Wingham office . of theOntario
Ministry of. Natural Resources,
has served citizens inthe area
from Oxford County north to
Bruce during his years `with_ the
ministry and previously with the
department of lands 'and forests.
Friends, relatives andfellow-
workers: gathered at the .Wing -
ham Legion Hall to celebrate the
occasion. A dinner, for more than
200 guests : was ' followed by an
hour of presentations, slides and
speeches thanking Mr. Clark for a
job well done. He rose to the
occasion by reliving for the aud-
ience some of his more :hurhorous
experiences during his. years of
The head table for the banquet
consisted of Mr. Clark and his
wife, Alene, MNR . District Man-
ager Norm Richards and former
manager Dan Mansell - .andhis
wife, - Mr. • and Mrs.. Murray
Gaunt, MPP for Huron -Bruce and
rump speaks to
'At their October 3 meeting, the Lucknow'
and District Kinsmen Club had Bill Crump of
Wingham as their guest speaker. Bill, who
just recently moved to Wingham, served on
the .Lucknow town council for three years
and is actively involved in the Business-
men's Association in \)Wingham.. He answer- •
ed questions on 'small town politics and
business activities. As appreciation for his
service to village council, he was thanked
and presented with a., small gift.
The. Kinsmen Club received a cheque . in
the amount of $3;000 from the Lucknow
Tractor Pullers Assoc. in recognition of their
time spent parking vehicles at the two pulls •
held in Lucknow. The funds will be put
towards the tennis courts,constructed last
About 75 area men and women turned out
for the Kinsmen Turkey' Shoot held on the
cold, rainy Thanksgiving Monday. Several
marksmen , shared in the prizes and Brian
Howes of R. 3 Goderich won the draw for the
7 x 50 Bushnell binoculars. The Kinsmen
would like to thank
Raynard and the
Wawanosh for their
all those who partic
The Kinsmen Cl
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Elston, reeve of
Morris Township.
A local band, The Back Forty.,'
Bluegrass Band, with Mr. Clark's
son, Tom, as one of its members,
supplied music for the oe asion..
Mr. Clark, himself an : ;expert
fiddler with. many -years - of
musical experience,, accompanied'
the band for several numbers.
Mr. Clark was born andraised
in Woodstockand served: for 3'
years with the Armed Forces
before commencing , his 'career'
with the ;Ontario governnient`as.a
conservation officer in 1948,
working out of his home in
In recent years he has worked
out of offices in Stratford, Hes-
peler and Wingham. Since 1973
in the Wingham district he has
been responsible for planning, co-
ordinating and . implementing
public services for wildlife man-
agement, sport and commercial
fishing, ';provincial parks, : snow-
mobile and cross country ski trails
and Taw enforcement..
His most significant contribu .
Turn to .page 6•
i insmen
Harold Londry, Bruce
Township of West
involvement as well as
ub is currently on a
membership drive and have had several
interested men of the, area out to their last
two meetings. Coming events include a
Hallowe'en Danseisind a Kinsmen Interclub
euchre tournatnEfIr.
en snack bar
The: Village Store . in Whitechurch has
re -opened, as a convenience food store and
snack bar. * ..
Carl and Helen Schack of Brampton have
completely renovated the store, putting in a
grill and counter to serve lunches. They
moved to Whitechurch in May and opened
for business a month ago.
Helen wanted a small business which
wouldn't be too much for..her to handle. Carl
is still,working in Brampton and is only home
in Whitechurch on weekends.
The couple owned a .lunch counter, variety
grocery and gas bar business near Brighton
which they sold in 1975 because their
business had grown too big for tip two off;
They had been. looking for a similar
business, 'but smaller, since then. While in
this area looking at another business, they
learned of the Whitechurch store for sale.
Ironically, the previous owners of the
Village Store thought a snack bar .would go
over well in Whitechurch, because people
were always stopping at the store to ask
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