HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-09-12, Page 52Page 24—Laclmow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 19, 1979
Kingsbridge and area students return
St, Joseph's School com-
menced this term on Tues-
day, September 4 with Prin-
cipal David Zyluk. There is
an enrollment at present of
90 pupils with six pupils,
starting kindergarten.
Barbara Eedy is the teach-
er for kindergarten and
grade 1. Nancy Parks is
teaching grade 2 and 3 and
part of grade 4. Rose Frayne
and David Zyluk are teaching
grades 4, 5 and 6 and Joanne
McDonagh teaches grades 7
and 8.
Terry Bullen is the French
teacher, Margaret Ferguson
teaches special education
and. Nancy Parks is teaching
music to all grades. Betty
Frayne is the secretary,
Denise Dalton community
school co-ordinator and Jean
Van Rooy is the custodian.
The following is a list ' of<
students attending univer-
sities and colleges for the
79-80 school year.
Mark Frayne is in first
year Physical Education pro-
gram at Wilfred Laurier
University in Waterloo. Mar-
ianne Frayne in third year at
the Faculty of Music at
University of Western Ont-
ario. They are the son and
daughter of Betty and Eug-
ene Frayne.
Glen Tigert has returned.
to University of Western
Ontario, London for a two
year course in Masters Busi-
ness : Adminstration. Judy
Tigert returned to 'McMaster
University, Hamilton, for her
third year in the B. Sc.
Nursing Program. Janice Ti-
gert has returned to Seneca
College in Toronto for her
final .year in the Registered.
Nursing Program. they are
the son and daughters of
Reta and Jack Tigert.
Stephen Howard, son of
Rita and John Howard, is
enrolled in the two year
Agricultural Business Man-
agement Course at Centralia,
College of Agricultural Tech-
noligy at Huron Park.
Bridget Dalton, daughter
of Clarice and the late Mark
Dalton, is attending Wilfred.
Laurier. University in Water-
loo in her first year..
Margaret Frayne is taking.
a course in Child' Care at
Fanshawe College, London.
Donna Frayne has returned
to her second year at King's.
College, London. Margaret
and Donna are the daughters
of Rose and. Donald Frayne.
Laurie Doherty, daughter
of Isabelle and Frank Do-
herty, is attending Western -
University . in her first year.
Rose Mary Crawford is
attending Victoria Hospital
Nursing School in her second
year. Jim Crawford is attend-
ing King's College; London.
dose Mary and Jim are the
aughter and son of Mary
and Fred Crawford.
Ann Marie Howard',
daughter of Pat and Bob
Howard, Mary -Ann Milten-
burg, daughter of Marie and
Reis Miltenburg, Mary Ellen
Foran, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Foran, and Mary -
Ann Boyle, daughter of
Raymond and Leona Boyle,
have returned to the Univer-
sity of Guelph for their
second year of studies:
Jim Van Osch is in his first
year at Wilfred Laurier Uni-
• versity in Waterloo; Bernie
Van Osch is in his second
year at Ryerson College. Jim
and Bernie are sons of Ann
and Bill Van Osch.
Jim O'Keefe, son of Joe
and Mary O'Keefe, is in his
second year at Fanshawe
College, London.
Dianne Van Rooy, daugh-
ter of Jean and John Van
Rooy, is inp her first year at
Western University.
David Simpson, son of
Lillian and the late Duncan
Simpson, is in his first year
at University of Guelph.
Ben Miltenburg, son of
John and Ann Miltenburg, is
in his fourth year at Veter-
inary College, tuelph.
Joe and Teresa Courtney
returned recently from a nine
day visit with their son.,
Brian, and Jeanette Court-
ney, and grandson, Ryan
Patrick, in Cochrane, Alber-
ta. They also visited with
Joe's cousin, Pat Courtney in
Carseland, Alberta. and with
the many Ashfieldites now
living in Calgary.
Recent visitors with Carl
and Fran Riegling were her
sister, Ester and Paul Giroux
and family of Kent Bridge.
They also visited with Max
and Helen Riegling and
family, Karla and Tom Hog-
an and family, and were over
This week in
Congratulations to Brother
Carl Voll, who on September
S, celebrated the anniversary
Df his 40th year as a/Brother
in the Order of the Resur-
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs..
John Miltenburg, for three
weeks, are Mr. and Mrs.
Gert Meyer of Holland.
Mary Ann and Cecilia Mil-
tenburg visited a school.
friend, Holly .Scott of Mani-
toulin Island, this past week-
Mrs. Yvette Heffernan re-
turned home on Tuesday
after spending eight days
visiting her sisters in Mon-
treal. Visiting a few days this
week with Yvette is her
sister-in-law, Mrs. Irene
Weir of Toronto.
Visitors at the Clare home-
stead, over the weekend
were, Mr. and Mrs. P. M.
Ryan, Frank Ryan; Dorothy,
Bernadette, Matthew and
Andrew Ryan, all of Toronto;
Marnie Menard of Newmark-
et; Laura Roden of Toronto.
Mary Luanne Clare complet-
ed a ten-day music course at
the Inter -Provincial Music.
camp in Parry Sound. She
also received a scholarship in
her singing class.
Jim and' Yvonne -Sinnett
and son Jim returned from a
drip to Calgary, where they
visited with their daughter,.
Sheila Nelson,. , George, and
grandson, Daniel. Their
daughter, Yvonne and Linda,
returned with them after
spending the holidays in Cal-
gary. While there Jim and
Yvonne hosted a get together
for all the Ashfield people
now residing there. About 30
people enjoyed an outdoor.
dinner of home cooked food.
Jim enjoyed a few days at
home and then returned to
his ship.
Clarice Dalton and daugh-
ters, Denise Ann Pritchard,
Bridget, Jackie and Maria,
spent a week's holidays
canoeing in Algonquin Park.
The Mark Dalton family
attended the Lassaline family
reunion held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Lassaline
of Goderich Township. Eigh-
ty-five descendants of Med-
ora and Dennis Lassaline
attended the gathering which
opened with a mass celebrate
ed by Fr. Alan King, son of
Lucille (Lassaline) and Ken
King. Fr. Alan King is a
missionary in the Amazon
region of South America.
night guests with Barbara
and Ambrose Redmond and
Recent visitors with Tom
and Karla Hogan and family
were • Rosemary Holloway
and children, Chris . and
Denise, and Tom's mother,
Marie Hogan, and Barb and
Ambrose Redmond, Brian
and Jennifer.
Peter Frayne, son of Don;
ald and Rose Frayne, is now
teaching French and Spanish
at Lucas High School in
Tom Hackett and Ed Gil-
more are patients in .Wing -
ham Hospital.
Dennis and Cathy Sinnett
and family from Detroit
spent a few days visiting
relatives and friends. They
were accompanied home by
their daughter, Jennifer,
who spent the summer holi-
days with Grace, and John
Recent visitors in the com-
munity were Mrs. Pat Martin
from Kenora; Harry Van-
Diepen, Tillsonburg; and Jo-
Ann VanDiepen from Clin-
ton; Mrs. Liela Fitzgerald,
Stratford and Mrs. Irene
Murphy, Godericlr
Mrs. Marie Garvey and
to school
son Michael Uarvey of Mis-
sissauga spent Saturday at
the Garvey homestead.
Mrs. Reynolds of Kitchen-
er spent a few days visiting
with Mary Frayne.
Danny Wilson has return-
ed to his boat, the Gulf
Gatineau, after a six week
holiday. Betty and Pete
Murray have returned to
their home in Detroit after
spending three weeks with
her brother, John O'Connor.
A welcome is extended to
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Sherratt
and family to our community.
They have purchased the
home previously occuped by
Mr. and Mrs. Arie VanDiep-
Sympathy of the commun-
ity is extended to Fred and
Leona Vassella and family on.
the death. of Leona's brother,
Ernie Taillon, who died
September 13 in Toronto. He
was in his 63rd year and is
survived by his wife Marjorie
and three children. He is also
survived by four sisters and
was predeceased by his
parents and step -mother and
brother Leo. Fred and Leona
attended the funeral.
Over 100 people attended
the Drennan reunion held at
the home of J. C. Drennan,
Ashfield, on August 25.
Those coming from a dist-
ance came from Detroit,
Windsor, London and Strat-
ford. Theafternoon was
spent in renewing acquaint-
ances and playing games. A
pot luck supper. was enjoyed.
Congratulations to the
Kingsbridge ` Slowpitch ball
team who took the league
title in the Grand Champion-
ship game played in Dungan-
Congratulations also goes
to the Kingsbridge :girls
softball team who defeated
the Kintail Kuties whenthey
played the best out of five
serieiyort Albert and Dun-
gannon girls had been elim-
inated in the series. After the
game -the winners and loos-
ers were : treated by the
Sullivan' Restaurant to ham-
burgers and french fries,
which they all enjoyed.
CWL donates
Twenty-three members
of the Kingsbridge CWL
attended the September
meeting on Monday
evening in the Parish.
Hall with ' Mrs. Bob,
Howard presiding.
Father Dentinger
opened the meeting, with
Prayer and Mrs. Antone
Van Osch read the
minutes of the previous
meeting which were
adopted as correct. She
also read correspondence
in the absence of Mrs.
Tom Hogan. Several
thank you notes were
read from the grade eight
graduates; from. Frank
and Isabel Doherty
showing their ap-
preciation for Peter's
special graduation dinner
and Mr. and Mrs. Joe
O'Keefe Jr., Mr. and Mrs.
Paul O'Donnell, Mr. and
Mrs. Tony Knoop Jr., for
their wedding gifts. We
received an invitation to
attend a Workshop on
Indoor Gardening
sponsored by • the
Ministry of Agriculture
� o
and Food.
Treasurer's report was
given by Mrs. Walter
Clare and the Church Life
report was given by Mrs.
Carl Riegling. She
reported that two wed-
ding gifts had been
presented arid .a 25th
Wedding Anniversary
gift was presented to Mr.
and Mrs. Airie Van
Deipen. On July 13th,
thirty-three parishoners
made the annual
pilgrimage to St. Marys.
Mrs. Bob Howard
welcomed Mrs. Leo
(Cecelia) Miltenburg to
the meeting and
presented her with a gift
membership. Mrs. Jim
Gilmore reported that
she had sent five birthday
cards to senior citizens,
three get well cards and a
baby card. Mrs. John Van
Rooy reported, on
catering. We have been
asked to cater at Lucille
Frayne's wedding
reception, October 13.
Turn to page 250
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