The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-09-26, Page 17Falls. Tom Webster bad the mis- fortune on Friday of last week to take a tumble from a ladder while picking apples. He was removed to Wing- ham Hospital by ambulance, but we are pleased to report, no broken bones, however he was kept in for observation. John ,Stanbury has return- ed to his home following four days in Westminster Hospit- al last week, as a result of infectionfollowing extraction of a wisdom tooth: Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moran and family who recently moved into the home at the west end of Joseph Street, previously owned by the Ken Bowdens. A surprise 20th anniver- sary party was held on Satur- day evening for John and Marina Park at John. and M-� Lucknow S•diel, WedaegdaY, Setesber 26, 9!9-' 1' rom ladder while Pickin; Kathi Stanbury's home. A Shaw family reunion was held at the home of .Cecil and Olive Culbert on Sunday. About fa . people were pres- ent from Alliston, Lions Head, Scarborough and Lon- don, as well as surrounding areas. Company on the weekend with Laverne and Dorothy Pentland were her two sist- ers from Dorchester, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hunt and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hunter and daughter, Jan. 25TH ANNIVERSARY There was a good crowd in attendance for the 25th anni- versary social evening and dance, held at the , Agricul- tural Hall on Saturday even- ing for .Bob and Betty Mole, Their anniversary is Sept- ember 25. Bob and .'Betty received several gifts as well as a gift of money presented by Jack Phillips, Jim Wilkins acted as D.J. and played a good selection of music. Bob gave a fitting and gracious reply, A special sur- prise was the attendance of cousins who travelled from Michigan. Mrs, . Brenda Fancy is recovering nicely at home under V.O.N. care, following • surgery at Goderich Hospital three weeks ago. DUNGANNON UNITED CHURCH Mr, George Cowan spoke on "Decisions" in the Sun- day service. The children's story was. based'on the hymn, "Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam", which accom- panied the story. Helen; El - David !Errington and his sister Donna McClenaghan roller skated their way through the Dungannon parade, route last Thursday. The parade was part of the annual Dunannon fall fair.' (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) , :,�.. ,1 , • liott sang a solo, "Did You Kneel to Pray this Morn- ing?" and the choir sang a number led by organist Mrs. Jean Elliott, Nile United Church anni- • International Year of the Child. Brookside pupils cap- tured quite a few prizes in the other exhibit areas. They also won 'first prize. for their float in the Lucknow • This week in DUNGANNON cake stood foiwa pay cheque and the skit demonstrated how after the various so called necessities of life were paid the church received the crumbs or what was left. Mrs. Amy Wiggins ,presid- ed over the meeting. A silent auctionofp 1p„, nes, baking and various articles was • held, ' The roll call was: answered by "a money making idea for next year". Discussion was held on how the U.C.W. might aid the Boat People by Marie Park and the Tornado Fund. It was felt that many were contri- versary is on Sunday, Sept- ember 30 with Dr. Hazel- wood, a former minister of ,the Nile church, as guest minister. The joint choir of Dungannon -Nile charge, un- der the direction of Mrs. Jean Elliott, is . preparing special music. Presbytery meets at St. Mary's on Tuesday. Mrs, Amy Wiggins, lay delegate, and the minister will be attending. The Willing Workers Walk-a-thon is on Saturday, September 29 to raise money for decorating the interior of the church. Your support by way of a pledge will be much appreciated and will help .this.: group in a most worthwhile and heeded project. CORRECTION Dungannon United Church celebrated • its 1225th anniver- sary, not 124th as rrted in last week's paper. BROOKSIDE HAPPENING$. By Ltsa Brown And MarilynJamieson On Wednesday the 19th., Brookside School : held an. election for the offices of the student council. The results were ' as follows: president., Lisa Brown; vice president,, William Vandervelde; secret• ary., Janice Csiok; treasurer, Celia Chandler. Scrutineers for the election were Nancy Sproul and Marilyn . Jamie- son.: Class representatives for. Brookside include: Nancy Sproul, Marilyn Jamieson, • Heather Ohm, Sherry. Nixon, Kelly Markham; Kenny Log- tenberg and Donna Raynard. • The school was very suc- cessful at the'. Dungannon Fair on September , 20th. They received, first prize for, their float, featuring the 411 4110111)sisP 411 •40• Classical Guitar Lessons Now available by ex- perienced teacher, clas- sical guitar lessons fn the Wingham area. Pre- paring for Royal Con- , servatbry of Music ex- aminations, University of Toronto. For more information call Anita Dekker 357.1085 Fair, and' the school won many other prizes in school exhibits atthis fair as well. DUNGANNON U.C.W. The September 'meeting wr,s held at the home of Dorothy Pentland on- Sept.: ember 18 with 15 members present: ••' Mrs. Helen Dawson was in charge of the devotional, "We are called,to live out the gospel". ,Several ladies par- ticipated in a skit, Mrs. Olive Blake, Mrs. Amy Wiggins, Mrs: Bessie McNee., Mrs, Dorothy Pentland, Mrs. Dor- is Hodges, Mrs, Emily Dren- • nan, Mrs. Gloria ' Pearson, Mrs. Donna Alton and Mrs: Helen Dawson in which Mrs. Blake was the cake cutter and the other ladies:repres- ented slices of the cake. The butting to the Boat People through other donations. It was decided to send a' dona- tion .of $10.00 to the Tornado Fund `Mrs. Reed donated a quilt topwhich is •to be quilted at the church this week and sent to the disaster area. Dungannon U.C.W. is to provide the devotional• for the Regional. Fall Rally 'at Ben- miller on October 2. .Mrs. Helen .Dawson gave the trea- surer's report. It was decided to pack. a bale' in the near future.. Anyone with, dona- tions should' try to ,get them . in by September 30. The U.C.W. was asked to help provide luncheons at birthday celebration next year and the ladies agreed. Lunch was served by Mrs. Emily. Drennan and ..Mrs, Marjorie. Pentland. Special This Week adies Peg Leg Jeans Jam Overalls. Pleat Front Jean [Size 28 Only] Meo $.17.1!0: Stock' Clearance Items Limited. Quantity Big B.' Denim Work Smoc $15.00 JP flannel Shirts Reg. S10.95 Now $7.00 Reg: $15.95 NOW$J0.0O Char -Man's Work Clothing WELCOMES YOU EVERYDAY LUCKNOW PHONE 528.2526